Name Description Size
about3Pane.js globals MozElements 223280
about3Pane.xhtml 37804
aboutAddonsExtra.js import-globals-from ../../../../toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/aboutaddons.js 7764
aboutDialog-appUpdater.js import-globals-from aboutDialog.js 9706
aboutDialog.css Set an explicit line-height to avoid discrepancies in 'auto' spacing across screens with different device DPI, which may cause font metrics to round differently. 3131
aboutDialog.js import-globals-from aboutDialog-appUpdater.js 5413
aboutDialog.xhtml 9042
aboutMessage.js globals Enigmail, MailE10SUtils 20012
aboutMessage.xhtml 8421
aboutRights.xhtml 4028
browserRequest.js Magic global things the <browser> and its entourage of logic expect. 3830
browserRequest.xhtml 2431
buildconfig.html Build Configuration 2979
commonDialog.xhtml 4579
compactFoldersDialog.js 1922
compactFoldersDialog.xhtml 2252
contentAreaClick.js import-globals-from ../../../../toolkit/content/contentAreaUtils.js 5879
customElements.js 1757
customizeToolbar.js 26307
customizeToolbar.xhtml &dialog.title; 4552
dialogShadowDom.js When the dialog window loads, add a stylesheet to the shadow DOM of the dialog to style the accept and cancel buttons, etc. 618 3353
editContactPanel.js 7673
FilterListDialog.js Set up the toolbarbutton to have an index and an EvenListener for proper keyboard navigation. @param {XULElement} newToolbarbutton - The toolbarbutton that needs to be initialized. 35170
FilterListDialog.xhtml &window.title; 7477
folderDisplay.js import-globals-from SearchDialog.js 35361
globalOverlay.js Notifies observers that quitting has been requested. @returns {boolean} - True if an observer prevented quitting, false otherwise. 4054
glodaFacetTab.js 3304
glodaFacetView.js This file provides the global context for the faceting environment. In the Model View Controller (paradigm), we are the view and the XBL widgets are the the view and controller. Because much of the work related to faceting is not UI-specific, we try and push as much of it into mailnews/db/gloda/Facet.sys.mjs. In some cases we may get it wrong and it may eventually want to migrate. 34992
glodaFacetView.xhtml 4402
glodaFacetViewWrapper.xhtml 2119
glodaFacetVis.js Facet visualizations that would be awkward in XBL. Allegedly because the interaciton idiom of a protovis-based visualization is entirely different from XBL, but also a lot because of the lack of good syntax highlighting. 14637 2118
hiddenWindowMac.js 3249
hiddenWindowMac.xhtml 4608
macMessengerMenu.js import-globals-from mailCore.js 2714 928
mail-offline.js globals msgWindow 9060
mail3PaneWindowCommands.js Functionality for the main application window (aka the 3pane) usually consisting of folder pane, thread pane and message pane. 14040
mailCommands.js import-globals-from utilityOverlay.js 22245
mailCommon.js globals mailContextMenu 40712 16588
mailContext.js globals commandController, dbViewWrapperListener 28933
mailCore.js Core mail routines used by all of the major mail windows (address book, 3-pane, compose and stand alone message window). Routines to support custom toolbars in mail windows, opening up a new window of a particular type all live here. Before adding to this file, ask yourself, is this a JS routine that is going to be used by all of the main mail windows? 30032
mailTabs.js import-globals-from mail3PaneWindowCommands.js 12435
mailWindow.js import-globals-from ../../../../toolkit/content/contentAreaUtils.js 32429
mailWindowOverlay.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- 65892 15352 14643 1051
messageWindow.js This is where functions related to the standalone message window are kept 24572
messageWindow.xhtml &titledefault.label;@PRE_RELEASE_SUFFIX@ 23076
messenger-customization.js 4995 2061 63382 1193
messenger.js import-globals-from ../../../mailnews/base/prefs/content/accountUtils.js 33883
messenger.xhtml 33536
migrationProgress.js 1989
migrationProgress.xhtml 1204
minimizeToTray.js globals docShell, Services, windowState 653
