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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::c_char;
use std::ptr;
use cstr::cstr;
use url::Url;
use nsstring::nsCString;
use xpcom::interfaces::{
nsIChannel, nsIContentPolicy, nsIHttpChannel, nsIIOService, nsILoadInfo, nsIPrincipal,
nsIScriptSecurityManager, nsIStringInputStream, nsIUploadChannel,
use xpcom::XpCom;
use xpcom::{getter_addrefs, RefPtr};
use xpcom_async::XpComFuture;
use crate::client::Method;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::response::Response;
/// The bytes to use as body in a request.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Body<'bo>(&'bo [u8]);
impl<'bo> From<&'bo [u8]> for Body<'bo> {
fn from(value: &'bo [u8]) -> Self {
impl<'bo> From<&'bo str> for Body<'bo> {
fn from(value: &'bo str) -> Self {
/// The representation of a request body, with its content type.
struct RequestBody<'b> {
content: Body<'b>,
content_type: &'b str,
/// A builder to create and send HTTP requests.
pub struct RequestBuilder<'rb> {
url: &'rb Url,
method: Method,
// Ideally we'd store header keys as nsCString directly, but nsCString does
// not implement the traits Hash and Eq, which are required to be used as
// HashMap keys.
headers: HashMap<&'rb str, &'rb str>,
body: Option<RequestBody<'rb>>,
impl<'rb> RequestBuilder<'rb> {
/// Instantiates a new [`RequestBuilder`] to create a request to the
/// specified URL with the specified HTTP method.
/// If the URL is not a valid HTTP URL, i.e. if its protocol scheme is
/// neither HTTP nor HTTPS, an error is returned.
pub(crate) fn new(method: Method, url: &'rb Url) -> crate::Result<RequestBuilder<'rb>> {
// We only support HTTP(S) URLs.
// url.scheme() is always lower-cased.
if url.scheme() != "http" && url.scheme() != "https" {
return Err(Error::UnsupportedScheme(url.scheme().into()));
let builder = RequestBuilder {
headers: HashMap::new(),
body: None,
/// Adds an HTTP header to the request.
pub fn header(&'rb mut self, key: &'rb str, value: &'rb str) -> &mut RequestBuilder {
self.headers.insert(key, value);
/// Sets the provided content as the request body, and sets its Content-Type
/// header.
/// The content provided must represent a UTF-8 string. If a null byte is
/// present, it is seen as a terminator and the rest of the data is ignored.
/// The body's length cannot exceed [`i32::MAX`] (otherwise an error will be
/// returned by [`RequestBuilder::send`]).
pub fn body<T: Into<Body<'rb>>>(
&'rb mut self,
body: T,
content_type: &'rb str,
) -> &mut RequestBuilder {
self.body = Some(RequestBody {
content: body.into(),
/// Builds and sends an HTTP request from the builder's configuration.
pub async fn send(&self) -> crate::Result<Response> {
// Get the nsIScriptSecurityManager service to retrieve an nsIPrincipal we can use in
// NewChannel.
let script_sec_mgr = xpcom::get_service::<nsIScriptSecurityManager>(cstr!(
"failed to get service nsIScriptSecurityManager",
let principal: RefPtr<nsIPrincipal> =
getter_addrefs(unsafe { |p| script_sec_mgr.GetSystemPrincipal(p) })?;
// Get the nsIIOService service to generate the nsIChannel.
let io_service =
Error::XpComOperationFailure("failed to get service nsIIOService"),
// Build the nsIChannel to send the request through. Note that we could
// do this in two parts, with the first one being parsing the url into
// an nsIURI, but this wouldn't really be much more useful to us, since
// all we'd do with it would be passing it to
// io_service.NewChannelFromURI().
let url = nsCString::from(self.url.as_str());
let channel: RefPtr<nsIChannel> = getter_addrefs(|p| unsafe {
// Set the request body to the channel, if any.
// Besides sending the request, most of the operations we need to
// perform belong to nsIHttpChannel.
let http_channel =
"failed to query channel as nsIHttpChannel",
// Set the headers.
for (key, value) in &self.headers {
let key = nsCString::from(*key);
let value = nsCString::from(*value);
unsafe {
.SetRequestHeader(&*key, &*value, false)
// Set the method. We need to do this after setting the request's body
// because nsIUploadChannel::SetUploadStream() used on an HTTP channel
// sets the channel's method depending on the content of its arguments,
// which might not match the method we want to use.
let method: nsCString = self.method.into();
unsafe { http_channel.SetRequestMethod(&*method).to_result()? }
// Send the request through the nsIChannel.
let (_channel, bytes) = XpComFuture::from(channel).await?;
// Store the nsIHttpChannel in the `Response` for convenience (since
// `Response` only uses methods from `nsIHttpChannel`).
let res = Response {
channel: http_channel,
body: bytes.to_vec(),
/// Sets the configured request body on the given channge,
fn set_body(&self, channel: &RefPtr<nsIChannel>) -> crate::Result<()> {
// Bail out immediately if no body is available.
if self.body.is_none() {
return Ok(());
// Create an input stream for the body.
let body_stream = xpcom::create_instance::<nsIStringInputStream>(cstr!(
"failed to create instance of nsIStringInputStream",
// Cast the channel as nsIUploadChannel so we can set the input stream.
let upload_channel =
"failed to query channel as nsIHttpChannel",
// We've already checked that self.body is not None, so we can safely
// unwrap.
let body = self.body.as_ref().unwrap();
let len = <i32>::try_from(body.content.0.len())?;
let content_type = nsCString::from(body.content_type);
unsafe {
// Set the data for the stream.
// SAFETY: SetData() makes a copy of the provided buffer to ensure
// it's always reading from valid and allocated memory. This isn't
// ideal because it means all request bodies are duplicated in
// memory.
// Ideally we would use ShareData(). However, currently, the
// nsIChannel is passed to the Response instance (so we can read
// headers and a status from it) but the body's buffer
// (body.content) is not (we currently don't need to support e.g.
// reading the request body from the response). This means the
// nsIChannel outlives the body's buffer, which creates a possible
// scenario where we would try to read from the stream after its
// underlying buffer has been dropped.
// We also can't use AdoptData() since this would create ambiguity
// around the buffer's ownership: Rust and C++ would both believe
// they own the buffer, which could lead to double free bugs.
// Should the body duplication become an issue, an alternative would
// be to stick the body onto the Response struct when sending the
// request, to ensure it stays in scope while the nsIChannel does,
// and use ShareData() instead.
.SetData(body.content.0.as_ptr() as *const c_char, len)
// Set the stream as the channel's upload stream.
.SetUploadStream(body_stream.coerce(), &*content_type, len as i64)