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* PK Key Types
* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#ifndef BOTAN_PK_KEYS_H_
#define BOTAN_PK_KEYS_H_
#include <botan/secmem.h>
#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
#include <botan/pk_ops_fwd.h>
#include <string>
namespace Botan {
class RandomNumberGenerator;
* The two types of signature format supported by Botan.
enum Signature_Format { IEEE_1363, DER_SEQUENCE };
* Public Key Base Class.
class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Public_Key
Public_Key() =default;
Public_Key(const Public_Key& other) = default;
Public_Key& operator=(const Public_Key& other) = default;
virtual ~Public_Key() = default;
* Get the name of the underlying public key scheme.
* @return name of the public key scheme
virtual std::string algo_name() const = 0;
* Return the estimated strength of the underlying key against
* the best currently known attack. Note that this ignores anything
* but pure attacks against the key itself and do not take into
* account padding schemes, usage mistakes, etc which might reduce
* the strength. However it does suffice to provide an upper bound.
* @return estimated strength in bits
virtual size_t estimated_strength() const = 0;
* Return an integer value best approximating the length of the
* primary security parameter. For example for RSA this will be
* the size of the modulus, for ECDSA the size of the ECC group,
* and for McEliece the size of the code will be returned.
virtual size_t key_length() const = 0;
* Get the OID of the underlying public key scheme.
* @return OID of the public key scheme
virtual OID get_oid() const;
* Test the key values for consistency.
* @param rng rng to use
* @param strong whether to perform strong and lengthy version
* of the test
* @return true if the test is passed
virtual bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
bool strong) const = 0;
* @return X.509 AlgorithmIdentifier for this key
virtual AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const = 0;
* @return BER encoded public key bits
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> public_key_bits() const = 0;
* @return X.509 subject key encoding for this key object
std::vector<uint8_t> subject_public_key() const;
* @return Hash of the subject public key
std::string fingerprint_public(const std::string& alg = "SHA-256") const;
// Internal or non-public declarations follow
* Returns more than 1 if the output of this algorithm
* (ciphertext, signature) should be treated as more than one
* value. This is used for algorithms like DSA and ECDSA, where
* the (r,s) output pair can be encoded as either a plain binary
* list or a TLV tagged DER encoding depending on the protocol.
* This function is public but applications should have few
* reasons to ever call this.
* @return number of message parts
virtual size_t message_parts() const { return 1; }
* Returns how large each of the message parts refered to
* by message_parts() is
* This function is public but applications should have few
* reasons to ever call this.
* @return size of the message parts in bits
virtual size_t message_part_size() const { return 0; }
virtual Signature_Format default_x509_signature_format() const
return (this->message_parts() >= 2) ? DER_SEQUENCE : IEEE_1363;
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return an encryption operation for this key/params or throw
* @param rng a random number generator. The PK_Op may maintain a
* reference to the RNG and use it many times. The rng must outlive
* any operations which reference it.
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Encryption>
create_encryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return a KEM encryption operation for this key/params or throw
* @param rng a random number generator. The PK_Op may maintain a
* reference to the RNG and use it many times. The rng must outlive
* any operations which reference it.
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Encryption>
create_kem_encryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return a verification operation for this key/params or throw
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Verification>
create_verification_op(const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* Private Key Base Class
class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Private_Key : public virtual Public_Key
Private_Key() = default;
Private_Key(const Private_Key& other) = default;
Private_Key& operator=(const Private_Key& other) = default;
virtual ~Private_Key() = default;
virtual bool stateful_operation() const { return false; }
* @return BER encoded private key bits
virtual secure_vector<uint8_t> private_key_bits() const = 0;
* @return PKCS #8 private key encoding for this key object
secure_vector<uint8_t> private_key_info() const;
* @return PKCS #8 AlgorithmIdentifier for this key
* Might be different from the X.509 identifier, but normally is not
virtual AlgorithmIdentifier pkcs8_algorithm_identifier() const
{ return algorithm_identifier(); }
// Internal or non-public declarations follow
* @return Hash of the PKCS #8 encoding for this key object
std::string fingerprint_private(const std::string& alg) const;
BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use fingerprint_private or fingerprint_public")
inline std::string fingerprint(const std::string& alg) const
return fingerprint_private(alg); // match behavior in previous versions
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return an decryption operation for this key/params or throw
* @param rng a random number generator. The PK_Op may maintain a
* reference to the RNG and use it many times. The rng must outlive
* any operations which reference it.
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Decryption>
create_decryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return a KEM decryption operation for this key/params or throw
* @param rng a random number generator. The PK_Op may maintain a
* reference to the RNG and use it many times. The rng must outlive
* any operations which reference it.
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Decryption>
create_kem_decryption_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return a signature operation for this key/params or throw
* @param rng a random number generator. The PK_Op may maintain a
* reference to the RNG and use it many times. The rng must outlive
* any operations which reference it.
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Signature>
create_signature_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* This is an internal library function exposed on key types.
* In almost all cases applications should use wrappers in pubkey.h
* Return a key agreement operation for this key/params or throw
* @param rng a random number generator. The PK_Op may maintain a
* reference to the RNG and use it many times. The rng must outlive
* any operations which reference it.
* @param params additional parameters
* @param provider the provider to use
virtual std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Key_Agreement>
create_key_agreement_op(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::string& params,
const std::string& provider) const;
* PK Secret Value Derivation Key
class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) PK_Key_Agreement_Key : public virtual Private_Key
* @return public component of this key
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> public_value() const = 0;
PK_Key_Agreement_Key() = default;
PK_Key_Agreement_Key(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&) = default;
PK_Key_Agreement_Key& operator=(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&) = default;
virtual ~PK_Key_Agreement_Key() = default;
* Old compat typedefs
* TODO: remove these?
typedef PK_Key_Agreement_Key PK_KA_Key;
typedef Public_Key X509_PublicKey;
typedef Private_Key PKCS8_PrivateKey;
std::string BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,4)
create_hex_fingerprint(const uint8_t bits[], size_t len,
const std::string& hash_name);
template<typename Alloc>
std::string create_hex_fingerprint(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& vec,
const std::string& hash_name)
return create_hex_fingerprint(, vec.size(), hash_name);