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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { MailServices } from "resource:///modules/MailServices.sys.mjs";
import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs";
import * as EventUtils from "resource://testing-common/mail/EventUtils.sys.mjs";
import {
import { Assert } from "resource://testing-common/Assert.sys.mjs";
import { BrowserTestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs";
import { SmartMailboxUtils } from "resource:///modules/SmartMailboxUtils.sys.mjs";
import { TestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.sys.mjs";
import { MailConsts } from "resource:///modules/MailConsts.sys.mjs";
import { MailUtils } from "resource:///modules/MailUtils.sys.mjs";
import {
import { dump_view_state } from "resource://testing-common/mail/ViewHelpers.sys.mjs";
var nsMsgViewIndex_None = 0xffffffff;
* Server hostname as set in
export var FAKE_SERVER_HOSTNAME = "tinderbox123";
* The main 3-pane window.
* @type {Window}
export var mc = wait_for_existing_window("mail:3pane");
export function set_mc(value) {
mc = value;
/** the index of the current 'other' tab */
var otherTab;
export var msgGen = new MessageGenerator();
var msgGenFactory = new MessageScenarioFactory(msgGen);
var messageInjection = new MessageInjection({ mode: "local" }, msgGen);
export var inboxFolder = messageInjection.getInboxFolder();
// Default size of the main Thunderbird window in which the tests will run.
export var gDefaultWindowWidth = 1024;
export var gDefaultWindowHeight = 768;
export function get_about_3pane(win = mc) {
const tabmail = win.document.getElementById("tabmail");
if (tabmail? == "mail3PaneTab") {
return tabmail.currentAbout3Pane;
throw new Error("The current tab is not a mail3PaneTab.");
export function get_about_message(win = mc) {
const doc = win.document;
const tabmail = doc.getElementById("tabmail");
if (tabmail? == "mailMessageTab") {
return tabmail.currentAboutMessage;
} else if (tabmail? == "mail3PaneTab") {
// Not `currentAboutMessage`, we'll return a value even if it's hidden.
return get_about_3pane(win).messageBrowser.contentWindow;
} else if (
doc.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") == "mail:messageWindow"
) {
return doc.getElementById("messageBrowser").contentWindow;
throw new Error("The current tab is not a mail3PaneTab or mailMessageTab.");
function get_about_3pane_or_about_message(win = mc) {
const doc = win.document;
const tabmail = doc.getElementById("tabmail");
if (
tabmail &&
["mail3PaneTab", "mailMessageTab"].includes(
) {
return tabmail.currentTabInfo.chromeBrowser.contentWindow;
} else if (
doc.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") == "mail:messageWindow"
) {
return doc.getElementById("messageBrowser").contentWindow;
throw new Error("The current tab is not a mail3PaneTab or mailMessageTab.");
function get_db_view(win = mc) {
return get_about_3pane_or_about_message(win).gDBView;
export function smimeUtils_ensureNSS() {
export function smimeUtils_loadPEMCertificate(file, certType, loadKey = false) {
SmimeUtils.loadPEMCertificate(file, certType, loadKey);
export function smimeUtils_loadCertificateAndKey(file, pw) {
SmimeUtils.loadCertificateAndKey(file, pw);
* Although we all agree that the use of generators when dealing with async
* operations is awesome, the mozmill idiom is for calls to be synchronous and
* just spin event loops when they need to wait for things to happen. This
* does make the test code significantly less confusing, so we do it too.
* All of our operations are synchronous and just spin until they are happy.
* Create a folder and rebuild the folder tree view.
* @param {string} aFolderName - A folder name with no support for hierarchy at this time.
* @param {nsMsgFolderFlags} [aSpecialFlags] An optional list of nsMsgFolderFlags bits to set.
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder}
export async function create_folder(aFolderName, aSpecialFlags) {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
const folder = await messageInjection.makeEmptyFolder(
return folder;
* Create a virtual folder by deferring to |MessageInjection.makeVirtualFolder| and making
* sure to rebuild the folder tree afterwards.
* @see MessageInjection.makeVirtualFolder
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder}
export function create_virtual_folder(...aArgs) {
const folder = messageInjection.makeVirtualFolder(...aArgs);
return folder;
* Get special folder having a folder flag under Local Folders.
* This function clears the contents of the folder by default.
* @param aFolderFlag Folder flag of the required folder.
* @param aCreate Create the folder if it does not exist yet.
* @param aEmpty Set to false if messages from the folder must not be emptied.
export async function get_special_folder(
aCreate = false,
aEmpty = true
) {
const folderNames = new Map([
[Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Drafts, "Drafts"],
[Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Templates, "Templates"],
[Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Queue, "Outbox"],
[Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Inbox, "Inbox"],
let folder = (
aServer ? aServer : MailServices.accounts.localFoldersServer
if (!folder && aCreate) {
folder = await create_folder(folderNames.get(aFolderFlag), [aFolderFlag]);
if (!folder) {
throw new Error("Special folder not found");
// Ensure the folder is empty so that each test file can puts its new messages in it
// and they are always at reliable positions (starting from 0).
if (aEmpty) {
await empty_folder(folder);
return folder;
* Create a thread with the specified number of messages in it.
* @param {number} aCount
* @returns {SyntheticMessageSet}
export function create_thread(aCount) {
return new SyntheticMessageSet(msgGenFactory.directReply(aCount));
* Create and return a SyntheticMessage object.
* @param {MakeMessageOptions} aArgs An arguments object to be passed to
* MessageGenerator.makeMessage()
* @returns {SyntheticMessage}
export function create_message(aArgs) {
return msgGen.makeMessage(aArgs);
* Create and return an SMIME SyntheticMessage object.
* @param {MakeMessageOptions} aArgs An arguments object to be passed to
* MessageGenerator.makeEncryptedSMimeMessage()
export function create_encrypted_smime_message(aArgs) {
return msgGen.makeEncryptedSMimeMessage(aArgs);
* Create and return an OpenPGP SyntheticMessage object.
* @param {MakeMessageOptions} aArgs An arguments object to be passed to
* MessageGenerator.makeEncryptedOpenPGPMessage()
export function create_encrypted_openpgp_message(aArgs) {
return msgGen.makeEncryptedOpenPGPMessage(aArgs);
* Adds a SyntheticMessage as a SyntheticMessageSet to a folder or folders.
* @see MessageInjection.addSetsToFolders
* @param {SyntheticMessage} aMsg
* @param {nsIMsgFolder[]} aFolder
export async function add_message_to_folder(aFolder, aMsg) {
await messageInjection.addSetsToFolders(aFolder, [
new SyntheticMessageSet([aMsg]),
* Adds SyntheticMessageSets to a folder or folders.
* @see MessageInjection.addSetsToFolders
* @param {nsIMsgLocalMailFolder[]} aFolders
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet[]} aMsg
export async function add_message_sets_to_folders(aFolders, aMsg) {
await messageInjection.addSetsToFolders(aFolders, aMsg);
* Makes SyntheticMessageSets in aFolders
* @param {nsIMsgFolder[]} aFolders
* @param {MakeMessageOptions[]} aOptions
* @returns {SyntheticMessageSet[]}
export async function make_message_sets_in_folders(aFolders, aOptions) {
return messageInjection.makeNewSetsInFolders(aFolders, aOptions);
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet} aSynMessageSet The set of messages
* to delete. The messages do not all
* have to be in the same folder, but we have to delete them folder by
* folder if they are not.
export async function delete_messages(aSynMessageSet) {
await MessageInjection.deleteMessages(aSynMessageSet);
* Make sure we are entering the folder from not having been in the folder. We
* will leave the folder and come back if we have to.
export async function enter_folder(aFolder) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
// If we're already selected, go back to the root...
if (win.gFolder == aFolder) {
await enter_folder(aFolder.rootFolder);
const displayPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "folderURIChanged");
await displayPromise;
// Drain the event queue.
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Make sure we are in the given folder, entering it if we were not.
* @returns The tab info of the current tab (a more persistent identifier for
* tabs than the index, which will change as tabs open/close).
export async function be_in_folder(aFolder) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
if (win.gFolder != aFolder) {
await enter_folder(aFolder);
return mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo;
* Create a new tab displaying a folder, making that tab the current tab. This
* does not wait for message completion, because it doesn't know whether a
* message display will be triggered. If you know that a message display will be
* triggered, you should follow this up with
* |wait_for_message_display_completion(mc, true)|. If you know that a blank
* pane should be displayed, you should follow this up with
* |wait_for_blank_content_pane()| instead.
