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// This file is part of ICU4X.
// The contents of this file implement algorithms from Calendrical Calculations
// by Reingold & Dershowitz, Cambridge University Press, 4th edition (2018),
// which have been released as Lisp code at <>
// under the Apache-2.0 license. Accordingly, this file is released under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 which can be found at the calendrical_calculations
// The algorithms in this file are rather well-published in multiple places,
// though the resource that was primarily used was
// J Jean Adler's _A Short History of the Jewish Fixed Calendar_, found
// at <>, with more detailed appendices
// Most of the math can be found on Wikipedia as well,
//! Alternate, more efficient structures for working with the Hebrew Calendar
//! using the keviyah and Four Gates system
//! The main entry point for this code is [`YearInfo::compute_for()`] and [`YearInfo::year_containing_rd()`],
//! which will efficiently calculate certain information about a Hebrew year, given the Hebrew year
//! or a date that falls within it, and produce it as a [`YearInfo`].
//! From there, you can compute additional information via [`YearInfo::new_year()`] and by accessing
//! the methods on [`YearInfo::keviyah`].
//! # How this code works:
//! ## How the Hebrew Calendar works
//! The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar following a Metonic cycle: every 19 years, the pattern of
//! leap years repeats. However, the precise month lengths vary from cycle to cycle: There are a handful of
//! corrections performed to ensure that:
//! - The lunar conjunction happens on or before the first day of the month
//! - Yom Kippur is not before or after the Sabbath
//! - Hoshana Rabbah is not on the Sabbath
//! These corrections can be done using systematic calculations, which this code attempts to efficiently perform.
//! ## Molad
//! A molad is the time of a conjunction, the moment when the new moon occurs. The "Molad Tishrei" is
//! the conjunction corresponding to the month Tishrei, the first month, so it is the molad that starts the new year.
//! In this file we'll typically use "molad" to refer to the molad Tishrei of a year.
//! The Hebrew calendar does not always start on the day of the molad Tishrei: it may be postponed one or two days.
//! However, the time in the week that the molad occurs is sufficient to know when it gets postponed to.
//! ## Keviyah
//! See also: the [`Keviyah`] type.
//! This is the core concept being used here. Everything you need to know about the characteristics
//! of a hebrew year can be boiled down to a notion called the "keviyah" of a year. This
//! encapsulates three bits of information:
//! - What day of the week the year starts on
//! - What the month lengths are
//! - What day of the week Passover starts on.
//! While this seems like many possible combinations, only fourteen of them are possible.
//! Knowing the Keviyah of the year you can understand exactly what the lengths of each month are.
//! Furthermore, if you know the week the year falls in, you can additionally understand what
//! the precise day of the new year is.
//! [`YearInfo`] encapsulates these two pieces of information: the [`Keviyah`] and the number of weeks
//! since the epoch of the Hebrew calendar.
//! ## The Four Gates table
//! This is an efficient lookup based way of calculating the [`Keviyah`] for a year. In the Metonic cycle,
//! there are four broad types of year: leap years, years preceding leap years, years succeeding leap years,
//! and years sandwiched between leap years. For each of these year types, there is a partitioning
//! of the week into seven segments, and the [`Keviyah`] of that year depends on which segment the molad falls
//! in.
//! So to calculate the [`Keviyah`] of a year, we can calculate its molad, pick the right partitioning based on the
//! year type, and see where the molad falls in that table.
use crate::helpers::i64_to_i32;
use crate::rata_die::RataDie;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
// A note on time notation
// Hebrew timekeeping has some differences from standard timekeeping. A Hebrew day is split into 24
// hours, each split into 1080 ḥalakim ("parts", abbreviated "ḥal" or "p"). Furthermore, the Hebrew
// day for calendrical purposes canonically starts at 6PM the previous evening, e.g. Hebrew Monday
// starts on Sunday 6PM. (For non-calendrical observational purposes this varies and is based on
// the sunset, but that is not too relevant for the algorithms here.)
// In this file an unqualified day of the week will refer to a standard weekday, and Hebrew weekdays
// will be referred to as "Hebrew Sunday" etc. Sometimes the term "regular" or "standard" will be used
// to refer to a standard weekday when we particularly wish to avoid ambiguity.
// Hebrew weeks start on Sunday. A common notation for times of the week looks like 2-5-204, which
// means "second Hebrew Day of the week, 5h 204 ḥal", which is 5h 204 ḥal after the start of Hebrew
// Monday (which is 23h:204ḥal on standard Sunday).
