Name Description Size
AddrBookCard.sys.mjs Prototype for nsIAbCard objects that are not mailing lists. @implements {nsIAbCard} 12951
AddrBookDirectory.sys.mjs Abstract base class implementing nsIAbDirectory. @abstract @implements {nsIAbDirectory} 23011
AddrBookMailingList.sys.mjs Prototype for mailing lists. A mailing list can appear as nsIAbDirectory or as nsIAbCard. Here we keep all relevant information in the class itself and fulfill each interface on demand. This will make more sense and be a lot neater once we stop using two XPCOM interfaces for one job. 11915
AddrBookManager.sys.mjs Test for valid directory URIs. 18643
AddrBookUtils.sys.mjs Comparator for address books. Any UI that lists address books should use this order, although generally speaking, using nsIAbManager.directories is all that is required to get the order. Note that directories should not be compared with mailing lists in this way, however two mailing lists with the same parent can be safely compared. @param {nsIAbDirectory} a @param {nsIAbDirectory} b @returns {integer} 15533
CardDAVDirectory.sys.mjs Adds CardDAV sync to SQLiteDirectory. 27665
CardDAVUtils.sys.mjs Returns the id of a unique private context for each username. When the userContextId is set on a principal, this allows the use of multiple usernames on the same server without the networking code causing issues. @param {string} username @returns {integer} 23326
components.conf 5278
LDAPClient.sys.mjs @param {string} host - The LDAP server host. @param {number} port - The LDAP server port. @param {boolean} useSecureTransport - Whether to use TLS connection. 8698
LDAPConnection.sys.mjs A module to manage LDAP connection. @implements {nsILDAPConnection} 1300
LDAPDirectory.sys.mjs @augments {AddrBookDirectory} @implements {nsIAbLDAPDirectory} @implements {nsIAbDirectory} 5082
LDAPDirectoryQuery.sys.mjs Convert a nsIAbBooleanExpression to a filter string. @param {nsIAbLDAPAttributeMap} attrMap - A mapping between address book properties and ldap attributes. @param {nsIAbBooleanExpression} exp - The expression to convert. @returns {string} 5960
LDAPListenerBase.sys.mjs -*- Mode: JavaScript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- 3073
LDAPMessage.sys.mjs A base class for all LDAP request and response messages, see rfc4511#section-4.1.1. @property {number} messageId - The message id. @property {LocalBaseBlock} protocolOp - The message content, in a data structure provided by asn1js. 18629
LDAPOperation.sys.mjs A module to manage LDAP operation. @implements {nsILDAPOperation} 5830
LDAPProtocolHandler.sys.mjs @implements {nsIProtocolHandler} 984
LDAPReplicationService.sys.mjs -*- Mode: JavaScript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- 6126
LDAPService.sys.mjs @implements {nsILDAPService} 2045
LDAPSyncQuery.sys.mjs @implements {nsILDAPMessageListener} @implements {nsILDAPSyncQuery} 2781
LDAPURLParser.sys.mjs @implements {nsILDAPURLParser} 1301 1004
QueryStringToExpression.sys.mjs A module to parse a query string to a nsIAbBooleanExpression. A valid query string is in this form: (OP1(FIELD1,COND1,VALUE1)..(FIELDn,CONDn,VALUEn)(BOOL2(FIELD1,COND1,VALUE1)..)..) OPn A boolean operator joining subsequent terms delimited by (). @see {nsIAbBooleanOperationTypes}. FIELDn An addressbook card data field. CONDn A condition to compare FIELDn with VALUEn. @see {nsIAbBooleanConditionTypes}. VALUEn The value to be matched in the FIELDn via the CONDn. The value must be URL encoded by the caller, if it contains any special characters including '(' and ')'. 6010
SQLiteDirectory.sys.mjs Opens an SQLite connection to `file`, caches the connection, and upgrades the database schema if necessary. 14613
VCardUtils.sys.mjs Utilities for working with vCard data. This file uses ICAL.js as parser and formatter to avoid reinventing the wheel. @see RFC 6350. 27280