* @returns The tab info of the current tab (a more persistent identifier for
* tabs than the index, which will change as tabs open/close).
export async function open_folder_in_new_tab(aFolder) {
otherTab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo;
const tab = mc.openTab("mail3PaneTab", { folderURI: aFolder.URI }, "tab");
if (
tab.chromeBrowser.docShell.isLoadingDocument ||
tab.chromeBrowser.currentURI.spec != "about:3pane"
) {
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.chromeBrowser);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => tab.folder == aFolder);
return tab;
* Open a new mail:3pane window displaying a folder.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder - The folder to be displayed in the new window.
* @returns {Window} The new window.
export async function open_folder_in_new_window(aFolder) {
const newWindowPromise = promise_new_window("mail:3pane");
return newWindowPromise;
* Open the selected message(s) by pressing Enter. The mail.openMessageBehavior
* pref is supposed to determine how the messages are opened.
* Since we don't know where this is going to trigger a message load, you're
* going to have to wait for message display completion yourself.
* @param {Window} [win] - The window to do this in, the first window if omitted.
export function open_selected_messages(win = mc) {
// Focus the thread tree
// Open whatever's selected
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, win);
export var open_selected_message = open_selected_messages;
* Create a new tab displaying the currently selected message, making that tab
* the current tab. We block until the message finishes loading.
* @param aBackground [optional] If true, then the tab is opened in the
* background. If false or not given, then the tab is opened
* in the foreground.
* @returns The tab info of the new tab (a more persistent identifier for tabs
* than the index, which will change as tabs open/close).
export async function open_selected_message_in_new_tab(aBackground) {
// get the current tab count so we can make sure the tab actually opened.
const preCount =
// save the current tab as the 'other' tab
otherTab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo;
const win = get_about_3pane();
const message = win.gDBView.hdrForFirstSelectedMessage;
const tab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").openTab("mailMessageTab", {
messageURI: message.folder.getUriForMsg(message),
viewWrapper: win.gViewWrapper,
background: aBackground,
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(tab.chromeBrowser, "MsgLoaded");
// check that the tab count increased
if (
mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabContainer.allTabs.length !=
preCount + 1
) {
throw new Error("The tab never actually got opened!");
return tab;
* Create a new window displaying the currently selected message. We do not
* return until the message has finished loading.
* @returns {Window} The new window.
export async function open_selected_message_in_new_window() {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const newWindowPromise = promise_new_window("mail:messageWindow");
const msgc = await newWindowPromise;
await wait_for_message_display_completion(msgc, true);
return msgc;
* Display the given message in a folder tab. This doesn't make any assumptions
* about whether a new tab is opened, since that is dependent on a user
* preference. However, we do check that the tab we're returning is a folder
* tab.
* @param aMsgHdr The message header to display.
* @param [aExpectNew3Pane] This should be set to true if it is expected that a
* new 3-pane window will be opened as a result of
* the API call.
* @returns The currently selected tab, guaranteed to be a folder tab.
export async function display_message_in_folder_tab(aMsgHdr, aExpectNew3Pane) {
let newWindowPromise;
if (aExpectNew3Pane) {
newWindowPromise = promise_new_window("mail:3pane");
if (aExpectNew3Pane) {
mc = await newWindowPromise;
// Make sure that the tab we're returning is a folder tab
const currentTab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo;
assert_tab_mode_name(currentTab, "mail3PaneTab");
return currentTab;
* Create a new window displaying a message loaded from a file. We do not
* return until the message has finished loading.
* @param {nsIFile} file - An nsIFile to load the message from.
* @returns {Window} The new window.
export async function open_message_from_file(file) {
if (!file.isFile() || !file.isReadable()) {
throw new Error(
"The requested message file " +
file.leafName +
" was not found or is not accessible."
let fileURL =;
fileURL = fileURL
const newWindowPromise = promise_new_window("mail:messageWindow");
const win = mc.openDialog(
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "load");
const aboutMessage = get_about_message(win);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(aboutMessage, "MsgLoaded");
const msgc = await newWindowPromise;
await wait_for_message_display_completion(msgc, true);
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
return msgc;
* Switch to another folder or message tab. If no tab is specified, we switch
* to the 'other' tab. That is the last tab we used, most likely the tab that
* was current when we created this tab.
* @param aNewTab Optional, index of the other tab to switch to.
export async function switch_tab(aNewTab) {
if (typeof aNewTab == "number") {
aNewTab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabInfo[aNewTab];
// If the new tab is the same as the current tab, none of the below applies.
// Get out now.
if (aNewTab == mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo) {
const targetTab = aNewTab != null ? aNewTab : otherTab;
// now the current tab will be the 'other' tab after we switch
otherTab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo;
const selectPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
await selectPromise;
* Assert that the currently selected tab is the given one.
* @param aTab The tab that should currently be selected.
export function assert_selected_tab(aTab) {
Assert.equal(mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo, aTab);
* Assert that the currently selected tab is _not_ the given one.
* @param aTab The tab that should currently not be selected.
export function assert_not_selected_tab(aTab) {
Assert.notEqual(mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo, aTab);
* Assert that the given tab has the given mode name. Valid mode names include
* "message" and "folder".
* @param aTab A Tab. The currently selected tab if null.
* @param aModeName A string that should match the mode name of the tab.
export function assert_tab_mode_name(aTab, aModeName) {
if (!aTab) {
aTab = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").currentTabInfo;
Assert.equal(, aModeName, `Tab should be of type ${aModeName}`);
* Assert that the number of tabs open matches the value given.
* @param aNumber The number of tabs that should be open.
export function assert_number_of_tabs_open(aNumber) {
const actualNumber =
Assert.equal(actualNumber, aNumber, `There should be ${aNumber} tabs open`);
* Assert that the given tab's title is based on the provided folder or
* message.
* @param aTab A Tab.
* @param aWhat Either an nsIMsgFolder or an nsIMsgDBHdr
export async function assert_tab_titled_from(aTab, aWhat) {
let text;
if (aWhat instanceof Ci.nsIMsgFolder) {
text = aWhat.prettyName;
} else if (aWhat instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr) {
text = aWhat.mime2DecodedSubject;
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => aTab.title.includes(text),
`Tab title should include '${text}' but does not. (Current title: '${aTab.title}')`
* Assert that the given tab's title is what is given.
* @param aTab The tab to check.
* @param aTitle The title to check.
export function assert_tab_has_title(aTab, aTitle) {
Assert.equal(aTab.title, aTitle);
* Close a tab. If no tab is specified, it is assumed you want to close the
* current tab.
export function close_tab(aTabToClose) {
if (typeof aTabToClose == "number") {
aTabToClose = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabInfo[aTabToClose];
// Get the current tab count so we can make sure the tab actually closed.
const preCount =
// Check that the tab count decreased.
if (
mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabContainer.allTabs.length !=
preCount - 1
) {
throw new Error("The tab never actually got closed!");
* Clear the selection. I'm not sure how we're pretending we did that, but
* we explicitly focus the thread tree as a side-effect.
* @param {Window} [win] - The window to use.
export async function select_none(win = mc) {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
get_about_3pane().threadTree.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("select"));
// Because the selection event may not be generated immediately, we need to
// spin until the message display thinks it is not displaying a message,
// which is the sign that the event actually happened.
const win2 = get_about_message();
function noMessageChecker() {
return win2.gMessage == null;
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
"waiting for displayedMessage to become null."
await wait_for_blank_content_pane(win);
* Normalize a view index to be an absolute index, handling slice-style negative
* references as well as piercing complex things like message headers and
* synthetic message sets.
* @param aViewIndex An absolute index (integer >= 0), slice-style index (< 0),
* or a SyntheticMessageSet (we only care about the first message in it).
function _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex) {
const dbView = get_db_view();
// SyntheticMessageSet special-case
if (typeof aViewIndex != "number") {
const msgHdrIter = aViewIndex.msgHdrs();
const msgHdr =;
// do not expand
aViewIndex = dbView.findIndexOfMsgHdr(msgHdr, false);
if (aViewIndex < 0) {
return dbView.rowCount + aViewIndex;
return aViewIndex;
* Generic method to simulate a left click on a row in a <tree> element.
* @param {XULTreeElement} aTree - The tree element.
* @param {number} aRowIndex - Index of a row in the tree to click on.
