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import Reality from '../Reality.js'
import XRAnchor from '../XRAnchor.js'
import XRViewPose from '../XRViewPose.js'
import XRCoordinates from '../XRCoordinates.js'
import XRAnchorOffset from '../XRAnchorOffset.js'
import MatrixMath from '../fill/MatrixMath.js'
import Quaternion from '../fill/Quaternion.js'
import ARKitWrapper from '../platform/ARKitWrapper.js'
import ARCoreCameraRenderer from '../platform/ARCoreCameraRenderer.js'
CameraReality displays the forward facing camera.
If this is running in the iOS ARKit wrapper app, the camera data will be displayed in a Metal layer below the WKWebKit layer.
If this is running in the Google ARCore Chrome application, it will create a canvas element and use the ARCore provided camera data.
If there is no ARKit or ARCore available, it will use WebRTC's MediaStream to render camera data into a canvas.
export default class CameraReality extends Reality {
super(xr, 'Camera', true, true)
this._initialized = false
this._running = false
// These are used if we have access to ARKit
this._arKitWrapper = null
// These are used if we do not have access to ARKit
this._mediaStream = null
this._videoEl = null
// These are used if we're using the Google ARCore web app
this._arCoreCameraRenderer = null
this._arCoreCanvas = null
this._elContext = null
this._vrDisplay = null
this._vrFrameData = null
// Try to find a WebVR 1.1 display that supports Google's ARCore extensions
if(typeof navigator.getVRDisplays === 'function'){
navigator.getVRDisplays().then(displays => {
for(let display of displays){
if(display === null) continue
if(display.capabilities.hasPassThroughCamera){ // This is the ARCore extension to WebVR 1.1
this._vrDisplay = display
this._vrFrameData = new VRFrameData()
this._arCoreCanvas = document.createElement('canvas')
this._arCoreCanvas.width = window.innerWidth
this._arCoreCanvas.height = window.innerHeight
this._elContext = this._arCoreCanvas.getContext('webgl')
if(this._elContext === null){
throw 'Could not create CameraReality GL context'
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
this._arCoreCanvas.width = window.innerWidth
this._arCoreCanvas.height = window.innerHeight
}, false)
Called by a session before it hands a new XRPresentationFrame to the app
// TODO update the anchor positions using ARCore or ARKit
if(this._running) return
this._running = true
if(this._vrDisplay !== null){ // Using ARCore
this._arCoreCameraRenderer = new ARCoreCameraRenderer(this._vrDisplay, this._elContext)
this._initialized = true
} else if(ARKitWrapper.HasARKit()){ // Using ARKit
if(this._initialized === false){
this._initialized = true
this._arKitWrapper = ARKitWrapper.GetOrCreate()
this._arKitWrapper.addEventListener(ARKitWrapper.WATCH_EVENT, this._handleARKitWatch.bind(this))
this._arKitWrapper.waitForInit().then(() => {
} else {
} else { // Using WebRTC
if(this._initialized === false){
this._initialized = true
audio: false,
video: { facingMode: "environment" }
}).then(stream => {
this._videoEl = document.createElement('video')
this._videoEl.setAttribute('class', 'camera-reality-video')
this._videoEl.setAttribute('playsinline', true); = '100%' = '100%'
this._videoEl.srcObject = stream
}).catch(err => {
console.error('Could not set up video stream', err)
this._initialized = false
this._running = false
} else {
if(this._arKitWrapper === null){
} else if(this._videoEl !== null){
if(ev.detail && ev.detail.objects){
for(let anchorInfo of ev.detail.objects){
this._updateAnchorFromARKitUpdate(anchorInfo.uuid, anchorInfo)
this._updateAnchorFromARKitUpdate(anchorInfo.uuid, anchorInfo)
_updateAnchorFromARKitUpdate(uid, anchorInfo){
const anchor = this._anchors.get(uid) || null
if(anchor === null){
console.log('unknown anchor', anchor)
// This assumes that the anchor's coordinates are in the tracker coordinate system
anchor.coordinates.poseMatrix = anchorInfo.transform
_addAnchor(anchor, display){
// Convert coordinates to the tracker coordinate system so that updating from ARKit transforms is simple
anchor.coordinates = anchor.coordinates.getTransformedCoordinates(display._trackerCoordinateSystem)
