Name Description Size
authorize.js Authorization parameters which are used in the authentication request of an OIDC auth code flow. See 11200
discovery.js @experimental Discover and validate delegated auth configuration - delegated auth issuer openid-configuration is reachable - delegated auth issuer openid-configuration is configured correctly for us Fetches and other files linked therein. When successful, validated metadata is returned @param issuer - the OIDC issuer as returned by the /auth_issuer API @returns validated authentication metadata and optionally signing keys @throws when delegated auth config is invalid or unreachable 3991
error.js Errors expected to be encountered during OIDC discovery, client registration, and authentication. Not intended to be displayed directly to the user. 1782
index.js 2138
register.js Client metadata passed to registration endpoint 3353
tokenRefresher.js @experimental Class responsible for refreshing OIDC access tokens Client implementations will likely want to override {@link persistTokens} to persist tokens after successful refresh 5685
validate.js Validates issuer `.well-known/openid-configuration` As defined in RFC5785 validates that OP is compatible with Element's OIDC flow @param wellKnown - json object @returns valid issuer config @throws Error - when issuer config is not found or is invalid 8509