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* (C) Copyright Projet SECRET, INRIA, Rocquencourt
* (C) Bhaskar Biswas and Nicolas Sendrier
* (C) 2014 cryptosource GmbH
* (C) 2014 Falko Strenzke
* (C) 2015 Jack Lloyd
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#include <botan/polyn_gf2m.h>
#include <botan/internal/code_based_util.h>
#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
#include <botan/rng.h>
#include <botan/exceptn.h>
#include <botan/loadstor.h>
namespace Botan {
namespace {
gf2m generate_gf2m_mask(gf2m a)
gf2m result = (a != 0);
return ~(result - 1);
* number of leading zeros
unsigned nlz_16bit(uint16_t x)
unsigned n;
if(x == 0) return 16;
n = 0;
if(x <= 0x00FF) {n = n + 8; x = x << 8;}
if(x <= 0x0FFF) {n = n + 4; x = x << 4;}
if(x <= 0x3FFF) {n = n + 2; x = x << 2;}
if(x <= 0x7FFF) {n = n + 1;}
return n;
int polyn_gf2m::calc_degree_secure() const
int i = static_cast<int>(this->coeff.size()) - 1;
int result = 0;
uint32_t found_mask = 0;
uint32_t tracker_mask = 0xffff;
for( ; i >= 0; i--)
found_mask = expand_mask_16bit(this->coeff[i]);
result |= i & found_mask & tracker_mask;
// tracker mask shall become zero once found mask is set
// it shall remain zero from then on
tracker_mask = tracker_mask & ~found_mask;
const_cast<polyn_gf2m*>(this)->m_deg = result;
return result;
gf2m random_gf2m(RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
uint8_t b[2];
rng.randomize(b, sizeof(b));
return make_uint16(b[1], b[0]);
gf2m random_code_element(uint16_t code_length, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
if(code_length == 0)
throw Invalid_Argument("random_code_element() was supplied a code length of zero");
const unsigned nlz = nlz_16bit(code_length-1);
const gf2m mask = (1 << (16-nlz)) - 1;
gf2m result;
result = random_gf2m(rng);
result &= mask;
} while(result >= code_length); // rejection sampling
return result;
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m(polyn_gf2m const& other)
{ }
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m(int d, std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field)
std::string polyn_gf2m::to_string() const
int d = get_degree();
std::string result;
for(int i = 0; i <= d; i ++)
result += std::to_string(this->coeff[i]);
if(i != d)
result += ", ";
return result;
* doesn't save coefficients:
void polyn_gf2m::realloc(uint32_t new_size)
this->coeff = secure_vector<gf2m>(new_size);
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m(const uint8_t* mem, uint32_t mem_len, std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field) :
m_deg(-1), m_sp_field(sp_field)
if(mem_len % sizeof(gf2m))
throw Decoding_Error("illegal length of memory to decode ");
uint32_t size = (mem_len / sizeof(this->coeff[0])) ;
this->coeff = secure_vector<gf2m>(size);
this->m_deg = -1;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
this->coeff[i] = decode_gf2m(mem);
mem += sizeof(this->coeff[0]);
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(this->coeff[i] >= (1 << sp_field->get_extension_degree()))
throw Decoding_Error("error decoding polynomial");
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m( std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field) :
m_deg(-1), coeff(1), m_sp_field(sp_field)
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m(int degree, const uint8_t* mem, size_t mem_byte_len, std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field)
uint32_t j, k, l;
