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Test Info: Warnings

/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
"use strict";
* Tests that various types of inline content elements initiate requests
* with the triggering pringipal of the caller that requested the load,
* and that the correct security policies are applied to the resulting
* loads.
// Make sure media pre-loading is enabled on Android so that our <audio> and
// <video> elements trigger the expected requests.
Services.prefs.setIntPref("media.autoplay.default", Ci.nsIAutoplay.ALLOWED);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("media.preload.default", 3);
// Increase the length of the code samples included in CSP reports so that we
// can correctly validate them.
// Do not limit the number of CSP reports.
Services.prefs.setIntPref("security.csp.reporting.limit.count", 0);
// Do not trunacate the blocked-uri in CSP reports for frame navigations.
// ExtensionContent.sys.mjs needs to know when it's running from xpcshell,
// to use the right timeout for content scripts executed at document_idle.
const server = createHttpServer({
hosts: ["", ""],
server.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data"));
var gContentSecurityPolicy = null;
const BASE_URL = ``;
const CSP_REPORT_PATH = "/csp-report.sjs";
* Registers a static HTML document with the given content at the given
* path in our test HTTP server.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} content
function registerStaticPage(path, content) {
server.registerPathHandler(path, (request, response) => {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
if (gContentSecurityPolicy) {
response.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", gContentSecurityPolicy);
* A set of tags which are automatically closed in HTML documents, and
* do not require an explicit closing tag.
const AUTOCLOSE_TAGS = new Set(["img", "input", "link", "source"]);
* An object describing the elements to create for a specific test.
* @typedef {object} ElementTestCase
* @property {Array} element
* A recursive array, describing the element to create, in the
* following format:
* ["tagname", {attr: "attrValue"},
* ["child-tagname", {attr: "value"}],
* ...]
* For each test, a DOM tree will be created with this structure.
* A source attribute, with the name `test.srcAttr` and a value
* based on the values of `test.src` and `opts`, will be added to
* the first leaf node encountered.
* @property {string} src
* The relative URL to use as the source of the element. Each
* load of this URL will have a separate set of query parameters
* appended to it, based on the values in `opts`.
* @property {string} [srcAttr = "src"]
* The attribute in which to store the element's source URL.
* @property {boolean} [liveSrc = false]
* If true, changing the source attribute after the element has
* been inserted into the document is expected to trigger a new
* load, and that configuration will be tested.
* Options for this specific configuration of an element test.
* @typedef {object} ElementTestOptions
* @property {string} origin
* The origin with which the content is expected to load. This
* may be one of "page", "contentScript", or "extension". The actual load
* of the URL will be tested against the computed origin strings for
* those two contexts.
* @property {string} source
* An arbitrary string which uniquely identifies the source of
* the load. For instance, each of these should have separate
* origin strings:
* - An element present in the initial page HTML.
* - An element injected by a page script belonging to web
* content.
* - An element injected by an extension content script.
* Data describing a test element, which can be used to create a
* corresponding DOM tree.
* @typedef {object} ElementData
* @property {string} tagName
* The tag name for the element.
* @property {object} attrs
* A property containing key-value pairs for each of the
* attribute's elements.
* @property {Array<ElementData>} children
* A possibly empty array of element data for child elements.
* Returns data necessary to create test elements for the given test,
* with the given options.
* @param {ElementTestCase} test
* An object describing the elements to create for a specific
* test. This element will be created under various
* circumstances, as described by `opts`.
* @param {ElementTestOptions} opts
* Options for this specific configuration of the test.
* @returns {ElementData}
function getElementData(test, opts) {
let baseURL = typeof BASE_URL !== "undefined" ? BASE_URL : location.href;
let { srcAttr, src } = test;
// Absolutify the URL, so it passes sanity checks that ignore
// triggering principals for relative URLs.
src = new URL(
src +
let haveSrc = false;
function rec(element) {
let [tagName, attrs, ...children] = element;
if (children.length) {
children =;
} else if (!haveSrc) {
attrs = Object.assign({ [srcAttr]: src }, attrs);
haveSrc = true;
return { tagName, attrs, children };
return rec(test.element);
* The result type of the {@see createElement} function.