// Some resources will use ḥalakim notation when talking about time during a standard day. This
// document will use standard `:` notation for this, as used above with 23h:204ḥal being equal to
// 5h 204ḥal. In other words, if a time is notated using dashes or spaces, it is relative to the
// hebrew start of day, whereas if it is notated using a colon, it is relative to midnight.
// Finally, Adjler, the resource we are using, uses both inclusive and exclusive time notation. It
// is typical across resources using the 2-5-204 notation for the 2 to be "second day" as opposed
// to "two full days have passed" (i.e., on the first day). However *in the context of
// calculations* Adjler will use 1-5-204 to refer to stuff happening on Hebrew Monday, and clarify
// it as (2)-5-204. This is because zero-indexing works better in calculations.
// Comparing these algorithms with the source in Adjler should be careful about this. All other
// resources seem to universally 1-index in the dashes notation. This file will only use
// zero-indexed notation when explicitly disambiguated, usually when talking about intervals.
/// Calculate the number of months preceding the molad Tishrei for a given hebrew year (Tishrei is the first month)
fn months_preceding_molad(h_year: i32) -> i64 {
// Ft = INT((235N + 1 / 19))
// Where N = h_year - 1 (number of elapsed years since epoch)
// This math essentially comes from the Metonic cycle of 19 years containing
// 235 months: 12 months per year, plus an extra month for each of the 7 leap years.
(235 * (i64::from(h_year) - 1) + 1).div_euclid(19)
/// Conveniently create a constant for a ḥalakim (by default in 1-indexed notation). Produces a constant
/// that tracks the number of ḥalakim since the beginning of the week
macro_rules! ḥal {
($d:literal-$h:literal-$p:literal) => {{
const CONSTANT: i32 = (($d - 1) * 24 + $h) * 1080 + $p;
(0-indexed $d:literal-$h:literal-$p:literal) => {{
const CONSTANT: i32 = ($d * 24 + $h) * 1080 + $p;
/// The molad Beherad is the first molad, i.e. the molad of the epoch year.
/// It occurred on Oct 6, 3761 BC, 23h:204ḥal (Jerusalem Time, Julian Calendar)
/// Which is the second Hebrew day of the week (Hebrew Monday), 5h 204ḥal, 2-5-204.
/// ("Beharad" בהרד is just a way of writing 2-5-204, ב-ה-רד using Hebrew numerals)
/// This is 31524ḥal after the start of the week (Saturday 6PM)
/// From Adjler Appendix A
const MOLAD_BEHERAD_OFFSET: i32 = ḥal!(2 - 5 - 204);
/// The amount of time a Hebrew lunation takes (in ḥalakim). This is not exactly the amount of time
/// taken by one revolution of the moon (the real world seldom has events that are perfect integer
/// multiples of 1080ths of an hour), but it is what the Hebrew calendar uses. This does mean that
/// there will be drift over time with the actual state of the celestial sphere, however that is
/// irrelevant since the actual state of the celestial sphere is not what is used for the Hebrew
/// calendar.
/// This is 29-12-793 in zero-indexed notation. It is equal to 765433ḥal.
/// From Adjler Appendix A
const HEBREW_LUNATION_TIME: i32 = ḥal!(0-indexed 29-12-793);
/// From Reingold (ch 8.2, in implementation for fixed-from-hebrew)
const HEBREW_APPROX_YEAR_LENGTH: f64 = 35975351.0 / 98496.0;
/// The number of ḥalakim in a week
/// (This is 181440)
const ḤALAKIM_IN_WEEK: i64 = 1080 * 24 * 7;
/// The Hebrew calendar epoch. It did not need to be postponed, so it occurs on Hebrew Monday, Oct 7, 3761 BCE (Julian),
/// the same as the Molad Beherad.
