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feature(min_specialization, type_alias_impl_trait)
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub mod executor;
// Dummy module to check that the expansion refer to rust's core crate
mod core {}
trait Trait {
type Assoc;
async fn selfvalue(self)
Self: Sized,
async fn selfref(&self) {}
async fn selfmut(&mut self) {}
async fn required() -> Self::Assoc;
async fn elided_lifetime(_x: &str) {}
async fn explicit_lifetime<'a>(_x: &'a str) {}
async fn generic_type_param<T: Send>(x: Box<T>) -> T {
async fn calls(&self) {
async fn calls_mut(&mut self) {
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
type Assoc = ();
async fn selfvalue(self) {}
async fn selfref(&self) {}
async fn selfmut(&mut self) {}
async fn required() -> Self::Assoc {}
async fn elided_lifetime(_x: &str) {}
async fn explicit_lifetime<'a>(_x: &'a str) {}
async fn generic_type_param<T: Send>(x: Box<T>) -> T {
async fn calls(&self) {
async fn calls_mut(&mut self) {
pub async fn test() {
let mut s = Struct;
let mut s = Struct;
pub async fn test_object_safe_without_default() {
trait ObjectSafe {
async fn f(&self);
impl ObjectSafe for Struct {
async fn f(&self) {}
let object = &Struct as &dyn ObjectSafe;
pub async fn test_object_safe_with_default() {
trait ObjectSafe: Sync {
async fn f(&self) {}
impl ObjectSafe for Struct {
async fn f(&self) {}
let object = &Struct as &dyn ObjectSafe;
pub async fn test_object_no_send() {
trait ObjectSafe: Sync {
async fn f(&self) {}
impl ObjectSafe for Struct {
async fn f(&self) {}
let object = &Struct as &dyn ObjectSafe;
pub unsafe trait UnsafeTrait {}
unsafe impl UnsafeTrait for () {}
pub(crate) unsafe trait UnsafeTraitPubCrate {}
unsafe trait UnsafeTraitPrivate {}
pub async fn test_can_destruct() {
trait CanDestruct {
async fn f(&self, foos: (u8, u8, u8, u8));
impl CanDestruct for Struct {
async fn f(&self, (a, ref mut b, ref c, d): (u8, u8, u8, u8)) {
let _a: u8 = a;
let _b: &mut u8 = b;
let _c: &u8 = c;
let _d: u8 = d;
pub async fn test_self_in_macro() {
trait Trait {
async fn a(self);
async fn b(&mut self);
async fn c(&self);
impl Trait for String {
async fn a(self) {
println!("{}", self);
async fn b(&mut self) {
println!("{}", self);
async fn c(&self) {
println!("{}", self);
pub async fn test_inference() {
pub trait Trait {
async fn f() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = ()>> {
pub async fn test_internal_items() {
#[allow(dead_code, clippy::items_after_statements)]
pub trait Trait: Sized {
async fn f(self) {
struct Struct;
impl Struct {
fn f(self) {
let _ = self;
pub async fn test_unimplemented() {
pub trait Trait {
async fn f() {
pub mod issue1 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Issue1 {
async fn f<U>(&self);
impl<T: Sync> Issue1 for Vec<T> {
async fn f<U>(&self) {}
pub mod issue2 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::future::Future;
pub trait Issue2: Future {
async fn flatten(self) -> <Self::Output as Future>::Output
Self::Output: Future + Send,
Self: Sized,
let nested_future = self.await;
pub mod issue9 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Issue9: Sized + Send {
async fn f(_x: Self) {}
pub mod issue11 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::sync::Arc;
trait Issue11 {
async fn example(self: Arc<Self>);
struct Struct;
impl Issue11 for Struct {
async fn example(self: Arc<Self>) {}
pub mod issue15 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
trait Trait {}
trait Issue15 {
async fn myfn(&self, _: PhantomData<dyn Trait + Send>) {}
pub mod issue17 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Issue17 {
async fn f(&self);
struct Struct {
string: String,
impl Issue17 for Struct {
async fn f(&self) {
println!("{}", self.string);
pub mod issue23 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Issue23 {
async fn f(self);
async fn g(mut self)
Self: Sized,
do_something(&mut self);
struct S {}
impl Issue23 for S {
async fn f(mut self) {
do_something(&mut self);
fn do_something<T>(_: &mut T) {}
pub mod issue25 {
use crate::executor;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::fmt::{Display, Write};
trait AsyncToString {
async fn async_to_string(&self) -> String;
impl AsyncToString for String {
async fn async_to_string(&self) -> String {
macro_rules! hide_from_stable_parser {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
hide_from_stable_parser! {
impl<T: ?Sized + Display + Sync> AsyncToString for T {
default async fn async_to_string(&self) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