* @typedef {object} CreateElementResult
* @property {Element} elem
* The root element of the created DOM tree.
* @property {Element} srcElem
* The element in the tree to which the source attribute must be
* added.
* @property {string} src
* The value of the source element.
* Creates a DOM tree for a given test, in a given configuration, as
* understood by {@see getElementData}, but without the `test.srcAttr`
* attribute having been set. The caller must set the value of that
* attribute to the returned `src` value.
* There are many different ways most source values can be set
* (DOM attribute, DOM property, ...) and many different contexts
* (content script verses page script). Each test should be run with as
* many variants of these as possible.
* @param {ElementTestCase} test
* A test object, as passed to {@see getElementData}.
* @param {ElementTestOptions} opts
* An options object, as passed to {@see getElementData}.
* @returns {CreateElementResult}
function createElement(test, opts) {
let srcElem;
let src;
function rec({ tagName, attrs, children }) {
let elem = document.createElement(tagName);
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
if (key === test.srcAttr) {
srcElem = elem;
src = val;
} else {
elem.setAttribute(key, val);
for (let child of children) {
return elem;
let elem = rec(getElementData(test, opts));
return { elem, srcElem, src };
* Escapes any occurrences of &, ", < or > with XML entities.
* @param {string} str
* The string to escape.
* @returns {string} The escaped string.
function escapeXML(str) {
let replacements = {
"&": "&amp;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&apos;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
return String(str).replace(/[&"''<>]/g, m => replacements[m]);
* A tagged template function which escapes any XML metacharacters in
* interpolated values.
* @param {Array<string>} strings
* An array of literal strings extracted from the templates.
* @param {Array} values
* An array of interpolated values extracted from the template.
* @returns {string}
* The result of the escaped values interpolated with the literal
* strings.
function escaped(strings, ...values) {
let result = [];
for (let [i, string] of strings.entries()) {
if (i < values.length) {
return result.join("");
* Converts the given test data, as accepted by {@see getElementData},
* to an HTML representation.
* @param {ElementTestCase} test
* A test object, as passed to {@see getElementData}.
* @param {ElementTestOptions} opts
* An options object, as passed to {@see getElementData}.
* @returns {string}
function toHTML(test, opts) {
function rec({ tagName, attrs, children }) {
let html = [`<${tagName}`];
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
html.push(escaped` ${key}="${val}"`);
if (!AUTOCLOSE_TAGS.has(tagName)) {
for (let child of children) {
return html.join("");
return rec(getElementData(test, opts));
* Injects various permutations of inline CSS into a content page, from both
* extension content script and content page contexts, and sends a "css-sources"
* message to the test harness describing the injected content for verification.
function testInlineCSS() {
let urls = [];
let sources = [];
* Constructs the URL of an image to be loaded by the given origin, and
* returns a CSS url() expression for it.
* The `name` parameter is an arbitrary name which should describe how the URL
* is loaded. The `opts` object may contain arbitrary properties which
* describe the load. Currently, only `inline` is recognized, and indicates
* that the URL is being used in an inline stylesheet which may be blocked by
* CSP.
* The URL and its parameters are recorded, and sent to the parent process for
* verification.
* @param {string} origin
* @param {string} name
* @param {object} [opts]
* @returns {string}
let i = 0;
let url = (origin, name, opts = {}) => {
let source = `${origin}-${name}`;
let { href } = new URL(
urls.push(Object.assign({}, opts, { href, origin, source }));
return `url("${href}")`;
* Registers the given inline CSS source as being loaded by the given origin,
* and returns that CSS text.
* @param {string} origin
* @param {string} css
* @returns {string}
let source = (origin, css) => {
sources.push({ origin, css });
return css;
* Saves the given function to be run after a short delay, just before sending
* the list of loaded sources to the parent process.
let laters = [];
let later = fn => {
// Note: When accessing an element through `wrappedJSObject`, the operations
// occur in the content page context, using the content subject principal.