gf2m a;
uint32_t polyn_size;
polyn_size = degree + 1;
if(polyn_size * sp_field->get_extension_degree() > 8 * mem_byte_len)
throw Decoding_Error("memory vector for polynomial has wrong size");
this->coeff = secure_vector<gf2m>(degree+1);
gf2m ext_deg = static_cast<gf2m>(this->m_sp_field->get_extension_degree());
for (l = 0; l < polyn_size; l++)
k = (l * ext_deg) / 8;
j = (l * ext_deg) % 8;
a = mem[k] >> j;
if (j + ext_deg > 8)
a ^= mem[k + 1] << (8- j);
if(j + ext_deg > 16)
a ^= mem[k + 2] << (16- j);
a &= ((1 << ext_deg) - 1);
(*this).set_coef( l, a);
#if 0
void polyn_gf2m::encode(uint32_t min_numo_coeffs, uint8_t* mem, uint32_t mem_len) const
uint32_t i;
uint32_t numo_coeffs, needed_size;
numo_coeffs = (min_numo_coeffs > static_cast<uint32_t>(this->m_deg+1)) ? min_numo_coeffs : this->m_deg+1;
needed_size = sizeof(this->coeff[0]) * numo_coeffs;
if(mem_len < needed_size)
Invalid_Argument("provided memory too small to encode polynomial");
for(i = 0; i < numo_coeffs; i++)
gf2m to_enc;
if(i >= static_cast<uint32_t>(this->m_deg+1))
/* encode a zero */
to_enc = 0;
to_enc = this->coeff[i];
mem += encode_gf2m(to_enc, mem);
void polyn_gf2m::set_to_zero()
clear_mem(&this->coeff[0], this->coeff.size());
this->m_deg = -1;
int polyn_gf2m::get_degree() const
int d = static_cast<int>(this->coeff.size()) - 1;
while ((d >= 0) && (this->coeff[d] == 0))
const_cast<polyn_gf2m*>(this)->m_deg = d;
return d;
static gf2m eval_aux(const gf2m * /*restrict*/ coeff, gf2m a, int d, std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field)
gf2m b;
b = coeff[d--];
for (; d >= 0; --d)
if (b != 0)
b = sp_field->gf_mul(b, a) ^ coeff[d];
b = coeff[d];
return b;
gf2m polyn_gf2m::eval(gf2m a)
return eval_aux(&this->coeff[0], a, this->m_deg, this->m_sp_field);
// p will contain it's remainder modulo g
void polyn_gf2m::remainder(polyn_gf2m &p, const polyn_gf2m & g)
int i, j, d;
std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> m_sp_field = g.m_sp_field;
d = p.get_degree() - g.get_degree();
if (d >= 0) {
gf2m la = m_sp_field->gf_inv_rn(g.get_lead_coef());
const int p_degree = p.get_degree();
BOTAN_ASSERT(p_degree > 0, "Valid polynomial");
for (i = p_degree; d >= 0; --i, --d) {
if (p[i] != 0) {
gf2m lb = m_sp_field->gf_mul_rrn(la, p[i]);
for (j = 0; j < g.get_degree(); ++j)
p[j+d] ^= m_sp_field->gf_mul_zrz(lb, g[j]);
(*&p).set_coef( i, 0);
p.set_degree( g.get_degree() - 1);
while ((p.get_degree() >= 0) && (p[p.get_degree()] == 0))
p.set_degree( p.get_degree() - 1);
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> polyn_gf2m::sqmod_init(const polyn_gf2m & g)
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> sq;
const int signed_deg = g.get_degree();
if(signed_deg <= 0)
throw Invalid_Argument("cannot compute sqmod for such low degree");
const uint32_t d = static_cast<uint32_t>(signed_deg);
uint32_t t = g.m_deg;
// create t zero polynomials
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < t; ++i)
sq.push_back(polyn_gf2m(t+1, g.get_sp_field()));
for (i = 0; i < d / 2; ++i)
sq[i].set_degree( 2 * i);
(*&sq[i]).set_coef( 2 * i, 1);
for (; i < d; ++i)
clear_mem(&sq[i].coeff[0], 2);
copy_mem(&sq[i].coeff[0] + 2, &sq[i - 1].coeff[0], d);
sq[i].set_degree( sq[i - 1].get_degree() + 2);
polyn_gf2m::remainder(sq[i], g);
return sq;
/*Modulo p square of a certain polynomial g, sq[] contains the square
Modulo g of the base canonical polynomials of degree < d, where d is