buf.write_fmt(format_args!("{}", self)).unwrap();
fn test() {
let fut = true.async_to_string();
assert_eq!(executor::block_on_simple(fut), "true");
let string = String::new();
let fut = string.async_to_string();
assert_eq!(executor::block_on_simple(fut), "special");
pub mod issue28 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
struct Str<'a>(&'a str);
trait Trait1<'a> {
async fn f(x: Str<'a>) -> &'a str;
async fn g(x: Str<'a>) -> &'a str {
impl<'a> Trait1<'a> for str {
async fn f(x: Str<'a>) -> &'a str {
trait Trait2 {
async fn f();
impl<'a> Trait2 for &'a () {
async fn f() {}
trait Trait3<'a, 'b> {
async fn f(_: &'a &'b ()); // chain 'a and 'b
async fn g(_: &'b ()); // chain 'b only
async fn h(); // do not chain
pub mod issue31 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub struct Struct<'a> {
pub name: &'a str,
pub trait Trait<'a> {
async fn hello(thing: Struct<'a>) -> String;
async fn hello_twice(one: Struct<'a>, two: Struct<'a>) -> String {
let str1 = Self::hello(one).await;
let str2 = Self::hello(two).await;
str1 + &str2
pub mod issue42 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Context: Sized {
async fn from_parts() -> Self;
pub struct TokenContext;
impl Context for TokenContext {
async fn from_parts() -> TokenContext {
pub mod issue44 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait StaticWithWhereSelf
Box<Self>: Sized,
Self: Sized + Send,
async fn get_one() -> u8 {
pub struct Struct;
impl StaticWithWhereSelf for Struct {}
pub mod issue45 {
use crate::executor;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tracing::event::Event;
use tracing::field::{Field, Visit};
use tracing::span::{Attributes, Id, Record};
use tracing::{info, instrument, subscriber, Metadata, Subscriber};
pub trait Parent {
async fn foo(&mut self, v: usize);
pub trait Child {
async fn bar(&self);
struct Impl(usize);
impl Parent for Impl {
async fn foo(&mut self, v: usize) {
self.0 = v;;
impl Child for Impl {
// Let's check that tracing detects the renaming of the `self` variable
// too, as tracing::instrument is not going to be able to skip the
// `self` argument if it can't find it in the function signature.
async fn bar(&self) {
info!(val = self.0);
// A simple subscriber implementation to test the behavior of async-trait
// with tokio-rs/tracing. This implementation is not robust against race
// conditions, but it's not an issue here as we are only polling on a single
// future at a time.
struct SubscriberInner {
current_depth: AtomicU64,
// We assert that nested functions work. If the fix were to break, we
// would see two top-level functions instead of `bar` nested in `foo`.
max_depth: AtomicU64,
max_span_id: AtomicU64,
// Name of the variable / value / depth when the event was recorded.
value: Mutex<Option<(&'static str, u64, u64)>>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct TestSubscriber {
inner: Arc<SubscriberInner>,
impl TestSubscriber {
fn new() -> Self {
TestSubscriber {
inner: Arc::new(SubscriberInner {
current_depth: AtomicU64::new(0),
max_depth: AtomicU64::new(0),
max_span_id: AtomicU64::new(1),
value: Mutex::new(None),
struct U64Visitor(Option<(&'static str, u64)>);
impl Visit for U64Visitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, _field: &Field, _value: &dyn Debug) {}
fn record_u64(&mut self, field: &Field, value: u64) {
self.0 = Some((, value));
impl Subscriber for TestSubscriber {
fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &Metadata) -> bool {
fn new_span(&self, _span: &Attributes) -> Id {
Id::from_u64(self.inner.max_span_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel))
fn record(&self, _span: &Id, _values: &Record) {}
fn record_follows_from(&self, _span: &Id, _follows: &Id) {}
fn event(&self, event: &Event) {
let mut visitor = U64Visitor(None);
event.record(&mut visitor);
if let Some((s, v)) = visitor.0 {
let current_depth = self.inner.current_depth.load(Ordering::Acquire);
*self.inner.value.lock().unwrap() = Some((s, v, current_depth));
fn enter(&self, _span: &Id) {
let old_depth = self.inner.current_depth.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
if old_depth + 1 > self.inner.max_depth.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
self.inner.max_depth.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
fn exit(&self, _span: &Id) {
self.inner.current_depth.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] //
fn tracing() {
// Create the future outside of the subscriber, as no call to tracing
// should be made until the future is polled.