// When accessing it through X-ray wrappers, they happen in the content script
// context, using its subject principal.
let li = document.createElement("li");
`background: ${url("contentScript", "")}`
); = url(
let li = document.createElement("li");
`background: ${url("page", "", { inline: true })}`
); = url(
let li = document.createElement("li");
`background: ${url("contentScript", "")}`
later(() =>
`background: ${url("page", "", { inline: true })}`
let li = document.createElement("li");
`background: ${url("page", "", { inline: true })}`
later(() =>
`background: ${url("contentScript", "")}`
let li = document.createElement("li");
document.body.appendChild(li); = source(
`background: ${url("contentScript", "")}`
// TODO: This inline style should be blocked, since our style-src does not
// include 'unsafe-eval', but that is currently unimplemented.
later(() => { = `background: ${url(
// Creates a new element, inserts it into the page, and returns its CSS selector.
let divNum = 0;
function getSelector() {
let div = document.createElement("div"); = `generated-div-${divNum++}`;
return `#${}`;
for (let prop of ["textContent", "innerHTML"]) {
// Test creating <style> element from the extension side and then replacing
// its contents from the content side.
let sel = getSelector();
let style = document.createElement("style");
style[prop] = source(
`${sel} { background: ${url("extension", `style-${prop}-first`)}; }`
later(() => {
style.wrappedJSObject[prop] = source(
`${sel} { background: ${url("page", `style-${prop}-second`, {
inline: true,
})}; }`
// Test creating <style> element from the extension side and then appending
// a text node to it. Regardless of whether the append happens from the
// content or extension side, this should cause the principal to be
// forgotten.
let testModifyAfterInject = (name, modifyFunc) => {
let sel = getSelector();
let style = document.createElement("style");
style[prop] = source(
`${sel} { background: ${url(
)}; }`
later(() => {
`${sel} { background: ${url("page", `style-${name}-${prop}-second`, {
inline: true,
})}; }`
source("page", style.textContent);
testModifyAfterInject("appendChild", (style, css) => {
// Test creating <style> element from the extension side and then appending
// to it using insertAdjacentHTML, with the same rules as above.
testModifyAfterInject("insertAdjacentHTML", (style, css) => {
style.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", css);
// And again using insertAdjacentText.
testModifyAfterInject("insertAdjacentText", (style, css) => {
style.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", css);
// Test creating a style element and then accessing its CSSStyleSheet object.
let sel = getSelector();
let style = document.createElement("style");
style[prop] = source(
`${sel} { background: ${url("extension", `style-${prop}-sheet`)}; }`
() => style.sheet.wrappedJSObject.cssRules,
/Not allowed to access cross-origin stylesheet/,
"Page content should not be able to access extension-generated CSS rules"
`${sel} { border-image: ${url(
)}; }`
setTimeout(() => {
for (let fn of laters) {
browser.test.sendMessage("css-sources", { urls, sources });
* A function which will be stringified, and run both as a page script
* and an extension content script, to test element injection under
* various configurations.
* @param {Array<ElementTestCase>} tests
* A list of test objects, as understood by {@see getElementData}.
* @param {ElementTestOptions} baseOpts
* A base options object, as understood by {@see getElementData},
* which represents the default values for injections under this
* context.
function injectElements(tests, baseOpts) {
() => {
if (typeof browser === "object") {
try {
} catch (e) {`Error: ${e} :: ${e.stack}`);
// Basic smoke test to check that SVG images do not try to create a document
// with an expanded principal, which would cause a crash.
let img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%2F%3E";
let rand = Math.random();
// Basic smoke test to check that we don't try to create stylesheets with an
// expanded principal, which would cause a crash when loading font sets.
let cssText = `
@font-face {
font-family: "DoesNotExist${rand}";
src: url("fonts/DoesNotExist.${rand}.woff") format("woff");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
let link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = "data:text/css;base64," + btoa(cssText);
let style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = cssText;
let overrideOpts = opts => Object.assign({}, baseOpts, opts);
let opts = baseOpts;
// Build the full element with setAttr, then inject.
