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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { GlodaDatastore } from "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaDatastore.sys.mjs";
import {
import {
import { GlodaConstants } from "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaConstants.sys.mjs";
import {
import { GlodaQueryClassFactory } from "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaQueryClassFactory.sys.mjs";
import { GlodaUtils } from "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaUtils.sys.mjs";
import { MailServices } from "resource:///modules/MailServices.sys.mjs";
* @see |Gloda.BadItemContentsError|
function BadItemContentsError(aMessage) {
this.message = aMessage;
BadItemContentsError.prototype = {
toString() {
return this.message;
* Provides the user-visible (and extension visible) global database
* functionality. There is currently a dependency/ordering
* problem in that the concept of 'gloda' also includes some logic that is
* contributed by built-in extensions, if you will. Those built-in extensions
* (fundattr.js, GlodaExplicitAttr.sys.mjs) also import this file. To avoid a circular
* dependency, those built-in extensions are loaded by Everybody.sys.mjs. The
* simplest/best solution is probably to move Everybody.sys.mjs to be Gloda.sys.mjs and
* have it re-export only 'Gloda'. Gloda.sys.mjs (this file) can then move to be
* gloda_int.js (or whatever our eventual naming scheme is), which built-in
* extensions can explicitly rely upon.
* === Concepts
* == Nouns
* Inspired by reasonable uses of triple-stores, I have tried to leverage
* existing model and terminology rather than rolling out own for everything.
* The idea with triple-stores is that you have a subject, a predicate, and an
* object. For example, if we are talking about a message, that is the
* subject, the predicate could roughly be sent-by, and the object a person.
* We can generalize this idea to say that the subject and objects are nouns.
* Since we want to be more flexible than only dealing with messages, we
* therefore introduce the concept of nouns as an organizing principle.
* == Attributes
* Our attributes definitions are basically our predicates. When we define
* an attribute, it's a label with a bunch of meta-data. Our attribute
* instances are basically a 'triple' in a triple-store. The attributes
* are stored in database rows that imply a specific noun-type (ex: the
* messageAttributes table), with an ID identifying the message which is our
* subject, an attribute ID which identifies the attribute definition in use
* (and therefore the predicate), plus an object ID (given context aka the
* noun type by the attribute's meta-data) which identifies the 'object'.
* == But...
* Things aren't entirely as clear as they could be right now, terminology/
* concept/implementation-wise. Some work is probably still in order.
* === Implementation
* == Nouns
* So, we go and define the nouns that are roughly the classes in our data
* model. Every 'class' we define in GlodaDataModel.sys.mjs is a noun that gets defined
* here in the Gloda core. We provide sufficient meta-data about the noun to
* serialize/deserialize its representation from our database representation.
* Nouns do not have to be defined in this class, but can also be contributed
* by external code.
* We have a concept of 'first class' nouns versus non-first class nouns. The
* distinction is meant to be whether we can store meta-information about those
* nouns using attributes. Right now, only message are real first-class nouns,
* but we want to expand that to include contacts and eventually events and
* tasks as lightning-integration occurs. In practice, we are stretching the
* definition of first-class nouns slightly to include things we can't store
* meta-data about, but want to be able to query about. We do want to resolve
* this.
* == Attributes
* Attributes are defined by "attribute providers" who are responsible for
* taking an instance of a first-class noun (for which they are registered)
* plus perhaps some other meta-data, and returning a list of attributes
* extracted from that noun. For now, this means messages. Attribute
* providers may create new data records as a side-effect of the indexing
* process, although we have not yet fully dealt with the problem of deleting
* these records should they become orphaned in the database due to the
* purging of a message and its attributes.
* All of the 'core' gloda attributes are provided by the GlodaFundAttr.sys.mjs and
* GlodaExplicitAttr.sys.mjs providers.
* === (Notable) Future Work
* == Attributes
* Attribute mechanisms currently lack any support for 'overriding' attributes
* provided by other attribute providers. For example, the fundattr provider
* tells us who a message is 'from' based on the e-mail address present.
* However, other plugins may actually know better. For example, the bugzilla
* daemon e-mails based on bug activity although the daemon gets the credit
* as the official sender. A bugzilla plugin can easily extract the actual
* person/e-mail addressed who did something on the bug to cause the
* notification to be sent. In practice, we would like that person to be
* the 'sender' of the bugmail. But we can't really do that right, yet.
* @namespace
export var Gloda = {
* Initialize logging, the datastore (SQLite database), the core nouns and
* attributes, and the contact and identities that belong to the presumed
* current user (based on accounts).
* Additional nouns and the core attribute providers are initialized by the
* Everybody.sys.mjs module which ensures all of those dependencies are loaded
* (and initialized).
_init() {
_log: null,
* Initialize logging; the error console window gets Warning/Error, and stdout
* (via dump) gets everything.
_initLogging() {
this._log = console.createInstance({
prefix: "gloda",
maxLogLevel: "Warn",
maxLogLevelPref: "gloda.loglevel",
});"Logging Initialized");
* Callers should access the unique ID for the GlodaDatastore
* with this getter. If the GlodaDatastore has not been
* initialized, this value is null.
* @returns a UUID as a string, ex: "c4dd0159-9287-480f-a648-a4613e147fdb"
get datastoreID() {
return GlodaDatastore._datastoreID;
* Lookup a gloda message from an nsIMsgDBHdr, with the result returned as a
* collection. Keep in mind that the message may not be indexed, so you
* may end up with an empty collection. (Also keep in mind that this query
* is asynchronous, so you will want your action-taking logic to be found
* in your listener's onQueryCompleted method; the result will not be in
* the collection when this method returns.)
* @param aMsgHdr The header of the message you want the gloda message for.
* @param aListener The listener that should be registered with the collection
* @param aData The (optional) value to set as the data attribute on the
* collection.
* @returns The collection that will receive the results.
* @testpoint gloda.ns.getMessageCollectionForHeader()
getMessageCollectionForHeader(aMsgHdr, aListener, aData) {
const query = Gloda.newQuery(GlodaConstants.NOUN_MESSAGE);
return query.getCollection(aListener, aData);
* Given a list of message headers, return a collection containing the gloda
* messages that correspond to those headers. Keep in mind that gloda may
* not have indexed all the messages, so the returned collection may not have
* a message for each header you provide. (Also keep in mind that this query
* is asynchronous, so you will want your action-taking logic to be found
* in your listener's onQueryCompleted method; no results will be present in
* the collection when this method returns.)
* @param aHeaders An array of headers
* @param aListener The listener that should be registered with the collection
* @param aData The (optional) value to set as the data attribute on the
* collection.
* @returns The collection that will receive the results.