/// (note that the molad Beherad occurs on standard Sunday, but because it happens after 6PM it is still Hebrew Monday)
const HEBREW_CALENDAR_EPOCH: RataDie = crate::julian::fixed_from_julian_book_version(-3761, 10, 7);
/// The minumum hebrew year supported by this code (this is the minimum value for i32)
pub const HEBREW_MIN_YEAR: i32 = i32::MIN;
/// The minumum R.D. supported by this code (this code will clamp outside of it)
// (this constant is verified by tests)
pub const HEBREW_MIN_RD: RataDie = RataDie::new(-784362951979);
/// The maximum hebrew year supported by this code (this is the maximum alue for i32)
// (this constant is verified by tests)
pub const HEBREW_MAX_YEAR: i32 = i32::MAX;
/// The maximum R.D. supported by this code (this is the last day in [`HEBREW_MAX_YEAR`])
// (this constant is verified by tests)
pub const HEBREW_MAX_RD: RataDie = RataDie::new(784360204356);
/// Given a Hebrew Year, returns its molad specified as:
/// - The number of weeks since the week of Beharad (Oct 6, 3761 BCE Julian)
/// - The number of ḥalakim since the start of the week (Hebrew Sunday, starting on Saturday at 18:00)
fn molad_details(h_year: i32) -> (i64, i32) {
let months_preceding = months_preceding_molad(h_year);
// The molad tishri expressed in parts since the beginning of the week containing Molad of Beharad
// Formula from Adjler Appendix A
let molad = MOLAD_BEHERAD_OFFSET as i64 + months_preceding * HEBREW_LUNATION_TIME as i64;
// Split into quotient and remainder
let weeks_since_beharad = molad.div_euclid(ḤALAKIM_IN_WEEK);
let in_week = molad.rem_euclid(ḤALAKIM_IN_WEEK);
let in_week = i32::try_from(in_week);
debug_assert!(in_week.is_ok(), "ḤALAKIM_IN_WEEK should fit in an i32");
(weeks_since_beharad, in_week.unwrap_or(0))
/// Everything about a given year. Can be conveniently packed down into an i64 if needed.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_structs)] // This may change but we're fine breaking this crate
pub struct YearInfo {
/// The Keviyah of the year
pub keviyah: Keviyah,
/// How many full weeks have passed since the week of Beharad
pub weeks_since_beharad: i64,
impl YearInfo {
/// Compute the YearInfo for a given year
pub fn compute_for(h_year: i32) -> Self {
let (mut weeks_since_beharad, ḥalakim) = molad_details(h_year);
let cycle_type = MetonicCycleType::for_h_year(h_year);
let keviyah = keviyah_for(cycle_type, ḥalakim);
// The last six hours of Hebrew Saturday (i.e. after noon on Regular Saturday)
// get unconditionally postponed to Monday according to the Four Gates table. This
// puts us in a new week!
if ḥalakim > ḥal!(7 - 18 - 0) {
weeks_since_beharad += 1;
Self {
/// Returns the YearInfo and h_year for the year containing `date`
/// This will clamp the R.D. such that the hebrew year is within range for i32
pub fn year_containing_rd(date: RataDie) -> (Self, i32) {
use core_maths::*;
let date = date.clamp(HEBREW_MIN_RD, HEBREW_MAX_RD);
let days_since_epoch = (date - HEBREW_CALENDAR_EPOCH) as f64;
let maybe_approx =
i64_to_i32(1 + days_since_epoch.div_euclid(HEBREW_APPROX_YEAR_LENGTH) as i64);
let approx = maybe_approx.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.saturate());
let yi = Self::compute_for(approx);
// compute if yi ⩼ rd
let cmp =;
let (yi, h_year) = match cmp {
// The approx year is a year greater. Go one year down
Ordering::Greater => {
let prev = approx.saturating_sub(1);
(Self::compute_for(prev), prev)
// Bullseye
Ordering::Equal => (yi, approx),
// The approx year is a year lower. Go one year up.
Ordering::Less => {
let next = approx.saturating_add(1);
(Self::compute_for(next), next)
"Date {date:?} calculated approximately to Hebrew Year {approx} (comparison: {cmp:?}), \
should be contained in adjacent year {h_year} but that year is still {:?} it",;
(yi, h_year)
/// Compare this year against a date. Returns Ordering::Greater
/// when this year is after the given date
/// i.e. this is computing self ⩼ rd
fn compare(self, rd: RataDie) -> Ordering {
let ny = self.new_year();
let len = self.keviyah.year_length();
if rd < ny {
} else if rd >= ny + len.into() {
} else {
/// Compute the date of New Year's Day
pub fn new_year(self) -> RataDie {
// Beharad started on Monday
const BEHARAD_START_OF_YEAR: StartOfYear = StartOfYear::Monday;
let days_since_beharad = (self.weeks_since_beharad * 7)
+ self.keviyah.start_of_year() as i64
HEBREW_CALENDAR_EPOCH + days_since_beharad
/// The Keviyah (קביעה) of a year. A year may be one of fourteen types, categorized by the day of
/// week of the new year (the first number, 1 = Sunday), the type of year (Deficient, Regular,
/// Complete), and the day of week of the first day of Passover. The last segment disambiguates
/// between cases that have the same first two but differ on whether they are leap years (since
/// Passover happens in Nisan, after the leap month Adar).
