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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::slice;
use std::task::Waker;
use std::vec::Vec;
use nserror::{nsresult, NS_OK};
use xpcom::interfaces::{nsIInputStream, nsIRequest};
use xpcom::{xpcom_method, RefPtr};
/// An nsIStreamListener implementation which buffers any bit of data it
/// receives, and implements a few methods to allow its status and buffer to be
/// read by the future it's wrapped into.
#[xpcom::xpcom(implement(nsIStreamListener), atomic)]
pub struct BufferingStreamListener {
buf: RefCell<Cursor<Vec<u8>>>,
waker: Cell<Option<Waker>>,
status: Cell<Option<nsresult>>,
must_wake: Cell<bool>,
impl BufferingStreamListener {
pub fn new() -> RefPtr<BufferingStreamListener> {
BufferingStreamListener::allocate(InitBufferingStreamListener {
buf: Default::default(),
waker: Default::default(),
status: Default::default(),
must_wake: Default::default(),
// We don't actually have any logic to implement in here, so we might as
// well skip the xpcom_method! call entirely.
unsafe fn OnStartRequest(&self, _aRequest: *const nsIRequest) -> nsresult {
xpcom_method!(on_data_available => OnDataAvailable(aRequest: *const nsIRequest, aInputStream: *const nsIInputStream, aOffset: u64, aCount: u32));
fn on_data_available(
_request: &nsIRequest,
stream: &nsIInputStream,
_offset: u64,
count: u32,
) -> Result<(), nsresult> {
// The interim buffer in which to read data from the stream. We're
// instantiating the vector like this rather than with
// Vec::with_capacity(count) so that it has the correct length value
// after writing directly to its pointer.
let mut read_sink: Vec<c_char> =
vec![0; <usize>::try_from(count).or(Err(nserror::NS_ERROR_FAILURE))?];
// SAFETY: The call contract from `nsIInputStream::Read` guarantees that
// the data written into the provided buffer is of type c_char (char* in
// C-land) and is contiguous for the length it writes in `bytes_read`.
// It also guarantees that only `count` bytes will be read into the
// buffer that is provided to it.
// Moreover, the call contract for `OnDataAvailable` guarantees that the
// data in the stream is not mutated during the call.
// Additionally, `read_sink` is instantiated with the amount of bytes to
// read, so we won't try to write into unallocated memory.
let read_sink = unsafe {
let read_sink = read_sink.as_mut_ptr();
// The amount of bytes actually read from the stream.
let mut bytes_read: u32 = 0;
stream.Read(read_sink, count, &mut bytes_read).to_result()?;
// Turn the buffer of c_char into a &[u8] that we can use to write
// into our internal buffer.
let bytes_read = <usize>::try_from(bytes_read).or(Err(nserror::NS_ERROR_FAILURE))?;
slice::from_raw_parts(read_sink as *const u8, bytes_read)
// Append the content we've just read to the buffer.
let mut inner = self.buf.borrow_mut();
.map_err(|_| nserror::NS_ERROR_FAILURE)?;
// We don't want to wake the future just yet because the request hasn't
// finished yet.
xpcom_method!(on_stop_request => OnStopRequest(aRequest: *const nsIRequest, aStatusCode: nsresult));
fn on_stop_request(&self, _request: &nsIRequest, status: nsresult) -> Result<(), nsresult> {
// Reset the buffer's position so that we can read bytes.
let mut buf = self.buf.borrow_mut();
// Set the final status of the request and wake the future.
/// Returns the final status of the request, if it has completed.
pub fn status(&self) -> Option<nsresult> {
/// Sets the `Waker` to be woken when the request is completed, or wakes it
/// immediately if the request has already completed.
pub fn set_waker(&self, waker: Waker) {
if self.must_wake.take() {
} else {
/// Reads data from the stream listener's inner buffer into the provided
/// buffer.
/// This is a slight variation of the function declared for the `Read`
/// trait, in order to accommodate XPCOM limitations (the inability to hold
/// a mutable reference to an XPCOM implementation and the need to return an
/// instance of [`nsresult`] in case of an error).
pub fn read(&self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, nsresult> {
let mut buf = self.buf.borrow_mut();
let read =|_| nserror::NS_ERROR_FAILURE)?;
/// Wakes the future using the previously set `Waker`.
/// If no `Waker` has been set, indicate that we should immediately wake the
/// next `Waker` we receive.
fn wake(&self) {
if let Some(waker) = self.waker.take() {
} else {