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//! HCtl API - for mixer control and jack detection
//! # Example
//! Print all jacks and their status
//! ```
//! for a in ::alsa::card::Iter::new().map(|x| x.unwrap()) {
//! use std::ffi::CString;
//! use alsa::hctl::HCtl;
//! let h = HCtl::open(&CString::new(format!("hw:{}", a.get_index())).unwrap(), false).unwrap();
//! h.load().unwrap();
//! for b in h.elem_iter() {
//! use alsa::ctl::ElemIface;
//! let id = b.get_id().unwrap();
//! if id.get_interface() != ElemIface::Card { continue; }
//! let name = id.get_name().unwrap();
//! if !name.ends_with(" Jack") { continue; }
//! if name.ends_with(" Phantom Jack") {
//! println!("{} is always present", &name[])
//! }
//! else { println!("{} is {}", &name[],
//! if { "plugged in" } else { "unplugged" })
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
use crate::{alsa, Card};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use super::error::*;
use std::ptr;
use super::{ctl_int, poll};
use libc::{c_short, c_uint, c_int, pollfd};
pub struct HCtl(*mut alsa::snd_hctl_t);
unsafe impl Send for HCtl {}
impl Drop for HCtl {
fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_close(self.0) }; }
impl HCtl {
/// Wrapper around open that takes a &str instead of a &CStr
pub fn new(c: &str, nonblock: bool) -> Result<HCtl> {
Self::open(&CString::new(c).unwrap(), nonblock)
/// Open does not support async mode (it's not very Rustic anyway)
/// Note: You probably want to call `load` afterwards.
pub fn open(c: &CStr, nonblock: bool) -> Result<HCtl> {
let mut r = ptr::null_mut();
let flags = if nonblock { 1 } else { 0 }; // FIXME: alsa::SND_CTL_NONBLOCK does not exist in alsa-sys
acheck!(snd_hctl_open(&mut r, c.as_ptr(), flags))
.map(|_| HCtl(r))
/// Wrapper around open. You probably want to call `load` afterwards.
pub fn from_card(c: &Card, nonblock: bool) -> Result<HCtl> {
let s = format!("hw:{}", c.get_index());
HCtl::new(&s, nonblock)
pub fn load(&self) -> Result<()> { acheck!(snd_hctl_load(self.0)).map(|_| ()) }
pub fn elem_iter(&self) -> ElemIter { ElemIter(self, ptr::null_mut()) }
pub fn find_elem(&self, id: &ctl_int::ElemId) -> Option<Elem> {
let p = unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_find_elem(self.0, ctl_int::elem_id_ptr(id)) };
if p.is_null() { None } else { Some(Elem(self, p)) }
pub fn handle_events(&self) -> Result<u32> {
acheck!(snd_hctl_handle_events(self.0)).map(|x| x as u32)
pub fn wait(&self, timeout_ms: Option<u32>) -> Result<bool> {
acheck!(snd_hctl_wait(self.0,|x| x as c_int).unwrap_or(-1))).map(|i| i == 1) }
impl poll::Descriptors for HCtl {
fn count(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_poll_descriptors_count(self.0) as usize }
fn fill(&self, p: &mut [pollfd]) -> Result<usize> {
let z = unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_poll_descriptors(self.0, p.as_mut_ptr(), p.len() as c_uint) };
from_code("snd_hctl_poll_descriptors", z).map(|_| z as usize)
fn revents(&self, p: &[pollfd]) -> Result<poll::Flags> {
let mut r = 0;
let z = unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_poll_descriptors_revents(self.0, p.as_ptr() as *mut pollfd, p.len() as c_uint, &mut r) };
from_code("snd_hctl_poll_descriptors_revents", z).map(|_| poll::Flags::from_bits_truncate(r as c_short))
/// Iterates over elements for a `HCtl`
pub struct ElemIter<'a>(&'a HCtl, *mut alsa::snd_hctl_elem_t);
impl<'a> Iterator for ElemIter<'a> {
type Item = Elem<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Elem<'a>> {
self.1 = if self.1.is_null() { unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_first_elem((self.0).0) }}
else { unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_elem_next(self.1) }};
if self.1.is_null() { None }
else { Some(Elem(self.0, self.1)) }
pub struct Elem<'a>(&'a HCtl, *mut alsa::snd_hctl_elem_t);
impl<'a> Elem<'a> {
pub fn get_id(&self) -> Result<ctl_int::ElemId> {
let v = ctl_int::elem_id_new()?;
unsafe { alsa::snd_hctl_elem_get_id(self.1, ctl_int::elem_id_ptr(&v)) };
pub fn info(&self) -> Result<ctl_int::ElemInfo> {
let v = ctl_int::elem_info_new()?;
acheck!(snd_hctl_elem_info(self.1, ctl_int::elem_info_ptr(&v))).map(|_| v)
pub fn read(&self) -> Result<ctl_int::ElemValue> {
let i =;
let v = ctl_int::elem_value_new(i.get_type(), i.get_count())?;
acheck!(snd_hctl_elem_read(self.1, ctl_int::elem_value_ptr(&v))).map(|_| v)
pub fn write(&self, v: &ctl_int::ElemValue) -> Result<bool> {
acheck!(snd_hctl_elem_write(self.1, ctl_int::elem_value_ptr(v))).map(|e| e > 0)
fn print_hctls() {
for a in super::card::Iter::new().map(|x| x.unwrap()) {
use std::ffi::CString;
let h = HCtl::open(&CString::new(format!("hw:{}", a.get_index())).unwrap(), false).unwrap();
println!("Card {}:", a.get_name().unwrap());
for b in h.elem_iter() {
println!(" {:?} - {:?}", b.get_id().unwrap(),;
fn print_jacks() {
for a in super::card::Iter::new().map(|x| x.unwrap()) {
use std::ffi::CString;
let h = HCtl::open(&CString::new(format!("hw:{}", a.get_index())).unwrap(), false).unwrap();
for b in h.elem_iter() {
let id = b.get_id().unwrap();
if id.get_interface() != super::ctl_int::ElemIface::Card { continue; }
let name = id.get_name().unwrap();
if !name.ends_with(" Jack") { continue; }
if name.ends_with(" Phantom Jack") {
println!("{} is always present", &name[])
else { println!("{} is {}", &name[],
if { "plugged in" } else { "unplugged" })