if(this._arKitWrapper !== null){
this._arKitWrapper.addAnchor(anchor.uid, anchor.coordinates.poseMatrix).then(
detail => this._handleARKitAddObject(detail)
// ARCore as implemented in the browser does not offer anchors except on a surface, so we just use untracked anchors
this._anchors.set(anchor.uid, anchor)
return anchor.uid
Creates an anchor offset relative to a surface, as found by a ray
normalized screen x and y are in range 0..1, with 0,0 at top left and 1,1 at bottom right
returns a Promise that resolves either to an AnchorOffset with the first hit result or null if the hit test failed
_findAnchor(normalizedScreenX, normalizedScreenY, display){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(this._arKitWrapper !== null){
// Perform a hit test using the ARKit integration
this._arKitWrapper.hitTest(normalizedScreenX, normalizedScreenY, ARKitWrapper.HIT_TEST_TYPE_EXISTING_PLANES).then(hits => {
if(hits.length === 0){
const hit = this._pickARKitHit(hits)
hit.anchor_transform[13] += XRViewPose.SITTING_EYE_HEIGHT
hit.world_transform[13] += XRViewPose.SITTING_EYE_HEIGHT
// Use the first hit to create an XRAnchorOffset, creating the XRAnchor as necessary
// TODO use XRPlaneAnchor for anchors with extents
let anchor = this._getAnchor(hit.uuid)
if(anchor === null){
let anchorCoordinates = new XRCoordinates(display, display._trackerCoordinateSystem)
anchorCoordinates.poseMatrix = hit.anchor_transform
anchor = new XRAnchor(anchorCoordinates, hit.uuid)
this._anchors.set(anchor.uid, anchor)
const offsetPosition = [
hit.world_transform[12] - hit.anchor_transform[12],
hit.world_transform[13] - hit.anchor_transform[13],
hit.world_transform[14] - hit.anchor_transform[14]
const worldRotation = new Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(hit.world_transform)
const inverseAnchorRotation = new Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(hit.anchor_transform).inverse()
const offsetRotation = new Quaternion().multiplyQuaternions(worldRotation, inverseAnchorRotation)
const anchorOffset = new XRAnchorOffset(anchor.uid)
anchorOffset.poseMatrix = MatrixMath.mat4_fromRotationTranslation(new Float32Array(16), offsetRotation.toArray(), offsetPosition)
} else if(this._vrDisplay !== null){
// Perform a hit test using the ARCore data
let hits = this._vrDisplay.hitTest(normalizedScreenX, normalizedScreenY)
if(hits.length == 0){
hits.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance)
let anchor = this._getAnchor(hits[0].uuid)
if(anchor === null){
let coordinates = new XRCoordinates(display, display._trackerCoordinateSystem)
coordinates.poseMatrix = hits[0].modelMatrix
coordinates._poseMatrix[13] += XRViewPose.SITTING_EYE_HEIGHT
anchor = new XRAnchor(coordinates)
this._anchors.set(anchor.uid, anchor)
resolve(new XRAnchorOffset(anchor.uid))
} else {
resolve(null) // No platform support for finding anchors
// returns void
// TODO talk to ARKit to delete an anchor
if(data.length === 0) return null
let info = null
let planeResults = data.filter(
hitTestResult => hitTestResult.type != ARKitWrapper.HIT_TEST_TYPE_FEATURE_POINT
let planeExistingUsingExtentResults = planeResults.filter(
hitTestResult => hitTestResult.type == ARKitWrapper.HIT_TEST_TYPE_EXISTING_PLANE_USING_EXTENT
let planeExistingResults = planeResults.filter(
hitTestResult => hitTestResult.type == ARKitWrapper.HIT_TEST_TYPE_EXISTING_PLANE
if (planeExistingUsingExtentResults.length) {
// existing planes using extent first
planeExistingUsingExtentResults = planeExistingUsingExtentResults.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance)
info = planeExistingUsingExtentResults[0]
} else if (planeExistingResults.length) {
// then other existing planes
planeExistingResults = planeExistingResults.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance)
info = planeExistingResults[0]
} else if (planeResults.length) {
// other types except feature points
planeResults = planeResults.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance)
info = planeResults[0]
} else {
// feature points if any
info = data[0]
return info