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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Id: 1497 2009-01-22 14:01:29Z smueller $
# CAVS test driver (based on the OpenSSL driver)
# Written by: Stephan Müller <>
# Copyright (c) atsec information security corporation
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# test execution instruction:
# 1. get the request files from the lab
# 2. call each request file from 1. with this program:
# $0 <FILE>.rep
# 3. send the resulting file <FILE>.rsp to the lab
# Test should be easily adoptable to other implementations
# See the first functions for this task
# Following tests are covered (others may also be covered
# but have not been tested)
# [CBC|CFB128|ECB|OFB]GFSbox[128|192|256]
# [CBC|CFB128|ECB|OFB]MCT[128|192|256]
# [CBC|CFB128|ECB|OFB]VarKey[128|192|256]
# [CBC|CFB128|ECB|OFB]KeySbox[128|192|256]
# [CBC|CFB128|ECB|OFB]MMT[128|192|256]
# [CBC|CFB128|ECB|OFB]VarTxt[128|192|256]
# SigGen[15|RSA]
# SigVer15
# (SigVerRSA is not applicable for OpenSSL as X9.31 padding
# is not done through openssl dgst)
# KeyGen RSA X9.31
# SHA[1|224|256|384|512]ShortMsg
# SHA[1|224|256|384|512]LongMsg
# SHA[1|224|256|384|512]Monte
# HMAC (SHA - caveat: we only support hash output equal to the block size of
# of the hash - we do not support truncation of the hash; to support
# that, we first need to decipher the HMAC.req file - see hmac_kat() )
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]Monte[1|2|3]
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]permop
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]MMT[1|2|3]
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]subtab
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]varkey
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]invperm
# T[CBC|CFB??|ECB|OFB]vartext
# ANSI X9.31 RNG
# PQGGen
# SigGen
# SigVer
# RC4 (atsec developed tests)
# RC4KeyBD
# RC4PltBD
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Open2;
use Getopt::Std;
use MIME::Base64;
# Contains the command line options
my %opt;
##### Central interface functions to the external ciphers #######
# Only these interface routines should be changed in case of
# porting to a new cipher library
# For porting to a new library, create implementation of these functions
# and then add pointers to the respective implementation of each
# function to the given variables.
# common encryption/decryption routine
# $1 key in hex form (please note for 3DES: even when ede3 for three
# independent ciphers is given with the cipher specification, we hand in
# either one key for k1 = k2 = k3, two keys which are concatinated for
# k1 = k3, k2 independent, or three keys which are concatinated for
# k1, k2, k3 independent)
# $2 iv in hex form
# $3 cipher - the cipher string is defined as specified in the openssl
# enc(1ssl) specification for the option "-ciphername"
# (e.g. aes-128-cbc or des-ede3-cbc)
# $4 encrypt=1/decrypt=0
# $5 de/encrypted data in hex form
# return en/decrypted data in hex form
my $encdec;
# Derive an RSA key from the given X9.31 parameters.
# $1: modulus size
# $2: E in hex form
# $3: Xp1 in hex form
# $4: Xp2 in hex form
# $5: Xp in hex form
# $6: Xq1 in hex form
# $7: Xq2 in hex form
# $8: Xq in hex form
# return: string with the calculated values in hex format, where each value
# is separated from the previous with a \n in the following order:
# P\n
# Q\n
# N\n
# D\n
my $rsa_derive;
# Sign a message with RSA
# $1: data to be signed in hex form
# $2: Hash algo
# $3: Key file in PEM format with the private key
# return: digest in hex format
my $rsa_sign;
# Verify a message with RSA
# $1: data to be verified in hex form
# $2: hash algo
# $3: file holding the public RSA key in PEM format
# $4: file holding the signature in binary form
# return: 1 == verified / 0 == not verified
my $rsa_verify;
# generate a new private RSA key with the following properties:
# exponent is 65537
# PEM format
# $1 key size in bit
# $2 keyfile name
# return: nothing, but file created
my $gen_rsakey;
# Creating a hash
# $1: Plaintext in hex form
# $2: hash type in the form documented in openssl's dgst(1ssl) - e.g.
# sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512
# return: hash in hex form
my $hash;
# supplying the call to the external cipher implementation
# that is being used to keep STDIN and STDOUT open
# to maintain the state of the block chaining
# $1: cipher
# $2: 1=encryption, 0=decryption
# $3: buffersize needed for openssl
# $4: encryption key in binary form
# $5: IV in binary form
# return: command line to execute the application
my $state_cipher;
# the only difference of the DES version is that it implements the inner loop
# of the TDES tests
my $state_cipher_des;
# supplying the call to the external cipher implementation
# that is being used to keep STDIN and STDOUT open
# to maintain the state of the RNG with its seed
# input holds seed values
# $1: cipher key in hex format
# $2: DT value in hex format
# $3: V value in hex format
# return: command line to execute the application
# the application is expected to deliver random values on STDOUT - the script
# reads 128 bits repeatedly where the state of the RNG must be retained
# between the reads. The output of the RNG on STDOUT is assumed to be binary.
my $state_rng;
# Generate an HMAC based on SHAx
# $1: Key to be used for the HMAC in hex format
# $2: length of the hash to be calculated in bits
# $3: Message for which the HMAC shall be calculated in hex format
# $4: hash type (1 - SHA1, 224 - SHA224, and so on)
# return: calculated HMAC in hex format
my $hmac;
# Generate the P, Q, G, Seed, counter, h (value used to generate g) values
# for DSA
# $1: modulus size
# return: string with the calculated values in hex format, where each value
# is separated from the previous with a \n in the following order:
# P\n
# Q\n
# G\n
# Seed\n
# counter\n
# h
my $dsa_pqggen;
# Generate an DSA public key from the provided parameters:
# $1: Name of file to create
# $2: P in hex form
# $3: Q in hex form
# $4: G in hex form
# $5: Y in hex form
my $dsa_genpubkey;
# Verify a message with DSA
# $1: data to be verified in hex form
# $2: file holding the public DSA key in PEM format
# $3: R value of the signature
# $4: S value of the signature
# return: 1 == verified / 0 == not verified
my $dsa_verify;
# generate a new DSA key with the following properties:
# PEM format
# $1 keyfile name
# return: file created, hash with keys of P, Q, G in hex format
my $gen_dsakey;
# Sign a message with DSA
# $1: data to be signed in hex form
# $2: Key file in PEM format with the private key
# return: hash of digest information in hex format with Y, R, S as keys
my $dsa_sign;
##### OpenSSL interface functions
sub openssl_encdec($$$$$) {
my $key=shift;
my $iv=shift;
my $cipher=shift;
