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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import {
import { promise_new_window } from "resource://testing-common/mail/WindowHelpers.sys.mjs";
import { Assert } from "resource://testing-common/Assert.sys.mjs";
import { BrowserTestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs";
import * as EventUtils from "resource://testing-common/mail/EventUtils.sys.mjs";
import { TestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.sys.mjs";
* Open a search window using the accel-shift-f shortcut.
* @returns {Window} The search window.
export async function open_search_window() {
const searchPromise = promise_new_window("mailnews:search");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("f", { shiftKey: true, accelKey: true }, mc);
return searchPromise;
* Open a search window as if from the context menu. This needs the context menu
* to be already open.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder - The folder to open the search window for.
* @returns {Window} The search window.
export async function open_search_window_from_context_menu(aFolder) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const context = win.document.getElementById("folderPaneContext");
const item = win.document.getElementById("folderPaneContext-searchMessages");
await right_click_on_folder(aFolder);
const searchPromise = promise_new_window("mailnews:search");
return searchPromise;
* Close a search window by calling window.close().
* @param {Window} win - The search window to close.
export async function close_search_window(win) {
await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Assert that the given folder is selected in the search window.
* @param {Window} aWin - A search window.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder - The expected folder.
export function assert_search_window_folder_displayed(aWin, aFolder) {
const currentFolder = aWin.gCurrentFolder;
"The search window's selected folder should have been: " +
aFolder.prettyName +
", but is actually: " +
* Pretend we are clicking on a row with our mouse.
* @param {number} aViewIndex - The view index to click.
* @param {Window} aWin - The window in whose context to do this.
* @returns {nsIMsgDBHdr} The message header selected.
export function select_click_search_row(aViewIndex, aWin) {
const tree = aWin.document.getElementById("threadTree");
const coords = tree.getCoordsForCellItem(
const treeChildren = tree.lastElementChild;
coords.x + coords.width / 2,
coords.y + coords.height / 2,
return aWin.gFolderDisplay.view.dbView.getMsgHdrAt(aViewIndex);
* Pretend we are clicking on a row with our mouse with the shift key pressed,
* adding all the messages between the shift pivot and the shift selected row.
* @param {number} aViewIndex - The view index to click.
* @param {Window} aWin - The window in whose context to do this.
* @returns {nsIMsgDBHdr[]} The message headers for all messages that are now
* selected.
export async function select_shift_click_search_row(aViewIndex, aWin) {
const tree = aWin.document.getElementById("threadTree");
const coords = tree.getCoordsForCellItem(
const treeChildren = tree.lastElementChild;
coords.x + coords.width / 2,
coords.y + coords.height / 2,
{ shiftKey: true },
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
return aWin.gFolderDisplay.selectedMessages;
* Assert that the given synthetic message sets are present in the folder
* display.
* Verify that the messages in the provided SyntheticMessageSets are the only
* visible messages in the provided DBViewWrapper.
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet} aSynSets - Either a single SyntheticMessageSet
* or a list of them.
* @param {Window} aWin - The window which we get the folderDisplay property from.
export function assert_messages_in_search_view(aSynSets, aWin) {
if (!Array.isArray(aSynSets)) {
aSynSets = [aSynSets];
// Iterate over all the message sets, retrieving the message header. Use
// this to construct a URI to populate a dictionary mapping.
const synMessageURIs = {}; // map URI to message header
for (const messageSet of aSynSets) {
for (const msgHdr of messageSet.msgHdrs()) {
synMessageURIs[msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr)] = msgHdr;
// Iterate over the contents of the view, nulling out values in
// synMessageURIs for found messages, and exploding for missing ones.
const dbView = aWin.gFolderDisplay.view.dbView;
const treeView = aWin.gFolderDisplay.view.dbView.QueryInterface(
const rowCount = treeView.rowCount;
for (let iViewIndex = 0; iViewIndex < rowCount; iViewIndex++) {
const msgHdr = dbView.getMsgHdrAt(iViewIndex);
const uri = msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr);
uri in synMessageURIs,
"The view should show the message header" + msgHdr.messageKey
delete synMessageURIs[uri];
// Iterate over our URI set and make sure every message was shown.
for (const uri in synMessageURIs) {
const msgHdr = synMessageURIs[uri];
"The view is should include the message header" + msgHdr.messageKey