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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android' OR os == 'win' && msix
- Manifest: toolkit/crashreporter/test/unit/xpcshell.toml
add_task(async function run_test() {
if (!(";1" in Cc)) {
"INFO | test_crash_purevirtual.js | Can't test crashreporter in a non-libxul build.\n"
// Try crashing with a pure virtual call
await do_crash(
function () {
crashType = CrashTestUtils.CRASH_PURE_VIRTUAL_CALL;
crashReporter.annotateCrashReport("TestKey", "TestValue");
function (mdump, extra) {
Assert.equal(extra.TestKey, "TestValue");
// process will exit with a zero exit status