Name Description Size
index.js 79
indexeddb-backend.js 79
indexeddb-local-backend.js Helper method to collect results from a Cursor and promiseify it. @param store - The store to perform openCursor on. @param keyRange - Optional key range to apply on the cursor. @param resultMapper - A function which is repeatedly called with a Cursor. Return the data you want to keep. @returns Promise which resolves to an array of whatever you returned from resultMapper. 21013
indexeddb-remote-backend.js An IndexedDB store backend where the actual backend sits in a web worker. Construct a new Indexed Database store backend. This requires a call to `connect()` before this store can be used. @param workerFactory - Factory which produces a Worker @param dbName - Optional database name. The same name must be used to open the same database. 7019
indexeddb-store-worker.js This class lives in the webworker and drives a LocalIndexedDBStoreBackend controlled by messages from the main process. @example It should be instantiated by a web worker script provided by the application in a script, for example: ``` import {IndexedDBStoreWorker} from 'matrix-js-sdk/lib/indexeddb-worker.js'; const remoteWorker = new IndexedDBStoreWorker(postMessage); onmessage = remoteWorker.onMessage; ``` Note that it is advisable to import this class by referencing the file directly to avoid a dependency on the whole js-sdk. 5658
indexeddb.js eslint-disable @babel/no-invalid-this 13837
local-storage-events-emitter.js #__PURE__ 2026
memory.js This is an internal module. See {@link MemoryStore} for the public class. 12519
stub.js This is an internal module. 5658