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* ISO-9796-2 - Digital signature schemes giving message recovery schemes 2 and 3
* (C) 2016 Tobias Niemann, Hackmanit GmbH
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#include <botan/iso9796.h>
#include <botan/rng.h>
#include <botan/exceptn.h>
#include <botan/mgf1.h>
#include <botan/hash_id.h>
#include <botan/internal/bit_ops.h>
#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
namespace Botan {
namespace {
secure_vector<uint8_t> iso9796_encoding(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& msg,
size_t output_bits,
std::unique_ptr<HashFunction>& hash,
size_t SALT_SIZE,
bool implicit,
RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
const size_t output_length = (output_bits + 7) / 8;
//set trailer length
size_t tLength = 1;
tLength = 2;
const size_t HASH_SIZE = hash->output_length();
if(output_length <= HASH_SIZE + SALT_SIZE + tLength)
throw Encoding_Error("ISO9796-2::encoding_of: Output length is too small");
//calculate message capacity
const size_t capacity = output_length - HASH_SIZE - SALT_SIZE - tLength - 1;
//msg1 is the recoverable and msg2 the unrecoverable message part.
secure_vector<uint8_t> msg1;
secure_vector<uint8_t> msg2;
if(msg.size() > capacity)
msg1 = secure_vector<uint8_t>(msg.begin(), msg.begin() + capacity);
msg2 = secure_vector<uint8_t>(msg.begin() + capacity, msg.end());
msg1 = msg;
msg2 = hash->final();
//compute H(C||msg1 ||H(msg2)||S)
const size_t msgLength = msg1.size();
secure_vector<uint8_t> salt = rng.random_vec(SALT_SIZE);
hash->update_be(static_cast<uint64_t>(msgLength) * 8);
secure_vector<uint8_t> H = hash->final();
secure_vector<uint8_t> EM(output_length);
//compute message offset.
const size_t offset = output_length - HASH_SIZE - SALT_SIZE - tLength - msgLength - 1;
//insert message border (0x01), msg1 and salt into the output buffer
EM[offset] = 0x01;
buffer_insert(EM, offset + 1, msg1);
buffer_insert(EM, offset + 1 + msgLength, salt);
//apply mask
mgf1_mask(*hash,, HASH_SIZE,,
output_length - HASH_SIZE - tLength);
buffer_insert(EM, output_length - HASH_SIZE - tLength, H);
//set implicit/ISO trailer
uint8_t hash_id = ieee1363_hash_id(hash->name());
throw Encoding_Error("ISO9796-2::encoding_of: no hash identifier for " + hash->name());
EM[output_length - 1] = 0xCC;
EM[output_length - 2] = hash_id;
EM[output_length - 1] = 0xBC;
//clear the leftmost bit (confer bouncy castle)
EM[0] &= 0x7F;
return EM;
bool iso9796_verification(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& const_coded,
const secure_vector<uint8_t>& raw, size_t key_bits, std::unique_ptr<HashFunction>& hash, size_t SALT_SIZE)
const size_t HASH_SIZE = hash->output_length();
const size_t KEY_BYTES = (key_bits + 7) / 8;
if(const_coded.size() != KEY_BYTES)
return false;
//get trailer length
size_t tLength;
if(const_coded[const_coded.size() - 1] == 0xBC)
tLength = 1;
uint8_t hash_id = ieee1363_hash_id(hash->name());
if((!const_coded[const_coded.size() - 2]) || (const_coded[const_coded.size() - 2] != hash_id) ||
(const_coded[const_coded.size() - 1] != 0xCC))
return false; //in case of wrong ISO trailer.
tLength = 2;
secure_vector<uint8_t> coded = const_coded;
CT::poison(, coded.size());
//remove mask
uint8_t* DB =;
const size_t DB_size = coded.size() - HASH_SIZE - tLength;
const uint8_t* H = &coded[DB_size];
mgf1_mask(*hash, H, HASH_SIZE, DB, DB_size);
//clear the leftmost bit (confer bouncy castle)
DB[0] &= 0x7F;
//recover msg1 and salt
size_t msg1_offset = 1;
auto waiting_for_delim = CT::Mask<uint8_t>::set();
auto bad_input = CT::Mask<uint8_t>::cleared();
for(size_t j = 0; j < DB_size; ++j)
const auto is_zero = CT::Mask<uint8_t>::is_zero(DB[j]);
const auto is_one = CT::Mask<uint8_t>::is_equal(DB[j], 0x01);
const auto add_m = waiting_for_delim & is_zero;
bad_input |= waiting_for_delim & ~(is_zero | is_one);
msg1_offset += add_m.if_set_return(1);
waiting_for_delim &= is_zero;
//invalid, if delimiter 0x01 was not found or msg1_offset is too big
bad_input |= waiting_for_delim;
bad_input |= CT::Mask<size_t>::is_lt(coded.size(), tLength + HASH_SIZE + msg1_offset + SALT_SIZE);
//in case that msg1_offset is too big, just continue with offset = 0.