* @testpoint gloda.ns.getMessageCollectionForHeaders()
getMessageCollectionForHeaders(aHeaders, aListener, aData) {
// group the headers by the folder they are found in
const headersByFolder = {};
for (const header of aHeaders) {
const folderURI = header.folder.URI;
const headersForFolder = headersByFolder[folderURI];
if (headersForFolder === undefined) {
headersByFolder[folderURI] = [header];
} else {
const query = Gloda.newQuery(GlodaConstants.NOUN_MESSAGE);
let clause;
// build a query, using a separate union clause for each folder.
for (const folderURI in headersByFolder) {
const headersForFolder = headersByFolder[folderURI];
const folder = this.getFolderForFolder(headersForFolder[0].folder);
// if this is the first or clause, just use the query itself
if (!clause) {
clause = query;
} else {
// Create a new query clause via the 'or' command.
clause = query.or();
const messageKeys = => hdr.messageKey);
clause.messageKey.apply(clause, messageKeys);
return query.getCollection(aListener, aData);
* @testpoint gloda.ns.getMessageContent
getMessageContent(aGlodaMessage, aMimeMsg) {
return mimeMsgToContentAndMeta(
getFolderForFolder(aMsgFolder) {
return GlodaDatastore._mapFolder(aMsgFolder);
* Takes one or more strings containing lists of comma-delimited e-mail
* addresses with optional display names, and returns a list of sub-lists of
* identities, where each sub-list corresponds to each of the strings passed
* as arguments. These identities are loaded from the database if they
* already exist, or created if they do not yet exist.
* If the identities need to be created, they will also result in the
* creation of a gloda contact. If a display name was provided with the
* e-mail address, it will become the name of the gloda contact. If a
* display name was not provided, the e-mail address will also serve as the
* contact name.
* This method uses the indexer's callback handle mechanism, and does not
* obey traditional return semantics.
* We normalize all e-mail addresses to be lowercase as a normative measure.
* @param aCallbackHandle The GlodaIndexer callback handle (or equivalent)
* that you are operating under.
* @param aAddrGroups... One or more strings. Each string can contain zero or more
* e-mail addresses with display name. If more than one address is given,
* they should be comma-delimited. For example
* '"Bob Smith" <>' is an address with display name. Mime
* header decoding is performed, but is ignorant of any folder-level
* character set overrides.
* @returns via the callback handle mechanism, a list containing one sub-list
* for each string argument passed. Each sub-list contains zero or more
* GlodaIdentity instances corresponding to the addresses provided.
*getOrCreateMailIdentities(aCallbackHandle, ...aAddrGroups) {
const addresses = {};
const resultLists = [];
// parse the strings
for (const aMailAddresses of aAddrGroups) {
const parsed = GlodaUtils.parseMailAddresses(aMailAddresses);
const resultList = [];
for (let iAddress = 0; iAddress < parsed.count; iAddress++) {
const address = parsed.addresses[iAddress].toLowerCase();
if (address in addresses) {
} else {
addresses[address] = [parsed.names[iAddress], resultList];
const addressList = Object.keys(addresses);
if (addressList.length == 0) {
yield aCallbackHandle.doneWithResult(resultLists);
// we should be stopped before we reach this point, but safety first.
const query = this.newQuery(GlodaConstants.NOUN_IDENTITY);
query.value.apply(query, addressList);
const collection = query.getCollection(aCallbackHandle);
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkAsync;
// put the identities in the appropriate result lists
for (const identity of collection.items) {
const nameAndResultLists = addresses[identity.value];
" found identity for '" +
nameAndResultLists[0] +
"' (" +
identity.value +
// index 0 is the name, skip it
for (let iResList = 1; iResList < nameAndResultLists.length; iResList++) {
delete addresses[identity.value];
// create the identities that did not exist yet
for (const address in addresses) {
const nameAndResultLists = addresses[address];
let name = nameAndResultLists[0];
this._log.debug(" creating contact for '" + name + "' (" + address + ")");
// try and find an existing address book contact.
const card = MailServices.ab.cardForEmailAddress(address);
// XXX when we have the address book GUID stuff, we need to use that to
// find existing contacts... (this will introduce a new query phase
// where we batch all the GUIDs for an async query)
// XXX when the address book supports multiple e-mail addresses, we
// should also just create identities for any that don't yet exist
// if there is no name, just use the e-mail (the ab indexer actually
// processes the card's displayName for synchronization, so we don't
// need to do that.)
if (!name) {
name = address;
const contact = GlodaDatastore.createContact(null, null, name, 0, 0);
// we must create the identity. use a blank description because there's
// nothing to differentiate it from other identities, as this contact
// only has one initially (us).
// XXX when we have multiple e-mails and there is a meaning associated
// with each e-mail, try and use that to populate the description.
// XXX we are creating the identity here before we insert the contact.
// conceptually it is good for us to be creating the identity before
// exposing it to the address-book indexer, but we could get our id's
// in a bad way from not deferring the identity insertion until after
// the contact insertion.
const identity = GlodaDatastore.createIdentity(,
/* description */ "",
/* relay? */ false
contact._identities = [identity];
// give the address book indexer a chance if we have a card.
// (it will fix-up the name based on the card as appropriate)
if (card) {
yield aCallbackHandle.pushAndGo(
Gloda.grokNounItem(contact, { card }, true, true, aCallbackHandle)
} else {
// grokNounItem will issue the insert for us...
for (let iResList = 1; iResList < nameAndResultLists.length; iResList++) {
yield aCallbackHandle.doneWithResult(resultLists);
* Dictionary of the user's known identities; key is the identity id, value
* is the actual identity. This is populated by _initMyIdentities based on
* the accounts defined.
myIdentities: {},
* The contact corresponding to the current user. We are assuming that only
* a single user/human being uses the current profile. This is known to be
* a flawed assumption, but is the best first approximation available.
* The contact is based on the default account's default identity. The user
* can change both, if desired, in Account Settings.
* @TODO attempt to deal with multiple people using the same profile
myContact: null,
* Populate myIdentities with all of our identities. Currently we do this
* by assuming that there is one human/user per profile, and that all of the
* accounts defined in the profile belong to them. The single contact is
* stored on myContact.
* @TODO deal with account addition/modification/removal
* @TODO attempt to deal with multiple people using the same profile
_initMyIdentities() {
let myContact = null;
const myIdentities = {};
// Process each email at most once; stored here.
const myEmailAddresses = new Set();
let fullName, fallbackName;
const existingIdentities = [];
const identitiesToCreate = [];
const allIdentities = MailServices.accounts.allIdentities;
const defaultMsgIdentity = MailServices.accounts.defaultAccount
? MailServices.accounts.defaultAccount.defaultIdentity
: null;
const defaultMsgIdentityKey = defaultMsgIdentity
? defaultMsgIdentity.key
: null;
let defaultIdentity;
// Nothing to do if there are no accounts/identities.
if (allIdentities.length == 0) {
for (const msgIdentity of allIdentities) {
const emailAddress =;
const replyTo = msgIdentity.replyTo;
const msgIdentityDescription = msgIdentity.fullName ||;
const isDefaultMsgIdentity = msgIdentity.key == defaultMsgIdentityKey;
if (!fullName || isDefaultMsgIdentity) {
fullName = msgIdentity.fullName;
if (!fallbackName || isDefaultMsgIdentity) {
fallbackName =;
// Find the identities if they exist, flag to create them if they don't.
for (const address of [emailAddress, replyTo]) {
if (!address) {
const parsed = GlodaUtils.parseMailAddresses(address);
if (myEmailAddresses.has(parsed.addresses[0])) {
const identity = GlodaDatastore.getIdentity(
if (identity) {
if (identity.description != msgIdentityDescription) {
// If the user changed the identity name, update the db.
identity._description = msgIdentityDescription;
if (isDefaultMsgIdentity) {
defaultIdentity = identity;
} else {
// We need to establish the portions of the relationship.
