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* ECC Domain Parameters
* (C) 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
* 2008-2010 Jack Lloyd
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#include <botan/point_gfp.h>
#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
namespace Botan {
* This class represents elliptic curce domain parameters
enum EC_Group_Encoding {
enum class EC_Group_Source {
class CurveGFp;
class EC_Group_Data;
class EC_Group_Data_Map;
* Class representing an elliptic curve
* The internal representation is stored in a shared_ptr, so copying an
* EC_Group is inexpensive.
class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) EC_Group final
* Construct Domain paramers from specified parameters
* @param curve elliptic curve
* @param base_point a base point
* @param order the order of the base point
* @param cofactor the cofactor
BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use version taking all BigInts")
EC_Group(const CurveGFp& curve,
const PointGFp& base_point,
const BigInt& order,
const BigInt& cofactor) :
cofactor) {}
* Construct Domain paramers from specified parameters
* @param p the elliptic curve p
* @param a the elliptic curve a param
* @param b the elliptic curve b param
* @param base_x the x coordinate of the base point
* @param base_y the y coordinate of the base point
* @param order the order of the base point
* @param cofactor the cofactor
* @param oid an optional OID used to identify this curve
EC_Group(const BigInt& p,
const BigInt& a,
const BigInt& b,
const BigInt& base_x,
const BigInt& base_y,
const BigInt& order,
const BigInt& cofactor,
const OID& oid = OID());
* Decode a BER encoded ECC domain parameter set
* @param ber the bytes of the BER encoding
* @param ber_len the length of ber
explicit EC_Group(const uint8_t ber[], size_t ber_len);
template<typename Alloc>
EC_Group(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& ber) :
EC_Group(, ber.size()) {}
* Create an EC domain by OID (or throw if unknown)
* @param oid the OID of the EC domain to create
explicit EC_Group(const OID& oid);
* Create an EC domain from PEM encoding (as from PEM_encode), or
* from an OID name (eg "secp256r1", or "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7")
* @param pem_or_oid PEM-encoded data, or an OID
* @warning Support for PEM in this function is deprecated. Use
* EC_Group_from_PEM
explicit EC_Group(const std::string& pem_or_oid);
static EC_Group EC_Group_from_PEM(const std::string& pem);
* Create an uninitialized EC_Group
EC_Group(const EC_Group&) = default;
EC_Group(EC_Group&&) = default;
EC_Group& operator=(const EC_Group&) = default;
EC_Group& operator=(EC_Group&&) = default;
* Create the DER encoding of this domain
* @param form of encoding to use
* @returns bytes encododed as DER
std::vector<uint8_t> DER_encode(EC_Group_Encoding form) const;
* Return the PEM encoding (always in explicit form)
* @return string containing PEM data
std::string PEM_encode() const;
* Return domain parameter curve
* @result domain parameter curve
BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Avoid CurveGFp") const CurveGFp& get_curve() const;
* Return if a == -3 mod p
bool a_is_minus_3() const;
* Return if a == 0 mod p
bool a_is_zero() const;
* Return the size of p in bits (same as get_p().bits())
size_t get_p_bits() const;
* Return the size of p in bits (same as get_p().bytes())
size_t get_p_bytes() const;
* Return the size of group order in bits (same as get_order().bits())
size_t get_order_bits() const;
* Return the size of p in bytes (same as get_order().bytes())
size_t get_order_bytes() const;
* Return the prime modulus of the field
const BigInt& get_p() const;
* Return the a parameter of the elliptic curve equation
const BigInt& get_a() const;
* Return the b parameter of the elliptic curve equation
const BigInt& get_b() const;
* Return group base point
* @result base point
const PointGFp& get_base_point() const;
* Return the x coordinate of the base point
const BigInt& get_g_x() const;
* Return the y coordinate of the base point
const BigInt& get_g_y() const;
* Return the order of the base point
* @result order of the base point
const BigInt& get_order() const;
* Reduce x modulo the order
BigInt mod_order(const BigInt& x) const;
* Return inverse of x modulo the order
BigInt inverse_mod_order(const BigInt& x) const;
* Reduce (x*x) modulo the order
BigInt square_mod_order(const BigInt& x) const;
* Reduce (x*y) modulo the order
BigInt multiply_mod_order(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const;
* Reduce (x*y*z) modulo the order
BigInt multiply_mod_order(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& z) const;
* Return the cofactor
* @result the cofactor
const BigInt& get_cofactor() const;
* Check if y is a plausible point on the curve
* In particular, checks that it is a point on the curve, not infinity,
* and that it has order matching the group.
