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Test Info:
const PAGE =
// The tab closing code leaves an uncaught rejection. This test has been
// whitelisted until the issue is fixed.
if (!gMultiProcessBrowser) {
const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
PromiseTestUtils.expectUncaughtRejection(/is no longer, usable/);
add_task(async function setup_test_preference() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["media.useAudioChannelService.testing", true],
["media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground", true],
add_task(async function block_web_audio() {
info("- open new background tab -");
let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(window.gBrowser, "about:blank");
BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(tab.linkedBrowser, PAGE);
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
info("- tab should be blocked -");
await waitForTabBlockEvent(tab, true);
info("- switch tab -");
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(window.gBrowser, tab);
info("- tab should be resumed -");
await waitForTabBlockEvent(tab, false);
info("- tab should be audible -");
await waitForTabPlayingEvent(tab, true);
info("- remove tab -");