for (const identity of existingIdentities) {
identity._contact = GlodaDatastore.getContactByID(identity.contactID);
if (defaultIdentity && == {
if ( != (fullName || fallbackName)) {
// If the user changed the default identity, update the db. = fullName || fallbackName;
defaultIdentity._contact =;
if (defaultIdentity) {
// The contact is based on the default account's default identity.
myContact =;
} else if (existingIdentities.length) {
// Just use the first guy's contact.
myContact = existingIdentities[0].contact;
} else {
// Create a new contact.
myContact = GlodaDatastore.createContact(
fullName || fallbackName,
for (const emailAndDescription of identitiesToCreate) {
// XXX This won't always be of type "email" as we add new account types.
const identity = GlodaDatastore.createIdentity(,
for (const identity of existingIdentities) {
myIdentities[] = identity;
this.myContact = myContact;
this.myIdentities = myIdentities;
myContact._identities = Object.keys(myIdentities).map(
id => myIdentities[id]
// We need contacts to make these objects reachable via the collection
// manager.
this._myContactCollection = this.explicitCollection(
this._myIdentitiesCollection = this.explicitCollection(
/** Next Noun ID to hand out, these don't need to be persisted (for now). */
_nextNounID: 1000,
* Maps noun names to noun IDs.
_nounNameToNounID: {},
* Maps noun IDs to noun definition dictionaries. (Noun definition
* dictionaries provided to us at the time a noun was defined, plus some
* additional stuff we put in there.)
_nounIDToDef: {},
_managedToJSON(aItem) {
* Define a noun. Takes a dictionary with the following keys/values:
* @param The name of the noun. This is not a display name
* (anything being displayed needs to be localized, after all), but simply
* the canonical name for debugging purposes and for people to pass to
* lookupNoun. The suggested convention is lower-case-dash-delimited,
* with names being singular (since it's a single noun we are referring
* to.)
* @param aNounDef.class The 'class' to which an instance of the noun will
* belong (aka will pass an instanceof test). You may also provide this
* as 'clazz' if the keyword makes your IDE angry.
* @param aNounDef.allowsArbitraryAttrs Is this a 'first class noun'/can it be
* a subject, AKA can this noun have attributes stored on it that relate
* it to other things? For example, a message is first-class; we store
* attributes of messages. A date is not first-class now, nor is it
* likely to be; we will not store attributes about a date, although dates
* will be the objects of other subjects. (For example: we might
* associate a date with a calendar event, but the date is an attribute of
* the calendar event and not vice versa.)
* @param aNounDef.usesParameter A boolean indicating whether this noun
* requires use of the 'parameter' BLOB storage field on the attribute
* bindings in the database to persist itself. Use of parameters should
* be limited to a reasonable number of values (16-32 is okay, more than
* that is pushing it and 256 should be considered an absolute upper
* bound) because of the database organization. When false, your
* toParamAndValue function is expected to return null for the parameter
* and likewise your fromParamAndValue should expect ignore and generally
* ignore the argument.
* @param aNounDef.toParamAndValue A function that takes an instantiated noun
* instance and returns a 2-element list of [parameter, value] where
* parameter may only be non-null if you passed a usesParameter of true.
* Parameter may be of any type (BLOB), and value must be numeric (pass
* 0 if you don't need the value).
* @param aNounDef.isPrimitive True when the noun instance is a raw numeric
* value/string/boolean. False when the instance is an object. When
* false, it is assumed the attribute that serves as a unique identifier
* for the value is "id" unless 'idAttr' is provided.
* @param [aNounDef.idAttr="id"] For non-primitive nouns, this is the
* attribute on the object that uniquely identifies it.
* @param aNounDef.schema Unsupported mechanism by which you can define a
* table that corresponds to this noun. The table will be created if it
* does not exist.
* - name The table name; don't conflict with other things!
* - columns A list of [column name, sqlite type] tuples. You should
* always include a definition like ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"] for
* now (and it should be the first column name too.) If you care about
* how the attributes are poked into your object (for example, you want
* underscores used for some of them because the attributes should be
* immutable), then you can include a third string that is the name of
* the attribute to use.
* - indices A dictionary of lists of column names, where the key name
* becomes the index name. Ex: {foo: ["bar"]} results in an index on
* the column "bar" where the index is named "foo".
defineNoun(aNounDef, aNounID) {"Defining noun: " +;
if (aNounID === undefined) {
aNounID = this._nextNounID++;
} = aNounID;
// Let people whose editors get angry about illegal attribute names use
// clazz instead of class.
if (aNounDef.clazz) {
aNounDef.class = aNounDef.clazz;
if (!("idAttr" in aNounDef)) {
aNounDef.idAttr = "id";
if (!("comparator" in aNounDef)) {
aNounDef.comparator = function () {
throw new Error(
"Noun type '" + + "' lacks a real comparator."
// We allow nouns to have data tables associated with them where we do all
// the legwork. The schema attribute is the gateway to this magical world
// of functionality. Said door is officially unsupported.
if (aNounDef.schema) {
if (!aNounDef.tableName) {
if ( {
aNounDef.tableName = "ext_" +;
} else {
aNounDef.tableName = "ext_" +;
// this creates the data table and binder and hooks everything up
if (!aNounDef.toParamAndValue) {
aNounDef.toParamAndValue = function (aThing) {
if (aThing instanceof aNounDef.class) {
return [null,];
// assume they're just passing the id directly
return [null, aThing];
// if it has a table, you can query on it. seems straight-forward.
if (aNounDef.tableName) {
] = GlodaQueryClassFactory(aNounDef);
aNounDef._dbMeta = {};
aNounDef.class.prototype.NOUN_ID =;
aNounDef.class.prototype.NOUN_DEF = aNounDef;
aNounDef.toJSON = this._managedToJSON;
aNounDef.specialLoadAttribs = [];
// - define the 'id' constrainer
const idConstrainer = function (...aArgs) {
const constraint = [GlodaConstants.kConstraintIdIn, null, ...aArgs];
return this;
}; = idConstrainer;
if (aNounDef.cache) {
const cacheCost = aNounDef.cacheCost || 1024;
const cacheBudget = aNounDef.cacheBudget || 128 * 1024;
const cacheSize = Math.floor(cacheBudget / cacheCost);
if (cacheSize) {
GlodaCollectionManager.defineCache(aNounDef, cacheSize);
aNounDef.attribsByBoundName = {};
aNounDef.domExposeAttribsByBoundName = {};
aNounDef.objectNounOfAttributes = [];
this._nounNameToNounID[] = aNounID;
this._nounIDToDef[aNounID] = aNounDef;
aNounDef.actions = [];
this._attrProviderOrderByNoun[] = [];
this._attrOptimizerOrderByNoun[] = [];
this._attrProvidersByNoun[] = {};
return aNounDef;
* Lookup a noun (ID) suitable for passing to defineAttribute's various
* noun arguments. Throws an exception if the noun with the given name
* cannot be found; the assumption is that you can't live without the noun.
lookupNoun(aNounName) {
if (aNounName in this._nounNameToNounID) {
return this._nounNameToNounID[aNounName];
throw Error(
"Unable to locate noun with name '" +
aNounName +
"', but I " +
"do know about: " +
Object.keys(this._nounNameToNounID).join(", ")
* Lookup a noun def given a name.
lookupNounDef(aNounName) {
return this._nounIDToDef[this.lookupNoun(aNounName)];
* Define an action on a noun. During the prototype stage, this was conceived
* of as a way to expose all the constraints possible given a noun. For
* example, if you have an identity or a contact, you could use this to
* see all the messages sent from/to a given contact. It was likewise
* thought potentially usable for future expansion. For example, you could
* also decide to send an e-mail to a contact when you have the contact
* instance available.
