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Fuzzing The Library
Botan comes with a set of fuzzing endpoints which can be used to test
the library.
.. highlight:: shell
Fuzzing with libFuzzer
To fuzz with libFuzzer (, you'll first
need to compile libFuzzer::
$ cd libFuzzer && clang -c -g -O2 -std=c++11 *.cpp
$ ar cr libFuzzer.a libFuzzer/*.o
Then build the fuzzers::
$ ./ --cc=clang --build-fuzzer=libfuzzer --unsafe-fuzzer-mode \
$ make fuzzers
Enabling 'coverage' sanitizer flags is required for libFuzzer to work.
Address sanitizer and undefined sanitizer are optional.
The fuzzer binaries will be in `build/fuzzer`. Simply pick one and run it, optionally
also passing a directory containing corpus inputs.
Using `libfuzzer` build mode implicitly assumes the fuzzers need to
link with `libFuzzer`; if another library is needed (for example in
OSS-Fuzz, which uses `libFuzzingEngine`), use the flag
`--with-fuzzer-lib` to specify the desired name.
Fuzzing with AFL
To fuzz with AFL (
$ ./ --with-sanitizers --build-fuzzer=afl --unsafe-fuzzer-mode --cc-bin=afl-g++
$ make fuzzers
For AFL sanitizers are optional. You can also use `afl-clang-fast++`
or `afl-clang++`, be sure to set `--cc=clang` also.
The fuzzer binaries will be in `build/fuzzer`. To run them you need to
run under `afl-fuzz`::
$ afl-fuzz -i corpus_path -o output_path ./build/fuzzer/binary
Fuzzing with TLS-Attacker
TLS-Attacker ( includes a mode for fuzzing
TLS servers. A prebuilt copy of TLS-Attacker is available in a git repository::
To run it against Botan's server::
$ ./ --with-sanitizers
$ make botan
$ ./src/scripts/ ./botan ./botan-ci-tools
Output and logs from the fuzzer are placed into `/tmp`. See the
TLS-Attacker documentation for more information about how to use this
Input Corpus
AFL requires an input corpus, and libFuzzer can certainly make good
use of it.
Some crypto corpus repositories include
Adding new fuzzers
New fuzzers are created by adding a source file to `src/fuzzers` which
have the signature:
``void fuzz(const uint8_t in[], size_t len)``
After adding your fuzzer, rerun ``./`` and build.