/// The discriminant values of these entries are according to
/// the positions these keviyot appear in the Four Gates table,
/// with the leap year ones being offset by 7. We don't directly rely on this
/// property but it is useful for potential bitpacking, and we use it as a way
/// to double-check that the four gates code is set up correctly. We do directly
/// rely on the leap-keviyot being after the regular ones (and starting with בחה) in is_leap.
/// For people unsure if their editor supports bidirectional text,
/// the first Keviyah (2D3) is Bet (ב), Ḥet (ח), Gimel (ג).
/// (The Hebrew values are used in code for two reasons: firstly, Rust identifiers
/// can't start with a number, and secondly, sources differ on the Latin alphanumeric notation
/// but use identical Hebrew notation)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_enums)] // There are only 14 keviyot (and always have been)
pub enum Keviyah {
// Regular years
/// 2D3
בחג = 0,
/// 2C5
בשה = 1,
/// 3R5
גכה = 2,
/// 5R7
הכז = 3,
/// 5C1
השא = 4,
/// 7D1
זחא = 5,
/// 7C3
זשג = 6,
// Leap years
/// 2D5
בחה = 7,
/// 2C7
בשז = 8,
/// 3R7
גכז = 9,
/// 5D1
החא = 10,
/// 5C3
השג = 11,
/// 7D3
זחג = 12,
/// 7C5
זשה = 13,
/// The type of year it is
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_enums)] // This is intrinsic to the calendar
pub enum YearType {
/// חסרה: both Ḥeshvan and Kislev have 29 days
Deficient = -1,
/// כסדרה: Ḥeshvan has 29, Kislev has 30
Regular = 0,
/// שלמה: both Ḥeshvan and Kislev have 30 days
Complete = 1,
impl YearType {
/// The length correction from a regular year (354/385)
fn length_correction(self) -> i8 {
self as i8
/// The length of Ḥeshvan
fn ḥeshvan_length(self) -> u8 {
if self == Self::Complete {
} else {
/// The length correction of Kislev
fn kislev_length(self) -> u8 {
if self == Self::Deficient {
} else {
/// The day of the new year. Only these four days are permitted.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_enums)] // This is intrinsic to the calendar
pub enum StartOfYear {
// Compiler forced me to document these, <>
/// Monday (everyone knows what Monday is)
Monday = 2,
/// Tuesday (everyone knows what Tuesday is)
Tuesday = 3,
/// Thursday (everyone knows what Thursday is)
Thursday = 5,
/// Saturday (everyone knows what Saturday is)
Saturday = 7,
// Given a constant expression of the type FOO + BAR + BAZ convert
// every element into a u16 and return
macro_rules! u16_cvt(
// the $first / $rest pattern is needed since
// macros cannot use `+` as a separator in repetition
($first:ident $(+ $rest:ident)*) => {
// make sure it is constant
// we use as here because it works in consts and in this context
// overflow will panic anyway
const COMPUTED: u16 = $first as u16 $(+ $rest as u16)*;
const TISHREI_LEN: u8 = 30;
// except in Complete years
const ḤESHVAN_DEFAULT_LEN: u8 = 29;
// Except in Deficient years
const KISLEV_DEFAULT_LEN: u8 = 30;
const TEVET_LEN: u8 = 29;
const SHEVAT_LEN: u8 = 30;
const ADARI_LEN: u8 = 30;
const ADAR_LEN: u8 = 29;
const NISAN_LEN: u8 = 30;
const IYYAR_LEN: u8 = 29;
const SIVAN_LEN: u8 = 30;
const TAMMUZ_LEN: u8 = 29;
const AV_LEN: u8 = 30;
const ELUL_LEN: u8 = 29;
/// Normalized month constant for Tishrei
/// These are not ordinal months, rather these are the month number in a regular year
/// Adar, Adar I and Adar II all normalize to 6
pub const TISHREI: u8 = 1;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const ḤESHVAN: u8 = 2;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const KISLEV: u8 = 3;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const TEVET: u8 = 4;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const SHEVAT: u8 = 5;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const ADAR: u8 = 6;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const NISAN: u8 = 7;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const IYYAR: u8 = 8;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const SIVAN: u8 = 9;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const TAMMUZ: u8 = 10;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const AV: u8 = 11;
/// Normalized month constant (see [`TISHREI`])
pub const ELUL: u8 = 12;
impl Keviyah {
/// Get the type of year for this Keviyah.