* @see mailTestUtils.treeClick for another way.
export async function click_tree_row(aTree, aRowIndex) {
if (aRowIndex < 0 || aRowIndex >= aTree.view.rowCount) {
throw new Error(
"Row " + aRowIndex + " does not exist in the tree " + + "!"
const selection = aTree.view.selection;;
// get cell coordinates
const column = aTree.columns[0];
const coords = aTree.getCoordsForCellItem(aRowIndex, column, "text");
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
coords.x + 4,
coords.y + 4,
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
async function _get_row_at_index(aViewIndex) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const tree = win.document.getElementById("threadTree");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => aViewIndex < tree.view.rowCount,
`index ${aViewIndex} must exist to be clicked on`
tree.scrollToIndex(aViewIndex, true);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => tree.getRowAtIndex(aViewIndex));
return tree.getRowAtIndex(aViewIndex);
* Pretend we are clicking on a row with our mouse.
* @param {integer} aViewIndex - If >= 0, the view index provided, if < 0, a
* reference to a view index counting from the last row in the tree.
* -1 indicates the last message in the tree, -2 the second to last, etc.
* @returns The message header selected.
export async function select_click_row(aViewIndex) {
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex);
const row = await _get_row_at_index(aViewIndex);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(row, {}, row.ownerGlobal);
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
await wait_for_message_display_completion(undefined, true);
return get_about_3pane().gDBView.getMsgHdrAt(aViewIndex);
* Pretend we are clicking on a row in the select column with our mouse.
* @param {integer} aViewIndex - If >= 0, the view index provided, if < 0, a
* reference to a view index counting from the last row in the tree.
* -1 indicates the last message in the tree, -2 the second to last, etc.
* @param {Window} [aWin] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
* @returns The message header selected.
export async function select_column_click_row(aViewIndex, aWin = mc) {
const dbView = get_db_view(aWin);
const hasMessageDisplay = "messageDisplay" in aWin;
if (hasMessageDisplay) {
await wait_for_message_display_completion(aWin);
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex, aWin);
// A click in the select column will always change the message display. If
// clicking on a single selection (deselect), don't wait for a message load.
var willDisplayMessage =
hasMessageDisplay &&
aWin.messageDisplay.visible &&
!(dbView.selection.count == 1 && dbView.selection.isSelected(aViewIndex)) &&
dbView.selection.currentIndex !== aViewIndex;
if (willDisplayMessage) {
if (hasMessageDisplay) {
await wait_for_message_display_completion(aWin, willDisplayMessage);
return dbView.getMsgHdrAt(aViewIndex);
* Pretend we are toggling the thread specified by a row.
* @param aViewIndex If >= 0, the view index provided, if < 0, a reference to
* a view index counting from the last row in the tree. -1 indicates the
* last message in the tree, -2 the second to last, etc.
export async function toggle_thread_row(aViewIndex) {
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex);
const win = get_about_3pane();
const row = win.document
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(row.querySelector(".twisty"), {}, win);
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
* Pretend we are clicking on a row with our mouse with the control key pressed,
* resulting in the addition/removal of just that row to/from the selection.
* @param aViewIndex If >= 0, the view index provided, if < 0, a reference to
* a view index counting from the last row in the tree. -1 indicates the
* last message in the tree, -2 the second to last, etc.
* @returns The message header of the affected message.
export async function select_control_click_row(aViewIndex) {
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex);
const win = get_about_3pane();
const row = win.document
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(row, { accelKey: true }, win);
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
return win.gDBView.getMsgHdrAt(aViewIndex);
* Pretend we are clicking on a row with our mouse with the shift key pressed,
* adding all the messages between the shift pivot and the shift selected row.
* @param {integer} aViewIndex - If >= 0, the view index provided, if < 0, a
* reference to a view index counting from the last row in the tree.
* -1 indicates the last message in the tree, -2 the second to last, etc.
* @param {Window} aWin - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
* @returns The message headers for all messages that are now selected.
export async function select_shift_click_row(aViewIndex, aWin) {
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex, aWin);
const win = get_about_3pane();
const row = win.document
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(row, { shiftKey: true }, win);
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
return win.gDBView.getSelectedMsgHdrs();
* Helper function to click on a row with a given button.
function _row_click_helper(
) {
// Force-focus the tree
// coordinates of the upper left of the entire tree widget (headers included)
const treeRect = aTree.getBoundingClientRect();
const tx = treeRect.x,
ty = treeRect.y;
// coordinates of the row display region of the tree (below the headers)
const children = aWin.document.getElementById(, {
tagName: "treechildren",
const childrenRect = children.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = childrenRect.x,
y = childrenRect.y;
// Click in the middle of the row by default
let rowX = childrenRect.width / 2;
// For the thread tree, Position our click on the subject column (which cannot
// be hidden), and far enough in that we are in no danger of clicking the
// expand toggler unless that is explicitly requested.
if ( == "threadTree") {
const columnId = aColumnId || "subjectCol";
const col = aWin.document.getElementById(columnId);
rowX = col.getBoundingClientRect().x - tx + 8;
// click on the toggle if so requested (for subjectCol)
if (columnId == "subjectCol" && aExtra !== "toggle") {
rowX += 32;
// Very important, gotta be able to see the row.
const rowY =
aTree.rowHeight * (aViewIndex - aTree.getFirstVisibleRow()) +
aTree.rowHeight / 2;
if (aTree.getRowAt(x + rowX, y + rowY) != aViewIndex) {
throw new Error(
"Thought we would find row " +
aViewIndex +
" at " +
rowX +
"," +
rowY +
" but we found " +
aTree.getRowAt(rowX, rowY)
// Generate a mouse-down for all click types; the transient selection
// logic happens on mousedown which our tests assume is happening. (If you
// are using a keybinding to trigger the event, that will not happen, but
// we don't test that.)
x + rowX - tx,
y + rowY - ty,
type: "mousedown",
button: aButton,
shiftKey: aExtra === "shift",
accelKey: aExtra === "accel",
// For right-clicks, the platform code generates a "contextmenu" event
// when it sees the mouse press/down event. We are not synthesizing a platform
// level event (though it is in our power; we just historically have not),
// so we need to be the people to create the context menu.
if (aButton == 2) {
x + rowX - tx,
y + rowY - ty,
{ type: "contextmenu", button: aButton },
x + rowX - tx,
y + rowY - ty,
type: "mouseup",
button: aButton,
shiftKey: aExtra == "shift",
accelKey: aExtra === "accel",
* Right-click on the tree-view in question. With any luck, this will have
* the side-effect of opening up a pop-up which it is then on _your_ head
* to do something with or close. However, we have helpful popup function
* helpers because I'm so nice.
* @returns The message header that you clicked on.
export async function right_click_on_row(aViewIndex) {
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex);
const win = get_about_3pane();
const row = await _get_row_at_index(aViewIndex);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(row, { type: "contextmenu" }, win);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent(
return get_db_view().getMsgHdrAt(aViewIndex);
* Middle-click on the tree-view in question, presumably opening a new message
* tab.
* @param {integer} aViewIndex - The index of a selected row.
* @param {boolean} shiftPressed - Whether the shift key has been pressed.
* @returns [The new tab, the message that you clicked on.]
export async function middle_click_on_row(aViewIndex, shiftPressed) {
aViewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndex);
const win = get_about_3pane();
const row = await _get_row_at_index(aViewIndex);
{ button: 1, shiftKey: shiftPressed },
return [
mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabContainer.allTabs.length - 1
* Assert that the given folder mode is the current one.
* @param {string} aMode - The expected folder mode.
* @param {Window} [aWin] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
export function assert_folder_mode(aMode, aWin) {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane(aWin);
if (!about3Pane.folderPane.activeModes.includes(aMode)) {
throw new Error(`The folder mode "${aMode}" is not visible`);
* Assert that the given folder is the child of the given parent in the folder
* tree view. aParent == null is equivalent to saying that the given folder
* should be a top-level folder.
export function assert_folder_child_in_view(aChild, aParent) {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane();
const childRow = about3Pane.folderPane.getRowForFolder(aChild);
const parentRow = childRow.parentNode.closest("li");
if (parentRow?.uri != aParent.URI) {
throw new Error(
"Folder " +
aChild.URI +
" should be the child of " +
(aParent && aParent.URI) +
", but is actually the child of " +
* Assert that the given folder is in the current folder mode and is visible.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder - The folder to assert as visible.