modules 8077 12125 30866
msgHdrView.js Functions related to displaying the headers for a selected message in the message pane. 147363 5653
msgSecurityPane.js Functions related to the file, used in the message header to display S/MIME and OpenPGP encryption and signature info. 3398
msgViewNavigation.js This file contains the js functions necessary to implement view navigation within the 3 pane. 6809
multimessageview.js A LimitIterator is a utility class that allows limiting the maximum number of items to iterate over. 24172
multimessageview.xhtml 3184
newTagDialog.js Pass in keyToEdit as a window argument to turn this dialog into an edit tag dialog. 3096
newTagDialog.xhtml 2371
printUtils.js nsIWebProgressListener 13830
profileDowngrade.js The C++ code passes a dialog param block using its integers as in and out arguments for this UI. The following are the uses of the integers: 0: A set of flags from nsIToolkitProfileService.downgradeUIFlags. 1: A return argument, one of nsIToolkitProfileService.downgradeUIChoice. 1577
profileDowngrade.xhtml &window.title; 1618
protovis-r2.6-modded.js @namespace The Protovis namespace, <tt>pv</tt>. All public methods and fields should be registered on this object. Note that core Protovis source is surrounded by an anonymous function, so any other declared globals will not be visible outside of core methods. This also allows multiple versions of Protovis to coexist, since each version will see their own <tt>pv</tt> namespace. 171925 6483
quickFilterBar.js import-globals-from about3Pane.js 18721
sanitize.js Deletes privacy sensitive data in a batch, according to user preferences @returns null if everything's fine; an object in the form { itemName: error, ... } on (partial) failure 7294
sanitize.xhtml &sanitizeDialog2.title; 4322
sanitizeDialog.js import-globals-from sanitize.js 6198
searchBar.js The glodasearch widget is a UI widget (the #searchInput textbox) which is outside of the mailTabType's display panel, but acts as though it were within it.. This means we need to use a tab monitor so that we can appropriately update the contents of the textbox. Every time a tab is changed, we save the state of the text box and restore its previous value for the tab we are switching to, as well as whether this value is a change to the currently-used value (if it is a faceted search) tab. The behaviour rationale for this is that the searchInput is like the URL bar. When you are on a glodaSearch tab, we need to show you your current value, including any "uncommitted" (you haven't hit enter yet) changes. In addition, we want to disable the quick-search modes when a tab is being displayed that lacks quick search abilities (but we'll leave the faceted search as it's always available). 1691
SearchDialog.js import-globals-from ../../../mailnews/extensions/newsblog/newsblogOverlay.js 19041
SearchDialog.xhtml &searchDialogTitle.label; 7782
selectionsummaries.js globals gSummaryFrameManager 3537
shortcutsOverlay.js Use the ShortcutManager to set up all keyboard shortcuts for the spaces toolbar buttons. 4014 6243
spacesToolbar.js import-globals-from mailCore.js 42802 2254
specialTabs.js global MozElements, openOptionsDialog 41325
sync.js AppMenu UI for Sync. This file is only loaded if NIGHTLY_BUILD is set. 4807
systemIntegrationDialog.js Called when the dialog is closed by any button. @param aSetAsDefault If true, set TB as the default application for the checked actions (mail/news/rss). Otherwise do nothing. 6334
systemIntegrationDialog.xhtml 2002 878
tabmail.js global MozElements, MozXULElement 72668 840
threadPane.js import-globals-from folderDisplay.js 12592 12445
toolbarIconColor.js 5355
troubleshootMode.js 2312
troubleshootMode.xhtml 1867
utilityOverlay.js globals goUpdateCommand 13166
viewSource.js globals gViewSourceUtils, internalSave, ZoomManager 4286
viewSource.xhtml &mainWindow.title; 11954
viewZoomOverlay.js globals getBrowser 3877
webextensions.css Rules to help integrate WebExtension buttons 1752