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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var kAllowedURLs = aValue => /^(https?|ftp|mailto|magnet):/.test(aValue);
var kAllowedMozClasses = aClassName =>
aClassName == "moz-txt-underscore" ||
aClassName == "moz-txt-tag" ||
aClassName == "ib-person";
var kAllowedAnchorClasses = aClassName => aClassName == "ib-person";
/* Tags whose content should be fully removed, and reported in the Error Console. */
var kForbiddenTags = {
script: true,
style: true,
* In strict mode, remove all formatting. Keep only links and line breaks.
* @type {CleanRules}
var kStrictMode = {
attrs: {},
tags: {
a: {
title: true,
href: kAllowedURLs,
class: kAllowedAnchorClasses,
br: true,
p: true,
styles: {},
* Standard mode allows basic formattings (bold, italic, underlined).
* @type {CleanRules}
var kStandardMode = {
attrs: {
style: true,
tags: {
div: true,
a: {
title: true,
href: kAllowedURLs,
class: kAllowedAnchorClasses,
em: true,
strong: true,
b: true,
i: true,
u: true,
s: true,
span: {
class: kAllowedMozClasses,
br: true,
code: true,
ul: true,
li: true,
ol: {
start: true,
cite: true,
blockquote: true,
p: true,
del: true,
strike: true,
ins: true,
sub: true,
sup: true,
pre: true,
table: true,
thead: true,
tbody: true,
tr: true,
th: true,
td: true,
caption: true,
details: true,
summary: true,
styles: {
"font-style": true,
"font-weight": true,
"text-decoration-line": true,
* Permissive mode allows just about anything that isn't going to mess up the chat window.
* In comparison to normal mode this primarily means elements that can vary font sizes and
* colors.
* @type {CleanRules}
var kPermissiveMode = {
attrs: {
style: true,
tags: {
div: true,
a: {
title: true,
href: kAllowedURLs,
class: kAllowedAnchorClasses,
font: {
face: true,
color: true,
size: true,
em: true,
strong: true,
b: true,
i: true,
u: true,
s: true,
span: {
class: kAllowedMozClasses,
br: true,
hr: true,
code: true,
ul: true,
li: true,
ol: {
start: true,
cite: true,
blockquote: true,
p: true,
del: true,
strike: true,
ins: true,
sub: true,
sup: true,
pre: true,
table: true,
thead: true,
tbody: true,
tr: true,
th: true,
td: true,
caption: true,
details: true,
summary: true,
h1: true,
h2: true,
h3: true,
h4: true,
h5: true,
h6: true,
// FIXME: should be possible to use functions to filter values
styles: {
color: true,
font: true,
"font-family": true,
"font-size": true,
"font-style": true,
"font-weight": true,
"text-decoration-color": true,
"text-decoration-style": true,
"text-decoration-line": true,
var kModePref = "messenger.options.filterMode";
var kModes = [kStrictMode, kStandardMode, kPermissiveMode];
var gGlobalRuleset = null;
function initGlobalRuleset() {
gGlobalRuleset = newRuleset();
Services.prefs.addObserver(kModePref, styleObserver);
var styleObserver = {
observe(aObject, aTopic, aMsg) {
if (aTopic != "nsPref:changed" || aMsg != kModePref) {
throw new Error("bad notification");
if (!gGlobalRuleset) {
throw new Error("gGlobalRuleset not initialized");
setBaseRuleset(getModePref(), gGlobalRuleset);
function getModePref() {
let baseNum = Services.prefs.getIntPref(kModePref);
if (baseNum < 0 || baseNum > 2) {
baseNum = 1;
return kModes[baseNum];
function setBaseRuleset(aBase, aResult) {
for (const property in aBase) {
aResult[property] = Object.create(aBase[property], aResult[property]);
function newRuleset(aBase) {
const result = {
tags: {},
attrs: {},
styles: {},
setBaseRuleset(aBase || getModePref(), result);
return result;
export function createDerivedRuleset() {
if (!gGlobalRuleset) {
return newRuleset(gGlobalRuleset);
export function addGlobalAllowedTag(aTag, aAttrs = true) {
gGlobalRuleset.tags[aTag] = aAttrs;
export function removeGlobalAllowedTag(aTag) {
delete gGlobalRuleset.tags[aTag];
export function addGlobalAllowedAttribute(aAttr, aRule = true) {
gGlobalRuleset.attrs[aAttr] = aRule;
export function removeGlobalAllowedAttribute(aAttr) {
delete gGlobalRuleset.attrs[aAttr];
export function addGlobalAllowedStyleRule(aStyle, aRule = true) {
gGlobalRuleset.styles[aStyle] = aRule;
export function removeGlobalAllowedStyleRule(aStyle) {
delete gGlobalRuleset.styles[aStyle];
* A dynamic rule which decides if an attribute is allowed based on the
* attribute's value.
* @callback ValueRule
* @param {string} value - The attribute value.
* @returns {bool} - True if the attribute should be allowed.
* @example
* aValue => aValue == 'about:blank'
* An object whose properties are the allowed attributes.
* The value of the property should be true to unconditionally accept the
* attribute, or a function which accepts the value of the attribute and
* returns a boolean of whether the attribute should be accepted or not.
* @typedef Ruleset
* @type {Record<string, (boolean | ValueRule)>}}
* A set of rules for which tags, attributes, and styles should be allowed when
* rendering HTML.