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
srcElem.setAttribute(test.srcAttr, src);
// Build the full element with a property setter.
opts = overrideOpts({ source: `${baseOpts.source}-prop` });
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
srcElem[test.srcAttr] = src;
// Build the element without the source attribute, inject, then set
// it.
opts = overrideOpts({ source: `${baseOpts.source}-attr-after-inject` });
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
srcElem.setAttribute(test.srcAttr, src);
// Build the element without the source attribute, inject, then set
// the corresponding property.
opts = overrideOpts({ source: `${baseOpts.source}-prop-after-inject` });
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
srcElem[test.srcAttr] = src;
// Build the element with a relative, rather than absolute, URL, and
// make sure it always has the page origin.
opts = overrideOpts({
source: `${baseOpts.source}-relative-url`,
origin: "page",
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
// Note: This assumes that the content page and the src URL are
// always at the server root. If that changes, the test will
// timeout waiting for matching requests.
src = src.replace(/.*\//, "");
srcElem.setAttribute(test.srcAttr, src);
// If we're in an extension content script, do some additional checks.
if (typeof browser !== "undefined") {
// Build the element without the source attribute, inject, then
// have content set it.
opts = overrideOpts({
source: `${baseOpts.source}-content-attr-after-inject`,
origin: "page",
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
window.wrappedJSObject.elem = srcElem;
)}, ${JSON.stringify(src)})`
// Build the full element, then let content inject.
opts = overrideOpts({
source: `${baseOpts.source}-content-inject-after-attr`,
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
srcElem.setAttribute(test.srcAttr, src);
window.wrappedJSObject.elem = elem;
// Build the element without the source attribute, let content set
// it, then inject.
opts = overrideOpts({
source: `${baseOpts.source}-inject-after-content-attr`,
origin: "page",
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
window.wrappedJSObject.elem = srcElem;
)}, ${JSON.stringify(src)})`
// Build the element with a dummy source attribute, inject, then
// let content change it.
opts = overrideOpts({
source: `${baseOpts.source}-content-change-after-inject`,
origin: "page",
for (let test of tests) {
let { elem, srcElem, src } = createElement(test, opts);
srcElem.setAttribute(test.srcAttr, "meh.txt");
window.wrappedJSObject.elem = srcElem;
)}, ${JSON.stringify(src)})`
{ once: true }
* Stringifies the {@see injectElements} function for use as a page or
* content script.
* @param {Array<ElementTestCase>} tests
* A list of test objects, as understood by {@see getElementData}.
* @param {ElementTestOptions} opts
* A base options object, as understood by {@see getElementData},
* which represents the default values for injections under this
* context.
* @returns {string}
function getInjectionScript(tests, opts) {
return `
* Extracts the "origin" query parameter from the given URL, and returns it,
* along with the URL sans origin parameter.
* @param {string} origURL
* @returns {object}
* An object with `origin` and `baseURL` properties, containing the value
* or the URL's "origin" query parameter and the URL with that parameter
* removed, respectively.
function getOriginBase(origURL) {
let url = new URL(origURL);
let origin = url.searchParams.get("origin");
return { origin, baseURL: url.href };
* An object containing sets of base URLs and CSS sources which are present in
* the test page, sorted based on how they should be treated by CSP.
* @typedef {object} RequestedURLs
* @property {Set<string>} expectedURLs
* A set of URLs which should be successfully requested by the content
* page.
* @property {Set<string>} forbiddenURLs
* A set of URLs which are present in the content page, but should never
* generate requests.
* @property {Set<string>} blockedURLs
* A set of URLs which are present in the content page, and should be
* blocked by CSP, and reported in a CSP report.
* @property {Set<string>} blockedSources
* A set of inline CSS sources which should be blocked by CSP, and
* reported in a CSP report.
* Computes a list of expected and forbidden base URLs for the given
* sets of tests and sources. The base URL is the complete request URL
* with the `origin` query parameter removed.
* @param {Array<ElementTestCase>} tests
* A list of tests, as understood by {@see getElementData}.
* @param {Record<string, object>} expectedSources
* A set of sources for which each of the above tests is expected
* to generate one request, if each of the properties in the
* value object matches the value of the same property in the
* test object.
* @param {Record<string, object>} [forbiddenSources = {}]
* A set of sources for which requests should never be sent. Any
* matching requests from these sources will cause the test to
* fail.