my $enc = (shift) ? "-e" : "-d";
my $data=shift;
# We only invoke the driver with the IV parameter, if we have
# an IV, otherwise, we skip it
$iv = "-iv $iv" if ($iv);
my $program="openssl enc -$cipher -nopad -nosalt -K $key $enc $iv";
$program = "rc4 -k $key" if $opt{'R'}; #for ARCFOUR, no IV must be given
return bin2hex($data);
sub openssl_rsa_sign($$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
die "ARCFOUR not available for RSA" if $opt{'R'};
"openssl dgst -$cipher -binary -sign $keyfile");
return bin2hex($data);
sub openssl_rsa_verify($$$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $sigfile = shift;
$data = hex2bin($data);
die "ARCFOUR not available for RSA" if $opt{'R'};
$data = pipe_through_program($data,
"openssl dgst -$cipher -binary -verify $keyfile -signature $sigfile");
# Parse through the OpenSSL output information
return ($data =~ /OK/);
sub openssl_gen_rsakey($$) {
my $keylen = shift;
my $file = shift;
die "ARCFOUR not available for RSA" if $opt{'R'};
# generating of a key with exponent 0x10001
my @args = ("openssl", "genrsa", "-F4", "-out", "$file", "$keylen");
system(@args) == 0
or die "system @args failed: $?";
die "system @args failed: file $file not created" if (! -f $file);
sub openssl_hash($$) {
my $pt = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
die "ARCFOUR not available for hashes" if $opt{'R'};
my $hash = hex2bin($pt);
#bin2hex not needed as the '-hex' already converts it
return pipe_through_program($hash, "openssl dgst -$cipher -hex");
sub openssl_state_cipher($$$$$) {
my $cipher = shift;
my $encdec = shift;
my $bufsize = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $iv = shift;
my $enc = $encdec ? "-e": "-d";
# We only invoke the driver with the IV parameter, if we have
# an IV, otherwise, we skip it
$iv = "-iv ".bin2hex($iv) if ($iv);
my $out = "openssl enc -'$cipher' $enc -nopad -nosalt -bufsize $bufsize -K ".bin2hex($key)." $iv";
#for ARCFOUR, no IV must be given
$out = "rc4 -k " . bin2hex($key) if $opt{'R'};
return $out;
###### End of OpenSSL interface implementation ############
###### libgcrypt implementation
sub libgcrypt_encdec($$$$$) {
my $key=shift;
my $iv=shift;
my $cipher=shift;
my $enc = (shift) ? "encrypt" : "decrypt";
my $data=shift;
# We only invoke the driver with the IV parameter, if we have
# an IV, otherwise, we skip it
$iv = "--iv $iv" if ($iv);
my $program="fipsdrv --key $key $iv --algo $cipher $enc";
return pipe_through_program($data,$program);
sub libgcrypt_rsa_derive($$$$$$$$) {
my $n = shift;
my $e = shift;
my $xp1 = shift;
my $xp2 = shift;
my $xp = shift;
my $xq1 = shift;
my $xq2 = shift;
my $xq = shift;
my $sexp;
my @tmp;
$n = sprintf ("%u", $n);
$e = sprintf ("%u", hex($e));
$sexp = "(genkey(rsa(nbits " . sprintf ("%u:%s", length($n), $n) . ")"
. "(rsa-use-e " . sprintf ("%u:%s", length($e), $e) . ")"
. "(derive-parms"
. "(Xp1 #$xp1#)"
. "(Xp2 #$xp2#)"
. "(Xp #$xp#)"
. "(Xq1 #$xq1#)"
. "(Xq2 #$xq2#)"
. "(Xq #$xq#))))\n";
return pipe_through_program($sexp, "fipsdrv rsa-derive");
sub libgcrypt_rsa_sign($$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $hashalgo = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
die "ARCFOUR not available for RSA" if $opt{'R'};
return pipe_through_program($data,
"fipsdrv --pkcs1 --algo $hashalgo --key $keyfile rsa-sign");
sub libgcrypt_rsa_verify($$$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $hashalgo = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $sigfile = shift;
die "ARCFOUR not available for RSA" if $opt{'R'};
$data = pipe_through_program($data,
"fipsdrv --pkcs1 --algo $hashalgo --key $keyfile --signature $sigfile rsa-verify");
# Parse through the output information
return ($data =~ /GOOD signature/);
sub libgcrypt_gen_rsakey($$) {
my $keylen = shift;
my $file = shift;
die "ARCFOUR not available for RSA" if $opt{'R'};
my @args = ("fipsdrv --keysize $keylen rsa-gen > $file");
system(@args) == 0
or die "system @args failed: $?";
die "system @args failed: file $file not created" if (! -f $file);
sub libgcrypt_hash($$) {
my $pt = shift;
my $hashalgo = shift;
my $program = "fipsdrv --algo $hashalgo digest";
die "ARCFOUR not available for hashes" if $opt{'R'};
return pipe_through_program($pt, $program);
sub libgcrypt_state_cipher($$$$$) {
my $cipher = shift;
my $enc = (shift) ? "encrypt": "decrypt";
my $bufsize = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $iv = shift;
# We only invoke the driver with the IV parameter, if we have
# an IV, otherwise, we skip it
$iv = "--iv ".bin2hex($iv) if ($iv);
my $program="fipsdrv --binary --key ".bin2hex($key)." $iv --algo '$cipher' --chunk '$bufsize' $enc";
return $program;
sub libgcrypt_state_cipher_des($$$$$) {
my $cipher = shift;
my $enc = (shift) ? "encrypt": "decrypt";
my $bufsize = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $iv = shift;
# We only invoke the driver with the IV parameter, if we have
# an IV, otherwise, we skip it
$iv = "--iv ".bin2hex($iv) if ($iv);
my $program="fipsdrv --algo '$cipher' --mct-server $enc";
return $program;
sub libgcrypt_state_rng($$$) {
my $key = shift;
my $dt = shift;
my $v = shift;
return "fipsdrv --binary --loop --key $key --iv $v --dt $dt random";
sub libgcrypt_hmac($$$$) {
my $key = shift;
my $maclen = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $hashtype = shift;
my $program = "fipsdrv --key $key --algo $hashtype hmac-sha";
return pipe_through_program($msg, $program);
sub libgcrypt_dsa_pqggen($) {
my $mod = shift;
my $program = "fipsdrv --keysize $mod dsa-pqg-gen";
return pipe_through_program("", $program);
sub libgcrypt_gen_dsakey($) {
my $file = shift;
my $program = "fipsdrv --keysize 1024 --key $file dsa-gen";
my $tmp;
my %ret;
die "ARCFOUR not available for DSA" if $opt{'R'};
$tmp = pipe_through_program("", $program);
die "dsa key gen failed: file $file not created" if (! -f $file);
@ret{'P', 'Q', 'G', 'Seed', 'c', 'H'} = split(/\n/, $tmp);
return %ret;
sub libgcrypt_dsa_genpubkey($$$$$) {
my $filename = shift;
my $p = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $g = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $sexp;
$sexp = "(public-key(dsa(p #$p#)(q #$q#)(g #$g#)(y #$y#)))";
open(FH, ">", $filename) or die;
print FH $sexp;
close FH;
sub libgcrypt_dsa_sign($$) {
my $data = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $tmp;
my %ret;
die "ARCFOUR not available for DSA" if $opt{'R'};
$tmp = pipe_through_program($data, "fipsdrv --key $keyfile dsa-sign");
@ret{'Y', 'R', 'S'} = split(/\n/, $tmp);
return %ret;
sub libgcrypt_dsa_verify($$$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $r = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $ret;
die "ARCFOUR not available for DSA" if $opt{'R'};
my $sigfile = "$keyfile.sig";
open(FH, ">$sigfile") or die "Cannot create file $sigfile: $?";
print FH "(sig-val(dsa(r #$r#)(s #$s#)))";