let mut struct_impl = Impl(0);
let fut =;
let subscriber = TestSubscriber::new();
subscriber::with_default(subscriber.clone(), || executor::block_on_simple(fut));
// Did we enter bar inside of foo?
assert_eq!(subscriber.inner.max_depth.load(Ordering::Acquire), 2);
// Have we exited all spans?
assert_eq!(subscriber.inner.current_depth.load(Ordering::Acquire), 0);
// Did we create only two spans? Note: spans start at 1, hence the -1.
assert_eq!(subscriber.inner.max_span_id.load(Ordering::Acquire) - 1, 2);
// Was the value recorded at the right depth i.e. in the right function?
// If so, was it the expected value?
assert_eq!(*subscriber.inner.value.lock().unwrap(), Some(("val", 5, 2)));
pub mod issue46 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
macro_rules! implement_commands_workaround {
($tyargs:tt : $ty:tt) => {
pub trait AsyncCommands1: Sized {
async fn f<$tyargs: $ty>(&mut self, x: $tyargs) {
implement_commands_workaround!(K: Send);
macro_rules! implement_commands {
($tyargs:ident : $ty:ident) => {
pub trait AsyncCommands2: Sized {
async fn f<$tyargs: $ty>(&mut self, x: $tyargs) {
implement_commands!(K: Send);
pub mod issue53 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub struct Unit;
pub struct Tuple(u8);
pub struct Struct {
pub x: u8,
pub trait Trait {
async fn method();
impl Trait for Unit {
async fn method() {
let _ = Self;
impl Trait for Tuple {
async fn method() {
let _ = Self(0);
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn method() {
let _ = Self { x: 0 };
impl Trait for std::marker::PhantomData<Struct> {
async fn method() {
let _ = Self;
pub mod issue57 {
use crate::executor;
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Trait {
async fn const_generic<T: Send, const C: usize>(_: [T; C]) {}
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn const_generic<T: Send, const C: usize>(_: [T; C]) {}
fn test() {
let fut = Struct::const_generic([0; 10]);
pub mod issue68 {
pub trait Example {
async fn method(&self) {
macro_rules! t {
() => {{
let _: &Self = self;
pub mod issue73 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Example {
const ASSOCIATED: &'static str;
async fn associated(&self) {
println!("Associated:{}", Self::ASSOCIATED);
pub mod issue81 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn handle(&self);
pub enum Enum {
impl Trait for Enum {
async fn handle(&self) {
let Enum::Variant = self;
let Self::Variant = self;
pub mod issue83 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(&self) {}
async fn g(self: &Self) {}
pub mod issue85 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn camelCase();
pub struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn camelCase() {}
pub mod issue87 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(&self);
pub enum Tuple {
pub enum Struct {
V {},
impl Trait for Tuple {
async fn f(&self) {
let Tuple::V() = self;
let Self::V() = self;
let _ = Self::V;
let _ = Self::V();
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn f(&self) {
let Struct::V {} = self;
let Self::V {} = self;
let _ = Self::V {};
pub mod issue89 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Trait {
async fn f(&self);
impl Trait for Send + Sync {
async fn f(&self) {}
impl Trait for dyn Fn(i8) + Send + Sync {
async fn f(&self) {}
impl Trait for (dyn Fn(u8) + Send + Sync) {
async fn f(&self) {}
pub mod issue92 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
macro_rules! mac {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
pub struct Struct<T> {
_x: T,
impl<T> Struct<T> {
const ASSOCIATED1: &'static str = "1";
async fn associated1() {}
pub trait Trait
mac!(Self): Send,
const ASSOCIATED2: &'static str;
type Associated2;
#[allow(path_statements, clippy::let_underscore_future, clippy::no_effect)]
async fn associated2(&self) {
// trait items
mac!(let _: Self::Associated2;);
mac!(let _: <Self>::Associated2;);
mac!(let _: <Self as Trait>::Associated2;);
mac!(<Self as Trait>::ASSOCIATED2;);
mac!(let _ = Self::associated2(self););
mac!(let _ = <Self>::associated2(self););
mac!(let _ = <Self as Trait>::associated2(self););
impl<T: Send + Sync> Trait for Struct<T>
mac!(Self): Send,
const ASSOCIATED2: &'static str = "2";
type Associated2 = ();
#[allow(path_statements, clippy::let_underscore_future, clippy::no_effect)]
async fn associated2(&self) {
// inherent items