* @returns {RequestedURLs}
function computeBaseURLs(tests, expectedSources, forbiddenSources = {}) {
let expectedURLs = new Set();
let forbiddenURLs = new Set();
function* iterSources(test, sources) {
for (let [source, attrs] of Object.entries(sources)) {
// if a source defines attributes (e.g. liveSrc in PAGE_SOURCES etc.) then all
// attributes in the source must be matched by the test (see const TEST).
if (Object.keys(attrs).every(attr => attrs[attr] === test[attr])) {
yield `${BASE_URL}/${test.src}?source=${source}`;
for (let test of tests) {
for (let urlPrefix of iterSources(test, expectedSources)) {
for (let urlPrefix of iterSources(test, forbiddenSources)) {
return { expectedURLs, forbiddenURLs, blockedURLs: forbiddenURLs };
* @typedef InjectedUrl
* A URL present in styles injected by the content script.
* @type {object}
* @property {string} origin
* The origin of the URL, one of "page", "contentScript", or "extension".
* @param {string} href
* The URL string.
* @param {boolean} inline
* If true, the URL is present in an inline stylesheet, which may be
* blocked by CSP prior to parsing, depending on its origin.
* @typedef InjectedSource
* An inline CSS source injected by the content script.
* @type {object}
* @param {string} origin
* The origin of the CSS, one of "page", "contentScript", or "extension".
* @param {string} css
* The CSS source text.
* Generates a set of expected and forbidden URLs and sources based on the CSS
* injected by our content script.
* @param {object} message
* The "css-sources" message sent by the content script, containing lists
* of CSS sources injected into the page.
* @param {Array<InjectedUrl>} message.urls
* A list of URLs present in styles injected by the content script.
* @param {Array<InjectedSource>} message.sources
* A list of inline CSS sources injected by the content script.
* @param {boolean} [cspEnabled = false]
* If true, a strict CSP is enabled for this page, and inline page
* sources should be blocked. URLs present in these sources will not be
* expected to generate a CSP report, the inline sources themselves will.
* @param {boolean} [contentCspEnabled = false]
* @returns {RequestedURLs}
function computeExpectedForbiddenURLs(
{ urls, sources },
cspEnabled = false,
contentCspEnabled = false
) {
let expectedURLs = new Set();
let forbiddenURLs = new Set();
let blockedURLs = new Set();
let blockedSources = new Set();
for (let { href, origin, inline } of urls) {
let { baseURL } = getOriginBase(href);
if (cspEnabled && origin === "page") {
if (inline) {
} else {
} else if (contentCspEnabled && origin === "contentScript") {
if (inline) {
} else {
if (cspEnabled) {
for (let { origin, css } of sources) {
if (origin === "page") {
return { expectedURLs, forbiddenURLs, blockedURLs, blockedSources };
* Awaits the content loads for each of the given expected base URLs,
* and checks that their origin strings are as expected. Triggers a test
* failure if any of the given forbidden URLs is requested.
* @param {Promise<object>} urlsPromise
* A promise which resolves to an object containing expected and
* forbidden URL sets, as returned by {@see computeBaseURLs}.
* @param {Record<string, string>} origins
* A mapping of origin parameters as they appear in URL query
* strings to the origin strings returned by corresponding
* principals. These values are used to test requests against
* their expected origins.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise which resolves when all requests have been
* processed.
function awaitLoads(urlsPromise, origins) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let expectedURLs, forbiddenURLs;
let queuedChannels = [];
let observer;
function checkChannel(channel) {
let origURL = channel.URI.spec;
let { baseURL, origin } = getOriginBase(origURL);
if (forbiddenURLs.has(baseURL)) {
ok(false, `Got unexpected request for forbidden URL ${origURL}`);
if (expectedURLs.has(baseURL)) {
`Got expected origin for URL ${origURL}`
if (!expectedURLs.size) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "http-on-modify-request");
info("Got all expected requests");
urlsPromise.then(urls => {
expectedURLs = new Set(urls.expectedURLs);
forbiddenURLs = new Set([...urls.forbiddenURLs, ...urls.blockedURLs]);
for (let channel of queuedChannels.splice(0)) {
observer = channel => {
if (expectedURLs) {
} else {
Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "http-on-modify-request");
function readUTF8InputStream(stream) {
let buffer = NetUtil.readInputStream(stream, stream.available());
return new TextDecoder().decode(buffer);
* Awaits CSP reports for each of the given forbidden base URLs.
