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"""Fluent AST helpers.
The functions defined in this module offer a shorthand for defining common AST
They take a string argument and immediately return a corresponding AST node.
(As opposed to Transforms which are AST nodes on their own and only return the
migrated AST nodes when they are evaluated by a MigrationContext.) """
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List
from fluent.syntax import FluentParser, ast as FTL
from fluent.syntax.visitor import Transformer
from .transforms import Transform, CONCAT, COPY, COPY_PATTERN, REPLACE
from .errors import NotSupportedError, InvalidTransformError
"""Create an ExternalArgument expression."""
return FTL.VariableReference(id=FTL.Identifier(name))
"""Create a MessageReference expression.
If the passed name contains a `.`, we're generating
a message reference with an attribute.
if "." in name:
name, attribute = name.split(".")
attribute = FTL.Identifier(attribute)
attribute = None
return FTL.MessageReference(
"""Create a TermReference expression."""
return FTL.TermReference(id=FTL.Identifier(name))
class IntoTranforms(Transformer):
def __init__(self, substitutions):
self.substitutions = substitutions
def visit_Junk(self, node):
anno = node.annotations[0]
raise InvalidTransformError(
"Transform contains parse error: {}, at {}".format(
anno.message, anno.span.start
def visit_FunctionReference(self, node):
name =
if name in self.IMPLICIT_TRANSFORMS:
raise NotSupportedError(
"{} may not be used with transforms_from(). It runs "
"implicitly on all Patterns anyways.".format(name)
raise NotSupportedError(
"{} may not be used with transforms_from(). It requires "
"additional logic in Python code.".format(name)
if name in ("COPY", "COPY_PATTERN", "REPLACE"):
args = (self.into_argument(arg) for arg in node.arguments.positional)
kwargs = { self.into_argument(arg.value)
for arg in node.arguments.named
if name == "COPY":
return COPY(*args, **kwargs)
elif name == "REPLACE":
return REPLACE(*args, **kwargs)
return COPY_PATTERN(*args, **kwargs)
return self.generic_visit(node)
def visit_Placeable(self, node):
"""If the expression is a Transform, replace this Placeable
with the Transform it's holding.
Transforms evaluate to Patterns, which are flattened as
elements of Patterns in Transform.pattern_of, but only
one level deep.
node = self.generic_visit(node)
if isinstance(node.expression, Transform):
return node.expression
return node
def visit_Pattern(self, node):
"""Replace the Pattern with CONCAT which is more accepting of its
elements. CONCAT takes PatternElements, Expressions and other
Patterns (e.g. returned from evaluating transforms).
node = self.generic_visit(node)
return CONCAT(*node.elements)
def into_argument(self, node):
"""Convert AST node into an argument to migration transforms."""
if isinstance(node, FTL.StringLiteral):
# Special cases for booleans which don't exist in Fluent.
if node.value == "True":
return True
if node.value == "False":
return False
return node.value
if isinstance(node, FTL.MessageReference):
return self.substitutions[]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTransformError(
"Unknown substitution in COPY: {}".format(
raise InvalidTransformError(
"Invalid argument passed to COPY: {}".format(type(node).__name__)
def transforms_from(ftl, **substitutions) -> List[FTL.Message | FTL.Term]:
"""Parse FTL code into a list of Message nodes with Transforms.
The FTL may use a fabricated COPY function inside of placeables which
will be converted into actual COPY migration transform.
new-key = Hardcoded text { COPY("filepath.dtd", "string.key") }
For convenience, COPY may also refer to transforms_from's keyword
arguments via the MessageReference syntax:
new-key = Hardcoded text { COPY(file_dtd, "string.key") }
\""", file_dtd="very/long/path/to/a/file.dtd")
REPLACE may also be used. The only tested use case is to do brand string
replacements from DTD strings.
<!ENTITY update.noUpdatesFound "&brandShortName; is up to date">
First define a dictionary with the replacements outside of the migrate
function like (must be wrapped in a dict() function call):
about_replacements = dict({
"&brandShortName;": TERM_REFERENCE("brand-short-name"),
Note: In the TERM_REFERENCE replacement, omit the initial "-". It winds up
in the final result somehow.
Then, use transforms_from:
update-no-updates-found = { REPLACE(source, "update.noUpdatesFound", about_replacements) }
\""", source=source, about_replacements=about_replacements)
If doing multiple string migrations in a single transforms_from template,
your replacements dictionary can have multiple key, value pairs and be used
for all REPLACE transforms.
parser = FluentParser(with_spans=False)
resource = parser.parse(ftl)
return IntoTranforms(substitutions).visit(resource).body