/// Comes from the second letter in this Keviyah:
/// ח = D, כ = R, ש = C
pub fn year_type(self) -> YearType {
match self {
Self::בחג => YearType::Deficient,
Self::בשה => YearType::Complete,
Self::גכה => YearType::Regular,
Self::הכז => YearType::Regular,
Self::השא => YearType::Complete,
Self::זחא => YearType::Deficient,
Self::זשג => YearType::Complete,
Self::בחה => YearType::Deficient,
Self::בשז => YearType::Complete,
Self::גכז => YearType::Regular,
Self::החא => YearType::Deficient,
Self::השג => YearType::Complete,
Self::זחג => YearType::Deficient,
Self::זשה => YearType::Complete,
/// Get the day of the new year for this Keviyah
/// Comes from the first letter in this Keviyah:
/// ב = 2 = Monday, ג = 3 = Tuesday, ה = 5 = Thursday, ז = 7 = Saturday
pub fn start_of_year(self) -> StartOfYear {
match self {
Self::בחג => StartOfYear::Monday,
Self::בשה => StartOfYear::Monday,
Self::גכה => StartOfYear::Tuesday,
Self::הכז => StartOfYear::Thursday,
Self::השא => StartOfYear::Thursday,
Self::זחא => StartOfYear::Saturday,
Self::זשג => StartOfYear::Saturday,
Self::בחה => StartOfYear::Monday,
Self::בשז => StartOfYear::Monday,
Self::גכז => StartOfYear::Tuesday,
Self::החא => StartOfYear::Thursday,
Self::השג => StartOfYear::Thursday,
Self::זחג => StartOfYear::Saturday,
Self::זשה => StartOfYear::Saturday,
/// Normalize the ordinal month to the "month number" in the year (ignoring
/// leap months), i.e. Adar and Adar II are both represented by 6.
/// Returns None if given the index of Adar I (6 in a leap year)
fn normalized_ordinal_month(self, ordinal_month: u8) -> Option<u8> {
if self.is_leap() {
match ordinal_month.cmp(&6) {
// Adar I
Ordering::Equal => None,
Ordering::Less => Some(ordinal_month),
Ordering::Greater => Some(ordinal_month - 1),
} else {
/// Given an ordinal, civil month (1-indexed month starting at Tishrei)
/// return its length
pub fn month_len(self, ordinal_month: u8) -> u8 {
// Normalize it to the month number
let Some(normalized_ordinal_month) = self.normalized_ordinal_month(ordinal_month) else {
return ADARI_LEN;
debug_assert!(normalized_ordinal_month <= 12 && normalized_ordinal_month > 0);
match normalized_ordinal_month {
ḤESHVAN => self.year_type().ḥeshvan_length(),
KISLEV => self.year_type().kislev_length(),
_ => {
debug_assert!(false, "Got unknown month index {ordinal_month}");
/// Get the number of days preceding this month
pub fn days_preceding(self, ordinal_month: u8) -> u16 {
// convenience constant to keep the additions smallish
// Number of days before (any) Adar in a regular year
const BEFORE_ADAR_DEFAULT_LEN: u16 = u16_cvt!(
let Some(normalized_ordinal_month) = self.normalized_ordinal_month(ordinal_month) else {
// Get Adar I out of the way
let corrected =
BEFORE_ADAR_DEFAULT_LEN as i16 + i16::from(self.year_type().length_correction());
return corrected as u16;
debug_assert!(normalized_ordinal_month <= ELUL && normalized_ordinal_month > 0);
let year_type = self.year_type();
let mut days = match normalized_ordinal_month {
KISLEV => u16_cvt!(TISHREI_LEN) + u16::from(year_type.ḥeshvan_length()),
// Use default lengths after this, we'll apply the correction later
// (This helps optimize this into a simple jump table)
// If it is after Kislev and Ḥeshvan, we should add the year correction
if normalized_ordinal_month > KISLEV {
// Ensure the casts are fine
debug_assert!(days > 1 && year_type.length_correction().abs() <= 1);
days = (days as i16 + year_type.length_correction() as i16) as u16;
// In a leap year, after Adar (and including Adar II), we should add
// the length of Adar 1
if normalized_ordinal_month >= ADAR && self.is_leap() {
days += u16::from(ADARI_LEN);
/// Given a day of the year, return the ordinal month and day as (month, day).