* Outside of the 'expmess' checkbox-happy prototype, this functionality is
* not used. As such, this functionality should be considered in flux and
* subject to changes. Also, very open to specific suggestsions motivated
* by use cases.
* One conceptual issue raised by this mechanism is the interaction of actions
* with facts like "this message is read". We currently implement the 'fact'
* by defining an attribute with a 'boolean' noun type. To deal with this,
* in various places we pass-in the attribute as well as the noun value.
* Since the relationships for booleans and integers in these cases is
* standard and well-defined, this works out pretty well, but suggests we
* need to think things through.
* @param aNounID The ID of the noun you want to define an action on.
* @param aActionMeta The dictionary describing the noun. The dictionary
* should have the following fields:
* - actionType: a string indicating the type of action. Currently, only
* "filter" is a legal value.
* - actionTarget: the noun ID of the noun type on which this action is
* applicable. For example,
* The following should be present for actionType=="filter";
* - shortName: The name that should be used to display this constraint. For
* example, a checkbox-heavy UI might display a checkbox for each constraint
* using shortName as the label.
* - makeConstraint: A function that takes the attribute that is the source
* of the noun and the noun instance as arguments, and returns APV-style
* constraints. Since the APV-style query mechanism is now deprecated,
* this signature is deprecated. Probably the way to update this would be
* to pass in the query instance that constraints should be contributed to.
defineNounAction(aNounID, aActionMeta) {
const nounDef = this._nounIDToDef[aNounID];
* Retrieve all of the actions (as defined using defineNounAction) for the
* given noun type (via noun ID) with the given action type (ex: filter).
getNounActions(aNounID, aActionType) {
const nounDef = this._nounIDToDef[aNounID];
if (!nounDef) {
return [];
return nounDef.actions.filter(
action => !aActionType || action.actionType == aActionType
/** Attribute providers in the sequence to process them. */
_attrProviderOrderByNoun: {},
/** Attribute providers that provide optimizers, in the sequence to proc. */
_attrOptimizerOrderByNoun: {},
/** Maps attribute providers to the list of attributes they provide */
_attrProviders: {},
* Maps nouns to their attribute providers to a list of the attributes they
* provide for the noun.
_attrProvidersByNoun: {},
* Define the core nouns (that are not defined elsewhere) and a few noun
* actions. Core nouns could be defined in other files, assuming dependency
* issues are resolved via the Everybody.sys.mjs mechanism or something else.
* Right now, noun_tag defines the tag noun. If we broke more of these out,
* we would probably want to move the 'class' code from GlodaDataModel.sys.mjs, the
* SQL table def and helper code from GlodaDatastore.sys.mjs (and this code) to their
* own noun_*.js files. There are some trade-offs to be made, and I think
* we can deal with those once we start to integrate lightning/calendar and
* our noun space gets large and more heterogeneous.
_initAttributes() {
name: "bool",
clazz: Boolean,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: true,
// favor true before false
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
return b - a;
toParamAndValue(aBool) {
return [null, aBool ? 1 : 0];
name: "number",
clazz: Number,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
continuous: true,
isPrimitive: true,
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
return a - b;
toParamAndValue(aNum) {
return [null, aNum];
name: "string",
clazz: String,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: true,
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
return a.localeCompare(b);
toParamAndValue(aString) {
return [null, aString];
name: "date",
clazz: Date,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
continuous: true,
isPrimitive: true,
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
return a - b;
toParamAndValue(aDate) {
return [null, aDate.valueOf() * 1000];
name: "fulltext",
clazz: String,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
continuous: false,
isPrimitive: true,
comparator() {
throw new Error("Fulltext nouns are not comparable!");
// as noted on NOUN_FULLTEXT, we just pass the string around. it never
// hits the database, so it's okay.
toParamAndValue(aString) {
return [null, aString];
name: "folder",
clazz: GlodaFolder,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: false,
queryHelpers: {
* Query for accounts based on the account associated with folders. We
* walk all of the folders associated with an account and put them in
* the list of folders that match if gloda would index them. This is
* unsuitable for producing a persistable constraint since it does not
* adapt for added/deleted folders. However, it is sufficient for
* faceting. Also, we don't persist constraints yet.
* @TODO The long-term solution is to move towards using arithmetic
* encoding on folder-id's like we use for MIME types and friends.
Account(aAttrDef, aArguments) {
const folderValues = [];
const seenRootFolders = {};
for (let iArg = 0; iArg < aArguments.length; iArg++) {
const givenFolder = aArguments[iArg];
const givenMsgFolder = givenFolder.getXPCOMFolder(
const rootFolder = givenMsgFolder.rootFolder;
// skip processing this folder if we have already processed its
// root folder.
if (rootFolder.URI in seenRootFolders) {
seenRootFolders[rootFolder.URI] = true;
for (const folder of rootFolder.descendants) {
const folderFlags = folder.flags;
// Ignore virtual folders, non-mail folders.
// XXX this is derived from GlodaIndexer's shouldIndexFolder.
// This should probably just use centralized code or the like.
if (
!(folderFlags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Mail) ||
folderFlags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Virtual
) {
// we only index local or IMAP folders
if (
!(folder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgLocalMailFolder) &&
!(folder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgImapMailFolder)
) {
const glodaFolder = Gloda.getFolderForFolder(folder);
return this._inConstraintHelper(aAttrDef, folderValues);
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
toParamAndValue(aFolderOrGlodaFolder) {
if (aFolderOrGlodaFolder instanceof GlodaFolder) {
return [null,];
return [null, GlodaDatastore._mapFolder(aFolderOrGlodaFolder).id];
name: "account",
clazz: GlodaAccount,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: false,
equals(a, b) {
if ((a && !b) || (!a && b)) {
return false;
if (!a && !b) {
return true;
return ==;
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
name: "conversation",
clazz: GlodaConversation,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: false,
cache: true,
cacheCost: 512,
tableName: "conversations",
attrTableName: "messageAttributes",
attrIDColumnName: "conversationID",
datastore: GlodaDatastore,
objFromRow: GlodaDatastore._conversationFromRow,
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
return a.subject.localeCompare(b.subject);
toParamAndValue(aConversation) {
if (aConversation instanceof GlodaConversation) {
return [null,];
// assume they're just passing the id directly
return [null, aConversation];
name: "message",
clazz: GlodaMessage,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: true,
isPrimitive: false,
cache: true,
cacheCost: 2048,
tableName: "messages",
// we will always have a fulltext row, even for messages where we don't
// have the body available. this is because we want the subject indexed.
" INNER JOIN messagesText ON = messagesText.rowid",
attrTableName: "messageAttributes",
attrIDColumnName: "messageID",
datastore: GlodaDatastore,
objFromRow: GlodaDatastore._messageFromRow,
dbAttribAdjuster: GlodaDatastore.adjustMessageAttributes,
" AND +deleted = 0 AND +folderID IS NOT NULL AND +messageKey IS NOT NULL",
// This is what's used when we have no validity constraints, i.e. we allow
// for ghost messages, which do not have a row in the messagesText table.
