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Test Info: Warnings

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
async function cleanupAfterTest() {
// Get the full path to the profile
let profile = await getFullProfilePath(Services.appinfo.processID);
// remove the file!
await IOUtils.remove(profile, { ignoreAbsent: true });
// Make sure the profiler is fully stopped, even if the test failed
await Services.profiler.StopProfiler();
add_task(async () => {
info("Test that starting the profiler with a posix signal works.");
"The profiler should not begin the test active."
// Get the process ID
let pid = Services.appinfo.processID;
// Set up an observer to watch for the profiler starting
let startPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("profiler-started");
// Try and start the profiler using a signal.
let result = raiseSignal(pid, SIGUSR1);
Assert.ok(result, "Raising a signal should succeed");
// Wait for the profiler to stop
Assert.ok(await startPromise, "The profiler should start");
// Wait until the profiler is active
Assert.ok(Services.profiler.IsActive(), "The profiler should now be active.");
// Let the profiler sample at least once
await Services.profiler.waitOnePeriodicSampling();
info("Waiting a periodic sampling completed");
// Stop the profiler
await Services.profiler.StopProfiler();
"The profiler should now be inactive."
add_task(async () => {
info("Test that stopping the profiler with a posix signal works.");
"The profiler should not begin the test active."
const entries = 100;
const interval = 1;
const threads = [];
const features = [];
// Start the profiler, and ensure that it's active
await Services.profiler.StartProfiler(entries, interval, threads, features);
Assert.ok(Services.profiler.IsActive(), "The profiler should now be active.");
// Get the process ID
let pid = Services.appinfo.processID;
// Set up an observer to watch for the profiler stopping
let stopPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("profiler-stopped");
// Try and stop the profiler using a signal.
let result = raiseSignal(pid, SIGUSR2);
Assert.ok(result, "Raising a SIGUSR2 signal should succeed.");
// Wait for the profiler to stop
Assert.ok(await stopPromise, "The profiler should stop");
"The profiler should now be inactive."
add_task(async () => {
"Test that stopping the profiler with a posix signal writes a profile file disk."
"The profiler should not begin the test active."
const entries = 100;
const interval = 1;
const threads = [];
const features = [];
// get the full path to the expected profile file:
let pid = Services.appinfo.processID;
let profile = await getFullProfilePath(pid);
// Start the profiler, and ensure that it's active
await Services.profiler.StartProfiler(entries, interval, threads, features);
Assert.ok(Services.profiler.IsActive(), "The profiler should now be active.");
// Set up an observer to watch for the profiler stopping
let stopPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("profiler-stopped");
// Try and stop the profiler using a signal.
let result = raiseSignal(pid, SIGUSR2);
Assert.ok(result, "Raising a SIGUSR2 signal should succeed.");
// Wait for the profiler to stop
Assert.ok(await stopPromise, "The profiler should stop");
// Now that it's stopped, make sure that we have a profile file
await IOUtils.exists(profile),
"A profile file should be written to disk."
"The profiler should now be inactive."