* @param {Window} [aWin] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
* @returns {integer} The index of the folder, if it is visible.
export function assert_folder_visible(aFolder, aWin) {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane(aWin);
const folderIndex = about3Pane.folderTree.rows.findIndex(
row => row.uri == aFolder.URI
if (folderIndex == -1) {
throw new Error("Folder: " + aFolder.URI + " should be visible, but isn't");
return folderIndex;
* Assert that the given folder is either not in the current folder mode at all,
* or is not currently visible.
export function assert_folder_not_visible(aFolder) {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane();
const folderIndex = about3Pane.folderTree.rows.findIndex(
row => row.uri == aFolder.URI
if (folderIndex != -1) {
throw new Error(
"Folder: " + aFolder.URI + " should not be visible, but is"
* Collapse a folder if it has children. This will throw if the folder itself is
* not visible in the folder view.
export function collapse_folder(aFolder) {
const folderIndex = assert_folder_visible(aFolder);
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane();
const folderRow = about3Pane.folderTree.getRowAtIndex(folderIndex);
if (!folderRow.classList.contains("collapsed")) {
* Expand a folder if it has children. This will throw if the folder itself is
* not visible in the folder view.
export function expand_folder(aFolder) {
const folderIndex = assert_folder_visible(aFolder);
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane();
const folderRow = about3Pane.folderTree.getRowAtIndex(folderIndex);
if (folderRow.classList.contains("collapsed")) {
* Assert that a folder is currently visible and collapsed. This will throw if
* either of the two is untrue.
export function assert_folder_collapsed(aFolder) {
const folderIndex = assert_folder_visible(aFolder);
const row = get_about_3pane().folderTree.getRowAtIndex(folderIndex);
* Assert that a folder is currently visible and expanded. This will throw if
* either of the two is untrue.
export function assert_folder_expanded(aFolder) {
const folderIndex = assert_folder_visible(aFolder);
const row = get_about_3pane().folderTree.getRowAtIndex(folderIndex);
* Pretend we are clicking on a folder with our mouse.
* @param aFolder The folder to click on. This needs to be present in the
* current folder tree view, of course.
* @returns the view index that you clicked on.
export function select_click_folder(aFolder) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const folderTree = win.document.getElementById("folderTree");
const row = folderTree.rows.find(treeRow => treeRow.uri == aFolder.URI);
row.scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "instant" });
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(row.querySelector(".container"), {}, win);
* Pretend we are clicking on a folder with our mouse with the shift key pressed.
* @param aFolder The folder to shift-click on. This needs to be present in the
* current folder tree view, of course.
* @returns An array containing all the folders that are now selected.
export async function select_shift_click_folder(aFolder) {
await wait_for_all_messages_to_load();
const viewIndex = mc.folderTreeView.getIndexOfFolder(aFolder);
// Passing -1 as the start range checks the shift-pivot, which should be -1,
// so it should fall over to the current index, which is what we want. It
// will then set the shift-pivot to the previously-current-index and update
// the current index to be what we shift-clicked on. All matches user
// interaction.
mc.folderTreeView.selection.rangedSelect(-1, viewIndex, false);
await wait_for_all_messages_to_load();
// give the event queue a chance to drain...
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
return mc.folderTreeView.getSelectedFolders();
* Right click on the folder tree view. With any luck, this will have the
* side-effect of opening up a pop-up which it is then on _your_ head to do
* something with or close. However, we have helpful popup function helpers
* helpers because asuth's so nice.
* @note The argument is a folder here, unlike in the message case, so beware.
* @returns The view index that you clicked on.
export async function right_click_on_folder(aFolder) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const folderTree = win.document.getElementById("folderTree");
const shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
const row = folderTree.rows.find(treeRow => treeRow.uri == aFolder.URI);
{ type: "contextmenu" },
await shownPromise;
* Middle-click on the folder tree view, presumably opening a new folder tab.
* @note The argument is a folder here, unlike in the message case, so beware.
* @returns [The new tab, the view index that you clicked on.]
export function middle_click_on_folder(aFolder, shiftPressed) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const folderTree = win.document.getElementById("folderTree");
const row = folderTree.rows.find(treeRow => treeRow.uri == aFolder.URI);
{ button: 1, shiftKey: shiftPressed },
return [
mc.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabContainer.allTabs.length - 1
* Get a reference to the smart folder with the given name.
* @param aFolderName The name of the smart folder (e.g. "Inbox").
* @returns An nsIMsgFolder representing the smart folder with the given name.
export function get_smart_folder_named(aFolderName) {
const smartMailbox = SmartMailboxUtils.getSmartMailbox();
return smartMailbox.getSmartFolder(aFolderName);
* Assuming the context popup is popped-up (via right_click_on_row), select
* the deletion option. If the popup is not popped up, you are out of luck.
export async function delete_via_popup() {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const ctxDelete = win.document.getElementById("navContext-delete");
if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") {
// We need to use click() since the synthesizeMouseAtCenter doesn't work for
// context menu items on macos.;
} else {
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(ctxDelete, {}, ctxDelete.ownerGlobal);
// for reasons unknown, the pop-up does not close itself?
await close_popup(mc, win.document.getElementById("mailContext"));
await wait_for_folder_events();
* @deprecated Use BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent directly.
* @param {XULPopupElement} popupElem
export async function wait_for_popup_to_open(popupElem) {
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent(popupElem, "shown");
* Close the open pop-up.
* @param {DOMWindow} aWin
* @param {XULPopupElement} elem
export async function close_popup(aWin, elem) {
// if it was already closing, just leave
if (elem.state == "closed") {
if (elem.state != "hiding") {
// Actually close the popup because it's not closing/closed.
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent(elem, "hidden");
await new Promise(resolve => aWin.requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
* Pretend we are pressing the delete key, triggering message deletion of the
* selected messages.
* @param {Window} [aWin] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
* @param {object} [aModifiers] - Modifiers to pass to the keypress method.
export async function press_delete(aWin = mc, aModifiers) {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", aModifiers || {}, aWin);
await wait_for_folder_events();
* Delete all messages in the given folder.
* (called empty_folder similarly to emptyTrash method on root folder)
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder - Folder to empty.
* @param {Window} [aWin] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
export async function empty_folder(aFolder, aWin = mc) {
if (!aFolder) {
throw new Error("No folder for emptying given");
await be_in_folder(aFolder);
let msgCount;
while ((msgCount = aFolder.getTotalMessages(false)) > 0) {
await select_click_row(0, aWin);
await press_delete(aWin);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => aFolder.getTotalMessages(false) < msgCount
* Archive the selected messages, and wait for it to complete. Archiving
* plans and waits for message display if the display is visible because
* successful archiving will by definition change the currently displayed
* set of messages (unless you are looking at a virtual folder that includes
* the archive folder.)
* @param {Window} [win] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
export async function archive_selected_messages(win = mc) {
const dbView = get_db_view(win);
// How many messages do we expect to remain after the archival?
const expectedCount = dbView.rowCount - dbView.numSelected;
// if (expectedCount && win.messageDisplay.visible) {
// plan_for_message_display(win);
// }
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, win);
// Wait for the view rowCount to decrease by the number of selected messages.
const messagesDeletedFromView = function () {
return dbView.rowCount == expectedCount;
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
"Timeout waiting for messages to be archived"
// await wait_for_message_display_completion(
// win,
// expectedCount && win.messageDisplay.visible
// );
// The above may return immediately, meaning the event queue might not get a
// chance. give it a chance now.
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Wait for the |folderDisplay| on win (defaults to mc if omitted) to
* finish loading. This generally only matters for folders that have an active
* search.
* This method is generally called automatically most of the time, and you
* should not need to call it yourself unless you are operating outside the
* helper methods in this file.
* @param {Window} [win] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
export async function wait_for_all_messages_to_load(win = mc) {
if (win.gFolderDisplay) {
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => win.gFolderDisplay.allMessagesLoaded,
"waiting for message list to finish loading"
} else {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane(win);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => about3Pane.dbViewWrapperListener.allMessagesLoaded,
"waiting for message list to finish loading"
// the above may return immediately, meaning the event queue might not get a
// chance. give it a chance now.
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Call this before triggering a message display that you are going to wait for
* using |wait_for_message_display_completion| where you are passing true for
* the aLoadDemanded argument. This ensures that if a message is already
* displayed for the given window that state is sufficiently cleaned up
* so it doesn't trick us into thinking that there is no need to wait.
* @param {Window|TabInfo} [winOrTab] optional window or tab, defaulting to
* the first window. If the message display is going to be caused by a tab
* switch, a reference to the tab to switch to should be passed in.
export function plan_for_message_display() {}
* If a message or summary is in the process of loading, let it finish;
* optionally, be sure to wait for a load to happen (assuming
* |plan_for_message_display| is used, modulo the conditions below.)