" LEFT JOIN messagesText ON = messagesText.rowid",
objInsert: GlodaDatastore.insertMessage,
objUpdate: GlodaDatastore.updateMessage,
toParamAndValue(aMessage) {
if (aMessage instanceof GlodaMessage) {
return [null,];
// assume they're just passing the id directly
return [null, aMessage];
name: "contact",
clazz: GlodaContact,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: true,
isPrimitive: false,
cache: true,
cacheCost: 128,
tableName: "contacts",
attrTableName: "contactAttributes",
attrIDColumnName: "contactID",
datastore: GlodaDatastore,
objFromRow: GlodaDatastore._contactFromRow,
dbAttribAdjuster: GlodaDatastore.adjustAttributes,
objInsert: GlodaDatastore.insertContact,
objUpdate: GlodaDatastore.updateContact,
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
toParamAndValue(aContact) {
if (aContact instanceof GlodaContact) {
return [null,];
// assume they're just passing the id directly
return [null, aContact];
name: "identity",
clazz: GlodaIdentity,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: false,
cache: true,
cacheCost: 128,
usesUniqueValue: true,
tableName: "identities",
datastore: GlodaDatastore,
objFromRow: GlodaDatastore._identityFromRow,
* Short string is the contact name, long string includes the identity
* value too, delimited by a colon. Not tremendously localizable.
userVisibleString(aIdentity, aLong) {
if (!aLong) {
if ( == aIdentity.value) {
return aIdentity.value;
return + " (" + aIdentity.value + ")";
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
toParamAndValue(aIdentity) {
if (aIdentity instanceof GlodaIdentity) {
return [null,];
// assume they're just passing the id directly
return [null, aIdentity];
name: "attachment-infos",
clazz: GlodaAttachment,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
isPrimitive: false,
toJSON(x) {
return [
fromJSON(x, aGlodaMessage) {
const [name, contentType, size, _part, _externalUrl, isExternal] = x;
return new GlodaAttachment(
// parameterized identity is just two identities; we store the first one
// (whose value set must be very constrainted, like the 'me' identities)
// as the parameter, the second (which does not need to be constrained)
// as the value.
name: "parameterized-identity",
clazz: null,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: false,
comparator(a, b) {
if (a == null) {
if (b == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (b == null) {
return -1;
// First sort by the first identity in the tuple
// Since our general use-case is for the first guy to be "me", we only
// compare the identity value, not the name.
const fic = a[0].value.localeCompare(b[0].value);
if (fic) {
return fic;
// Next compare the second identity in the tuple, but use the contact
// this time to be consistent with our identity comparator.
return a[1][1];
computeDelta(aCurValues, aOldValues) {
const oldMap = {};
for (const tupe of aOldValues) {
const [originIdentity, targetIdentity] = tupe;
let targets = oldMap[originIdentity];
if (targets === undefined) {
targets = oldMap[originIdentity] = {};
targets[targetIdentity] = true;
const added = [],
removed = [];
for (const tupe of aCurValues) {
const [originIdentity, targetIdentity] = tupe;
const targets = oldMap[originIdentity];
if (targets === undefined || !(targetIdentity in targets)) {
} else {
delete targets[targetIdentity];
for (const originIdentity in oldMap) {
const targets = oldMap[originIdentity];
for (const targetIdentity in targets) {
removed.push([originIdentity, targetIdentity]);
return [added, removed];
contributeObjDependencies(aJsonValues, aReferencesByNounID) {
// nothing to do with a zero-length list
if (aJsonValues.length == 0) {
return false;
const nounIdentityDef =
let references = aReferencesByNounID[];
if (references === undefined) {
references = aReferencesByNounID[] = {};
for (const tupe of aJsonValues) {
const [originIdentityID, targetIdentityID] = tupe;
if (!(originIdentityID in references)) {
references[originIdentityID] = null;
if (!(targetIdentityID in references)) {
references[targetIdentityID] = null;
return true;
resolveObjDependencies(aJsonValues, aReferencesByNounID) {
const references = aReferencesByNounID[GlodaConstants.NOUN_IDENTITY];
const results = [];
for (const tupe of aJsonValues) {
const [originIdentityID, targetIdentityID] = tupe;
return results;
toJSON(aIdentityTuple) {
return [aIdentityTuple[0].id, aIdentityTuple[1].id];
toParamAndValue(aIdentityTuple) {
return [aIdentityTuple[0].id, aIdentityTuple[1].id];
* Create accessor functions to 'bind' an attribute to underlying normalized
* attribute storage, as well as creating the appropriate query object
* constraint helper functions. This name is somewhat of a misnomer because
* special attributes are not 'bound' (because specific/non-generic per-class
* code provides the properties) but still depend on this method to
* establish their constraint helper methods.
* @XXX potentially rename to not suggest binding is required.
_bindAttribute(aAttrDef, aSubjectNounDef) {
const objectNounDef = aAttrDef.objectNounDef;
// -- the query constraint helpers
if (aSubjectNounDef.queryClass !== undefined) {
let constrainer;
let canQuery = true;
if (
"special" in aAttrDef &&
aAttrDef.special == GlodaConstants.kSpecialFulltext
) {
constrainer = function (...aArgs) {
const constraint = [
return this;
} else if (aAttrDef.canQuery || aAttrDef.attributeName.startsWith("_")) {
constrainer = function (...aArgs) {
const constraint = [GlodaConstants.kConstraintIn, aAttrDef, ...aArgs];
return this;
} else {
constrainer = function () {
throw new Error(
"Cannot query on attribute " +
aAttrDef.attributeName +
" because its canQuery parameter hasn't been set to true." +
" Reading the comments about Gloda.defineAttribute may be a" +
" sensible thing to do now."
canQuery = false;
aSubjectNounDef.queryClass.prototype[aAttrDef.boundName] = constrainer;
// Don't bind extra query-able attributes if we're unable to perform a
// search on the attribute.
if (!canQuery) {
// - ranged value helper: fooRange
if (objectNounDef.continuous) {
// takes one or more tuples of [lower bound, upper bound]
const rangedConstrainer = function (...aArgs) {
const constraint = [
return this;
aSubjectNounDef.queryClass.prototype[aAttrDef.boundName + "Range"] =
// - string LIKE helper for special on-row attributes: fooLike
// (it is impossible to store a string as an indexed attribute, which is
// why we do this for on-row only.)
if (
"special" in aAttrDef &&
aAttrDef.special == GlodaConstants.kSpecialString
) {
const likeConstrainer = function (...aArgs) {
const constraint = [
return this;
aSubjectNounDef.queryClass.prototype[aAttrDef.boundName + "Like"] =
// - Custom helpers provided by the noun type...
if ("queryHelpers" in objectNounDef) {
for (const name in objectNounDef.queryHelpers) {
const helper = objectNounDef.queryHelpers[name];
// we need a new closure...
const helperFunc = helper;
aSubjectNounDef.queryClass.prototype[aAttrDef.boundName + name] =
function (...aArgs) {
return, aAttrDef, ...aArgs);
* Names of attribute-specific localized strings and the JS attribute they are
* exposed as in the attribute's "strings" attribute (if the provider has a
* string bundle exposed on its "strings" attribute). They are rooted at
* Please consult the localization notes in to understand
* what these are used for.
