Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use core::fmt;
use core::future::Future;
use core::marker::{PhantomData, Unpin};
use core::mem;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use crate::header::Header;
use crate::state::*;
/// A spawned task.
/// A [`Task`] can be awaited to retrieve the output of its future.
/// Dropping a [`Task`] cancels it, which means its future won't be polled again. To drop the
/// [`Task`] handle without canceling it, use [`detach()`][`Task::detach()`] instead. To cancel a
/// task gracefully and wait until it is fully destroyed, use the [`cancel()`][Task::cancel()]
/// method.
/// Note that canceling a task actually wakes it and reschedules one last time. Then, the executor
/// can destroy the task by simply dropping its [`Runnable`][`super::Runnable`] or by invoking
/// [`run()`][`super::Runnable::run()`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use smol::{future, Executor};
/// use std::thread;
/// let ex = Executor::new();
/// // Spawn a future onto the executor.
/// let task = ex.spawn(async {
/// println!("Hello from a task!");
/// 1 + 2
/// });
/// // Run an executor thread.
/// thread::spawn(move || future::block_on(<()>())));
/// // Wait for the task's output.
/// assert_eq!(future::block_on(task), 3);
/// ```
#[must_use = "tasks get canceled when dropped, use `.detach()` to run them in the background"]
pub struct Task<T> {
/// A raw task pointer.
pub(crate) ptr: NonNull<()>,
/// A marker capturing generic type `T`.
pub(crate) _marker: PhantomData<T>,
unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Task<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Sync for Task<T> {}
impl<T> Unpin for Task<T> {}
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<T> std::panic::UnwindSafe for Task<T> {}
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<T> std::panic::RefUnwindSafe for Task<T> {}
impl<T> Task<T> {
/// Detaches the task to let it keep running in the background.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use smol::{Executor, Timer};
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let ex = Executor::new();
/// // Spawn a deamon future.
/// ex.spawn(async {
/// loop {
/// println!("I'm a daemon task looping forever.");
/// Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
/// }
/// })
/// .detach();
/// ```
pub fn detach(self) {
let mut this = self;
let _out = this.set_detached();
/// Cancels the task and waits for it to stop running.
/// Returns the task's output if it was completed just before it got canceled, or [`None`] if
/// it didn't complete.
/// While it's possible to simply drop the [`Task`] to cancel it, this is a cleaner way of
/// canceling because it also waits for the task to stop running.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # if cfg!(miri) { return; } // Miri does not support epoll
/// use smol::{future, Executor, Timer};
/// use std::thread;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let ex = Executor::new();
/// // Spawn a deamon future.
/// let task = ex.spawn(async {
/// loop {
/// println!("Even though I'm in an infinite loop, you can still cancel me!");
/// Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
/// }
/// });
/// // Run an executor thread.
/// thread::spawn(move || future::block_on(<()>())));
/// future::block_on(async {
/// Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(3)).await;
/// task.cancel().await;
/// });
/// ```
pub async fn cancel(self) -> Option<T> {
let mut this = self;
/// Converts this task into a [`FallibleTask`].
/// Like [`Task`], a fallible task will poll the task's output until it is
/// completed or cancelled due to its [`Runnable`][`super::Runnable`] being
/// dropped without being run. Resolves to the task's output when completed,
/// or [`None`] if it didn't complete.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use smol::{future, Executor};
/// use std::thread;
/// let ex = Executor::new();
/// // Spawn a future onto the executor.
/// let task = ex.spawn(async {
/// println!("Hello from a task!");
/// 1 + 2
/// })
/// .fallible();
/// // Run an executor thread.
/// thread::spawn(move || future::block_on(<()>())));
/// // Wait for the task's output.
/// assert_eq!(future::block_on(task), Some(3));
/// ```
/// ```
/// use smol::future;
/// // Schedule function which drops the runnable without running it.
/// let schedule = move |runnable| drop(runnable);
/// // Create a task with the future and the schedule function.
/// let (runnable, task) = async_task::spawn(async {
/// println!("Hello from a task!");
/// 1 + 2
/// }, schedule);
/// runnable.schedule();
/// // Wait for the task's output.
/// assert_eq!(future::block_on(task.fallible()), None);
/// ```
pub fn fallible(self) -> FallibleTask<T> {
FallibleTask { task: self }
/// Puts the task in canceled state.
fn set_canceled(&mut self) {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
let header = ptr as *const Header;
unsafe {
let mut state = (*header).state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
loop {
// If the task has been completed or closed, it can't be canceled.
if state & (COMPLETED | CLOSED) != 0 {
// If the task is not scheduled nor running, we'll need to schedule it.
let new = if state & (SCHEDULED | RUNNING) == 0 {
} else {
state | CLOSED
// Mark the task as closed.
match (*header).state.compare_exchange_weak(
) {
Ok(_) => {
// If the task is not scheduled nor running, schedule it one more time so
// that its future gets dropped by the executor.
if state & (SCHEDULED | RUNNING) == 0 {
// Notify the awaiter that the task has been closed.
if state & AWAITER != 0 {
Err(s) => state = s,
/// Puts the task in detached state.
fn set_detached(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
let header = ptr as *const Header;
unsafe {
// A place where the output will be stored in case it needs to be dropped.
let mut output = None;
// Optimistically assume the `Task` is being detached just after creating the task.