* See kStrictMode, kStandardMode, kPermissiveMode for examples of Rulesets.
* @typedef CleanRules
* @type {object}
* @property {Ruleset} attrs - An object whose properties are the allowed
* attributes for any tag.
* @property {Record<string, (boolean|Ruleset)>} tags - An object whose
* properties are the allowed tags.
* The value can point to a {@link Ruleset} for that tag which augments the
* ones provided by attrs. If either of the {@link Ruleset}s from attrs or
* tags allows an attribute, then it is accepted.
* @property {Record<string, boolean>} styles - An object whose properties are
* the allowed CSS style rules.
* The value of each property is unused.
* FIXME: make styles accept functions to filter the CSS values like Ruleset.
* @example
* {
* attrs: { 'style': true },
* tags: {
* a: { 'href': true },
* },
* styles: {
* 'font-size': true
* }
* }
* A function to modify text nodes.
* @callback TextModifier
* @param {Node} node - The text node to modify.
* @returns {int} The number of nodes added.
* -1 if the current textnode was deleted
* 0 if the node count is unchanged
* positive value if nodes were added.
* For instance, adding an <img> tag for a smiley adds 2 nodes:
* the img tag
* the new text node after the img tag.
* Removes nodes, attributes and styles that are not allowed according to the
* given rules.
* @param {Node} aNode
* A DOM node to inspect recursively against the rules.
* @param {CleanRules} aRules
* The rules for what tags, attributes, and styles are allowed.
* @param {TextModifier[]} aTextModifiers
* A list of functions to modify text content.
function cleanupNode(aNode, aRules, aTextModifiers) {
// Iterate each node and apply rules for what content is allowed. This has two
// modes: one for element nodes and one for text nodes.
for (let i = 0; i < aNode.childNodes.length; ++i) {
const node = aNode.childNodes[i];
if (
node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
node.namespaceURI == ""
) {
// If the node is an element, check if the node is an allowed tag.
const nodeName = node.localName;
if (!(nodeName in aRules.tags)) {
// If the node is not allowed, either remove it completely (if
// it is forbidden) or replace it with its children.
if (nodeName in kForbiddenTags) {
"removing a " + nodeName + " tag from a message before display"
} else {
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
aNode.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node);
// We want to process again the node at the index i which is
// now the first child of the node we removed
// This node is being kept, cleanup each child node.
cleanupNode(node, aRules, aTextModifiers);
// Cleanup the attributes of this node.
const attrs = node.attributes;
const acceptFunction = function (aAttrRules, aAttr) {
// An attribute is always accepted if its rule is true, or conditionally
// accepted if its rule is a function that evaluates to true.
// If its rule does not exist, it is removed.
const localName = aAttr.localName;
const rule = localName in aAttrRules && aAttrRules[localName];
return (
rule === true || (typeof rule == "function" && rule(aAttr.value))
for (let j = 0; j < attrs.length; ++j) {
const attr = attrs[j];
// If either the attribute is accepted for all tags or for this specific
// tag then it is allowed.
if (
acceptFunction(aRules.attrs, attr) ||
(typeof aRules.tags[nodeName] == "object" &&
acceptFunction(aRules.tags[nodeName], attr))
) {
// Cleanup the style attribute.
const styles =;
for (let j = 0; j < styles.length; ++j) {
if (!(styles[j] in aRules.styles)) {
// If the style attribute is now empty or if it contained unsupported or
// unparsable CSS it should be dropped completely.
if (!styles.length) {
// Sort the style attributes for easier checking/comparing later.
if (node.hasAttribute("style")) {
let trailingSemi = false;
let styleAttrs = node.getAttribute("style").trim();
if (styleAttrs.endsWith(";")) {
styleAttrs = styleAttrs.slice(0, -1);
trailingSemi = true;
styleAttrs = styleAttrs.split(";").map(a => a.trim());
styleAttrs.join("; ") + (trailingSemi ? ";" : "")
} else {
// We are on a text node, we need to apply the functions
// provided in the aTextModifiers array.
// Each of these function should return the number of nodes added:
// * -1 if the current textnode was deleted
// * 0 if the node count is unchanged
// * positive value if nodes were added.
// For instance, adding an <img> tag for a smiley adds 2 nodes:
// - the img tag
// - the new text node after the img tag.
// This is the number of nodes we need to process. If new nodes
// are created, the next text modifier functions have more nodes
// to process.
let textNodeCount = 1;
for (const modifier of aTextModifiers) {
for (let n = 0; n < textNodeCount; ++n) {
const textNode = aNode.childNodes[i + n];
// If we are processing nodes created by one of the previous
// text modifier function, some of the nodes are likely not
// text node, skip them.
if (
textNode.nodeType != textNode.TEXT_NODE &&
textNode.nodeType != textNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
) {
const result = modifier(textNode);
textNodeCount += result;
n += result;
// newly created nodes should not be filtered, be sure we skip them!
i += textNodeCount - 1;
export function cleanupImMarkup(aText, aRuleset, aTextModifiers = []) {
if (!gGlobalRuleset) {
const parser = new DOMParser();
// Wrap the text to be parsed in a <span> to avoid losing leading whitespace.
const doc = parser.parseFromString(
"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><span>" + aText + "</span></body></html>",
const span = doc.querySelector("span");
cleanupNode(span, aRuleset || gGlobalRuleset, aTextModifiers);
return span.innerHTML;