/* - Faceting */
facetNameLabel: "facetNameLabel",
noneLabel: "noneLabel",
includeLabel: "includeLabel",
excludeLabel: "excludeLabel",
remainderLabel: "remainderLabel",
mustMatchLabel: "mustMatchLabel",
cantMatchLabel: "cantMatchLabel",
mayMatchLabel: "mayMatchLabel",
mustMatchNoneLabel: "mustMatchNoneLabel",
mustMatchSomeLabel: "mustMatchSomeLabel",
mayMatchAnyLabel: "mayMatchAnyLabel",
* Define an attribute and all its meta-data. Takes a single dictionary as
* its argument, with the following required properties:
* @param aAttrDef.provider The object instance providing a 'process' method.
* @param aAttrDef.extensionName The name of the extension providing these
* attributes.
* @param aAttrDef.attributeType The type of attribute, one of the values from
* the kAttr* enumeration.
* @param aAttrDef.attributeName The name of the attribute, which also doubles
* as the bound property name if you pass 'bind' a value of true. You are
* responsible for avoiding collisions, which presumably will mean
* checking/updating a wiki page in the future, or just prefixing your
* attribute name with your extension name or something like that.
* @param aAttrDef.bind Should this attribute be 'bound' as a convenience
* attribute on the subject's object (true/false)? For example, with an
* attributeName of "foo" and passing true for 'bind' with a subject noun
* of NOUN_MESSAGE, GlodaMessage instances will expose a "foo" getter that
* returns the value of the attribute. If 'singular' is true, this means
* an instance of the object class corresponding to the noun type or null
* if the attribute does not exist. If 'singular' is false, this means a
* list of instances of the object class corresponding to the noun type,
* where the list may be empty if no instances of the attribute are
* present.
* @param aAttrDef.bindName Optional override of attributeName for purposes of
* the binding property's name.
* @param aAttrDef.singular Is the attribute going to happen at most once
* (true), or potentially multiple times (false). This affects whether
* the binding returns a list or just a single item (which is null when
* the attribute is not present).
* @param [aAttrDef.emptySetIsSignificant=false] Should we
* @param aAttrDef.subjectNouns A list of object types (NOUNs) that this
* attribute can be set on. Each element in the list should be one of the
* NOUN_* constants or a dynamically registered noun type.
* @param aAttrDef.objectNoun The object type (one of the NOUN_* constants or
* a dynamically registered noun types) that is the 'object' in the
* traditional RDF triple. More pragmatically, in the database row used
* to represent an attribute, we store the subject (ex: message ID),
* attribute ID, and an integer which is the integer representation of the
* 'object' whose type you are defining right here.
defineAttribute(aAttrDef) {
// ensure required properties exist on aAttrDef
if (
!("provider" in aAttrDef) ||
!("extensionName" in aAttrDef) ||
!("attributeType" in aAttrDef) ||
!("attributeName" in aAttrDef) ||
!("singular" in aAttrDef) ||
!("subjectNouns" in aAttrDef) ||
!("objectNoun" in aAttrDef)
) {
// perhaps we should have a list of required attributes, perchance with
// and explanation of what it holds, and use that to be friendlier?
throw Error(
"You omitted a required attribute defining property, please" +
" consult the documentation as penance."
// -- Fill in defaults
if (!("emptySetIsSignificant" in aAttrDef)) {
aAttrDef.emptySetIsSignificant = false;
if (!("canQuery" in aAttrDef)) {
aAttrDef.canQuery = !!aAttrDef.facet;
// return if the attribute has already been defined
if (aAttrDef.dbDef) {
return aAttrDef;
// - first time we've seen a provider init logic
if (!(aAttrDef.provider.providerName in this._attrProviders)) {
this._attrProviders[aAttrDef.provider.providerName] = [];
if (aAttrDef.provider.contentWhittle) {
const compoundName = aAttrDef.extensionName + ":" + aAttrDef.attributeName;
// -- Database Definition
let attrDBDef;
if (compoundName in GlodaDatastore._attributeDBDefs) {
// the existence of the GlodaAttributeDBDef means that either it has
// already been fully defined, or has been loaded from the database but
// not yet 'bound' to a provider (and had important meta-info that
// doesn't go in the db copied over)
attrDBDef = GlodaDatastore._attributeDBDefs[compoundName];
} else {
// we need to create the attribute definition in the database
let attrID = null;
attrID = GlodaDatastore._createAttributeDef(
attrDBDef = new GlodaAttributeDBDef(
GlodaDatastore._attributeDBDefs[compoundName] = attrDBDef;
GlodaDatastore._attributeIDToDBDefAndParam[attrID] = [attrDBDef, null];
aAttrDef.dbDef = attrDBDef;
attrDBDef.attrDef = aAttrDef; =;
if ("bindName" in aAttrDef) {
aAttrDef.boundName = aAttrDef.bindName;
} else {
aAttrDef.boundName = aAttrDef.attributeName;
aAttrDef.objectNounDef = this._nounIDToDef[aAttrDef.objectNoun];
// -- Facets
function normalizeFacetDef(aFacetDef) {
if (!("groupIdAttr" in aFacetDef)) {
aFacetDef.groupIdAttr = aAttrDef.objectNounDef.idAttr;
if (!("groupComparator" in aFacetDef)) {
aFacetDef.groupComparator = aAttrDef.objectNounDef.comparator;
if (!("filter" in aFacetDef)) {
aFacetDef.filter = null;
// No facet attribute means no facet desired; set an explicit null so that
// code can check without doing an "in" check.
if (!("facet" in aAttrDef)) {
aAttrDef.facet = null;
} else if (aAttrDef.facet === true) {
// Promote "true" facet values to the defaults. Where attributes have
// specified values, make sure we fill in any missing defaults.
aAttrDef.facet = {
type: "default",
groupIdAttr: aAttrDef.objectNounDef.idAttr,
groupComparator: aAttrDef.objectNounDef.comparator,
filter: null,
} else {
if ("extraFacets" in aAttrDef) {
for (const facetDef of aAttrDef.extraFacets) {
function gatherLocalizedStrings(aBundle, aPropRoot, aStickIn) {
for (const propName in Gloda._ATTR_LOCALIZED_STRINGS) {
const attrName = Gloda._ATTR_LOCALIZED_STRINGS[propName];
try {
aStickIn[attrName] = aBundle.GetStringFromName(aPropRoot + propName);
} catch (ex) {
// do nothing. nsIStringBundle throws exceptions when not found
// -- L10n.