msg1_offset = CT::Mask<size_t>::expand(bad_input.value()).if_not_set_return(msg1_offset);
CT::unpoison(, coded.size());
secure_vector<uint8_t> msg1(coded.begin() + msg1_offset,
coded.end() - tLength - HASH_SIZE - SALT_SIZE);
secure_vector<uint8_t> salt(coded.begin() + msg1_offset + msg1.size(),
coded.end() - tLength - HASH_SIZE);
//compute H2(C||msg1||H(msg2)||S*). * indicates a recovered value
const size_t capacity = (key_bits - 2 + 7) / 8 - HASH_SIZE - SALT_SIZE - tLength - 1;
secure_vector<uint8_t> msg1raw;
secure_vector<uint8_t> msg2;
if(raw.size() > capacity)
msg1raw = secure_vector<uint8_t> (raw.begin(), raw.begin() + capacity);
msg2 = secure_vector<uint8_t> (raw.begin() + capacity, raw.end());
msg1raw = raw;
msg2 = hash->final();
const uint64_t msg1rawLength = msg1raw.size();
hash->update_be(msg1rawLength * 8);
secure_vector<uint8_t> H3 = hash->final();
//compute H3(C*||msg1*||H(msg2)||S*) * indicates a recovered value
const uint64_t msgLength = msg1.size();
hash->update_be(msgLength * 8);
secure_vector<uint8_t> H2 = hash->final();
//check if H3 == H2
bad_input |= CT::Mask<uint8_t>::is_zero(ct_compare_u8(,, HASH_SIZE));
return (bad_input.is_set() == false);
EMSA* ISO_9796_DS2::clone()
return new ISO_9796_DS2(m_hash->clone(), m_implicit, m_SALT_SIZE);
* ISO-9796-2 signature scheme 2
* DS 2 is probabilistic
void ISO_9796_DS2::update(const uint8_t input[], size_t length)
//need to buffer message completely, before digest
m_msg_buffer.insert(m_msg_buffer.end(), input, input+length);
* Return the raw (unencoded) data
secure_vector<uint8_t> ISO_9796_DS2::raw_data()
secure_vector<uint8_t> retbuffer = m_msg_buffer;
return retbuffer;
* ISO-9796-2 scheme 2 encode operation
secure_vector<uint8_t> ISO_9796_DS2::encoding_of(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& msg,
size_t output_bits,
RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
return iso9796_encoding(msg, output_bits, m_hash, m_SALT_SIZE, m_implicit, rng);
* ISO-9796-2 scheme 2 verify operation
bool ISO_9796_DS2::verify(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& const_coded,
const secure_vector<uint8_t>& raw, size_t key_bits)
return iso9796_verification(const_coded, raw, key_bits, m_hash, m_SALT_SIZE);
* Return the SCAN name
std::string ISO_9796_DS2::name() const
return "ISO_9796_DS2(" + m_hash->name() + ","
+ (m_implicit ? "imp" : "exp") + "," + std::to_string(m_SALT_SIZE) + ")";
EMSA* ISO_9796_DS3::clone()
return new ISO_9796_DS3(m_hash->clone(), m_implicit);
* ISO-9796-2 signature scheme 3
* DS 3 is deterministic and equals DS2 without salt
void ISO_9796_DS3::update(const uint8_t input[], size_t length)
//need to buffer message completely, before digest
m_msg_buffer.insert(m_msg_buffer.end(), input, input+length);
* Return the raw (unencoded) data
secure_vector<uint8_t> ISO_9796_DS3::raw_data()
secure_vector<uint8_t> retbuffer = m_msg_buffer;
return retbuffer;
* ISO-9796-2 scheme 3 encode operation
secure_vector<uint8_t> ISO_9796_DS3::encoding_of(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& msg,
size_t output_bits, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
return iso9796_encoding(msg, output_bits, m_hash, 0, m_implicit, rng);
* ISO-9796-2 scheme 3 verify operation
bool ISO_9796_DS3::verify(const secure_vector<uint8_t>& const_coded,
const secure_vector<uint8_t>& raw, size_t key_bits)
return iso9796_verification(const_coded, raw, key_bits, m_hash, 0);
* Return the SCAN name
std::string ISO_9796_DS3::name() const
return "ISO_9796_DS3(" + m_hash->name() + "," +
(m_implicit ? "imp" : "exp") + ")";