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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! This module provides helpers to use Rust's asynchronous language features
//! when manipulating XPCOM asynchronous operations, such as network calls.
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use nserror::nsresult;
use thin_vec::ThinVec;
use xpcom::interfaces::{nsIChannel, nsIStreamListener};
use xpcom::{RefPtr, XpCom};
mod buffering_listener;
use crate::buffering_listener::BufferingStreamListener;
mod sleep;
pub use self::sleep::*;
/// A wrapper providing a native Rust [`Future`] for asynchronous operations on
/// XPCOM interfaces.
/// When the future is `.await`ed, the asynchronous operation is called on
/// the underlying XPCOM object (e.g., `nsIChannel::AsyncOpen`) with an
/// [`nsIStreamListener`] implementation which buffers the data it receives.
/// If the request completes successfully, it will be returned the next time the
/// future is polled as a tuple consisting of:
/// * the original XPCOM object on which the operation was executed (e.g., the
/// [`nsIChannel`]); and
/// * the data read by the [`nsIStreamListener`].
/// If the request fails, the status provided to [`OnStopRequest`] is returned
/// instead.
/// [`OnStopRequest`]: xpcom::interfaces::nsIRequestObserver::OnStopRequest
pub struct XpComFuture<T: XpCom + 'static> {
async_interface: RefPtr<T>,
listener: RefPtr<BufferingStreamListener>,
running: bool,
impl<T: XpCom> XpComFuture<T> {
/// Reads data from the listener if any is available.
/// Returns [`Poll::Ready`] if the request has completed, and
/// [`Poll::Pending`] otherwise.
fn poll_listener(&self) -> Poll<Result<(RefPtr<T>, ThinVec<u8>), nsresult>> {
if let Some(status) = self.listener.status() {
// The listener has a final status, which means the request has
// finished.
if status.failed() {
return Poll::Ready(Err(status));
// The container with the data received to pass to the caller.
let mut data = ThinVec::new();
// Read the data stored in the listener in chunks.
let mut buf: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096];
loop {
// BufferingStreamListener implements a slight variant of the
// Read trait, which returns an nsresult if an error occurred.
let read = buf)?;
if read == 0 {
// We can't directly move self.async_interface, since it's not clear
// to the compiler that we have reached the end of the struct's
// lifetime at this point (which, to be fair, we might not have).
// Cloning the RefPtr isn't expensive at all, since all it does is
// to create a new `RefPtr` that points to the same data and
// increments the refcount. When the `RefPtr` in
// self.async_interface drops out of scope, that refcount is
// decremented, so we end up neutral.
return Poll::Ready(Ok((self.async_interface.clone(), data)));
impl<T: XpCom> From<RefPtr<T>> for XpComFuture<T> {
/// Wraps a [`RefPtr<T>`] into a new [`XpComFuture<T>`]. When `.await`ed on,
/// this new instance calls the matching asynchronous method on `T`. The
/// currently supported XPCOM interfaces and methods are:
/// * [`XpComFuture<nsIChannel>`] → [`nsIChannel::AsyncOpen`]
/// Any [`XpComFuture<T>`] where `T` isn't listed above does not implement the
/// [`Future`] trait and therefore cannot be `.await`ed on.
fn from(xpcom_interface: RefPtr<T>) -> Self {
XpComFuture {
async_interface: xpcom_interface,
listener: BufferingStreamListener::new(),
running: false,
impl XpComFuture<nsIChannel> {
/// Starts the request through the channel that was originally provided, if
/// it's not already running.
fn ensure_started(&mut self) -> Result<(), nsresult> {
if !self.running {
// Turn the listener into the type that AsyncOpen will expect.
let stream_listener: RefPtr<nsIStreamListener> = self
// SAFETY: XPCOM guarantees that `RefPtr`s are valid and point to an
// implementation of the correct interface.
unsafe {
// Start the request.
self.running = true;
// Note: In future iterations, we'll probably want to implement the
// `futures::stream::Stream` trait here as well, to allow processing data as it
// arrives (rather than buffering it all).
impl Future for XpComFuture<nsIChannel> {
type Output = Result<(RefPtr<nsIChannel>, ThinVec<u8>), nsresult>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut XpComFuture<nsIChannel>>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// Set the waker on the listener so it can use it when the request finishes.
// Start the request if it hasn't already.
// Attempt to read from the listener.