pub fn month_day_for(self, mut day: u16) -> (u8, u8) {
for month in 1..14 {
let month_len = self.month_len(month);
if let Ok(day) = u8::try_from(day) {
if day <= month_len {
return (month, day);
day -= u16::from(month_len);
debug_assert!(false, "Attempted to get Hebrew date for {day:?}, in keviyah {self:?}, didn't have enough days in the year");
/// Return the last ordinal month and day in this year as (month, day)
pub fn last_month_day_in_year(self) -> (u8, u8) {
// Elul is always the last month of the year
if self.is_leap() {
(13, ELUL_LEN)
} else {
(12, ELUL_LEN)
/// Whether this year is a leap year
pub fn is_leap(self) -> bool {
debug_assert_eq!(Self::בחה as u8, 7, "Representation of keviyot changed!");
// Because we have arranged our keviyot such that all leap keviyot come after
// the regular ones, this just a comparison
self >= Self::בחה
/// Given the hebrew year for this Keviyah, calculate the YearInfo
pub fn year_info(self, h_year: i32) -> YearInfo {
let (mut weeks_since_beharad, ḥalakim) = molad_details(h_year);
// The last six hours of Hebrew Saturday (i.e. after noon on Regular Saturday)
// get unconditionally postponed to Monday according to the Four Gates table. This
// puts us in a new week!
if ḥalakim > ḥal!(7 - 18 - 0) {
weeks_since_beharad += 1;
YearInfo {
keviyah: self,
/// How many days are in this year
pub fn year_length(self) -> u16 {
let base_year_length = if self.is_leap() { 384 } else { 354 };
(base_year_length + i16::from(self.year_type().length_correction())) as u16
/// Construct this from an integer between 0 and 13
/// Potentially useful for bitpacking
pub fn from_integer(integer: u8) -> Self {
integer < 14,
"Keviyah::from_integer() takes in a number between 0 and 13 inclusive"
match integer {
0 => Self::בחג,
1 => Self::בשה,
2 => Self::גכה,
3 => Self::הכז,
4 => Self::השא,
5 => Self::זחא,
6 => Self::זשג,
7 => Self::בחה,
8 => Self::בשז,
9 => Self::גכז,
10 => Self::החא,
11 => Self::השג,
12 => Self::זחג,
_ => Self::זשה,
// Four Gates Table
// ======================
// The Four Gates table is a table that takes the time of week of the molad
// and produces a Keviyah for the year
/// "Metonic cycle" in general refers to any 19-year repeating pattern used by lunisolar
/// calendars. The Hebrew calendar uses one where years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19
/// are leap years.
/// The Hebrew calendar further categorizes regular years as whether they come before/after/or
/// between leap years, and this is used when performing lookups.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum MetonicCycleType {
/// Before a leap year (2, 5, 10, 13, 16)
/// After a leap year (1, 4, 9, 12, 15)
/// Between leap years (7. 18)
/// Leap year (3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19)
impl MetonicCycleType {
fn for_h_year(h_year: i32) -> Self {
// h_year is 1-indexed, and our metonic cycle year numberings
// are 1-indexed, so we really need to do `(h_year - 1) % 19 + 1`
// However, that is equivalent to `h_year % 19` provided you handle the
// fact that that operation will produce 0 instead of 19.
// Both numbers end up in our wildcard leap year arm so that's fine.
let remainder = h_year.rem_euclid(19);
match remainder {
// These numbers are 1-indexed
2 | 5 | 10 | 13 | 16 => Self::LMinusOne,
1 | 4 | 9 | 12 | 15 => Self::LPlusOne,
7 | 18 => Self::LPlusMinusOne,
_ => {
debug_assert!(matches!(remainder, 3 | 6 | 8 | 11 | 14 | 17 | 0 | 19));
// The actual Four Gates tables.
// Each entry is a range (ending at the next entry), and it corresponds to the equivalent discriminant value of the Keviyah type.
// Leap and regular years map to different Keviyah values, however regular years all map to the same set of
// seven values, with differing ḥalakim bounds for each. The first entry in the Four Gates table straddles the end of the previous week
// and the beginning of this one.
