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* Create a variant of big-dom.css by adding a property
* that creates a CSS stacking context for the overflow scroller (<div class="tree-area">)
* to trigger different code paths related to scrolling in browsers.
try {
const fs = require("fs");
const postcss = require("postcss");
const INPUT_FILE_PATH = "./dist/big-dom.css";
const OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = "./dist/big-dom-with-stacking-context-scrollable.css";
const css = fs.readFileSync(INPUT_FILE_PATH, "utf-8");
const root = postcss.parse(css, { from: INPUT_FILE_PATH });
root.walkRules(".tree-area", (rule) => {
rule.append({ prop: "isolation", value: "isolate" });
fs.writeFileSync(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, root.toString());
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred while generating the big dom CSS variant:", error);