close FH;
$ret = pipe_through_program($data,
"fipsdrv --key $keyfile --signature $sigfile dsa-verify");
unlink ($sigfile);
# Parse through the output information
return ($ret =~ /GOOD signature/);
######### End of libgcrypt implementation ################
###### Vendor1 interface functions
sub vendor1_encdec($$$$$) {
my $key=shift;
my $iv=shift;
my $cipher=shift;
my $enc = (shift) ? "encrypt" : "decrypt";
my $data=shift;
my $program = "./aes $enc $key";
return bin2hex($data);
sub vendor1_state_cipher($$$$$) {
my $cipher = shift;
my $encdec = shift;
my $bufsize = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $iv = shift;
$key = bin2hex($key);
my $enc = $encdec ? "encrypt": "decrypt";
my $out = "./aes $enc $key $bufsize";
return $out;
##### No other interface functions below this point ######
# General helper routines
# Executing a program by feeding STDIN and retrieving
# $1: data string to be piped to the app on STDIN
# rest: program and args
# returns: STDOUT of program as string
sub pipe_through_program($@) {
my $in = shift;
my @args = @_;
my ($CO, $CI);
my $pid = open2($CO, $CI, @args);
my $out = "";
my $len = length($in);
my $first = 1;
while (1) {
my $rin = "";
my $win = "";
# Output of prog is FD that we read
vec($rin,fileno($CO),1) = 1;
# Input of prog is FD that we write
# check for $first is needed because we can have NULL input
# that is to be written to the app
if ( $len > 0 || $first) {
(vec($win,fileno($CI),1) = 1);
# Let us wait for 100ms
my $nfound = select(my $rout=$rin, my $wout=$win, undef, 0.1);
if ( $wout ) {
my $written = syswrite($CI, $in, $len);
die "broken pipe" if !defined $written;
$len -= $written;
substr($in, 0, $written) = "";
if ($len <= 0) {
close $CI or die "broken pipe: $!";
if ( $rout ) {
my $tmp_out = "";
my $bytes_read = sysread($CO, $tmp_out, 4096);
$out .= $tmp_out;
last if ($bytes_read == 0);
close $CO or die "broken pipe: $!";
waitpid $pid, 0;
return $out;
# convert ASCII hex to binary input
# $1 ASCII hex
# return binary representation
sub hex2bin($) {
my $in = shift;
my $len = length($in);
$len = 0 if ($in eq "00");
return pack("H$len", "$in");
# convert binary input to ASCII hex
# $1 binary value
# return ASCII hex representation
sub bin2hex($) {
my $in = shift;
my $len = length($in)*2;
return unpack("H$len", "$in");
# $1: binary byte (character)
# returns: binary byte with odd parity using low bit as parity bit
sub odd_par($) {
my $in = ord(shift);
my $odd_count=0;
for(my $i=1; $i<8; $i++) {
$odd_count++ if ($in & (1<<$i));
my $out = $in;
if ($odd_count & 1) { # check if parity is already odd
$out &= ~1; # clear the low bit
} else {
$out |= 1; # set the low bit
return chr($out);
# DES keys uses only the 7 high bits of a byte, the 8th low bit
# is the parity bit
# as the new key is calculated from oldkey XOR cipher in the MCT test,
# the parity is not really checked and needs to be set to match
# expectation (OpenSSL does not really care, but the FIPS
# test result is expected that the key has the appropriate parity)
# $1: arbitrary binary string
# returns: string with odd parity set in low bit of each byte
sub fix_key_parity($) {
my $in = shift;
my $out = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($in); $i++) {
$out .= odd_par(substr($in, $i, 1));
return $out;
# DER/PEM utility functions
# Convert unsigned integer to base256 bigint bytes
# $1 integer
# returns base256 octet string
sub int_base256_unsigned($) {
my $n = shift;
my $out = chr($n & 255);
while ($n>>=8) {
$out = chr($n & 255) . $out;
return $out;
# Convert signed integer to base256 bigint bytes
# $1 integer
# returns base256 octet string
sub int_base256_signed($) {
my $n = shift;
my $negative = ($n < 0);
if ($negative) {
$n = -$n-1;
my $out = int_base256_unsigned($n);
if (ord(substr($out, 0, 1)) & 128) {
# it's supposed to be positive but has sign bit set,
# add a leading zero
$out = chr(0) . $out;
if ($negative) {
my $neg = chr(255) x length($out);
$out ^= $neg;
return $out;
# Length header for specified DER object length
# $1 length as integer
# return octet encoding for length
sub der_len($) {
my $len = shift;
if ($len <= 127) {
return chr($len);
} else {
my $blen = int_base256_unsigned($len);
return chr(128 | length($blen)) . $blen;
# Prepend length header to object
# $1 object as octet sequence
# return length header for object followed by object as octets
sub der_len_obj($) {
my $x = shift;
return der_len(length($x)) . $x;
# DER sequence
# $* objects
# returns DER sequence consisting of the objects passed as arguments
sub der_seq {
my $seq = join("", @_);
return chr(0x30) . der_len_obj($seq);
# DER bitstring
# $1 input octets (must be full octets, fractional octets not supported)
# returns input encapsulated as bitstring
sub der_bitstring($) {
my $x = shift;
$x = chr(0) . $x;
return chr(0x03) . der_len_obj($x);
# base-128-encoded integer, used for object numbers.
# $1 integer
# returns octet sequence
sub der_base128($) {
my $n = shift;
my $out = chr($n & 127);
while ($n>>=7) {
$out = chr(128 | ($n & 127)) . $out;
return $out;
# Generating the PEM certificate string
# (base-64-encoded DER string)
# $1 DER string
# returns octet sequence
sub pem_cert($) {
my $n = shift;
my $out = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
$out .= encode_base64($n);
$out .= "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
return $out;
# DER object identifier
# $* sequence of id numbers
# returns octets
sub der_objectid {
my $v1 = shift;
my $v2 = shift;
my $out = chr(40*$v1 + $v2) . join("", map { der_base128($_) } @_);
return chr(0x06) . der_len_obj($out);
# DER signed integer
# $1 number as octet string (base 256 representation, high byte first)
# returns number in DER integer encoding
sub der_bigint($) {
my $x = shift;
return chr(0x02) . der_len_obj($x);
# DER positive integer with leading zeroes stripped
# $1 number as octet string (base 256 representation, high byte first)
# returns number in DER integer encoding
sub der_pos_bigint($) {
my $x = shift;
# strip leading zero digits
$x =~ s/^[\0]+//;
# need to prepend a zero if high bit set, since it would otherwise be
# interpreted as a negative number. Also needed for number 0.
if (!length($x) || ord(substr($x, 0, 1)) >= 128) {
$x = chr(0) . $x;
return der_bigint($x);
# $1 number as signed integer
# returns number as signed DER integer encoding
sub der_int($) {
my $n = shift;
return der_bigint(int_base256_signed($n));
# the NULL object constant
sub der_null() {
return chr(0x05) . chr(0x00);
# Unit test helper
# $1 calculated result
# $2 expected result
# no return value, dies if results differ, showing caller's line number
sub der_test($$) {
my $actual = bin2hex(shift);
my $expected = shift;
my @caller = caller;
$actual eq $expected or die "Error:line $caller[2]:assertion failed: "
."$actual != $expected\n";