* This method is used defensively by a lot of other code in this file that is
* really not sure whether there might be a load in progress or not. So by
* default we only do something if there is obviously a message display in
* progress. Since some events may end up getting deferred due to script
* blockers or the like, it is possible the event that triggers the display
* may not have happened by the time you call this. In that case, you should
* 1) pass true for aLoadDemanded, and
* 2) invoke |plan_for_message_display|
* before triggering the event that will induce a message display. Note that:
* - You cannot do #2 if you are opening a new message window and can assume
* that this will be the first message ever displayed in the window. This is
* fine, because messageLoaded is initially false.
* - You should not do #2 if you are opening a new folder or message tab. That
* is because you'll affect the old tab's message display instead of the new
* tab's display. Again, this is fine, because a new message display will be
* created for the new tab, and messageLoaded will initially be false for it.
* If we didn't use this method defensively, we would get horrible assertions
* like so:
* ###!!! ASSERTION: Overwriting an existing document channel!
* @param {Window} [aWin] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
* @param {boolean} [aLoadDemanded=false] - Should we require that we wait for
* a message to be loaded? If you do not pass true and there is no message
* load in process, this method will return immediately.
export async function wait_for_message_display_completion(aWin, aLoadDemanded) {
let win;
if (aWin == null || aWin.document.getElementById("tabmail")) {
win = get_about_message();
} else {
win = aWin.document.getElementById("messageBrowser").contentWindow;
const tabmail = mc.document.getElementById("tabmail");
if ( == "mail3PaneTab") {
const about3Pane = tabmail.currentAbout3Pane;
if (about3Pane?.gDBView?.getSelectedMsgHdrs().length > 1) {
// Displaying multiple messages.
if (about3Pane?.messagePaneSplitter.isCollapsed) {
// Message pane hidden.
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => win.document.readyState == "complete");
const messagePaneBrowser = win.getMessagePaneBrowser();
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() =>
!messagePaneBrowser.docShell?.isLoadingDocument &&
(!aLoadDemanded || messagePaneBrowser.currentURI?.spec != "about:blank"),
`Timeout waiting for a message. Current location: ${messagePaneBrowser.currentURI?.spec}`
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Wait for the content pane to be blank because no message is to be displayed.
* @param {Window} [win] - The window in whose context to do this, defaults to
* the first window.
export async function wait_for_blank_content_pane(win = mc) {
const aboutMessage = get_about_message(win);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => aboutMessage.document.readyState == "complete"
const messagePaneBrowser = aboutMessage.getMessagePaneBrowser();
if (BrowserTestUtils.isHidden(messagePaneBrowser)) {
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() =>
!messagePaneBrowser.docShell?.isLoadingDocument &&
messagePaneBrowser.currentURI?.spec == "about:blank",
`Timeout waiting for blank content pane. Current location: ${messagePaneBrowser.currentURI?.spec}`
// the above may return immediately, meaning the event queue might not get a
// chance. give it a chance now.
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
var FolderListener = {
_inited: false,
ensureInited() {
if (this._inited) {
this._inited = true;
sawEvents: false,
watchingFor: null,
planToWaitFor(...aArgs) {
this.sawEvents = false;
this.watchingFor = aArgs;
async waitForEvents() {
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => this.sawEvents,
`Timeout waiting for events: ${this.watchingFor}`
onFolderEvent(aFolder, aEvent) {
if (!this.watchingFor) {
if (this.watchingFor.includes(aEvent)) {
this.watchingFor = null;
this.sawEvents = true;
* Plan to wait for an nsIFolderListener.onFolderEvent matching one of the
* provided strings. Call this before you do the thing that triggers the
* event, then call |wait_for_folder_events| after the event. This ensures
* that we see the event, because it might be too late after you initiate
* the thing that would generate the event.
* For example, plan_to_wait_for_folder_events("DeleteOrMoveMsgCompleted",
* "DeleteOrMoveMsgFailed") waits for a deletion completion notification
* when you call |wait_for_folder_events|.
* The waiting is currently un-scoped, so the event happening on any folder
* triggers us. It is expected that you won't try and have multiple events
* in-flight or will augment us when the time comes to have to deal with that.
export function plan_to_wait_for_folder_events(...aArgs) {
export async function wait_for_folder_events() {
await FolderListener.waitForEvents();
* Assert that the given synthetic message sets are present in the folder
* display.
* Verify that the messages in the provided SyntheticMessageSets are the only
* visible messages in the provided DBViewWrapper. If dummy headers are present
* in the view for group-by-sort, the code will ensure that the dummy header's
* underlying header corresponds to a message in the synthetic sets. However,
* you should generally not rely on this code to test for anything involving
* dummy headers.
* In the event the view does not contain all of the messages from the provided
* sets or contains messages not in the provided sets, throw_and_dump_view_state
* will be invoked with a human readable explanation of the problem.
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet|SyntheticMessageSet[]} aSynSets
* @param {Window} [aWin] - Window which we get the folderDisplay property from.
* Defaults to the first window.
export function assert_messages_in_view(aSynSets, aWin = mc) {
if (!("length" in aSynSets)) {
aSynSets = [aSynSets];
// - Iterate over all the message sets, retrieving the message header. Use
// this to construct a URI to populate a dictionary mapping.
const synMessageURIs = {}; // map URI to message header
for (const messageSet of aSynSets) {
for (const msgHdr of messageSet.msgHdrs()) {
synMessageURIs[msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr)] = msgHdr;
// - Iterate over the contents of the view, nulling out values in
// synMessageURIs for found messages, and exploding for missing ones.
const dbView = get_db_view(aWin);
const treeView = dbView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITreeView);
const rowCount = treeView.rowCount;
for (let iViewIndex = 0; iViewIndex < rowCount; iViewIndex++) {
const msgHdr = dbView.getMsgHdrAt(iViewIndex);
const uri = msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr);
// expected hit, null it out. (in the dummy case, we will just null out
// twice, which is also why we do an 'in' test and not a value test.
if (uri in synMessageURIs) {
synMessageURIs[uri] = null;
} else {
// the view is showing a message that should not be shown, explode.
"The view should show the message header" + msgHdr.messageKey
// - Iterate over our URI set and make sure every message got nulled out.
for (const uri in synMessageURIs) {
const msgHdr = synMessageURIs[uri];
if (msgHdr != null) {
"The view should include the message header" + msgHdr.messageKey
* Assert the the given message/messages are not present in the view.
* @param aMessages Either a single nsIMsgDBHdr or a list of them.
export function assert_messages_not_in_view(aMessages) {
if (aMessages instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr) {
aMessages = [aMessages];
const dbView = get_db_view();
for (const msgHdr of aMessages) {
dbView.findIndexOfMsgHdr(msgHdr, true),
`Message header is present in view but should not be`
export var assert_message_not_in_view = assert_messages_not_in_view;
* When displaying a folder, assert that the message pane is visible and all the
* menus, splitters, etc. are set up right.
export function assert_message_pane_visible() {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const messagePane = win.document.getElementById("messagePane");
"The tab does not think that the message pane is visible, but it should!"
"The message pane should not be collapsed!"
"The message pane splitter should not be collapsed!"
mc.view_init(); // Force the view menu to update.
const paneMenuItem = mc.document.getElementById("menu_showMessage");
"The Message Pane menu item should be checked."
* When displaying a folder, assert that the message pane is hidden and all the
* menus, splitters, etc. are set up right.
export function assert_message_pane_hidden() {
const win = get_about_3pane();
const messagePane = win.document.getElementById("messagePane");
"The tab thinks that the message pane is visible, but it shouldn't!"
"The message pane should be collapsed!"
"The message pane splitter should be collapsed!"
mc.view_init(); // Force the view menu to update.
const paneMenuItem = mc.document.getElementById("menu_showMessage");
"The Message Pane menu item should not be checked."
* Toggle the visibility of the message pane.
export function toggle_message_pane() {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_F8", {}, get_about_3pane());
* Make the folder pane visible in order to run tests.
* This is necessary as the FolderPane is collapsed if no account is available.
export function show_folder_pane() {
mc.document.getElementById("folderPaneBox").collapsed = false;
* Helper function for use by assert_selected / assert_selected_and_displayed /
* assert_displayed.
