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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
const { Log } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("security.allow_eval_with_system_principal", true);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
class MockAppender extends Log.Appender {
constructor(formatter) {
this.messages = [];
doAppend(message) {
add_task(function test_Logger() {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("test.logger");
let appender = new MockAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter());
log.level = Log.Level.Debug;
appender.level = Log.Level.Info;
log.addAppender(appender);"info test");
log.debug("this should be logged but not appended.");
Assert.equal(appender.messages.length, 1);
let msgRe = /\d+\ttest.logger\t\INFO\tinfo test/;
add_task(function test_Logger_parent() {
// Check whether parenting is correct
let grandparentLog = Log.repository.getLogger("grandparent");
let childLog = Log.repository.getLogger("grandparent.parent.child");
Assert.equal(, "grandparent");
Assert.equal(, "grandparent.parent");
// Check that appends are exactly in scope
let gpAppender = new MockAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter());
gpAppender.level = Log.Level.Info;
grandparentLog.addAppender(gpAppender);"child info test");"this shouldn't show up in gpAppender");
Assert.equal(gpAppender.messages.length, 1);
Assert.ok(gpAppender.messages[0].indexOf("child info test") > 0);
* Test parameter formatting.
add_task(async function log_message_with_params() {
let formatter = new Log.BasicFormatter();
function formatMessage(text, params) {
let full = formatter.format(
new Log.LogMessage("test.logger", Log.Level.Warn, text, params)
return full.split("\t")[3];
// Strings are substituted directly.
formatMessage("String is ${foo}", { foo: "bar" }),
"String is bar"
// Numbers are substituted.
formatMessage("Number is ${number}", { number: 47 }),
"Number is 47"
// The entire params object is JSON-formatted and substituted.
formatMessage("Object is ${}", { foo: "bar" }),
'Object is {"foo":"bar"}'
// An object nested inside params is JSON-formatted and substituted.
formatMessage("Sub object is ${sub}", { sub: { foo: "bar" } }),
'Sub object is {"foo":"bar"}'
// The substitution field is missing from params. Leave the placeholder behind
// to make the mistake obvious.
formatMessage("Missing object is ${missing}", {}),
"Missing object is ${missing}"
// Make sure we don't treat the parameter name 'false' as a falsey value.
formatMessage("False is ${false}", { false: true }),
"False is true"
// If an object has a .toJSON method, the formatter uses it.
let ob = function () {};
ob.toJSON = function () {
return { sneaky: "value" };
formatMessage("JSON is ${sub}", { sub: ob }),
'JSON is {"sneaky":"value"}'
// Fall back to .toSource() if JSON.stringify() fails on an object.
ob = function () {};
ob.toJSON = function () {
throw new Error("oh noes JSON");
formatMessage("Fail is ${sub}", { sub: ob }),
"Fail is (function () {})"
// Fall back to .toString if both .toJSON and .toSource fail.
ob.toSource = function () {
throw new Error("oh noes SOURCE");
formatMessage("Fail is ${sub}", { sub: ob }),
"Fail is function () {}"
// Fall back to '[object]' if .toJSON, .toSource and .toString fail.
ob.toString = function () {
throw new Error("oh noes STRING");
formatMessage("Fail is ${sub}", { sub: ob }),
"Fail is [object]"
// If params are passed but there are no substitution in the text
// we JSON format and append the entire parameters object.
formatMessage("Text with no subs", { a: "b", c: "d" }),
'Text with no subs: {"a":"b","c":"d"}'
// If we substitute one parameter but not the other,
// we ignore any params that aren't substituted.
formatMessage("Text with partial sub ${a}", { a: "b", c: "d" }),
"Text with partial sub b"
// We don't format internal fields stored in params.
formatMessage("Params with _ ${}", {
a: "b",
_c: "d",
_level: 20,
_message: "froo",
_time: 123456,
_namespace: "here.there",
'Params with _ {"a":"b","_c":"d"}'
// Don't print an empty params holder if all params are internal.
formatMessage("All params internal", {
_level: 20,
_message: "froo",
_time: 123456,
_namespace: "here.there",
"All params internal"
// Format params with null and undefined values.
formatMessage("Null ${n} undefined ${u}", { n: null, u: undefined }),
"Null null undefined undefined"
// Format params with number, bool, and String type.
formatMessage("number ${n} boolean ${b} boxed Boolean ${bx} String ${s}", {
n: 45,
b: false,
bx: Boolean(true),
s: String("whatevs"),
"number 45 boolean false boxed Boolean true String whatevs"
// Format params with consecutive tokens.
formatMessage("${a}${b}${c}", { a: "foo", b: "bar", c: "baz" }),
* Check that errors get special formatting if they're formatted directly as
* a named param or they're the only param, but not if they're a field in a
* larger structure.
let err = Components.Exception("test exception", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
let str = formatMessage("Exception is ${}", err);
Assert.ok(str.includes('Exception is [Exception... "test exception"'));
str = formatMessage("Exception is", err);
Assert.ok(str.includes('Exception is: [Exception... "test exception"'));
str = formatMessage("Exception is ${error}", { error: err });
Assert.ok(str.includes('Exception is [Exception... "test exception"'));
str = formatMessage("Exception is", { _error: err });
// Exceptions buried inside objects are formatted badly.
Assert.ok(str.includes('Exception is: {"_error":{}'));
// If the message text is null, the message contains only the formatted params object.
str = formatMessage(null, err);
Assert.ok(str.startsWith('[Exception... "test exception"'));
// If the text is null and 'params' is a string, the message is exactly that string.
str = formatMessage(null, "String in place of params");
Assert.equal(str, "String in place of params");
// We use object.valueOf() internally; make sure a broken valueOf() method
// doesn't cause the logger to fail.