mac!(let _ = Self::associated1(););
mac!(let _ = <Self>::associated1(););
// trait items
mac!(let _: <Self as Trait>::Associated2;);
mac!(<Self as Trait>::ASSOCIATED2;);
mac!(let _ = Self::associated2(self););
mac!(let _ = <Self>::associated2(self););
mac!(let _ = <Self as Trait>::associated2(self););
pub struct Unit;
impl Trait for Unit {
const ASSOCIATED2: &'static str = "2";
type Associated2 = ();
async fn associated2(&self) {
mac!(let Self: Self = *self;);
pub mod issue92_2 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
macro_rules! mac {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
pub trait Trait1 {
fn func1();
pub trait Trait2: Trait1 {
async fn func2() {
macro_rules! mac2 {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
pub mod issue104 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait T1 {
async fn id(&self) -> i32;
macro_rules! impl_t1 {
($ty:ty, $id:expr) => {
impl T1 for $ty {
async fn id(&self) -> i32 {
struct Foo;
impl_t1!(Foo, 1);
pub mod issue106 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::future::Future;
pub trait ProcessPool: Send + Sync {
type ThreadPool;
async fn spawn<F, Fut, T>(&self, work: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(&Self::ThreadPool) -> Fut + Send,
Fut: Future<Output = T> + 'static;
impl<P> ProcessPool for &P
P: ?Sized + ProcessPool,
type ThreadPool = P::ThreadPool;
async fn spawn<F, Fut, T>(&self, work: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(&Self::ThreadPool) -> Fut + Send,
Fut: Future<Output = T> + 'static,
pub mod issue110 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait Loader {
async fn load(&self, key: &str);
pub struct AwsEc2MetadataLoader<'a> {
marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl Loader for AwsEc2MetadataLoader<'_> {
async fn load(&self, _key: &str) {}
pub mod issue120 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Trait {
async fn f(&self);
impl Trait for () {
async fn f(&self) {}
pub mod issue123 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Trait<T = ()> {
async fn f(&self) -> &str
T: 'async_trait,
impl<T> Trait<T> for () {}
pub mod issue129 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait TestTrait {
async fn a(_b: u8, c: u8) -> u8 {
pub struct TestStruct;
impl TestTrait for TestStruct {
async fn a(_b: u8, c: u8) -> u8 {
pub mod issue134 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait TestTrait {
async fn run<const DUMMY: bool>(self)
Self: Sized,
pub struct TestStruct;
impl TestTrait for TestStruct {
async fn run<const DUMMY: bool>(self)
Self: Sized,
pub mod drop_order {
use crate::executor;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
struct Flagger<'a>(&'a AtomicBool);
impl Drop for Flagger<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.fetch_xor(true, Ordering::AcqRel);
trait Trait {
async fn async_trait(_: Flagger<'_>, flag: &AtomicBool);
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn async_trait(_: Flagger<'_>, flag: &AtomicBool) {
flag.fetch_or(true, Ordering::AcqRel);
async fn standalone(_: Flagger<'_>, flag: &AtomicBool) {
flag.fetch_or(true, Ordering::AcqRel);
trait SelfTrait {
async fn async_trait(self, flag: &AtomicBool);
impl SelfTrait for Flagger<'_> {
async fn async_trait(self, flag: &AtomicBool) {
flag.fetch_or(true, Ordering::AcqRel);
fn test_drop_order() {
// 0 : 0 ^ 1 = 1 | 1 = 1 (if flagger then block)
// 0 : 0 | 1 = 1 ^ 1 = 0 (if block then flagger)
let flag = AtomicBool::new(false);
executor::block_on_simple(standalone(Flagger(&flag), &flag));
executor::block_on_simple(Struct::async_trait(Flagger(&flag), &flag));
pub mod issue145 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait ManageConnection: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
type Connection: Send + 'static;
type Error: Send + 'static;
async fn connect(&self) -> Result<Self::Connection, Self::Error>;
pub mod issue147 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub struct MyType;
pub trait MyTrait {
async fn x();
async fn y() -> ();
async fn z();
impl MyTrait for MyType {
async fn x() {}
async fn y() -> () {}
async fn z() {
pub mod issue149 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub struct Thing;
pub trait Ret {}
impl Ret for Thing {}
pub async fn ok() -> &'static dyn Ret {
return &Thing;
pub trait Trait {
async fn fail() -> &'static dyn Ret {
return &Thing;