the degree of G. The table sq[] will be calculated by polyn_gf2m_sqmod_init*/
polyn_gf2m polyn_gf2m::sqmod( const std::vector<polyn_gf2m> & sq, int d)
int i, j;
gf2m la;
std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field = this->m_sp_field;
polyn_gf2m result(d - 1, sp_field);
// terms of low degree
for (i = 0; i < d / 2; ++i)
(*&result).set_coef( i * 2, sp_field->gf_square((*this)[i]));
// terms of high degree
for (; i < d; ++i)
gf2m lpi = (*this)[i];
if (lpi != 0)
lpi = sp_field->gf_log(lpi);
la = sp_field->gf_mul_rrr(lpi, lpi);
for (j = 0; j < d; ++j)
result[j] ^= sp_field->gf_mul_zrz(la, sq[i][j]);
// Update degre
result.set_degree( d - 1);
while ((result.get_degree() >= 0) && (result[result.get_degree()] == 0))
result.set_degree( result.get_degree() - 1);
return result;
// destructive
polyn_gf2m polyn_gf2m::gcd_aux(polyn_gf2m& p1, polyn_gf2m& p2)
if (p2.get_degree() == -1)
return p1;
else {
polyn_gf2m::remainder(p1, p2);
return polyn_gf2m::gcd_aux(p2, p1);
polyn_gf2m polyn_gf2m::gcd(polyn_gf2m const& p1, polyn_gf2m const& p2)
polyn_gf2m a(p1);
polyn_gf2m b(p2);
if (a.get_degree() < b.get_degree())
return polyn_gf2m(polyn_gf2m::gcd_aux(b, a));
return polyn_gf2m(polyn_gf2m::gcd_aux(a, b));
// Returns the degree of the smallest factor
size_t polyn_gf2m::degppf(const polyn_gf2m& g)
polyn_gf2m s(g.get_sp_field());
const size_t ext_deg = g.m_sp_field->get_extension_degree();
const int d = g.get_degree();
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> u = polyn_gf2m::sqmod_init(g);
polyn_gf2m p(d - 1, g.m_sp_field);
(*&p).set_coef(1, 1);
size_t result = static_cast<size_t>(d);
for(size_t i = 1; i <= (d / 2) * ext_deg; ++i)
polyn_gf2m r = p.sqmod(u, d);
if ((i % ext_deg) == 0)
r[1] ^= 1;
r.get_degree(); // The degree may change
s = polyn_gf2m::gcd( g, r);
if(s.get_degree() > 0)
result = i / ext_deg;
r[1] ^= 1;
r.get_degree(); // The degree may change
// No need for the exchange s
s = p;
p = r;
r = s;
return result;
void polyn_gf2m::patchup_deg_secure( uint32_t trgt_deg, volatile gf2m patch_elem)
uint32_t i;
if(this->coeff.size() < trgt_deg)
for(i = 0; i < this->coeff.size(); i++)
uint32_t equal, equal_mask;
this->coeff[i] |= patch_elem;
equal = (i == trgt_deg);
equal_mask = expand_mask_16bit(equal);
patch_elem &= ~equal_mask;
// We suppose m_deg(g) >= m_deg(p)
// v is the problem
std::pair<polyn_gf2m, polyn_gf2m> polyn_gf2m::eea_with_coefficients( const polyn_gf2m & p, const polyn_gf2m & g, int break_deg)
std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> m_sp_field = g.m_sp_field;
int i, j, dr, du, delta;
gf2m a;
polyn_gf2m aux;
// initialisation of the local variables
// r0 <- g, r1 <- p, u0 <- 0, u1 <- 1
dr = g.get_degree();
BOTAN_ASSERT(dr > 3, "Valid polynomial");
polyn_gf2m r0(dr, g.m_sp_field);
polyn_gf2m r1(dr - 1, g.m_sp_field);
polyn_gf2m u0(dr - 1, g.m_sp_field);
polyn_gf2m u1(dr - 1, g.m_sp_field);
r0 = g;
r1 = p;
(*&u1).set_coef( 0, 1);
u1.set_degree( 0);
// invariants:
// r1 = u1 * p + v1 * g
// r0 = u0 * p + v0 * g
// and m_deg(u1) = m_deg(g) - m_deg(r0)
// It stops when m_deg (r1) <t (m_deg (r0)> = t)
// And therefore m_deg (u1) = m_deg (g) - m_deg (r0) <m_deg (g) - break_deg
du = 0;
dr = r1.get_degree();
delta = r0.get_degree() - dr;
while (dr >= break_deg)
for (j = delta; j >= 0; --j)
a = m_sp_field->gf_div(r0[dr + j], r1[dr]);
if (a != 0)
gf2m la = m_sp_field->gf_log(a);
// u0(z) <- u0(z) + a * u1(z) * z^j
for (i = 0; i <= du; ++i)