// If the provider has a string bundle, populate a "strings" attribute with
// our standard attribute strings that can be UI exposed.
if ("strings" in aAttrDef.provider && aAttrDef.facet) {
const bundle = aAttrDef.provider.strings;
// -- attribute strings
const attrStrings = (aAttrDef.facet.strings = {});
// we use the first subject the attribute applies to as the basis of
// where to get the string from. Mainly because we currently don't have
// any attributes with multiple subjects nor a use-case where we expose
// multiple noun types via the UI. (Just messages right now.)
const canonicalSubject = this._nounIDToDef[aAttrDef.subjectNouns[0]];
const propRoot =
"gloda." + +
".attr." +
aAttrDef.attributeName +
gatherLocalizedStrings(bundle, propRoot, attrStrings);
// -- alias strings for synthetic facets
if ("extraFacets" in aAttrDef) {
for (const facetDef of aAttrDef.extraFacets) {
facetDef.strings = {};
const aliasPropRoot =
"gloda." + + ".attr." + facetDef.alias + ".";
gatherLocalizedStrings(bundle, aliasPropRoot, facetDef.strings);
// -- Subject Noun Binding
for (
let iSubject = 0;
iSubject < aAttrDef.subjectNouns.length;
) {
const subjectType = aAttrDef.subjectNouns[iSubject];
const subjectNounDef = this._nounIDToDef[subjectType];
this._bindAttribute(aAttrDef, subjectNounDef);
// update the provider maps...
if (
) {
if (aAttrDef.provider.optimize) {
this._attrProvidersByNoun[subjectType][aAttrDef.provider.providerName] =
subjectNounDef.attribsByBoundName[aAttrDef.boundName] = aAttrDef;
if (aAttrDef.domExpose) {
subjectNounDef.domExposeAttribsByBoundName[aAttrDef.boundName] =
if (
"special" in aAttrDef &&
aAttrDef.special & GlodaConstants.kSpecialColumn
) {
// if this is a parent column attribute, make note of it so that if we
// need to do an inverse references lookup, we know what column we are
// issuing against.
if (
"special" in aAttrDef &&
aAttrDef.special === GlodaConstants.kSpecialColumnParent
) {
subjectNounDef.parentColumnAttr = aAttrDef;
if (
aAttrDef.objectNounDef.tableName ||
) {
subjectNounDef.hasObjDependencies = true;
return aAttrDef;
* Retrieve the attribute provided by the given extension with the given
* attribute name. The original idea was that plugins would effectively
* name-space attributes, helping avoid collisions. Since we are leaning
* towards using binding heavily, this doesn't really help, as the collisions
* will just occur on the attribute name instead. Also, this can turn
* extensions into liars as name changes/moves to core/etc. happen.
* @TODO consider removing the extension name argument parameter requirement
getAttrDef(aPluginName, aAttrName) {
const compoundName = aPluginName + ":" + aAttrName;
return GlodaDatastore._attributeDBDefs[compoundName];
* Create a new query instance for the given noun-type. This provides
* a generic way to provide constraint-based queries of any first-class
* nouns supported by the system.
* The idea is that every attribute on an object can be used to express
* a constraint on the query object. Constraints implicitly 'AND' together,
* but providing multiple arguments to a constraint function results in an
* 'OR'ing of those values. Additionally, you can call or() on the returned
* query to create an alternate query that is effectively a giant OR against
* all the constraints you create on the main query object (or any other
* alternate queries returned by or()). (Note: there is no nesting of these
* alternate queries. query.or().or() is equivalent to query.or())
* For each attribute, there is a constraint with the same name that takes
* one or more arguments. The arguments represent a set of OR values that
* objects matching the query can have. (If you want the constraint
* effectively ANDed together, just invoke the constraint function
* multiple times.) For example, newQuery(NOUN_PERSON).age(25) would
* constraint to all the people aged 25, while age(25, 26) would constrain
* to all the people age 25 or 26.
* For each attribute with a 'continuous' noun, there is a constraint with the
* attribute name with "Range" appended. It takes two arguments which are an
* inclusive lower bound and an inclusive lower bound for values in the
* range. If you would like an open-ended range on either side, pass null
* for that argument. If you would like to specify multiple ranges that
* should be ORed together, simply pass additional (pairs of) arguments.
* For example, newQuery(NOUN_PERSON).age(25,100) would constraint to all
* the people who are >= 25 and <= 100. Likewise age(25, null) would just
* return all the people who are 25 or older. And age(25,30,35,40) would
* return people who are either 25-30 or 35-30.
* There are also full-text constraint columns. In a nutshell, their
* arguments are the strings that should be passed to the SQLite FTS3
* MATCH clause.
* @param aNounID The (integer) noun-id of the noun you want to query on.
* @param aOptions an optional dictionary of query options, see the GlodaQuery
* class documentation.
newQuery(aNounID, aOptions) {
const nounDef = this._nounIDToDef[aNounID];
return new nounDef.queryClass(aOptions);
* Create a collection/query for the given noun-type that only matches the
* provided items. This is to be used when you have an explicit set of items
* that you would still like to receive updates for.
explicitCollection(aNounID, aItems) {
const nounDef = this._nounIDToDef[aNounID];
const collection = new GlodaCollection(nounDef, aItems, null, null);
const query = new nounDef.explicitQueryClass(collection);
collection.query = query;
return collection;
* Debugging 'wildcard' collection creation support. A wildcard collection
* will 'accept' any new item instances presented to the collection manager
* as new. The result is that it allows you to be notified as new items
* as they are indexed, existing items as they are loaded from the database,
* etc.
* Because the items are added to the collection without limit, this will
* result in a leak if you don't do something to clean up after the
* collection. (Forgetting about the collection will suffice, as it is still
* weakly held.)
_wildcardCollection(aNounID, aItems) {
const nounDef = this._nounIDToDef[aNounID];
const collection = new GlodaCollection(nounDef, aItems, null, null);
const query = new nounDef.wildcardQueryClass(collection);
collection.query = query;
return collection;
* Attribute providers attempting to index something that experience a fatal
* problem should throw one of these. For example:
* "throw new Gloda.BadItemContentsError('Message lacks an author.');".
* We're not really taking advantage of this yet, but it's a good idea.
/* eslint-disable complexity */
* Populate a gloda representation of an item given the thus-far built
* representation, the previous representation, and one or more raw
* representations. The attribute providers/optimizers for the given noun
* type are invoked, allowing them to contribute/alter things. Following
* that, we build and persist our attribute representations.
* The result of the processing ends up with attributes in 3 different forms:
* - Database attribute rows (to be added and removed).
* - In-memory representation.
* - JSON-able representation.
* @param aItem The noun instance you want processed.
* @param aRawReps A dictionary that we pass to the attribute providers.
* There is a(n implied) contract between the caller of grokNounItem for a
* given noun type and the attribute providers for that noun type, and we
* have nothing to do with it OTHER THAN inserting a 'trueGlodaRep'
* value into it. In the event of reindexing an existing object, the
* gloda representation we pass to the indexers is actually a clone that
* allows the asynchronous indexers to mutate the object without
* causing visible changes in the existing representation of the gloda
* object. We patch the changes back onto the original item atomically
* once indexing completes. The 'trueGlodaRep' is then useful for
* objects that hang off of the gloda instance that need a reference
* back to their containing object for API convenience purposes.
* @param aIsConceptuallyNew Is the item "new" in the sense that it would
* never have been visible from within user code? This translates into
* whether this should trigger an itemAdded notification or an
* itemModified notification.
* @param aIsRecordNew Is the item "new" in the sense that we should INSERT
* a record rather than UPDATE-ing a record. For example, when dealing
* with messages where we may have a ghost, the ghost message is not a
* new record, but is conceptually new.
* @param aCallbackHandle The GlodaIndexer-style callback handle that is being
* used to drive this processing in an async fashion. (See
* GlodaIndexer._callbackHandle).
* @param aDoCache Should we allow this item to be contributed to its noun
* cache?