* @returns {Array} A list of two elements: [Window, [list of view indices]].
function _process_row_message_arguments(...aArgs) {
let troller = mc;
// - normalize into desired selected view indices
const desiredIndices = [];
for (const arg of aArgs) {
// An integer identifying a view index
if (typeof arg == "number") {
} else if (arg instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr) {
// A message header
// do not expand; the thing should already be selected, eg expanded!
const viewIndex = get_db_view(troller).findIndexOfMsgHdr(arg, false);
if (viewIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None) {
"Message not present in view that should be there. " +
"(" +
arg.messageKey +
": " +
arg.mime2DecodedSubject +
} else if (arg.length == 2 && typeof arg[0] == "number") {
// A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
const lowIndex = _normalize_view_index(arg[0]);
const highIndex = _normalize_view_index(arg[1]);
for (let viewIndex = lowIndex; viewIndex <= highIndex; viewIndex++) {
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
// a List of message headers
for (let iMsg = 0; iMsg < arg.length; iMsg++) {
const msgHdr = arg[iMsg].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr);
if (!msgHdr) {
throw new Error(arg[iMsg] + " is not a message header!");
// false means do not expand, it should already be selected
const viewIndex = get_db_view(troller).findIndexOfMsgHdr(msgHdr, false);
if (viewIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None) {
"Message not present in view that should be there. " +
"(" +
msgHdr.messageKey +
": " +
msgHdr.mime2DecodedSubject +
} else if (arg.synMessages) {
// SyntheticMessageSet
for (const msgHdr of arg.msgHdrs()) {
const viewIndex = get_db_view(troller).findIndexOfMsgHdr(msgHdr, false);
if (viewIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None) {
"Message not present in view that should be there. " +
"(" +
msgHdr.messageKey +
": " +
msgHdr.mime2DecodedSubject +
} else if (arg) {
// It's a Window.
troller = arg;
} else {
throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + arg);
// sort by integer value
desiredIndices.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
return [troller, desiredIndices];
* Asserts that the given set of messages are selected. Unless you are dealing
* with transient selections resulting from right-clicks, you want to be using
* assert_selected_and_displayed because it makes sure that the display is
* correct too.
* The arguments consist of one or more of the following:
* - A Window, indicating we should use that window instead of
* the default, "mc" (corresponding to the 3pane.) Pass this first!
* - An integer identifying a view index.
* - A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
* - A message header.
* - A list of message headers.
* - A synthetic message set.
export function assert_selected(...aArgs) {
const [troller, desiredIndices] = _process_row_message_arguments(...aArgs);
// - get the actual selection (already sorted by integer value)
const selectedIndices = get_db_view(troller).getIndicesForSelection();
// - test selection equivalence
// which is the same as string equivalence in this case. muah hah hah.
"should have the right selected indices"
return [troller, desiredIndices];
* Assert that the given set of messages is displayed, but not necessarily
* selected. Unless you are dealing with transient selection issues or some
* other situation where the FolderDisplay should not be correlated with the
* MessageDisplay, you really should be using assert_selected_and_displayed.
* The arguments consist of one or more of the following:
* - A Window, indicating we should use that window instead of
* the default, "mc" (corresponding to the 3pane.) Pass this first!
* - An integer identifying a view index.
* - A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
* - A message header.
* - A list of message headers.
export async function assert_displayed(...aArgs) {
const [troller, desiredIndices] = _process_row_message_arguments(...aArgs);
await _internal_assert_displayed(false, troller, desiredIndices);
* Assert-that-the-display-is-right logic. We need an internal version so that
* we can know whether we can trust/assert that folderDisplay.selectedMessage
* agrees with messageDisplay, and also so that we don't have to re-compute
* troller and desiredIndices.
async function _internal_assert_displayed(
) {
// - verify that the right thing is being displayed.
// no selection means folder summary.
if (desiredIndices.length == 0) {
await wait_for_blank_content_pane(troller);
const messageWindow = get_about_message();
// folder summary is not landed yet, just verify there is no message.
if (messageWindow.gMessage) {
throw new Error(
"Message display should not think it is displaying a message."
// make sure the content pane is pointed at about:blank
const location = messageWindow.getMessagePaneBrowser()?.location;
if (location && location.href != "about:blank") {
throw new Error(
`the content pane should be blank, but is showing: '${location.href}'`
} else if (desiredIndices.length == 1) {
// 1 means the message should be displayed
// make sure message display thinks we are in single message display mode
if (!troller.messageDisplay.singleMessageDisplay) {
throw new Error("Message display is not in single message display mode.");
// now make sure that we actually are in single message display mode
let singleMessagePane = troller.document.getElementById("singleMessage");
let multiMessagePane = troller.document.getElementById("multimessage");
if (singleMessagePane && singleMessagePane.hidden) {
throw new Error("Single message pane is hidden but it should not be.");
if (multiMessagePane && !multiMessagePane.hidden) {
throw new Error("Multiple message pane is visible but it should not be.");
if (trustSelection) {
if (
troller.gFolderDisplay.selectedMessage !=
) {
throw new Error(
"folderDisplay.selectedMessage != " +
"messageDisplay.displayedMessage! (fd: " +
troller.gFolderDisplay.selectedMessage +
" vs md: " +
troller.messageDisplay.displayedMessage +
let msgHdr = troller.messageDisplay.displayedMessage;
let msgUri = msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr);
// wait for the document to load so that we don't try and replace it later
// and get that stupid assertion
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
// make sure the content pane is pointed at the right thing
let msgService = troller.gFolderDisplay.messenger.messageServiceFromURI(
let msgUrl = msgService.getUrlForUri(
if (troller.content?.location.href != msgUrl.spec) {
throw new Error(
"The content pane is not displaying the right message! " +
"Should be: " +
msgUrl.spec +
" but it's: " +
} else {
// multiple means some form of multi-message summary
// XXX deal with the summarization threshold bail case.
// make sure the message display thinks we are in multi-message mode
if (troller.messageDisplay.singleMessageDisplay) {
throw new Error(
"Message display should not be in single message display" +
"mode! Desired indices: " +
// verify that the message pane browser is displaying about:blank
if (mc.content && mc.content.location.href != "about:blank") {
throw new Error(
"the content pane should be blank, but is showing: '" +
mc.content.location.href +
// now make sure that we actually are in nultiple message display mode
let singleMessagePane = troller.document.getElementById("singleMessage");
let multiMessagePane = troller.document.getElementById("multimessage");
if (singleMessagePane && !singleMessagePane.hidden) {
throw new Error("Single message pane is visible but it should not be.");
if (multiMessagePane && multiMessagePane.hidden) {
throw new Error("Multiple message pane is hidden but it should not be.");
// and _now_ make sure that we actually summarized what we wanted to
// summarize.
let desiredMessages = => mc.gFolderDisplay.view.dbView.getMsgHdrAt(vi));
await assert_messages_summarized(troller, desiredMessages);
* Assert that the messages corresponding to the one or more message spec
* arguments are selected and displayed. If you specify multiple messages,
* we verify that the multi-message selection mode is in effect and that they
* are doing the desired thing. (Verifying the summarization may seem
* overkill, but it helps make the tests simpler and allows you to be more
* confident if you're just running one test that everything in the test is
* performing in a sane fashion. Refactoring could be in order, of course.)
* The arguments consist of one or more of the following:
* - A Window, indicating we should use that window instead of
* the default, "mc" (corresponding to the 3pane.) Pass this first!
* - An integer identifying a view index.
* - A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
* - A message header.
* - A list of message headers.
export async function assert_selected_and_displayed(...aArgs) {
// make sure the selection is right first.
const [troller, desiredIndices] = assert_selected(...aArgs);
// now make sure the display is right
await _internal_assert_displayed(true, troller, desiredIndices);
* Use the internal archiving code for archiving any given set of messages
* @param aMsgHdrs a list of message headers
export async function archive_messages(aMsgHdrs) {
const { MessageArchiver } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const batchMover = new MessageArchiver();
await wait_for_folder_events();
* Check if the selected messages match the summarized messages.
* @param aSummarizedKeys An array of keys (messageKey + folder.URI) for the
* summarized messages.
* @param aSelectedMessages An array of nsIMsgDBHdrs for the selected messages.
* @returns true is aSelectedMessages and aSummarizedKeys refer to the same set
* of messages.
function _verify_summarized_message_set(aSummarizedKeys, aSelectedMessages) {
const summarizedKeys = aSummarizedKeys.slice();
// We use the same key-generation as in multimessageview.js.
const selectedKeys =
msgHdr => msgHdr.messageKey + msgHdr.folder.URI
// Stringified versions should now be equal...
return selectedKeys.toString() == summarizedKeys.toString();
* Asserts that the messages the window's folder display widget thinks are
* summarized are in fact summarized. This is automatically called by
* assert_selected_and_displayed, so you do not need to call this directly
* unless you are testing the summarization logic.
* @param {Window} aWin - The window who has the summarized display going on.
* @param {Array} - [aMessages] Optional set of messages to verify. If not
* provided, this is extracted via the folderDisplay. If a SyntheticMessageSet
* is provided we will automatically retrieve what we need from it.
export async function assert_messages_summarized(aWin, aSelectedMessages) {
// - Compensate for selection stabilization code.