// The regular-year tables only differ by their third and last entries (We may be able to write this as more compact code)
// You can reference these tables from
// or from Adjler (Appendix 4). Be sure to look at the Adjler table referring the "modern calendar", older tables
// use slightly different numbers.
const FOUR_GATES_LMINUSONE: [i32; 7] = [
ḥal!(7 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(1 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(2 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(3 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(5 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(5 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(6 - 9 - 204),
const FOUR_GATES_LPLUSONE: [i32; 7] = [
ḥal!(7 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(1 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(2 - 15 - 589),
ḥal!(3 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(5 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(5 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(6 - 0 - 408),
const FOUR_GATES_LPLUSMINUSONE: [i32; 7] = [
ḥal!(7 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(1 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(2 - 15 - 589),
ḥal!(3 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(5 - 9 - 204),
ḥal!(5 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(6 - 9 - 204),
const FOUR_GATES_LEAP: [i32; 7] = [
ḥal!(7 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(1 - 20 - 491),
ḥal!(2 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(3 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(4 - 11 - 695),
ḥal!(5 - 18 - 0),
ḥal!(6 - 20 - 491),
/// Perform the four gates calculation, giving you the Keviyah for a given year type and
/// the ḥalakim-since-beginning-of-week of its molad Tishri
fn keviyah_for(year_type: MetonicCycleType, ḥalakim: i32) -> Keviyah {
let gate = match year_type {
MetonicCycleType::LMinusOne => FOUR_GATES_LMINUSONE,
MetonicCycleType::LPlusOne => FOUR_GATES_LPLUSONE,
MetonicCycleType::LPlusMinusOne => FOUR_GATES_LPLUSMINUSONE,
MetonicCycleType::Leap => FOUR_GATES_LEAP,
// Calculate the non-leap and leap keviyot for this year
// This could potentially be made more efficient by just finding
// the right window on `gate` and transmuting, but this unrolled loop should be fine too.
let keviyot = if ḥalakim >= gate[0] || ḥalakim < gate[1] {
(Keviyah::בחג, Keviyah::בחה)
} else if ḥalakim < gate[2] {
(Keviyah::בשה, Keviyah::בשז)
} else if ḥalakim < gate[3] {
(Keviyah::גכה, Keviyah::גכז)
} else if ḥalakim < gate[4] {
(Keviyah::הכז, Keviyah::החא)
} else if ḥalakim < gate[5] {
(Keviyah::השא, Keviyah::השג)
} else if ḥalakim < gate[6] {
(Keviyah::זחא, Keviyah::זחג)
} else {
(Keviyah::זשג, Keviyah::זשה)
// We have conveniently set the discriminant value of Keviyah to match the four gates index
// Let's just assert to make sure the table above is correct.
keviyot.0 as u8 + 7 == keviyot.1 as u8,
"The table above should produce matching-indexed keviyot for the leap/non-leap year"
#[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)] // debug_assertion code
if keviyot.0 as u8 == 0 {
// The first entry in the gates table straddles the ends of the week
ḥalakim >= gate[keviyot.0 as usize] || ḥalakim < gate[(keviyot.0 as usize + 1) % 7],
"The table above should produce the right indexed keviyah, instead found {keviyot:?} for time {ḥalakim} (year type {year_type:?})"
} else {
// Other entries must properly bound the ḥalakim
ḥalakim >= gate[keviyot.0 as usize] && ḥalakim < gate[(keviyot.0 as usize + 1) % 7],
"The table above should produce the right indexed keviyah, instead found {keviyot:?} for time {ḥalakim} (year type {year_type:?})"
if year_type == MetonicCycleType::Leap {
} else {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::hebrew::{self, BookHebrew};
fn test_consts() {
assert_eq!(MOLAD_BEHERAD_OFFSET, 31524);
assert_eq!(ḤALAKIM_IN_WEEK, 181440);
// Adjler's printed value for this constant is incorrect (as confirmed by Adjler over email).
// Adjler is correct about the value being ḥal!(0-indexed 29-12-793).
// which matches the math used in `crate::hebrew::molad()` from Calendrical Calculations.