# Unit testing for the DER encoding functions
# No input, no output. Dies if unit tests fail.
sub der_unit_test {
## uncomment these if you want to test the test framework
#print STDERR "Unit test running\n";
#der_test chr(0), "42";
der_test der_null, "0500";
# length bytes
der_test der_len(1), "01";
der_test der_len(127), "7f";
der_test der_len(128), "8180";
der_test der_len(256), "820100";
der_test der_len(65536), "83010000";
# bigint
der_test der_bigint(chr(0)), "020100";
der_test der_bigint(chr(128)), "020180"; # -128
der_test der_pos_bigint(chr(128)), "02020080"; # +128
der_test der_pos_bigint(chr(0).chr(0).chr(1)), "020101";
der_test der_pos_bigint(chr(0)), "020100";
# integers (tests base256 conversion)
der_test der_int( 0), "020100";
der_test der_int( 127), "02017f";
der_test der_int( 128), "02020080";
der_test der_int( 256), "02020100";
der_test der_int( -1), "0201ff";
der_test der_int( -128), "020180";
der_test der_int( -129), "0202ff7f";
der_test der_int(-65536), "0203ff0000";
der_test der_int(-65537), "0203feffff";
# object encoding, "RSA Security"
der_test der_base128(840), "8648";
der_test der_objectid(1, 2, 840, 113549), "06062a864886f70d";
# Combinations
der_test der_bitstring("ABCD"), "03050041424344";
der_test der_bitstring(der_null), "0303000500";
der_test der_seq(der_int(0), der_null), "30050201000500";
# The big picture
der_test der_seq(der_seq(der_objectid(1, 2, 840, 113549), der_null),
# OpenSSL missing functionality workarounds
## Format of an RSA public key:
# 0:d=0 hl=3 l= 159 cons: SEQUENCE
# 3:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
# 5:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
# 16:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
# 18:d=1 hl=3 l= 141 prim: BIT STRING
# [ sequence: INTEGER (n), INTEGER (e) ]
# generate RSA pub key in PEM format
# $1: filename where PEM key is to be stored
# $2: n of the RSA key in hex
# $3: e of the RSA key in hex
# return: nothing, but file created
sub gen_pubrsakey($$$) {
my $filename=shift;
my $n = shift;
my $e = shift;
# make sure the DER encoder works ;-)
# generate DER encoding of the public key
my $rsaEncryption = der_objectid(1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1);
my $der = der_seq(der_seq($rsaEncryption, der_null),
open(FH, ">", $filename) or die;
print FH pem_cert($der);
close FH;
# generate RSA pub key in PEM format
# This implementation uses "openssl asn1parse -genconf" which was added
# in openssl 0.9.8. It is not available in older openssl versions.
# $1: filename where PEM key is to be stored
# $2: n of the RSA key in hex
# $3: e of the RSA key in hex
# return: nothing, but file created
sub gen_pubrsakey_using_openssl($$$) {
my $filename=shift;
my $n = shift;
my $e = shift;
my $asn1 = "asn1=SEQUENCE:pubkeyinfo
open(FH, ">$filename.cnf") or die "Cannot create file $filename.cnf: $?";
print FH $asn1;
close FH;
my @args = ("openssl", "asn1parse", "-genconf", "$filename.cnf", "-noout", "-out", "$filename.der");
system(@args) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?";
@args = ("openssl", "rsa", "-inform", "DER", "-in", "$filename.der",
"-outform", "PEM", "-pubin", "-pubout", "-out", "$filename");
system(@args) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?";
die "RSA PEM formatted key file $filename was not created"
if (! -f $filename);
# Test cases
# This is the Known Answer Test
# $1: the string that we have to put in front of the key
# when printing the key
# $2: crypto key1 in hex form
# $3: crypto key2 in hex form (TDES, undef otherwise)
# $4: crypto key3 in hex form (TDES, undef otherwise)
# $5: IV in hex form
# $6: Plaintext (enc=1) or Ciphertext (enc=0) in hex form
# $7: cipher
# $8: encrypt=1/decrypt=0
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub kat($$$$$$$$) {
my $keytype = shift;
my $key1 = shift;
my $key2 = shift;
my $key3 = shift;
my $iv = shift;
my $pt = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $enc = shift;
my $out = "";
$out .= "$keytype = $key1\n";
# this is the concardination of the keys for 3DES
if (defined($key2)) {
$out .= "KEY2 = $key2\n";
$key1 = $key1 . $key2;
if (defined($key3)) {
$out .= "KEY3 = $key3\n";
$key1= $key1 . $key3;
$out .= "IV = $iv\n" if (defined($iv) && $iv ne "");
if ($enc) {
$out .= "PLAINTEXT = $pt\n";
$out .= "CIPHERTEXT = " . &$encdec($key1, $iv, $cipher, 1, $pt) . "\n";
} else {
$out .= "CIPHERTEXT = $pt\n";
$out .= "PLAINTEXT = " . &$encdec($key1, $iv, $cipher, 0, $pt) . "\n";
return $out;
# This is the Known Answer Test for Hashes
# $1: Plaintext in hex form
# $2: hash
# $3: hash length (undef if not applicable)
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub hash_kat($$$) {
my $pt = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $len = shift;
my $out = "";
$out .= "Len = $len\n" if (defined($len));
$out .= "Msg = $pt\n";
$pt = "" if(!$len);
$out .= "MD = " . &$hash($pt, $cipher) . "\n";
return $out;
# Known Answer Test for HMAC hash
# $1: key length in bytes
# $2: MAC length in bytes
# $3: key for HMAC in hex form
# $4: message to be hashed
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub hmac_kat($$$$) {
my $klen = shift;
my $tlen = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $msg = shift;
# XXX this is a hack - we need to decipher the HMAC REQ files in a more
# sane way
# This is a conversion table from the expected hash output size
# to the assumed hash type - we only define here the block size of
# the underlying hashes and do not allow any truncation
my %hashtype = (
20 => 1,
28 => 224,
32 => 256,
48 => 384,
64 => 512
die "Hash output size $tlen is not supported!"
my $out = "";
$out .= "Klen = $klen\n";
$out .= "Tlen = $tlen\n";
$out .= "Key = $key\n";
$out .= "Msg = $msg\n";
$out .= "Mac = " . &$hmac($key, $tlen, $msg, $hashtype{$tlen}) . "\n";
return $out;
# Cipher Monte Carlo Testing
# $1: the string that we have to put in front of the key
# when printing the key
# $2: crypto key1 in hex form
# $3: crypto key2 in hex form (TDES, undef otherwise)
# $4: crypto key3 in hex form (TDES, undef otherwise)
# $5: IV in hex form
# $6: Plaintext (enc=1) or Ciphertext (enc=0) in hex form
# $7: cipher
# $8: encrypt=1/decrypt=0
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub crypto_mct($$$$$$$$) {
my $keytype = shift;
my $key1 = hex2bin(shift);
my $key2 = shift;
my $key3 = shift;
my $iv = hex2bin(shift);
my $source_data = hex2bin(shift);
my $cipher = shift;
my $enc = shift;
my $out = "";
$key2 = hex2bin($key2) if (defined($key2));
$key3 = hex2bin($key3) if (defined($key3));
my $bufsize = length($source_data);
# for AES: outer loop 0-99, inner 0-999 based on FIPS compliance tests
# for RC4: outer loop 0-99, inner 0-999 based on atsec compliance tests
# for DES: outer loop 0-399, inner 0-9999 based on FIPS compliance tests
my $ciph = substr($cipher,0,3);
my $oloop=100;
my $iloop=1000;
if ($ciph =~ /des/) {$oloop=400;$iloop=10000;}
for (my $i=0; $i<$oloop; ++$i) {
$out .= "COUNT = $i\n";
if (defined($key2)) {
$out .= "$keytype = ". bin2hex($key1). "\n";
$out .= "KEY2 = ". bin2hex($key2). "\n";
$key1 = $key1 . $key2;
} else {
$out .= "$keytype = ". bin2hex($key1). "\n";
if(defined($key3)) {
$out .= "KEY3 = ". bin2hex($key3). "\n";
$key1 = $key1 . $key3;
my $keylen = length($key1);
$out .= "IV = ". bin2hex($iv) . "\n"
if (defined($iv) && $iv ne "");
if ($enc) {
$out .= "PLAINTEXT = ". bin2hex($source_data). "\n";
} else {
$out .= "CIPHERTEXT = ". bin2hex($source_data). "\n";
my ($CO, $CI);
my $cipher_imp = &$state_cipher($cipher, $enc, $bufsize, $key1, $iv);
$cipher_imp = &$state_cipher_des($cipher, $enc, $bufsize, $key1, $iv) if($cipher =~ /des/);
my $pid = open2($CO, $CI, $cipher_imp);
my $calc_data = $iv; # CT[j]
my $old_calc_data; # CT[j-1]
my $old_old_calc_data; # CT[j-2]
my $next_source;
