Name Description Size
components.conf 838 440
nsPgpMimeMimeContentTypeHandler.h 841
nsPgpMimeProxy.cpp Overall description =================== There are three components involved here: MIME, a proxy object (nsPgpMimeProxy) and Enigmail (or any other add-on that registered a decryption object with ";1"). MIME creates and initialises the proxy object in nsPgpMimeProxy::Init(). This creates a decryption object, for example EnigmailMimeDecrypt. When MIME wants to decode something, it calls the Write() method of the proxy, which in turn calls OnDataAvailable() on the decryptor. The decryptor optains the encrypted data form the proxy via the proxy's Read() method. The decryptor decrypts the data and passes the result back to the proxy, using the OutputDecryptedData() method or by passing a stream to the proxy's OnDataAvailable() method, in which the proxy will read from that stream. The proxy knows how to interface with MIME and passes the data on using some function pointers it got given via nsPgpMimeProxy::SetMimeCallback(). 20509
nsPgpMimeProxy.h 1913