Name Description Size
chat-account-richlistitem.js global MozElements, MozXULElement, gAccountManager 11500
chat-tooltip.js global MozElements 19568
conv.html 228
conversation-browser.js global MozXULElement 29460
imAccountOptionsHelper.js Create a new label and a corresponding input. @param {string} aType - The input type ("number" or "text"). @param {string} aValue - The initial value for the input. @param {string} aLabel - The text for the label. @param {string} aName - The id for the input. @param {Element} grid - A container with a two column grid display to append the new elements to. 4384 606 256
otr-add-fingerprint.js 2272
otr-add-fingerprint.xhtml 2801
otr-auth.js 6487
otr-auth.xhtml <!-- auth-title --> 5330
otr-finger.js 3927
otr-finger.xhtml 2339