# TDES inner loop implements logic within driver
if ($cipher =~ /des/) {
# Need to provide a dummy IV in case of ECB mode.
my $iv_arg = (defined($iv) && $iv ne "")
? bin2hex($iv)
: "00"x(length($source_data));
print $CI "1\n"
.bin2hex($source_data)."\n\n" or die;
chomp(my $line = <$CO>);
$calc_data = hex2bin($line);
chomp($line = <$CO>);
$old_calc_data = hex2bin($line);
chomp($line = <$CO>);
$old_old_calc_data = hex2bin($line);
chomp($line = <$CO>);
$iv = hex2bin($line) if (defined($iv) && $iv ne "");
chomp($line = <$CO>);
$next_source = hex2bin($line);
# Skip over empty line.
$line = <$CO>;
} else {
for (my $j = 0; $j < $iloop; ++$j) {
$old_old_calc_data = $old_calc_data;
$old_calc_data = $calc_data;
#print STDERR "source_data=", bin2hex($source_data), "\n";
syswrite $CI, $source_data or die $!;
my $len = sysread $CO, $calc_data, $bufsize;
#print STDERR "len=$len, bufsize=$bufsize\n";
die if $len ne $bufsize;
#print STDERR "calc_data=", bin2hex($calc_data), "\n";
if ( (!$enc && $ciph =~ /des/) ||
$ciph =~ /rc4/ ||
$cipher =~ /ecb/ ) {
#TDES in decryption mode, RC4 and ECB mode
#have a special rule
$source_data = $calc_data;
} else {
$source_data = $old_calc_data;
close $CO;
close $CI;
waitpid $pid, 0;
if ($enc) {
$out .= "CIPHERTEXT = ". bin2hex($calc_data). "\n\n";
} else {
$out .= "PLAINTEXT = ". bin2hex($calc_data). "\n\n";
if ( $ciph =~ /aes/ ) {
$key1 ^= substr($old_calc_data . $calc_data, -$keylen);
#print STDERR bin2hex($key1)."\n";
} elsif ( $ciph =~ /des/ ) {
die "Wrong keylen $keylen" if ($keylen != 24);
# $nkey needed as $key holds the concatenation of the
# old key atm
my $nkey = fix_key_parity(substr($key1,0,8) ^ $calc_data);
#print STDERR "KEY1 = ". bin2hex($nkey)."\n";
if (substr($key1,0,8) ne substr($key1,8,8)) {
#print STDERR "KEY2 recalc: KEY1==KEY3, KEY2 indep. or all KEYs are indep.\n";
$key2 = fix_key_parity((substr($key1,8,8) ^ $old_calc_data));
} else {
#print STDERR "KEY2 recalc: KEY1==KEY2==KEY3\n";
$key2 = fix_key_parity((substr($key1,8,8) ^ $calc_data));
#print STDERR "KEY2 = ". bin2hex($key2)."\n";
if ( substr($key1,0,8) eq substr($key1,16)) {
#print STDERR "KEY3 recalc: KEY1==KEY2==KEY3 or KEY1==KEY3, KEY2 indep.\n";
$key3 = fix_key_parity((substr($key1,16) ^ $calc_data));
} else {
#print STDERR "KEY3 recalc: all KEYs are independent\n";
$key3 = fix_key_parity((substr($key1,16) ^ $old_old_calc_data));
#print STDERR "KEY3 = ". bin2hex($key3)."\n";
# reset the first key - concardination happens at
# beginning of loop
} elsif ($ciph =~ /rc4/ ) {
$key1 ^= substr($calc_data, 0, 16);
#print STDERR bin2hex($key1)."\n";
} else {
die "Test limitation: cipher '$cipher' not supported in Monte Carlo testing";
if ($cipher =~ /des-ede3-ofb/) {
$source_data = $source_data ^ $next_source;
} elsif (!$enc && $cipher =~ /des-ede3-cfb/) {
#TDES decryption CFB has a special rule
$source_data = $next_source;
} elsif ( $ciph =~ /rc4/ || $cipher eq "des-ede3" || $cipher =~ /ecb/) {
#No resetting of IV as the IV is all zero set initially (i.e. no IV)
$source_data = $calc_data;
} elsif (! $enc && $ciph =~ /des/ ) {
#TDES in decryption mode has a special rule
$iv = $old_calc_data;
$source_data = $calc_data;
} else {
$iv = $calc_data;
$source_data = $old_calc_data;
return $out;
# Hash Monte Carlo Testing
# $1: Plaintext in hex form
# $2: hash
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub hash_mct($$) {
my $pt = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $out = "";
$out .= "Seed = $pt\n\n";
for (my $j=0; $j<100; ++$j) {
$out .= "COUNT = $j\n";
my $md0=$pt;
my $md1=$pt;
my $md2=$pt;
for (my $i=0; $i<1000; ++$i) {
#print STDERR "outer loop $j; inner loop $i\n";
my $mi= $md0 . $md1 . $md2;
$md2 = &$hash($mi, $cipher);
$md2 =~ s/\n//;
$out .= "MD = $md2\n\n";
return $out;
# RSA SigGen test
# $1: Message to be signed in hex form
# $2: Hash algorithm
# $3: file name with RSA key in PEM form
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub rsa_siggen($$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $out = "";
$out .= "SHAAlg = $cipher\n";
$out .= "Msg = $data\n";
$out .= "S = " . &$rsa_sign($data, lc($cipher), $keyfile) . "\n";
return $out;
# RSA SigVer test
# $1: Message to be verified in hex form
# $2: Hash algorithm
# $3: Signature of message in hex form
# $4: n of the RSA key in hex in hex form
# $5: e of the RSA key in hex in hex form
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub rsa_sigver($$$$$) {
my $data = shift;
my $cipher = shift;
my $signature = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $e = shift;
my $out = "";
$out .= "SHAAlg = $cipher\n";
$out .= "e = $e\n";
$out .= "Msg = $data\n";
$out .= "S = $signature\n";
# XXX maybe a secure temp file name is better here
# but since it is not run on a security sensitive
# system, I hope that this is fine
my $keyfile = "rsa_sigver.tmp.$$";
gen_pubrsakey($keyfile, $n, $e);
my $sigfile = "$keyfile.sig";
open(FH, ">$sigfile") or die "Cannot create file $sigfile: $?";
print FH hex2bin($signature);
close FH;
$out .= "Result = " . (&$rsa_verify($data, lc($cipher), $keyfile, $sigfile) ? "P\n" : "F\n");
return $out;
# RSA X9.31 key generation test
# $1 modulus size
# $2 e
# $3 xp1
# $4 xp2
# $5 Xp
# $6 xq1
# $7 xq2
# $8 Xq
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub rsa_keygen($$$$$$$$) {
my $modulus = shift;
my $e = shift;
my $xp1 = shift;
my $xp2 = shift;
my $Xp = shift;
my $xq1 = shift;
my $xq2 = shift;
my $Xq = shift;
my $out = "";
my $ret = &$rsa_derive($modulus, $e, $xp1, $xp2, $Xp, $xq1, $xq2, $Xq);
my ($P, $Q, $N, $D) = split(/\n/, $ret);
$out .= "e = $e\n";
$out .= "xp1 = $xp1\n";
$out .= "xp2 = $xp2\n";
$out .= "Xp = $Xp\n";
$out .= "p = $P\n";
$out .= "xq1 = $xq1\n";
$out .= "xq2 = $xq2\n";
$out .= "Xq = $Xq\n";
$out .= "q = $Q\n";
$out .= "n = $N\n";
$out .= "d = $D\n\n";
return $out;
# X9.31 RNG test
# $1 key for the AES cipher
# $2 DT value
# $3 V value
# $4 type ("VST", "MCT")
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub rngx931($$$$) {
