Revision control

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enum MessageType {
case trackingStateEscalation
case planeEstimation
case contentPlacement
extension ARCamera.TrackingState {
var presentationString: String {
switch self {
case .notAvailable:
return "Tracking is unavailable"
case .normal:
return ""
case .limited(let reason):
switch reason {
case .excessiveMotion:
return "Limited tracking\nToo much camera movement"
case .insufficientFeatures:
return "Limited tracking\nNot enough surface detail"
case .initializing:
return "Initializing AR Session"
case .relocalizing:
return "Relocalizing\nSlowly scan the space around you"
var recommendation: String? {
switch self {
case .limited(.excessiveMotion):
return "Try slowing down your movement, or reset the session."
case .limited(.insufficientFeatures):
return "Try pointing at a flat surface, or reset the session."
return nil
extension ViewController {
// MARK: - Message Handling
func showMessage(_ text: String, autoHide: Bool = true) {
// cancel any previous hide timer
// set text
messageLabel.text = text
// make sure status is showing if not ""
if text == "" || !stateController.shouldShowURLBar() {
showHideMessage(hide: true)
} else {
showHideMessage(hide: false)
if autoHide {
// Compute an appropriate amount of time to display the on screen message.
// According to, adults read
// about 200 words per minute and the average English word is 5 characters
// long. So 1000 characters per minute / 60 = 15 characters per second.
// We limit the duration to a range of 1-10 seconds.
let charCount = text.count
let displayDuration: TimeInterval = min(10, Double(charCount) / 15.0 + 1.0)
messageHideTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(
withTimeInterval: displayDuration,
repeats: false,
block: { [weak self] ( _ ) in
self?.showHideMessage(hide: true)
func cancelScheduledMessage(forType messageType: MessageType) {
var timer: Timer?
switch messageType {
case .contentPlacement: timer = contentPlacementMessageTimer
case .planeEstimation: timer = planeEstimationMessageTimer
case .trackingStateEscalation: timer = trackingStateFeedbackEscalationTimer
if timer != nil {
timer = nil
func cancelAllScheduledMessages() {
cancelScheduledMessage(forType: .contentPlacement)
cancelScheduledMessage(forType: .planeEstimation)
cancelScheduledMessage(forType: .trackingStateEscalation)
// MARK: - ARKit
func showTrackingQualityInfo(for trackingState: ARCamera.TrackingState, autoHide: Bool) {
showMessage(trackingState.presentationString, autoHide: autoHide)
func updateTrackingStatusIcon(for trackingState: ARCamera.TrackingState) {
trackingStatusIcon.isHidden = stateController.shouldShowURLBar() ? true : false
switch trackingState {
case .notAvailable:
trackingStatusIcon.image = UIImage(named: "warning-old")
trackingStatusIcon.tintColor = .red
case .limited:
trackingStatusIcon.image = UIImage(named: "warning-old")
trackingStatusIcon.tintColor = .orange
case .normal:
trackingStatusIcon.image = nil
func escalateFeedback(for trackingState: ARCamera.TrackingState, inSeconds seconds: TimeInterval) {
weak var blockSelf: ViewController? = self
if trackingStateFeedbackEscalationTimer != nil {
trackingStateFeedbackEscalationTimer = nil
trackingStateFeedbackEscalationTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: seconds, repeats: false, block: { _ in
blockSelf?.trackingStateFeedbackEscalationTimer = nil
if let recommendation = trackingState.recommendation {
blockSelf?.showMessage(trackingState.presentationString + "\n" + recommendation, autoHide: false)
} else {
blockSelf?.showMessage(trackingState.presentationString, autoHide: false)
// MARK: - Panel Visibility
func showHideMessage(hide: Bool) {
messageLabel.isHidden = hide
messagePanel.isHidden = hide