pub mod issue152 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Trait {
type Assoc;
async fn f(&self) -> Self::Assoc;
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
type Assoc = impl Sized;
async fn f(&self) -> Self::Assoc {}
pub mod issue154 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait MyTrait {
async fn f(&self);
pub struct Struct;
impl MyTrait for Struct {
async fn f(&self) {
const MAX: u16 = 128;
println!("{}", MAX);
pub mod issue158 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
fn f() {}
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(&self) {
pub mod issue161 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::future::FutureExt;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(self: Arc<Self>);
pub struct MyStruct(bool);
impl Trait for MyStruct {
async fn f(self: Arc<Self>) {
futures::select! {
_ = async {
println!("{}", self.0);
}.fuse() => {}
pub mod issue169 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait: ::core::marker::Sync {
async fn f(&self) {}
pub fn test(_t: &dyn Trait) {}
pub mod issue177 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn foo(&self, _callback: impl FnMut(&str) + Send) {}
pub struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn foo(&self, _callback: impl FnMut(&str) + Send) {}
pub mod issue183 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
trait Foo {
async fn foo(_n: i32) {}
pub mod issue199 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::cell::Cell;
struct IncrementOnDrop<'a>(&'a Cell<usize>);
impl<'a> Drop for IncrementOnDrop<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.set(self.0.get() + 1);
trait Trait {
async fn f(counter: &Cell<usize>, arg: IncrementOnDrop<'_>);
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn f(counter: &Cell<usize>, _: IncrementOnDrop<'_>) {
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 0); // second arg not dropped yet
fn test() {
let counter = Cell::new(0);
let future = Struct::f(&counter, IncrementOnDrop(&counter));
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
pub mod issue204 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(arg: &impl Trait);
async fn g(arg: *const impl Trait);
pub mod issue210 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(self: Arc<Self>) {}
pub mod issue226 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn cfg_param(&self, param: u8);
async fn cfg_param_wildcard(&self, _: u8);
async fn cfg_param_tuple(&self, (left, right): (u8, u8));
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
async fn cfg_param(&self, #[cfg(any())] param: u8, #[cfg(all())] _unused: u8) {}
async fn cfg_param_wildcard(&self, #[cfg(any())] _: u8, #[cfg(all())] _: u8) {}
async fn cfg_param_tuple(
#[cfg(any())] (left, right): (u8, u8),
#[cfg(all())] (_left, _right): (u8, u8),
) {
pub mod issue232 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Generic<T> {
async fn take_ref(&self, thing: &T);
pub struct One;
impl<T> Generic<T> for One {
async fn take_ref(&self, _: &T) {}
pub struct Two;
impl<T: Sync> Generic<(T, T)> for Two {
async fn take_ref(&self, (a, b): &(T, T)) {
let _ = a;
let _ = b;
pub struct Three;
impl<T> Generic<(T, T, T)> for Three {
async fn take_ref(&self, (_a, _b, _c): &(T, T, T)) {}
pub mod issue234 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub struct Droppable;
impl Drop for Droppable {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
pub struct Tuple<T, U>(T, U);
pub trait Trait {
async fn f(arg: Tuple<Droppable, i32>);
pub struct UnderscorePattern;
impl Trait for UnderscorePattern {
async fn f(Tuple(_, _int): Tuple<Droppable, i32>) {}
pub struct DotDotPattern;
impl Trait for DotDotPattern {
async fn f(Tuple { 1: _int, .. }: Tuple<Droppable, i32>) {}
pub mod issue236 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::future::{self, Future, Ready};
// Does not trigger the lint.
pub async fn async_fn() -> Ready<()> {
pub fn impl_future_fn() -> impl Future<Output = Ready<()>> {
async { future::ready(()) }
// The async_trait attribute turns the former into the latter, so we make it
// put its own allow(async_yeilds_async) to remain consistent with async fn.
pub trait Trait {
async fn f() -> Ready<()> {
pub mod issue238 {
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub trait Trait {
async fn f();
pub struct Struct;
impl Trait for &Struct {
async fn f() {}