* Triggers a test failure if any of the given expected URLs triggers a
* report.
* @param {Promise<object>} urlsPromise
* A promise which resolves to an object containing expected and
* forbidden URL sets, as returned by {@see computeBaseURLs}.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise which resolves when all requests have been
* processed.
function awaitCSP(urlsPromise) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let expectedURLs, blockedURLs, blockedSources;
let queuedRequests = [];
function checkRequest(request) {
let body = JSON.parse(readUTF8InputStream(request.bodyInputStream));
let report = body["csp-report"];
let origURL = report["blocked-uri"];
if (origURL !== "inline" && origURL !== "") {
let { baseURL } = getOriginBase(origURL);
if (expectedURLs.has(baseURL)) {
ok(false, `Got unexpected CSP report for allowed URL ${origURL}`);
if (blockedURLs.has(baseURL)) {
ok(true, `Got CSP report for forbidden URL ${origURL}`);
let source = report["script-sample"];
if (source) {
if (blockedSources.has(source)) {
`Got CSP report for forbidden inline source ${JSON.stringify(
if (!blockedURLs.size && !blockedSources.size) {
ok(true, "Got all expected CSP reports");
urlsPromise.then(urls => {
blockedURLs = new Set(urls.blockedURLs);
blockedSources = new Set(urls.blockedSources);
({ expectedURLs } = urls);
for (let request of queuedRequests.splice(0)) {
server.registerPathHandler(CSP_REPORT_PATH, (request, response) => {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 204, "No Content");
if (expectedURLs) {
} else {
* A list of tests to run in each context, as understood by
* {@see getElementData}.
const TESTS = [
element: ["audio", {}],
src: "audio.webm",
element: ["audio", {}, ["source", {}]],
src: "audio-source.webm",
// TODO: <frame> element, which requires a frameset document.
// the blocked-uri for frame-navigations is the pre-path URI. For the
// purpose of this test we do not strip the blocked-uri by setting the
// preference 'truncate_blocked_uri_for_frame_navigations'
element: ["iframe", {}],
src: "iframe.html",
element: ["img", {}],
src: "img.png",
element: ["img", {}],
src: "imgset.png",
srcAttr: "srcset",
element: ["input", { type: "image" }],
src: "input.png",
element: ["link", { rel: "stylesheet" }],
src: "link.css",
srcAttr: "href",
element: ["picture", {}, ["source", {}], ["img", {}]],
src: "picture.png",
srcAttr: "srcset",
element: ["script", {}],
src: "script.js",
liveSrc: false,
element: ["video", {}],
src: "video.webm",
element: ["video", {}, ["source", {}]],
src: "video-source.webm",
for (let test of TESTS) {
if (!test.srcAttr) {
test.srcAttr = "src";
if (!("liveSrc" in test)) {
test.liveSrc = true;
* A set of sources for which each of the above tests is expected to
* generate one request, if each of the properties in the value object
* matches the value of the same property in the test object.
// Sources which load with the page context.
const PAGE_SOURCES = {
"contentScript-content-attr-after-inject": { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-content-change-after-inject": { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-inject-after-content-attr": {},
"contentScript-relative-url": {},
pageHTML: {},
pageScript: {},
"pageScript-attr-after-inject": {},
"pageScript-prop": {},
"pageScript-prop-after-inject": {},
"pageScript-relative-url": {},
// Sources which load with the extension context.
contentScript: {},
"contentScript-attr-after-inject": { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-content-inject-after-attr": {},
"contentScript-prop": {},
"contentScript-prop-after-inject": {},
// When our default content script CSP is applied, only
// liveSrc: true are loading. IOW, the "script" test above
// will fail.
contentScript: { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-attr-after-inject": { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-content-inject-after-attr": { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-prop": { liveSrc: true },
"contentScript-prop-after-inject": { liveSrc: true },
// All sources.