my $key=shift;
my $dt=shift;
my $v=shift;
my $type=shift;
my $out = "Key = $key\n";
$out .= "DT = $dt\n";
$out .= "V = $v\n";
my $count = 1;
$count = 10000 if ($type eq "MCT");
my $rnd_val = "";
# we read 16 bytes from RNG
my $bufsize = 16;
my ($CO, $CI);
my $rng_imp = &$state_rng($key, $dt, $v);
my $pid = open2($CO, $CI, $rng_imp);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
my $len = sysread $CO, $rnd_val, $bufsize;
#print STDERR "len=$len, bufsize=$bufsize\n";
die "len=$len != bufsize=$bufsize" if $len ne $bufsize;
#print STDERR "calc_data=", bin2hex($rnd_val), "\n";
close $CO;
close $CI;
waitpid $pid, 0;
$out .= "R = " . bin2hex($rnd_val) . "\n\n";
return $out;
# DSA PQGGen test
# $1 modulus size
# $2 number of rounds to perform the test
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub dsa_pqggen_driver($$) {
my $mod = shift;
my $rounds = shift;
my $out = "";
for(my $i=0; $i<$rounds; $i++) {
my $ret = &$dsa_pqggen($mod);
my ($P, $Q, $G, $Seed, $c, $H) = split(/\n/, $ret);
die "Return value does not contain all expected values of P, Q, G, Seed, c, H for dsa_pqggen"
if (!defined($P) || !defined($Q) || !defined($G) ||
!defined($Seed) || !defined($c) || !defined($H));
# now change the counter to decimal as CAVS wants decimal
# counter value although all other is HEX
$c = hex($c);
$out .= "P = $P\n";
$out .= "Q = $Q\n";
$out .= "G = $G\n";
$out .= "Seed = $Seed\n";
$out .= "c = $c\n";
$out .= "H = $H\n\n";
return $out;
# DSA SigGen test
# $1: Message to be signed in hex form
# $2: file name with DSA key in PEM form
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub dsa_siggen($$) {
my $data = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $out = "";
my %ret = &$dsa_sign($data, $keyfile);
$out .= "Msg = $data\n";
$out .= "Y = " . $ret{'Y'} . "\n";
$out .= "R = " . $ret{'R'} . "\n";
$out .= "S = " . $ret{'S'} . "\n";
return $out;
# DSA signature verification
# $1 modulus
# $2 P
# $3 Q
# $4 G
# $5 Y - public key
# $6 r
# $7 s
# $8 message to be verified
# return: string formatted as expected by CAVS
sub dsa_sigver($$$$$$$$) {
my $modulus = shift;
my $p = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $g = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $r = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $out = "";
#PQG are already printed - do not print them here
$out .= "Msg = $msg\n";
$out .= "Y = $y\n";
$out .= "R = $r\n";
$out .= "S = $s\n";
# XXX maybe a secure temp file name is better here
# but since it is not run on a security sensitive
# system, I hope that this is fine
my $keyfile = "dsa_sigver.tmp.$$";
&$dsa_genpubkey($keyfile, $p, $q, $g, $y);
$out .= "Result = " . (&$dsa_verify($msg, $keyfile, $r, $s) ? "P\n" : "F\n");
return $out;
# Parser of input file and generator of result file
sub usage() {
print STDERR "Usage:
$0 [-R] [-D] [-I name] <CAVS-test vector file>
-R execution of ARCFOUR instead of OpenSSL
-I NAME Use interface style NAME:
openssl OpenSSL (default)
libgcrypt Libgcrypt
-D SigGen and SigVer are executed with DSA
Please note that the DSA CAVS vectors do not allow distinguishing
them from the RSA vectors. As the RSA test is the default, you have
to supply this option to apply the DSA logic";
# Parser of CAVS test vector file
# $1: Test vector file
# $2: Output file for test results
# return: nothing
sub parse($$) {
my $infile = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
my $out = "";
# this is my cipher/hash type
my $cipher = "";
# Test type
# 1 - cipher known answer test
# 2 - cipher Monte Carlo test
# 3 - hash known answer test
# 4 - hash Monte Carlo test
# 5 - RSA signature generation
# 6 - RSA signature verification
my $tt = 0;
# Variables for tests
my $keytype = ""; # we can have "KEY", "KEYs", "KEY1"
my $key1 = "";
my $key2 = undef; #undef needed for allowing
my $key3 = undef; #the use of them as input variables
my $pt = "";
my $enc = 1;
my $iv = "";
my $len = undef; #see key2|3
my $n = "";
my $e = "";
my $signature = "";
my $rsa_keyfile = "";
my $dsa_keyfile = "";
my $dt = "";
my $v = "";
my $klen = "";
my $tlen = "";
my $modulus = "";
my $capital_n = 0;
my $capital_p = "";
my $capital_q = "";
my $capital_g = "";
my $capital_y = "";
my $capital_r = "";
my $xp1 = "";
my $xp2 = "";
my $Xp = "";
my $xq1 = "";
my $xq2 = "";
my $Xq = "";
my $mode = "";
open(IN, "<$infile");
while(<IN>) {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/\r//;
my $keylen = "";
# Mode and type check
# consider the following parsed line
# '# AESVS MCT test data for CBC'
# '# TDES Multi block Message Test for CBC'
# '# TDES Monte Carlo (Modes) Test for CBC'
# '# "SHA-1 Monte" information for "IBMRHEL5"'
# '# "SigVer PKCS#1 Ver 1.5" information for "IBMRHEL5"'
# '# "SigGen PKCS#1 Ver 1.5" information for "IBMRHEL5"'
# '#RC4VS MCT test data'
# avoid false positives from user specified 'for "PRODUCT"' strings
my $tmpline = $line;
$tmpline =~ s/ for ".*"//;
##### Extract cipher
# XXX there may be more - to be added
if ($tmpline =~ /^#.*(CBC|ECB|OFB|CFB|SHA-|SigGen|SigVer|RC4VS|ANSI X9\.31|Hash sizes tested|PQGGen|KeyGen RSA)/) {
if ($tmpline =~ /CBC/) { $mode="cbc"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /ECB/) { $mode="ecb"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /OFB/) { $mode="ofb"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /CFB/) { $mode="cfb"; }
#we do not need mode as the cipher is already clear
elsif ($tmpline =~ /SHA-1/) { $cipher="sha1"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /SHA-224/) { $cipher="sha224"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /SHA-256/) { $cipher="sha256"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /SHA-384/) { $cipher="sha384"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /SHA-512/) { $cipher="sha512"; }
#we do not need mode as the cipher is already clear
elsif ($tmpline =~ /RC4VS/) { $cipher="rc4"; }
elsif ($tmpline =~ /SigGen|SigVer/) {
die "Error: X9.31 is not supported"
if ($tmpline =~ /X9/);