) {
const itemNounDef = aItem.NOUN_DEF;
const attribsByBoundName = itemNounDef.attribsByBoundName;" ** grokNounItem: " +;
const addDBAttribs = [];
const removeDBAttribs = [];
const jsonDict = {};
let aOldItem;
aRawReps.trueGlodaRep = aItem;
if (aIsConceptuallyNew) {
// there is no old item if we are new.
aOldItem = {};
} else {
aOldItem = aItem;
// we want to create a clone of the existing item so that we can know the
// deltas that happened for indexing purposes
aItem = aItem._clone();
// Have the attribute providers directly set properties on the aItem
const attrProviders = this._attrProviderOrderByNoun[];
for (let iProvider = 0; iProvider < attrProviders.length; iProvider++) {" * provider: " + attrProviders[iProvider].providerName);
yield aCallbackHandle.pushAndGo(
const attrOptimizers = this._attrOptimizerOrderByNoun[];
for (let iProvider = 0; iProvider < attrOptimizers.length; iProvider++) {
" * optimizer: " + attrOptimizers[iProvider].providerName
yield aCallbackHandle.pushAndGo(
}" ** done with providers.");
// Iterate over the attributes on the item
for (const key of Object.keys(aItem)) {
let value = aItem[key];
// ignore keys that start with underscores, they are private and not
// persisted by our attribute mechanism. (they are directly handled by
// the object implementation.)
if (key.startsWith("_")) {
// find the attribute definition that corresponds to this key
const attrib = attribsByBoundName[key];
// if there's no attribute, that's not good, but not horrible.
if (attrib === undefined) {
this._log.warn("new proc ignoring attrib: " + key);
const attribDB = attrib.dbDef;
const objectNounDef = attrib.objectNounDef;
// - translate for our JSON rep
if (attrib.singular) {
if (objectNounDef.toJSON) {
jsonDict[] = objectNounDef.toJSON(value);
} else {
jsonDict[] = value;
} else if (objectNounDef.toJSON) {
const toJSON = objectNounDef.toJSON;
jsonDict[] = [];
for (const subValue of value) {
} else {
jsonDict[] = value;
const oldValue = aOldItem[key];
// the 'old' item is still the canonical one; update it
// do the update now, because we may skip operations on addDBAttribs and
// removeDBattribs, if the attribute is not to generate entries in
// messageAttributes
if (oldValue !== undefined || !aIsConceptuallyNew) {
aOldItem[key] = value;
// the new canQuery property has to be set to true to generate entries
// in the messageAttributes table. Any other truthy value (like a non
// empty string), will still make the message query-able but without
// using the database.
if (attrib.canQuery !== true) {
// - database index attributes
// perform a delta analysis against the old value, if we have one
if (oldValue !== undefined) {
// in the singular case if they don't match, it's one add and one remove
if (attrib.singular) {
// test for identicality, failing that, see if they have explicit
// equals support.
if (
value !== oldValue &&
(!value.equals || !value.equals(oldValue))
) {
} else if (objectNounDef.computeDelta) {
// in the plural case, we have to figure the deltas accounting for
// possible changes in ordering (which is insignificant from an
// indexing perspective)
// some nouns may not meet === equivalence needs, so must provide a
// custom computeDelta method to help us out
const [valuesAdded, valuesRemoved] = objectNounDef.computeDelta(
// convert the values to database-style attribute rows
} else {
// build a map of the previous values; we will delete the values as
// we see them so that we will know what old values are no longer
// present in the current set of values.
const oldValueMap = {};
for (const anOldValue of oldValue) {
// remember, the key is just the toString'ed value, so we need to
// store and use the actual value as the value!
oldValueMap[anOldValue] = anOldValue;
// traverse the current values...
const valuesAdded = [];
for (const curValue of value) {
if (curValue in oldValueMap) {
delete oldValueMap[curValue];
} else {
// anything still on oldValueMap was removed.
const valuesRemoved = Object.values(oldValueMap);
// convert the values to database-style attribute rows
// Add/remove the empty set indicator as appropriate.
if (attrib.emptySetIsSignificant) {
// if we are now non-zero but previously were zero, remove.
if (value.length && !oldValue.length) {
} else if (!value.length && oldValue.length) {
// We are now zero length but previously were not, add.
} else {
// no old value, all values are new
// add the db reps on the new values
if (attrib.singular) {
value = [value];
// Add the empty set indicator for the attribute id if appropriate.
if (!value.length && attrib.emptySetIsSignificant) {
// Iterate over any remaining values in old items for purge purposes.
for (const key of Object.keys(aOldItem)) {
let value = aOldItem[key];
// ignore keys that start with underscores, they are private and not
// persisted by our attribute mechanism. (they are directly handled by
// the object implementation.)
if (key.startsWith("_")) {
// ignore things we saw in the new guy
if (key in aItem) {
// find the attribute definition that corresponds to this key
const attrib = attribsByBoundName[key];
// if there's no attribute, that's not good, but not horrible.
if (attrib === undefined) {
// delete these from the old item, as the old item is canonical, and
// should no longer have these values
delete aOldItem[key];
if (attrib.canQuery !== true) {
"Not inserting attribute " +
attrib.attributeName +
" into the db, since we don't plan on querying on it"
if (attrib.singular) {
value = [value];
const attribDB = attrib.dbDef;
// remove the empty set marker if there should have been one
if (!value.length && attrib.emptySetIsSignificant) {
aItem._jsonText = JSON.stringify(jsonDict);
this._log.debug(" json text: " + aItem._jsonText);
if (aIsRecordNew) {
this._log.debug(" inserting item");, aItem);
} else {
this._log.debug(" updating item");, aItem);
" adjusting attributes, add: " + addDBAttribs + " rem: " + removeDBAttribs
if (!aIsConceptuallyNew && "_declone" in aOldItem) {
// Cache ramifications...
if (aDoCache === undefined || aDoCache) {
if (aIsConceptuallyNew) {
GlodaCollectionManager.itemsAdded(aItem.NOUN_ID, [aItem]);
} else {
GlodaCollectionManager.itemsModified(aOldItem.NOUN_ID, [aOldItem]);
this._log.debug(" done grokking.");
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
/* eslint-enable complexity */
* Processes a list of noun instances for their score within a given context.
* This is primarily intended for use by search ranking mechanisms, but could
* be used elsewhere too. (It does, however, depend on the complicity of the
* score method implementations to not get confused.)
* @param aItems The non-empty list of items to score.
* @param aContext A noun-specific dictionary that we just pass to the funcs.
* @param aExtraScoreFuncs A list of extra scoring functions to apply.
* @returns A list of integer scores equal in length to aItems.
scoreNounItems(aItems, aContext, aExtraScoreFuncs) {
const scores = [];
// bail if there is nothing to score
if (!aItems.length) {
return scores;
const itemNounDef = aItems[0].NOUN_DEF;
if (aExtraScoreFuncs == null) {
aExtraScoreFuncs = [];
for (const item of aItems) {
let score = 0;
const attrProviders = this._attrProviderOrderByNoun[];
for (let iProvider = 0; iProvider < attrProviders.length; iProvider++) {
const provider = attrProviders[iProvider];
if (provider.score) {
score += provider.score(item);
for (const extraScoreFunc of aExtraScoreFuncs) {
score += extraScoreFunc(item, aContext);
return scores;
/* and initialize the Gloda object/NS before we return... */
try {
} catch (ex) {
"Exception during Gloda init (" +
ex.fileName +
":" +
ex.lineNumber +
"): " +
/* but don't forget that we effectively depend on Everybody.sys.mjs too, and
currently on our importer to be importing that if they need us fully armed
and operational. */