u0[i + j] ^= m_sp_field->gf_mul_zrz(la, u1[i]);
// r0(z) <- r0(z) + a * r1(z) * z^j
for (i = 0; i <= dr; ++i)
r0[i + j] ^= m_sp_field->gf_mul_zrz(la, r1[i]);
} // end loop over j
if(break_deg != 1) /* key eq. solving */
/* [ssms_icisc09] Countermeasure
* d_break from paper equals break_deg - 1
* */
volatile gf2m fake_elem = 0x01;
volatile gf2m cond1, cond2;
int trgt_deg = r1.get_degree() - 1;
if(!(g.get_degree() % 2))
/* t even */
cond1 = r0.get_degree() < break_deg - 1;
/* t odd */
cond1 = r0.get_degree() < break_deg;
cond2 = u0.get_degree() < break_deg - 1;
cond1 &= cond2;
/* expand cond1 to a full mask */
gf2m mask = generate_gf2m_mask(cond1);
fake_elem &= mask;
r0.patchup_deg_secure(trgt_deg, fake_elem);
if(break_deg == 1) /* syndrome inversion */
volatile gf2m fake_elem = 0x00;
volatile uint32_t trgt_deg = 0;
* countermeasure against the low weight attacks for w=4, w=6 and w=8.
* Higher values are not covered since for w=8 we already have a
* probability for a positive of 1/n^3 from random ciphertexts with the
* given weight. For w = 10 it would be 1/n^4 and so on. Thus attacks
* based on such high values of w are considered impractical.
* The outer test for the degree of u ( Omega in the paper ) needs not to
* be disguised. Each of the three is performed at most once per EEA
* (syndrome inversion) execution, the attacker knows this already when
* preparing the ciphertext with the given weight. Inside these three
* cases however, we must use timing neutral (branch free) operations to
* implement the condition detection and the counteractions.
if(u0.get_degree() == 4)
uint32_t mask = 0;
* Condition that the EEA would break now
int cond_r = r0.get_degree() == 0;
* Now come the conditions for all odd coefficients of this sigma
* candiate. If they are all fulfilled, then we know that we have a low
* weight error vector, since the key-equation solving EEA is skipped if
* the degree of tau^2 is low (=m_deg(u0)) and all its odd cofficients are
* zero (they would cause "full-length" contributions from the square
* root computation).
// Condition for the coefficient to Y to be cancelled out by the
// addition of Y before the square root computation:
int cond_u1 = m_sp_field->gf_mul(u0.coeff[1], m_sp_field->gf_inv(r0.coeff[0])) == 1;
// Condition sigma_3 = 0:
int cond_u3 = u0.coeff[3] == 0;
// combine the conditions:
cond_r &= (cond_u1 & cond_u3);
// mask generation:
mask = expand_mask_16bit(cond_r);
trgt_deg = 2 & mask;
fake_elem = 1 & mask;
else if(u0.get_degree() == 6)
uint32_t mask = 0;
int cond_r= r0.get_degree() == 0;
int cond_u1 = m_sp_field->gf_mul(u0.coeff[1], m_sp_field->gf_inv(r0.coeff[0])) == 1;
int cond_u3 = u0.coeff[3] == 0;
int cond_u5 = u0.coeff[5] == 0;
cond_r &= (cond_u1 & cond_u3 & cond_u5);
mask = expand_mask_16bit(cond_r);
trgt_deg = 4 & mask;
fake_elem = 1 & mask;
else if(u0.get_degree() == 8)
uint32_t mask = 0;
int cond_r= r0.get_degree() == 0;
int cond_u1 = m_sp_field->gf_mul(u0[1], m_sp_field->gf_inv(r0[0])) == 1;
int cond_u3 = u0.coeff[3] == 0;
int cond_u5 = u0.coeff[5] == 0;
int cond_u7 = u0.coeff[7] == 0;
cond_r &= (cond_u1 & cond_u3 & cond_u5 & cond_u7);
mask = expand_mask_16bit(cond_r);
trgt_deg = 6 & mask;
fake_elem = 1 & mask;
r0.patchup_deg_secure(trgt_deg, fake_elem);
// exchange
aux = r0; r0 = r1; r1 = aux;
aux = u0; u0 = u1; u1 = aux;
du = du + delta;
delta = 1;
while (r1[dr - delta] == 0)
dr -= delta;
} /* end while loop (dr >= break_deg) */
u1.set_degree( du);