$cipher="sha1"; #place holder - might be overwritten later
if ($tmpline =~ /^#.*AESVS/) {
# AES cipher (part of it)
if ($tmpline =~ /^#.*(TDES|KAT)/) {
# TDES cipher (full definition)
# the FIPS-140 test generator tool does not produce
# machine readable output!
if ($mode eq "cbc") { $cipher="des-ede3-cbc"; }
if ($mode eq "ecb") { $cipher="des-ede3"; }
if ($mode eq "ofb") { $cipher="des-ede3-ofb"; }
if ($mode eq "cfb") { $cipher="des-ede3-cfb"; }
# check for RNG
if ($tmpline =~ /ANSI X9\.31/) {
# change the tmpline to add the type of the
# test which is ONLY visible from the file
# name :-(
if ($infile =~ /MCT\.req/) {
$tmpline .= " MCT";
} elsif ($infile =~ /VST\.req/) {
$tmpline .= " VST";
} else {
die "Unexpected cipher type with $infile";
if ($tt == 0) {
##### Identify the test type
if ($tmpline =~ /KeyGen RSA \(X9\.31\)/) {
$tt = 13;
die "Interface function rsa_derive for RSA key generation not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($rsa_derive));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /SigVer/ && $opt{'D'} ) {
$tt = 12;
die "Interface function dsa_verify or dsa_genpubkey for DSA verification not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($dsa_verify) || !defined($dsa_genpubkey));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /SigGen/ && $opt{'D'}) {
$tt = 11;
die "Interface function dsa_sign or gen_dsakey for DSA sign not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($dsa_sign) || !defined($gen_rsakey));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /PQGGen/) {
$tt = 10;
die "Interface function for DSA PQGGen testing not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($dsa_pqggen));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /Hash sizes tested/) {
$tt = 9;
die "Interface function hmac for HMAC testing not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($hmac));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /ANSI X9\.31/ && $tmpline =~ /MCT/) {
$tt = 8;
die "Interface function state_rng for RNG MCT not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($state_rng));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /ANSI X9\.31/ && $tmpline =~ /VST/) {
$tt = 7;
die "Interface function state_rng for RNG KAT not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($state_rng));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /SigVer/ ) {
$tt = 6;
die "Interface function rsa_verify or gen_rsakey for RSA verification not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($rsa_verify) || !defined($gen_rsakey));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /SigGen/ ) {
$tt = 5;
die "Interface function rsa_sign or gen_rsakey for RSA sign not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($rsa_sign) || !defined($gen_rsakey));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /Monte|MCT|Carlo/ && $cipher =~ /^sha/) {
$tt = 4;
die "Interface function hash for Hashing not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($hash));
} elsif ($tmpline =~ /Monte|MCT|Carlo/) {
$tt = 2;
die "Interface function state_cipher for Stateful Cipher operation defined for tested library"
if (!defined($state_cipher) || !defined($state_cipher_des));
} elsif ($cipher =~ /^sha/) {
$tt = 3;
die "Interface function hash for Hashing not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($hash));
} else {
$tt = 1;
die "Interface function encdec for Encryption/Decryption not defined for tested library"
if (!defined($encdec));
# This is needed as ARCFOUR does not operate with an IV
$iv = "00000000000000000000000000000000" if ($cipher eq "rc4"
&& $iv eq "" );
# we are now looking for the string
# '# Key Length : 256'
# found in AES
if ($tmpline =~ /^# Key Length.*?(128|192|256)/) {
if ($cipher eq "aes") {
} else {
die "Error: Key length $1 given for cipher $cipher which is unexpected";
# Get the test data
if ($line =~ /^(KEY|KEY1|Key)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in ciphers and RNG
die "KEY seen twice - input file crap" if ($key1 ne "");
$key1 =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
elsif ($line =~ /^(KEYs)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in ciphers and RNG
die "KEY seen twice - input file crap" if ($key1 ne "");
$key1 =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
$key2 = $key1;
$key3 = $key1;
elsif ($line =~ /^KEY2\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in TDES
die "First key not set, but got already second key - input file crap" if ($key1 eq "");
die "KEY2 seen twice - input file crap" if (defined($key2));
$key2 =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
elsif ($line =~ /^KEY3\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in TDES
die "Second key not set, but got already third key - input file crap" if ($key2 eq "");
die "KEY3 seen twice - input file crap" if (defined($key3));
$key3 =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
elsif ($line =~ /^IV\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in ciphers
die "IV seen twice - input file crap" if ($iv ne "");
$iv =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
elsif ($line =~ /^PLAINTEXT\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in ciphers
if ( $1 !~ /\?/ ) { #only use it if there is valid hex data
die "PLAINTEXT/CIPHERTEXT seen twice - input file crap" if ($pt ne "");
$pt =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
elsif ($line =~ /^CIPHERTEXT\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in ciphers
if ( $1 !~ /\?/ ) { #only use it if there is valid hex data
die "PLAINTEXT/CIPHERTEXT seen twice - input file crap" if ($pt ne "");
$pt =~ s/\s//g; #replace potential white spaces
elsif ($line =~ /^Len\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in hashs
elsif ($line =~ /^(Msg|Seed)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in hashs
die "Msg/Seed seen twice - input file crap" if ($pt ne "");
elsif ($line =~ /^\[mod\s*=\s*(.*)\]$/) { # found in RSA requests
$modulus = $1;
$out .= $line . "\n\n"; # print it
# generate the private key with given bit length now
# as we have the required key length in bit
if ($tt == 11) {
$dsa_keyfile = "dsa_siggen.tmp.$$";
my %pqg = &$gen_dsakey($dsa_keyfile);
$out .= "P = " . $pqg{'P'} . "\n";
$out .= "Q = " . $pqg{'Q'} . "\n";
$out .= "G = " . $pqg{'G'} . "\n";
} elsif ( $tt == 5 ) {
# XXX maybe a secure temp file name is better here
# but since it is not run on a security sensitive
# system, I hope that this is fine
$rsa_keyfile = "rsa_siggen.tmp.$$";
&$gen_rsakey($modulus, $rsa_keyfile);
my $modulus = pipe_through_program("", "openssl rsa -pubout -modulus -in $rsa_keyfile");
$modulus =~ s/Modulus=(.*?)\s(.|\s)*/$1/;
$out .= "n = $modulus\n";
$out .= "\ne = 10001\n"
elsif ($line =~ /^SHAAlg\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #found in RSA requests
elsif($line =~ /^n\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in RSA requests
$out .= $line . "\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^e\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in RSA requests
elsif ($line =~ /^S\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # found in RSA requests
die "S seen twice - input file crap" if ($signature ne "");
elsif ($line =~ /^DT\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # X9.31 RNG requests