assert_eq!(HEBREW_LUNATION_TIME, 765433);
// Nicer to have the code be self-contained, but always worth asserting
fn test_roundtrip_days() {
for h_year in (1..10).chain(5775..5795).chain(10000..10010) {
let year_info = YearInfo::compute_for(h_year);
let ny = year_info.new_year();
for day in 1..=year_info.keviyah.year_length() {
let offset_date = ny + i64::from(day) - 1;
let (offset_yearinfo, offset_h_year) = YearInfo::year_containing_rd(offset_date);
offset_h_year, h_year,
"Backcomputed h_year should be same for day {day} in Hebrew Year {h_year}"
offset_yearinfo, year_info,
"Backcomputed YearInfo should be same for day {day} in Hebrew Year {h_year}"
let (month, day2) = year_info.keviyah.month_day_for(day);
let days_preceding = year_info.keviyah.days_preceding(month);
days_preceding + u16::from(day2),
"{h_year}-{month}-{day2} should round trip for day-of-year {day}"
fn test_book_parity() {
let mut last_year = None;
for h_year in (1..100).chain(5600..5900).chain(10000..10100) {
let book_date = BookHebrew::from_civil_date(h_year, 1, 1);
let book_ny = BookHebrew::fixed_from_book_hebrew(book_date);
let kv_yearinfo = YearInfo::compute_for(h_year);
let kv_ny = kv_yearinfo.new_year();
"Book and Keviyah-based years should match for Hebrew Year {h_year}. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}"
let book_is_leap = BookHebrew::is_hebrew_leap_year(h_year);
"Book and Keviyah-based years should match for Hebrew Year {h_year}. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}"
let book_year_len = BookHebrew::days_in_book_hebrew_year(h_year);
let book_year_type = match book_year_len {
355 | 385 => YearType::Complete,
354 | 384 => YearType::Regular,
353 | 383 => YearType::Deficient,
_ => unreachable!("Found unexpected book year len {book_year_len}"),
"Book and Keviyah-based years should match for Hebrew Year {h_year}. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}"
let kv_recomputed_yearinfo = kv_yearinfo.keviyah.year_info(h_year);
"Recomputed YearInfo should match for Hebrew Year {h_year}. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}"
let year_len = kv_yearinfo.keviyah.year_length();
let month_range = if kv_yearinfo.keviyah.is_leap() {
} else {
let mut days_preceding = 0;
for month in month_range {
let kv_month_len = kv_yearinfo.keviyah.month_len(month);
let book_date = BookHebrew::from_civil_date(h_year, month, 1);
let book_month_len =
BookHebrew::last_day_of_book_hebrew_month(book_date.year, book_date.month);
assert_eq!(kv_month_len, book_month_len, "Month lengths should be same for ordinal hebrew month {month} in year {h_year}. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}");
assert_eq!(days_preceding, kv_yearinfo.keviyah.days_preceding(month), "Days preceding should be the sum of preceding days for ordinal hebrew month {month} in year {h_year}. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}");
days_preceding += u16::from(kv_month_len);
for offset in [0, 1, 100, year_len - 100, year_len - 2, year_len - 1] {
let offset_date = kv_ny + offset.into();
let (offset_yearinfo, offset_h_year) = YearInfo::year_containing_rd(offset_date);
assert_eq!(offset_h_year, h_year, "Backcomputed h_year should be same for date {offset_date:?} in Hebrew Year {h_year} (offset from ny {offset})");
assert_eq!(offset_yearinfo, kv_yearinfo, "Backcomputed YearInfo should be same for date {offset_date:?} in Hebrew Year {h_year} (offset from ny {offset})");
if let Some((last_h_year, predicted_ny)) = last_year {
if last_h_year + 1 == h_year {
assert_eq!(predicted_ny, kv_ny, "{last_h_year}'s YearInfo predicts New Year {predicted_ny:?}, which does not match current new year. Got YearInfo {kv_yearinfo:?}");
last_year = Some((h_year, kv_ny + year_len.into()))
fn test_minmax() {
let min = YearInfo::compute_for(HEBREW_MIN_YEAR);
let min_ny = min.new_year();
assert_eq!(min_ny, HEBREW_MIN_RD);
let (recomputed_yi, recomputed_y) = YearInfo::year_containing_rd(min_ny);
assert_eq!(recomputed_y, HEBREW_MIN_YEAR);
assert_eq!(recomputed_yi, min);
let max = YearInfo::compute_for(HEBREW_MAX_YEAR);
let max_ny = max.new_year();
// -1 since max_ny is also a part of the year
let max_last = max_ny + i64::from(max.keviyah.year_length()) - 1;
assert_eq!(max_last, HEBREW_MAX_RD);
let (recomputed_yi, recomputed_y) = YearInfo::year_containing_rd(max_last);
assert_eq!(recomputed_y, HEBREW_MAX_YEAR);
assert_eq!(recomputed_yi, max);
fn test_leap_agreement() {
for year0 in -1000..1000 {
let year1 = year0 + 1;
let info0 = YearInfo::compute_for(year0);
let info1 = YearInfo::compute_for(year1);
let num_months = (info1.new_year() - info0.new_year()) / 29;
if info0.keviyah.is_leap() {
assert_eq!(num_months, 13, "{year0}");
} else {
assert_eq!(num_months, 12, "{year0}");