// This is a common case so if the `Task` is datached, the overhead of it is only one
// compare-exchange operation.
if let Err(mut state) = (*header).state.compare_exchange_weak(
) {
loop {
// If the task has been completed but not yet closed, that means its output
// must be dropped.
if state & COMPLETED != 0 && state & CLOSED == 0 {
// Mark the task as closed in order to grab its output.
match (*header).state.compare_exchange_weak(
state | CLOSED,
) {
Ok(_) => {
// Read the output.
output =
Some((((*header).vtable.get_output)(ptr) as *mut T).read());
// Update the state variable because we're continuing the loop.
state |= CLOSED;
Err(s) => state = s,
} else {
// If this is the last reference to the task and it's not closed, then
// close it and schedule one more time so that its future gets dropped by
// the executor.
let new = if state & (!(REFERENCE - 1) | CLOSED) == 0 {
} else {
state & !TASK
// Unset the `TASK` flag.
match (*header).state.compare_exchange_weak(
) {
Ok(_) => {
// If this is the last reference to the task, we need to either
// schedule dropping its future or destroy it.
if state & !(REFERENCE - 1) == 0 {
if state & CLOSED == 0 {
} else {
Err(s) => state = s,
/// Polls the task to retrieve its output.
/// Returns `Some` if the task has completed or `None` if it was closed.
/// A task becomes closed in the following cases:
/// 1. It gets canceled by `Runnable::drop()`, `Task::drop()`, or `Task::cancel()`.
/// 2. Its output gets awaited by the `Task`.
/// 3. It panics while polling the future.
/// 4. It is completed and the `Task` gets dropped.
fn poll_task(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<T>> {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
let header = ptr as *const Header;
unsafe {
let mut state = (*header).state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
loop {
// If the task has been closed, notify the awaiter and return `None`.
if state & CLOSED != 0 {
// If the task is scheduled or running, we need to wait until its future is
// dropped.
if state & (SCHEDULED | RUNNING) != 0 {
// Replace the waker with one associated with the current task.
// Reload the state after registering. It is possible changes occurred just
// before registration so we need to check for that.
state = (*header).state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
// If the task is still scheduled or running, we need to wait because its
// future is not dropped yet.
if state & (SCHEDULED | RUNNING) != 0 {
return Poll::Pending;
// Even though the awaiter is most likely the current task, it could also be
// another task.
return Poll::Ready(None);
// If the task is not completed, register the current task.
if state & COMPLETED == 0 {
// Replace the waker with one associated with the current task.
// Reload the state after registering. It is possible that the task became
// completed or closed just before registration so we need to check for that.
state = (*header).state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
// If the task has been closed, restart.
if state & CLOSED != 0 {
// If the task is still not completed, we're blocked on it.
if state & COMPLETED == 0 {
return Poll::Pending;
// Since the task is now completed, mark it as closed in order to grab its output.
match (*header).state.compare_exchange(
state | CLOSED,
) {
Ok(_) => {
// Notify the awaiter. Even though the awaiter is most likely the current
// task, it could also be another task.
if state & AWAITER != 0 {
// Take the output from the task.
let output = ((*header).vtable.get_output)(ptr) as *mut T;
return Poll::Ready(Some(;
Err(s) => state = s,
fn header(&self) -> &Header {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
let header = ptr as *const Header;
unsafe { &*header }
/// Returns `true` if the current task is finished.
/// Note that in a multithreaded environment, this task can change finish immediately after calling this function.
pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
let header = ptr as *const Header;
unsafe {
let state = (*header).state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
state & (CLOSED | COMPLETED) != 0
impl<T> Drop for Task<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<T> Future for Task<T> {
type Output = T;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match self.poll_task(cx) {
Poll::Ready(t) => Poll::Ready(t.expect("task has failed")),
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
impl<T> fmt::Debug for Task<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("header", self.header())
/// A spawned task with a fallible response.
/// This type behaves like [`Task`], however it produces an `Option<T>` when
/// polled and will return `None` if the executor dropped its
/// [`Runnable`][`super::Runnable`] without being run.
/// This can be useful to avoid the panic produced when polling the `Task`
/// future if the executor dropped its `Runnable`.
#[must_use = "tasks get canceled when dropped, use `.detach()` to run them in the background"]
pub struct FallibleTask<T> {
task: Task<T>,
impl<T> FallibleTask<T> {
/// Detaches the task to let it keep running in the background.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use smol::{Executor, Timer};
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let ex = Executor::new();
/// // Spawn a deamon future.
/// ex.spawn(async {
/// loop {
/// println!("I'm a daemon task looping forever.");
/// Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
/// }
/// })
/// .fallible()
/// .detach();
/// ```
pub fn detach(self) {
/// Cancels the task and waits for it to stop running.
/// Returns the task's output if it was completed just before it got canceled, or [`None`] if
/// it didn't complete.
/// While it's possible to simply drop the [`Task`] to cancel it, this is a cleaner way of
/// canceling because it also waits for the task to stop running.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # if cfg!(miri) { return; } // Miri does not support epoll
/// use smol::{future, Executor, Timer};
/// use std::thread;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let ex = Executor::new();
/// // Spawn a deamon future.
/// let task = ex.spawn(async {
/// loop {
/// println!("Even though I'm in an infinite loop, you can still cancel me!");
/// Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
/// }
/// })
/// .fallible();
/// // Run an executor thread.
/// thread::spawn(move || future::block_on(<()>())));
/// future::block_on(async {
/// Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(3)).await;
/// task.cancel().await;
/// });
/// ```
pub async fn cancel(self) -> Option<T> {
impl<T> Future for FallibleTask<T> {
type Output = Option<T>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
impl<T> fmt::Debug for FallibleTask<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("header", self.task.header())