die "DT seen twice - check input file"
if ($dt ne "");
elsif ($line =~ /^V\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # X9.31 RNG requests
die "V seen twice - check input file"
if ($v ne "");
elsif ($line =~ /^Klen\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # HMAC requests
die "Klen seen twice - check input file"
if ($klen ne "");
elsif ($line =~ /^Tlen\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # HMAC RNG requests
die "Tlen seen twice - check input file"
if ($tlen ne "");
elsif ($line =~ /^N\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #DSA PQGGen
die "N seen twice - check input file"
if ($capital_n);
$capital_n = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^P\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #DSA SigVer
die "P seen twice - check input file"
if ($capital_p);
$capital_p = $1;
$out .= $line . "\n"; # print it
elsif ($line =~ /^Q\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #DSA SigVer
die "Q seen twice - check input file"
if ($capital_q);
$capital_q = $1;
$out .= $line . "\n"; # print it
elsif ($line =~ /^G\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #DSA SigVer
die "G seen twice - check input file"
if ($capital_g);
$capital_g = $1;
$out .= $line . "\n"; # print it
elsif ($line =~ /^Y\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #DSA SigVer
die "Y seen twice - check input file"
if ($capital_y);
$capital_y = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^R\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #DSA SigVer
die "R seen twice - check input file"
if ($capital_r);
$capital_r = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^xp1\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #RSA key gen
die "xp1 seen twice - check input file"
if ($xp1);
$xp1 = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^xp2\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #RSA key gen
die "xp2 seen twice - check input file"
if ($xp2);
$xp2 = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^Xp\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #RSA key gen
die "Xp seen twice - check input file"
if ($Xp);
$Xp = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^xq1\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #RSA key gen
die "xq1 seen twice - check input file"
if ($xq1);
$xq1 = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^xq2\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #RSA key gen
die "xq2 seen twice - check input file"
if ($xq2);
$xq2 = $1;
elsif ($line =~ /^Xq\s*=\s*(.*)/) { #RSA key gen
die "Xq seen twice - check input file"
if ($Xq);
$Xq = $1;
else {
$out .= $line . "\n";
# call tests if all input data is there
if ($tt == 1) {
if ($key1 ne "" && $pt ne "" && $cipher ne "") {
$out .= kat($keytype, $key1, $key2, $key3, $iv, $pt, $cipher, $enc);
$keytype = "";
$key1 = "";
$key2 = undef;
$key3 = undef;
$iv = "";
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 2) {
if ($key1 ne "" && $pt ne "" && $cipher ne "") {
$out .= crypto_mct($keytype, $key1, $key2, $key3, $iv, $pt, $cipher, $enc);
$keytype = "";
$key1 = "";
$key2 = undef;
$key3 = undef;
$iv = "";
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 3) {
if ($pt ne "" && $cipher ne "") {
$out .= hash_kat($pt, $cipher, $len);
$pt = "";
$len = undef;
elsif ($tt == 4) {
if ($pt ne "" && $cipher ne "") {
$out .= hash_mct($pt, $cipher);
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 5) {
if ($pt ne "" && $cipher ne "" && $rsa_keyfile ne "") {
$out .= rsa_siggen($pt, $cipher, $rsa_keyfile);
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 6) {
if ($pt ne "" && $cipher ne "" && $signature ne "" && $n ne "" && $e ne "") {
$out .= rsa_sigver($pt, $cipher, $signature, $n, $e);
$pt = "";
$signature = "";
elsif ($tt == 7 ) {
if ($key1 ne "" && $dt ne "" && $v ne "") {
$out .= rngx931($key1, $dt, $v, "VST");
$key1 = "";
$dt = "";
$v = "";
elsif ($tt == 8 ) {
if ($key1 ne "" && $dt ne "" && $v ne "") {
$out .= rngx931($key1, $dt, $v, "MCT");
$key1 = "";
$dt = "";
$v = "";
elsif ($tt == 9) {
if ($klen ne "" && $tlen ne "" && $key1 ne "" && $pt ne "") {
$out .= hmac_kat($klen, $tlen, $key1, $pt);
$key1 = "";
$tlen = "";
$klen = "";
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 10) {
if ($modulus ne "" && $capital_n > 0) {
$out .= dsa_pqggen_driver($modulus, $capital_n);
#$mod is not resetted
$capital_n = 0;
elsif ($tt == 11) {
if ($pt ne "" && $dsa_keyfile ne "") {
$out .= dsa_siggen($pt, $dsa_keyfile);
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 12) {
if ($modulus ne "" &&
$capital_p ne "" &&
$capital_q ne "" &&
$capital_g ne "" &&
$capital_y ne "" &&
$capital_r ne "" &&
$signature ne "" &&
$pt ne "") {
$out .= dsa_sigver($modulus,
# We do not clear the domain values PQG and
# the modulus value as they
# are specified only once in a file
# and we do not need to print them as they
# are already printed above
$capital_y = "";
$capital_r = "";
$signature = "";
$pt = "";
elsif ($tt == 13) {
if($modulus ne "" &&
$e ne "" &&
$xp1 ne "" &&
$xp2 ne "" &&
$Xp ne "" &&
$xq1 ne "" &&
$xq2 ne "" &&
$Xq ne "") {
$out .= rsa_keygen($modulus,
$e = "";
$xp1 = "";
$xp2 = "";
$Xp = "";
$xq1 = "";
$xq2 = "";
$Xq = "";
elsif ($tt > 0) {
die "Test case $tt not defined";
close IN;
$out =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # make it a dos file
open(OUT, ">$outfile") or die "Cannot create output file $outfile: $?";
print OUT $out;
close OUT;
# Signalhandler
sub cleanup() {
# let us pretend to be C :-)
sub main() {
usage() unless @ARGV;
getopts("DRI:", \%opt) or die "bad option";
##### Set library
if ( ! defined $opt{'I'} || $opt{'I'} eq 'openssl' ) {
print STDERR "Using OpenSSL interface functions\n";
$encdec = \&openssl_encdec;
$rsa_sign = \&openssl_rsa_sign;
$rsa_verify = \&openssl_rsa_verify;
$gen_rsakey = \&openssl_gen_rsakey;
$hash = \&openssl_hash;
$state_cipher = \&openssl_state_cipher;
} elsif ( $opt{'I'} eq 'libgcrypt' ) {
print STDERR "Using libgcrypt interface functions\n";
$encdec = \&libgcrypt_encdec;
$rsa_sign = \&libgcrypt_rsa_sign;
$rsa_verify = \&libgcrypt_rsa_verify;
$gen_rsakey = \&libgcrypt_gen_rsakey;
$rsa_derive = \&libgcrypt_rsa_derive;
$hash = \&libgcrypt_hash;
$state_cipher = \&libgcrypt_state_cipher;
$state_cipher_des = \&libgcrypt_state_cipher_des;
$state_rng = \&libgcrypt_state_rng;
$hmac = \&libgcrypt_hmac;
$dsa_pqggen = \&libgcrypt_dsa_pqggen;
$gen_dsakey = \&libgcrypt_gen_dsakey;
$dsa_sign = \&libgcrypt_dsa_sign;
$dsa_verify = \&libgcrypt_dsa_verify;
$dsa_genpubkey = \&libgcrypt_dsa_genpubkey;
} else {
die "Invalid interface option given";
my $infile=$ARGV[0];
die "Error: Test vector file $infile not found" if (! -f $infile);
my $outfile = $infile;
# let us add .rsp regardless whether we could strip .req
$outfile =~ s/\.req$//;
if ($opt{'R'}) {
$outfile .= ".rc4";
} else {
$outfile .= ".rsp";
if (-f $outfile) {
die "Output file $outfile could not be removed: $?"
unless unlink($outfile);
print STDERR "Performing tests from source file $infile with results stored in destination file $outfile\n";
#Signal handler
$SIG{HUP} = \&cleanup;
$SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&cleanup;
$SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup;
# Do the job
parse($infile, $outfile);
# Call it