/* eslint-disable object-shorthand */
let vOf = {
a: 1,
valueOf: function () {
throw new Error("oh noes valueOf");
formatMessage("Broken valueOf ${}", vOf),
'Broken valueOf ({a:1, valueOf:(function () {\n throw new Error("oh noes valueOf");\n })})'
/* eslint-enable object-shorthand */
// Test edge cases of bad data to formatter:
// If 'params' is not an object, format it as a basic type.
formatMessage("non-object no subst", 1),
"non-object no subst: 1"
formatMessage("non-object all subst ${}", 2),
"non-object all subst 2"
Assert.equal(formatMessage("false no subst", false), "false no subst: false");
Assert.equal(formatMessage("null no subst", null), "null no subst: null");
// If 'params' is undefined and there are no substitutions expected,
// the message should still be output.
formatMessage("undefined no subst", undefined),
"undefined no subst"
// If 'params' is not an object, no named substitutions can succeed;
// therefore we leave the placeholder and append the formatted params.
formatMessage("non-object named subst ${junk} space", 3),
"non-object named subst ${junk} space: 3"
// If there are no params, we leave behind the placeholders in the text.
formatMessage("no params ${missing}", undefined),
"no params ${missing}"
// If params doesn't contain any of the tags requested in the text,
// we leave them all behind and append the formatted params.
formatMessage("object missing tag ${missing} space", {
mising: "not here",
'object missing tag ${missing} space: {"mising":"not here"}'
// If we are given null text and no params, the resulting formatted message is empty.
Assert.equal(formatMessage(null), "");
* If we call a log function with a non-string object in place of the text
* argument, and no parameters, treat that the same as logging empty text
* with the object argument as parameters. This makes the log useful when the
* caller does "catch(err) {logger.error(err)}"
add_task(async function test_log_err_only() {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("error.only");
let mockFormatter = { format: msg => msg };
let appender = new MockAppender(mockFormatter);
* Check that log.error(err) is treated the same as
* log.error(null, err) by the logMessage constructor; the formatMessage()
* tests above ensure that the combination of null text and an error object
* is formatted correctly.
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
eval("javascript syntax error");
} catch (e) {
let msg = appender.messages.pop();
Assert.equal(msg.message, null);
Assert.equal(msg.params, e);
* Test that all the basic logger methods pass the message and params through to the appender.
add_task(async function log_message_with_params() {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("error.logger");
let mockFormatter = { format: msg => msg };
let appender = new MockAppender(mockFormatter);
let testParams = { a: 1, b: 2 };
log.fatal("Test fatal", testParams);
log.error("Test error", testParams);
log.warn("Test warn", testParams);"Test info", testParams);
log.config("Test config", testParams);
log.debug("Test debug", testParams);
log.trace("Test trace", testParams);
Assert.equal(appender.messages.length, 7);
for (let msg of appender.messages) {
Assert.ok(msg.params === testParams);
Assert.ok(msg.message.startsWith("Test "));
* Test that all the basic logger methods support tagged template literal format.
add_task(async function log_template_literal_message() {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("error.logger");
let appender = new MockAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter());
log.fatal`Test ${"foo"} ${42}`;
log.error`Test ${"foo"} 42`;
log.warn`Test foo 42`;`Test ${"foo " + 42}`;
log.config`${"Test"} foo ${42}`;
log.debug`Test ${"f"}${"o"}${"o"} 42`;
log.trace`${"Test foo 42"}`;
Assert.equal(appender.messages.length, 7);
for (let msg of appender.messages) {
Assert.equal(msg.split("\t")[3], "Test foo 42");
* Check that we format JS Errors reasonably.
add_task(async function format_errors() {
let pFormat = new Log.ParameterFormatter();
// Test that subclasses of Error are recognized as errors.
let err = new ReferenceError("Ref Error", "ERROR_FILE", 28);
let str = pFormat.format(err);
Assert.ok(str.includes("Ref Error"));
// Test that JS-generated Errors are recognized and formatted.
try {
await Promise.resolve(); // Scrambles the stack
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
eval("javascript syntax error");
} catch (e) {
str = pFormat.format(e);
Assert.ok(str.includes("SyntaxError: unexpected token"));
// Make sure we identified it as an Error and formatted the error location as
// lineNumber:columnNumber.
// Make sure that we use human-readable stack traces
* Check that automatic support for setting the log level via preferences
* works.
add_test(function test_prefs() {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("error.logger");
log.level = Log.Level.Debug;
Services.prefs.setStringPref("logger.test", "Error");
// check initial pref value is set up.
equal(log.level, Log.Level.Error);
Services.prefs.setStringPref("logger.test", "Error");
// check changing the pref causes the level to change.
Services.prefs.setStringPref("logger.test", "Trace");
equal(log.level, Log.Level.Trace);
// invalid values cause nothing to happen.
Services.prefs.setStringPref("logger.test", "invalid-level-value");
equal(log.level, Log.Level.Trace);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("logger.test", 123);
equal(log.level, Log.Level.Trace);
// setting a "sub preference" shouldn't impact it.
Services.prefs.setStringPref("", "Debug");
equal(log.level, Log.Level.Trace);
// clearing the level param should cause it to use the parent level.
Log.repository.getLogger("error").level = Log.Level.All;
Services.prefs.setStringPref("logger.test", "");
equal(log.level, Log.Level.All);