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Test Info: Errors

  • This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'linux' && os_version == '18.04' && processor == 'x86_64' && swgl && asan OR os == 'linux' && os_version == '18.04' && processor == 'x86_64' && debug && socketprocess_networking
  • This test failed 81 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
  • Manifest: toolkit/content/tests/browser/browser.toml
const PAGE =
async function check_video_decoding_state(args) {
let video = content.document.getElementById("autoplay");
if (!video) {
ok(false, "Can't get the video element!");
let isSuspended = args.suspend;
let reload = args.reload;
if (reload) {
// It is too late to register event handlers when playback is half
// way done. Let's start playback from the beginning so we won't
// miss any events.
let state = isSuspended ? "suspended" : "resumed";
let event = isSuspended ? "mozentervideosuspend" : "mozexitvideosuspend";
return new Promise(resolve => {
function () {
ok(true, `Video decoding is ${state}.`);
{ once: true }
async function check_should_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser) {
info("did not update the value now, wait until it changes.");
if (browser.shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover) {
"Should send unselected tab hover msg, someone is listening for it."
return true;
return BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => browser.shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover,
"Should send unselected tab hover msg, someone is listening for it."
async function check_should_not_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser) {
info("did not update the value now, wait until it changes.");
return BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => !browser.shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover,
"Should not send unselected tab hover msg, no one is listening for it."
function get_video_decoding_suspend_promise(browser, reload) {
let suspend = true;
return SpecialPowers.spawn(
[{ suspend, reload }],
function get_video_decoding_resume_promise(browser) {
let suspend = false;
let reload = false;
return ContentTask.spawn(
{ suspend, reload },
* Because of bug1029451, we can't receive "mouseover" event correctly when
* we disable non-test mouse event. Therefore, we can't synthesize mouse event
* to simulate cursor hovering, so we temporarily use a hacky way to resume and
* suspend video decoding.
function cursor_hover_over_tab_and_resume_video_decoding(browser) {
// TODO : simulate cursor hovering over the tab after fixing bug1029451.
browser.unselectedTabHover(true /* hover */);
function cursor_leave_tab_and_suspend_video_decoding(browser) {
// TODO : simulate cursor leaveing the tab after fixing bug1029451.
browser.unselectedTabHover(false /* leave */);
add_task(async function setup_test_preference() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground", false],
["media.suspend-background-video.enabled", true],
["media.suspend-background-video.delay-ms", 0],
["media.resume-background-video-on-tabhover", true],
* TODO : add the following user-level tests after fixing bug1029451.
* test1 - only affect the unselected tab
* test2 - only affect the tab with suspended video
add_task(async function resume_and_suspend_background_video_decoding() {
info("- open new background tab -");
let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(window.gBrowser, "about:blank");
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
info("- before loading media, we shoudn't send the tab hover msg for tab -");
await check_should_not_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser);
BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(browser, PAGE);
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
info("- should suspend background video decoding -");
await get_video_decoding_suspend_promise(browser, true);
await check_should_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser);
info("- when cursor is hovering over the tab, resuming the video decoding -");
let promise = get_video_decoding_resume_promise(browser);
await cursor_hover_over_tab_and_resume_video_decoding(browser);
await promise;
await check_should_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser);
info("- when cursor leaves the tab, suspending the video decoding -");
promise = get_video_decoding_suspend_promise(browser);
await cursor_leave_tab_and_suspend_video_decoding(browser);
await promise;
await check_should_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser);
info("- select video's owner tab as foreground tab, should resume video -");
promise = get_video_decoding_resume_promise(browser);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(window.gBrowser, tab);
await promise;
await check_should_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser);
info("- video's owner tab goes to background again, should suspend video -");
promise = get_video_decoding_suspend_promise(browser);
let blankTab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(
await promise;
await check_should_send_unselected_tab_hover_msg(browser);
info("- remove tabs -");