r1.set_degree( dr);
//return u1 and r1;
return std::make_pair(u1,r1); // coefficients u,v
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m(size_t t, RandomNumberGenerator& rng, std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field)
this->set_coef(t, 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < t; ++i)
this->set_coef(i, random_code_element(sp_field->get_cardinality(), rng));
const size_t degree = polyn_gf2m::degppf(*this);
if(degree >= t)
void polyn_gf2m::poly_shiftmod( const polyn_gf2m & g)
if(g.get_degree() <= 1)
throw Invalid_Argument("shiftmod cannot be called on polynomials of degree 1 or less");
std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> field = g.m_sp_field;
int t = g.get_degree();
gf2m a = field->gf_div(this->coeff[t-1], g.coeff[t]);
for (int i = t - 1; i > 0; --i)
this->coeff[i] = this->coeff[i - 1] ^ this->m_sp_field->gf_mul(a, g.coeff[i]);
this->coeff[0] = field->gf_mul(a, g.coeff[0]);
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> polyn_gf2m::sqrt_mod_init(const polyn_gf2m & g)
uint32_t i, t;
uint32_t nb_polyn_sqrt_mat;
std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> m_sp_field = g.m_sp_field;
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> result;
t = g.get_degree();
nb_polyn_sqrt_mat = t/2;
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> sq_aux = polyn_gf2m::sqmod_init(g);
polyn_gf2m p( t - 1, g.get_sp_field());
p.set_degree( 1);
(*&p).set_coef( 1, 1);
// q(z) = 0, p(z) = z
for (i = 0; i < t * m_sp_field->get_extension_degree() - 1; ++i)
// q(z) <- p(z)^2 mod g(z)
polyn_gf2m q = p.sqmod(sq_aux, t);
// q(z) <-> p(z)
polyn_gf2m aux = q;
q = p;
p = aux;
// p(z) = z^(2^(tm-1)) mod g(z) = sqrt(z) mod g(z)
for (i = 0; i < nb_polyn_sqrt_mat; ++i)
result.push_back(polyn_gf2m(t - 1, g.get_sp_field()));
result[0] = p;
for(i = 1; i < nb_polyn_sqrt_mat; i++)
result[i] = result[i - 1];
return result;
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> syndrome_init(polyn_gf2m const& generator, std::vector<gf2m> const& support, int n)
int i,j,t;
gf2m a;
std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> m_sp_field = generator.m_sp_field;
std::vector<polyn_gf2m> result;
t = generator.get_degree();
result.push_back(polyn_gf2m( t-1, m_sp_field));
(*&result[j]).set_coef(i, (generator)[i+1] ^
a = ((generator)[0] ^ m_sp_field->gf_mul(lex_to_gray(support[j]),result[j][0]));
(*&result[j]).set_coef(i, m_sp_field->gf_div(result[j][i],a));
return result;
polyn_gf2m::polyn_gf2m(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& encoded, std::shared_ptr<GF2m_Field> sp_field )
if(encoded.size() % 2)
throw Decoding_Error("encoded polynomial has odd length");
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < encoded.size(); i += 2)
gf2m el = (encoded[i] << 8) | encoded[i + 1];
secure_vector<uint8_t> polyn_gf2m::encode() const
secure_vector<uint8_t> result;
if(m_deg < 1)
return result;
uint32_t len = m_deg+1;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++)
// "big endian" encoding of the GF(2^m) elements
result.push_back(get_byte(0, coeff[i]));
result.push_back(get_byte(1, coeff[i]));
return result;
void polyn_gf2m::swap(polyn_gf2m& other)
std::swap(this->m_deg, other.m_deg);
std::swap(this->m_sp_field, other.m_sp_field);
std::swap(this->coeff, other.coeff);
bool polyn_gf2m::operator==(const polyn_gf2m & other) const
if(m_deg != other.m_deg || coeff != other.coeff)
return false;
return true;