`<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script nonce="deadbeef">
${getInjectionScript(TESTS, { source: "pageScript", origin: "page" })}
${ =>
toHTML(test, { source: "pageHTML", origin: "page" })
).join("\n ")}
function catchViolation() {
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/balanced-listeners
document.addEventListener("securitypolicyviolation", e => {
e.documentURI !== "moz-extension",
`securitypolicyviolation: ${e.violatedDirective} ${e.documentURI}`
manifest: {
content_scripts: [
matches: ["http://*/page.html"],
run_at: "document_start",
js: ["violation.js", "content_script.js"],
files: {
"violation.js": catchViolation,
"content_script.js": getInjectionScript(TESTS, {
source: "contentScript",
origin: "contentScript",
const pageURL = `${BASE_URL}/page.html`;
const pageURI =;
// Merges the sets of expected URL and source data returned by separate
// computedExpectedForbiddenURLs and computedBaseURLs calls.
function mergeSources(a, b) {
return {
expectedURLs: new Set([...a.expectedURLs, ...b.expectedURLs]),
forbiddenURLs: new Set([...a.forbiddenURLs, ...b.forbiddenURLs]),
blockedURLs: new Set([...a.blockedURLs, ...b.blockedURLs]),
blockedSources: a.blockedSources || b.blockedSources,
// Returns a set of origin strings for the given extension and content page, for
// use in verifying request triggering principals.
function getOrigins(extension) {
return {
page: Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(pageURI, {})
contentScript: Cu.getObjectPrincipal(
Cu.Sandbox([pageURL, extension.principal])
extension: extension.principal.origin,
* Tests that various types of inline content elements initiate requests
* with the triggering pringipal of the caller that requested the load.
add_task(async function test_contentscript_triggeringPrincipals() {
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(EXTENSION_DATA);
await extension.startup();
let urlsPromise = extension.awaitMessage("css-sources").then(msg => {
return mergeSources(
let origins = getOrigins(extension.extension);
let finished = awaitLoads(urlsPromise, origins);
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(pageURL);
await finished;
await extension.unload();
await contentPage.close();
* Tests that the correct CSP is applied to loads of inline content
* depending on whether the load was initiated by an extension or the
* content page.
add_task(async function test_contentscript_csp() {
// TODO bug 1408193: We currently don't get the full set of CSP reports when
// running in network scheduling chaos mode. It's not entirely clear why.
let chaosMode = parseInt(Services.env.get("MOZ_CHAOSMODE"), 16);
let checkCSPReports = !(chaosMode === 0 || chaosMode & 0x02);
gContentSecurityPolicy = `default-src 'none' 'report-sample'; script-src 'nonce-deadbeef' 'unsafe-eval' 'report-sample'; report-uri ${CSP_REPORT_PATH};`;
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(EXTENSION_DATA);
await extension.startup();
let urlsPromise = extension.awaitMessage("css-sources").then(msg => {
return mergeSources(
computeExpectedForbiddenURLs(msg, true),
let origins = getOrigins(extension.extension);
let finished = Promise.all([
awaitLoads(urlsPromise, origins),
checkCSPReports && awaitCSP(urlsPromise),
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(pageURL);
await finished;
await extension.unload();
await contentPage.close();
* Tests that the correct CSP is applied to loads of inline content
* depending on whether the load was initiated by an extension or the
* content page.
add_task(async function test_extension_contentscript_csp() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true);
// TODO bug 1408193: We currently don't get the full set of CSP reports when
// running in network scheduling chaos mode. It's not entirely clear why.
let chaosMode = parseInt(Services.env.get("MOZ_CHAOSMODE"), 16);
let checkCSPReports = !(chaosMode === 0 || chaosMode & 0x02);
gContentSecurityPolicy = `default-src 'none' 'report-sample'; script-src 'nonce-deadbeef' 'unsafe-eval' 'report-sample'; report-uri ${CSP_REPORT_PATH};`;
let data = {
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
host_permissions: ["*"],
granted_host_permissions: true,
temporarilyInstalled: true,
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(data);
await extension.startup();
let urlsPromise = extension.awaitMessage("css-sources").then(msg => {
return mergeSources(
computeExpectedForbiddenURLs(msg, true, true),
let origins = getOrigins(extension.extension);
let finished = Promise.all([
awaitLoads(urlsPromise, origins),
checkCSPReports && awaitCSP(urlsPromise),
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(pageURL);
await finished;
await extension.unload();
await contentPage.close();