// Although WindowHelpers sets the stabilization interval to 0, we
// still need to make sure we have drained the event queue so that it has
// actually gotten a chance to run.
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
// - Verify summary object knows about right messages
if (aSelectedMessages == null) {
aSelectedMessages = aWin.gFolderDisplay.selectedMessages;
// if it's a synthetic message set, we want the headers...
if (aSelectedMessages.synMessages) {
aSelectedMessages = Array.from(aSelectedMessages.msgHdrs());
const summaryFrame = aWin.gSummaryFrameManager.iframe;
const summary = summaryFrame.contentWindow.gMessageSummary;
const summarizedKeys = Object.keys(summary._msgNodes);
if (aSelectedMessages.length != summarizedKeys.length) {
const elaboration =
"Summary contains " +
summarizedKeys.length +
" messages, expected " +
aSelectedMessages.length +
throw new Error(
"Summary does not contain the right set of messages. " + elaboration
if (!_verify_summarized_message_set(summarizedKeys, aSelectedMessages)) {
const elaboration =
"Summary: " + summarizedKeys + " Selected: " + aSelectedMessages + ".";
throw new Error(
"Summary does not contain the right set of messages. " + elaboration
* Assert that there is nothing selected and, assuming we are in a folder, that
* the folder summary is displayed.
export var assert_nothing_selected = assert_selected_and_displayed;
* Assert that the given view index or message is visible in the thread pane.
export function assert_visible(aViewIndexOrMessage) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
let viewIndex;
if (typeof aViewIndexOrMessage == "number") {
viewIndex = _normalize_view_index(aViewIndexOrMessage);
} else {
viewIndex = win.gDBView.findIndexOfMsgHdr(aViewIndexOrMessage, false);
const tree = win.threadTree;
const firstVisibleIndex = tree.getFirstVisibleIndex();
const lastVisibleIndex = tree.getLastVisibleIndex();
if (viewIndex < firstVisibleIndex || viewIndex > lastVisibleIndex) {
throw new Error(
"View index " +
viewIndex +
" is not visible! (" +
firstVisibleIndex +
"-" +
lastVisibleIndex +
" are visible)"
* Assert that the given message is now shown in the current view.
export function assert_not_shown(aMessages) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
aMessages.forEach(function (msg) {
const viewIndex = win.gDBView.findIndexOfMsgHdr(msg, false);
if (viewIndex !== nsMsgViewIndex_None) {
throw new Error(
"Message shows; " + msg.messageKey + ": " + msg.mime2DecodedSubject
* @param aShouldBeElided Should the messages at the view indices be elided?
* @param aArgs Arguments of the form processed by
* |_process_row_message_arguments|.
function _assert_elided_helper(aShouldBeElided, ...aArgs) {
const [troller, viewIndices] = _process_row_message_arguments(...aArgs);
const dbView = get_db_view(troller);
for (const viewIndex of viewIndices) {
const flags = dbView.getFlagsAt(viewIndex);
if (Boolean(flags & Ci.nsMsgMessageFlags.Elided) != aShouldBeElided) {
throw new Error(
"Message at view index " +
viewIndex +
? " should be elided but is not!"
: " should not be elided but is!")
* Assert that all of the messages at the given view indices are collapsed.
* Arguments should be of the type accepted by |assert_selected_and_displayed|.
export function assert_collapsed(...aArgs) {
_assert_elided_helper(true, ...aArgs);
* Assert that all of the messages at the given view indices are expanded.
* Arguments should be of the type accepted by |assert_selected_and_displayed|.
export function assert_expanded(...aArgs) {
_assert_elided_helper(false, ...aArgs);
* Add the widget with the given id to the toolbar if it is not already present.
* It gets added to the front if we add it. Use |remove_from_toolbar| to
* remove the widget from the toolbar when you are done.
* @param aToolbarElement The DOM element that is the toolbar, like you would
* get from getElementById.
* @param aElementId The id attribute of the toolbaritem item you want added to
* the toolbar (not the id of the thing inside the toolbaritem tag!).
* We take the id name rather than element itself because if not already
* present the element is off floating in DOM limbo. (The toolbar widget
* calls removeChild on the palette.)
export function add_to_toolbar(aToolbarElement, aElementId) {
const currentSet = aToolbarElement.currentSet.split(",");
if (!currentSet.includes(aElementId)) {
aToolbarElement.currentSet = currentSet.join(",");
* Remove the widget with the given id from the toolbar if it is present. Use
* |add_to_toolbar| to add the item in the first place.
* @param aToolbarElement The DOM element that is the toolbar, like you would
* get from getElementById.
* @param aElementId The id attribute of the item you want removed to the
* toolbar.
export function remove_from_toolbar(aToolbarElement, aElementId) {
const currentSet = aToolbarElement.currentSet.split(",");
if (currentSet.includes(aElementId)) {
currentSet.splice(currentSet.indexOf(aElementId), 1);
aToolbarElement.currentSet = currentSet.join(",");
var RECOGNIZED_WINDOWS = ["messagepane", "multimessage"];
var RECOGNIZED_ELEMENTS = ["folderTree", "threadTree", "attachmentList"];
* Focus the folder tree.
export function focus_folder_tree() {
const folderTree = get_about_3pane().document.getElementById("folderTree");
Assert.ok(BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(folderTree), "folder tree is visible");
* Focus the thread tree.
export function focus_thread_tree() {
const threadTree = get_about_3pane().document.getElementById("threadTree");
* Focus the (single) message pane.
export function focus_message_pane() {
const messageBrowser =
"message browser is visible"
* Focus the multimessage pane.
export function focus_multimessage_pane() {
const multiMessageBrowser = get_about_3pane().document.getElementById(
"multi message browser is visible"
* Returns a string indicating whatever's currently focused. This will return
* either one of the strings in RECOGNIZED_WINDOWS/RECOGNIZED_ELEMENTS or null.
function _get_currently_focused_thing() {
// If the message pane or multimessage is focused, return that
const focusedWindow = mc.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
if (focusedWindow) {
for (const windowId of RECOGNIZED_WINDOWS) {
const elem = mc.document.getElementById(windowId);
if (elem && focusedWindow == elem.contentWindow) {
return windowId;
// Focused window not recognized, let's try the focused element.
// If an element is focused, it is necessary for the main window to be
// focused.
if (focusedWindow != mc) {
return null;
let focusedElement = mc.document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
const elementsToMatch = =>
while (focusedElement && !elementsToMatch.includes(focusedElement)) {
focusedElement = focusedElement.parentNode;
return focusedElement ? : null;
function _assert_thing_focused(aThing) {
const focusedThing = _get_currently_focused_thing();
if (focusedThing != aThing) {
throw new Error(
"The currently focused thing should be " +
aThing +
", but is actually " +
* Assert that the folder tree is focused.
export function assert_folder_tree_focused() {
Assert.equal(get_about_3pane(), "folderTree");
* Assert that the thread tree is focused.
export function assert_thread_tree_focused() {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane();
* Assert that the (single) message pane is focused.
export function assert_message_pane_focused() {
// TODO: this doesn't work.
// let aboutMessageWin = get_about_3pane_or_about_message();
// ready_about_win(aboutMessageWin);
// Assert.equal(
// "messageBrowser"
// );
* Assert that the multimessage pane is focused.
export function assert_multimessage_pane_focused() {
* Assert that the attachment list is focused.
export function assert_attachment_list_focused() {
function _normalize_folder_view_index(aViewIndex, aWin = mc) {
if (aViewIndex < 0) {
return (
aWin.folderTreeView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITreeView).rowCount + aViewIndex
return aViewIndex;
* Helper function for use by assert_folders_selected /
* assert_folders_selected_and_displayed / assert_folder_displayed.
function _process_row_folder_arguments(...aArgs) {
let troller = mc;
// - normalize into desired selected view indices
const desiredFolders = [];
for (const arg of aArgs) {
// An integer identifying a view index
if (typeof arg == "number") {
const folder = troller.folderTreeView.getFolderForIndex(
if (!folder) {
throw new Error("Folder index not present in folder view: " + arg);
} else if (arg instanceof Ci.nsIMsgFolder) {
// A folder
} else if (arg.length == 2 && typeof arg[0] == "number") {
// A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
const lowIndex = _normalize_folder_view_index(arg[0]);
const highIndex = _normalize_folder_view_index(arg[1]);
for (let viewIndex = lowIndex; viewIndex <= highIndex; viewIndex++) {
} else if (arg.length !== undefined) {
// a List of folders
for (let iFolder = 0; iFolder < arg.length; iFolder++) {
const folder = arg[iFolder].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMsgFolder);
if (!folder) {
throw new Error(arg[iFolder] + " is not a folder!");
} else if (arg) {
// It's a Window.
troller = arg;
} else {
throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + arg);
// we can't really sort, so you'll have to grin and bear it
return [troller, desiredFolders];
* Asserts that the given set of folders is selected. Unless you are dealing
* with transient selections resulting from right-clicks, you want to be using
* assert_folders_selected_and_displayed because it makes sure that the
* display is correct too.
