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import XRDisplay from '../XRDisplay.js'
import XRView from '../XRView.js'
import XRSession from '../XRSession.js'
import MatrixMath from '../fill/MatrixMath.js'
import Quaternion from '../fill/Quaternion.js'
import Vector3 from '../fill/Vector3.js'
import DeviceOrientationTracker from '../fill/DeviceOrientationTracker.js'
import ARKitWrapper from '../platform/ARKitWrapper.js'
FlatDisplay takes over a handset's full screen and presents a moving view into a Reality, as if it were a magic window.
If ARKit is present, it uses the ARKit updates to set the headModel pose.
If ARCore is available on the VRDisplays, use that to pose the headModel. (TODO)
Otherwise, use orientation events.
export default class FlatDisplay extends XRDisplay {
constructor(xr, reality){
super(xr, 'Flat', false, reality)
this._started = false
this._initialized = false
// This is used if we have ARKit support
this._arKitWrapper = null
// This is used if we have ARCore support
this._vrFrameData = null
// This is used if we are using orientation events
this._deviceOrientationTracker = null
// These are used if we have ARCore support or use window orientation events
this._deviceOrientation = null // Quaternion
this._devicePosition = null // Vector3
this._deviceWorldMatrix = null // Float32Array(16)
// Currently only support full screen views
this._views.push(new XRView(this._fov, this._depthNear, this._depthFar))
if(this._reality._vrDisplay){ // Use ARCore
if(this._vrFrameData === null){
this._vrFrameData = new VRFrameData()
this._views[0]._depthNear = this._reality._vrDisplay.depthNear
this._views[0]._depthFar = this._reality._vrDisplay.depthFar
this._deviceOrientation = new Quaternion()
this._devicePosition = new Vector3()
this._deviceWorldMatrix = new Float32Array(16)
} else if(ARKitWrapper.HasARKit()){ // Use ARKit
if(this._initialized === false){
this._initialized = true
this._arKitWrapper = ARKitWrapper.GetOrCreate()
this._arKitWrapper.addEventListener(ARKitWrapper.INIT_EVENT, this._handleARKitInit.bind(this))
this._arKitWrapper.addEventListener(ARKitWrapper.WATCH_EVENT, this._handleARKitUpdate.bind(this))
this._arKitWrapper.waitForInit().then(() => {
} else {
} else { // Use device orientation
if(this._initialized === false){
this._initialized = true
this._deviceOrientation = new Quaternion()
this._devicePosition = new Vector3()
this._deviceWorldMatrix = new Float32Array(16)
this._deviceOrientationTracker = new DeviceOrientationTracker()
this._deviceOrientationTracker.addEventListener(DeviceOrientationTracker.ORIENTATION_UPDATE_EVENT, this._updateFromDeviceOrientationTracker.bind(this))
this.running = true
// TODO figure out how to stop ARKit and ARCore so that CameraReality can still work
Called by a session to indicate that its baseLayer attribute has been set.
FlatDisplay just adds the layer's canvas to DOM elements created by the XR polyfill
baseLayer._context.canvas.width = window.innerWidth
baseLayer._context.canvas.height = window.innerHeight
Called by a session before it hands a new XRPresentationFrame to the app
if(this._vrFrameData !== null){
this._devicePosition.add(0, XRViewPose.SITTING_EYE_HEIGHT, 0)
MatrixMath.mat4_fromRotationTranslation(this._deviceWorldMatrix, this._deviceOrientation.toArray(), this._devicePosition.toArray())
this._eyeLevelPose._position = this._devicePosition.toArray()
// TODO set XRView's FOV
this._devicePosition.set(this._headPose.poseModelMatrix[12], this._headPose.poseModelMatrix[13], this._headPose.poseModelMatrix[14])
this._devicePosition.add(0, XRViewPose.SITTING_EYE_HEIGHT, 0)
MatrixMath.mat4_fromRotationTranslation(this._deviceWorldMatrix, this._deviceOrientation.toArray(), this._devicePosition.toArray())
this._eyeLevelPose._position = this._devicePosition.toArray()
const cameraTransformMatrix = this._arKitWrapper.getData('camera_transform')
if (cameraTransformMatrix) {
this._headPose._poseModelMatrix[13] += XRViewPose.SITTING_EYE_HEIGHT
this._eyeLevelPose._position = this._headPose._position
} else {
console.log('no camera transform', this._arKitWrapper.rawARData)
const cameraProjectionMatrix = this._arKitWrapper.getData('projection_camera')
} else {
console.log('no projection camera', this._arKitWrapper.rawARData)
setTimeout(() => {{
location: true,
camera: true,
objects: true,
light_intensity: true
}, 1000)
return super._createSession(parameters)
return parameters.type === XRSession.AUGMENTATION && parameters.exclusive === false
//attribute EventHandler ondeactivate; // FlatDisplay never deactivates