bool verify_public_element(const PointGFp& y) const;
* Return the OID of these domain parameters
* @result the OID as a string
std::string BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use get_curve_oid") get_oid() const { return get_curve_oid().to_string(); }
* Return the OID of these domain parameters
* @result the OID
const OID& get_curve_oid() const;
* Return a point on this curve with the affine values x, y
PointGFp point(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const;
* Multi exponentiate. Not constant time.
* @return base_point*x + pt*y
PointGFp point_multiply(const BigInt& x, const PointGFp& pt, const BigInt& y) const;
* Blinded point multiplication, attempts resistance to side channels
* @param k the scalar
* @param rng a random number generator
* @param ws a temp workspace
* @return base_point*k
PointGFp blinded_base_point_multiply(const BigInt& k,
RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
std::vector<BigInt>& ws) const;
* Blinded point multiplication, attempts resistance to side channels
* Returns just the x coordinate of the point
* @param k the scalar
* @param rng a random number generator
* @param ws a temp workspace
* @return x coordinate of base_point*k
BigInt blinded_base_point_multiply_x(const BigInt& k,
RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
std::vector<BigInt>& ws) const;
* Blinded point multiplication, attempts resistance to side channels
* @param point input point
* @param k the scalar
* @param rng a random number generator
* @param ws a temp workspace
* @return point*k
PointGFp blinded_var_point_multiply(const PointGFp& point,
const BigInt& k,
RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
std::vector<BigInt>& ws) const;
* Return a random scalar ie an integer in [1,order)
BigInt random_scalar(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
* Return the zero (or infinite) point on this curve
PointGFp zero_point() const;
size_t point_size(PointGFp::Compression_Type format) const;
PointGFp OS2ECP(const uint8_t bits[], size_t len) const;
template<typename Alloc>
PointGFp OS2ECP(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& vec) const
return this->OS2ECP(, vec.size());
bool initialized() const { return (m_data != nullptr); }
* Verify EC_Group domain
* @returns true if group is valid. false otherwise
bool verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
bool strong = false) const;
bool operator==(const EC_Group& other) const;
EC_Group_Source source() const;
* Return PEM representation of named EC group
* Deprecated: Use EC_Group(name).PEM_encode() if this is needed
static std::string BOTAN_DEPRECATED("See header comment") PEM_for_named_group(const std::string& name);
* Return a set of known named EC groups
static const std::set<std::string>& known_named_groups();
* For internal use only
static std::shared_ptr<EC_Group_Data> EC_group_info(const OID& oid);
static size_t clear_registered_curve_data();
static EC_Group_Data_Map& ec_group_data();
static std::shared_ptr<EC_Group_Data> BER_decode_EC_group(const uint8_t bits[], size_t len,
EC_Group_Source source);
static std::shared_ptr<EC_Group_Data>
load_EC_group_info(const char* p,
const char* a,
const char* b,
const char* g_x,
const char* g_y,
const char* order,
const OID& oid);
// Member data
const EC_Group_Data& data() const;
std::shared_ptr<EC_Group_Data> m_data;
inline bool operator!=(const EC_Group& lhs,
const EC_Group& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
// For compatibility with 1.8
typedef EC_Group EC_Domain_Params;