* The arguments consist of one or more of the following:
* - A Window, indicating we should use that window instead of
* the default, "mc" (corresponding to the 3pane.) Pass this first!
* - An integer identifying a view index.
* - A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
* - An nsIMsgFolder.
* - A list of nsIMsgFolders.
export function assert_folders_selected(...aArgs) {
const [troller, desiredFolders] = _process_row_folder_arguments(...aArgs);
const win = get_about_3pane();
const folderTree = win.document.getElementById("folderTree");
// - get the actual selection (already sorted by integer value)
const uri = folderTree.rows[folderTree.selectedIndex]?.uri;
const selectedFolders = [MailServices.folderLookup.getFolderForURL(uri)];
// - test selection equivalence
// no shortcuts here. check if each folder in either array is present in the
// other array
if (
folder => _non_strict_index_of(selectedFolders, folder) == -1
) ||
folder => _non_strict_index_of(desiredFolders, folder) == -1
) {
throw new Error(
"Desired selection is: " +
_prettify_folder_array(desiredFolders) +
" but actual " +
"selection is: " +
return [troller, desiredFolders];
export var assert_folder_selected = assert_folders_selected;
* Assert that the given folder is displayed, but not necessarily selected.
* Unless you are dealing with transient selection issues, you really should
* be using assert_folders_selected_and_displayed.
* The arguments consist of one or more of the following:
* - A Window, indicating we should use that window instead of
* the default, "mc" (corresponding to the 3pane.) Pass this first!
* - An integer identifying a view index.
* - A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
* - An nsIMsgFolder.
* - A list of nsIMsgFolders.
* In each case, since we can only have one folder displayed, we only look at
* the first folder you pass in.
export function assert_folder_displayed(...aArgs) {
const [troller, desiredFolders] = _process_row_folder_arguments(...aArgs);
Assert.equal(troller.gFolderDisplay.displayedFolder, desiredFolders[0]);
* Asserts that the folders corresponding to the one or more folder spec
* arguments are selected and displayed. If you specify multiple folders,
* we verify that all of them are selected and that the first folder you pass
* in is the one displayed. (If you don't pass in any folders, we can't assume
* anything, so we don't test that case.)
* The arguments consist of one or more of the following:
* - A Window, indicating we should use that window instead of
* the default, "mc" (corresponding to the 3pane.) Pass this first!
* - An integer identifying a view index.
* - A list containing two integers, indicating a range of view indices.
* - An nsIMsgFolder.
* - A list of nsIMsgFolders.
export function assert_folders_selected_and_displayed(...aArgs) {
const [, desiredFolders] = assert_folders_selected(...aArgs);
if (desiredFolders.length > 0) {
const win = get_about_3pane();
Assert.equal(win.gFolder, desiredFolders[0]);
export var assert_folder_selected_and_displayed =
* Assert that there are the given number of rows (not including children of
* collapsed parents) in the folder tree view.
export function assert_folder_tree_view_row_count(aCount) {
const about3Pane = get_about_3pane();
if (about3Pane.folderTree.rowCount != aCount) {
throw new Error(
"The folder tree view's row count should be " +
aCount +
", but is actually " +
* Assert that the displayed text of the folder at index n equals to str.
export function assert_folder_at_index_as(n, str) {
const folderN = mc.gFolderTreeView.getFTVItemForIndex(n);
Assert.equal(folderN.text, str);
* Since indexOf does strict equality checking, we need this.
function _non_strict_index_of(aArray, aSearchElement) {
for (const [i, item] of aArray.entries()) {
if (item == aSearchElement) {
return i;
return -1;
function _prettify_folder_array(aArray) {
return => folder.prettyName).join(", ");
* Put the view in unthreaded mode.
export async function make_display_unthreaded() {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
get_about_3pane().gViewWrapper.showUnthreaded = true;
// drain event queue
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
* Put the view in threaded mode.
export async function make_display_threaded() {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
get_about_3pane().gViewWrapper.showThreaded = true;
// drain event queue
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Put the view in group-by-sort mode.
export async function make_display_grouped() {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
get_about_3pane().gViewWrapper.showGroupedBySort = true;
// drain event queue
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Collapse all threads in the current view.
export async function collapse_all_threads() {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
// drain event queue
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Set the mail view filter for the current view. The aData parameter is for
* tags (e.g. you can specify "$label1" for the first tag).
export async function set_mail_view(aMailViewIndex, aData) {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
get_about_3pane().gViewWrapper.setMailView(aMailViewIndex, aData);
await wait_for_all_messages_to_load();
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
// drain event queue
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Assert that the current mail view is as given. See the documentation for
* |set_mail_view| for information about aData.
export function assert_mail_view(aMailViewIndex, aData) {
const actualMailViewIndex = mc.gFolderDisplay.view.mailViewIndex;
if (actualMailViewIndex != aMailViewIndex) {
throw new Error(
"The mail view index should be " +
aMailViewIndex +
", but is actually " +
const actualMailViewData = mc.gFolderDisplay.view.mailViewData;
if (actualMailViewData != aData) {
throw new Error(
"The mail view data should be " +
aData +
", but is actually " +
* Expand all threads in the current view.
export async function expand_all_threads() {
await wait_for_message_display_completion();
// drain event queue
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
* Set the mail.openMessageBehavior pref.
* @param aPref One of "NEW_WINDOW", "EXISTING_WINDOW" or "NEW_TAB"
export function set_open_message_behavior(aPref) {
* Reset the mail.openMessageBehavior pref.
export function reset_open_message_behavior() {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("mail.openMessageBehavior")) {
* Set the mail.tabs.loadInBackground pref.
* @param aPref true/false.
export function set_context_menu_background_tabs(aPref) {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.tabs.loadInBackground", aPref);
* Reset the mail.tabs.loadInBackground pref.
export function reset_context_menu_background_tabs() {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("mail.tabs.loadInBackground")) {
* Set the mail.close_message_window.on_delete pref.
* @param aPref true/false.
export function set_close_message_on_delete(aPref) {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.close_message_window.on_delete", aPref);
* Reset the mail.close_message_window.on_delete pref.
export function reset_close_message_on_delete() {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("mail.close_message_window.on_delete")) {
* assert that the multimessage/thread summary view contains
* the specified number of elements of the specified selector.
* @param aSelector: the CSS selector to use to select
* @param aNumElts: the number of expected elements that have that class
export function assert_summary_contains_N_elts(aSelector, aNumElts) {
const htmlframe = mc.document.getElementById("multimessage");
const matches = htmlframe.contentDocument.querySelectorAll(aSelector);
if (matches.length != aNumElts) {
throw new Error(
"Expected to find " +
aNumElts +
" elements with selector '" +
aSelector +
"', found: " +
export function throw_and_dump_view_state(aMessage, aWin) {
dump("******** " + aMessage + "\n");
throw new Error(aMessage);
* Copy constants from mailWindowOverlay.js
export var kClassicMailLayout = 0;
export var kWideMailLayout = 1;
export var kVerticalMailLayout = 2;
* Assert that the expected mail pane layout is shown.
* @param aLayout layout code
export function assert_pane_layout(aLayout) {
const actualPaneLayout = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
if (actualPaneLayout != aLayout) {
throw new Error(
"The mail pane layout should be " +
aLayout +
", but is actually " +
* Change the current mail pane layout.
* @param aLayout layout code
export function set_pane_layout(aLayout) {
Services.prefs.setIntPref("mail.pane_config.dynamic", aLayout);
* Check window sizes of the main Tb window whether they are at the default values.
* Some tests change the window size so need to be sure what size they start with.
export function assert_default_window_size() {
"Main window didn't meet the expected width"
"Main window didn't meet the expected height"
* Toggle visibility of the Main menu bar.
* @param {boolean} aEnabled - Whether the menu should be shown or not.
export async function toggle_main_menu(aEnabled = true) {
const menubar = mc.document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar");
const state = menubar.getAttribute("autohide") != "true";
menubar.setAttribute("autohide", !aEnabled);
await TestUtils.waitForTick();
return state;