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const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
* Builds the complex version of TodoMVC.
* @param {Object} options - The options for building the complex version.
* @param {string} options.callerDirectory - The directory of the caller.
* @param {string} options.sourceDirectory - The directory of the source files.
* @param {string} options.title - The title of the generated HTML file.
* @param {string[]} options.filesToMove - An array of file paths to move to the dist directory.
* @param {string} options.cssFilePath - The path to the CSS file.
* @param {string} [options.cssFolder=""] - The folder where the CSS file is located.
* @param {RegExp} [options.cssFileNamePattern - The css file name pattern is used to find the css file in the source dist directory.
* @param {string[]} options.extraCssToLink=[] - An array of extra CSS files to link.
* @param {string[]} options.scriptsToLink=[] - An array of scripts to link.
* @param {string} options.targetDirectory="./dist" - The target directory.
* @param {string} options.complexDomHtmlFile="index.html" - The name of the complex HTML file.
* @param {string} options.todoHtmlFile="index.html" - The name of the todo HTML file.
* @param {string[]} options.cssFilesToAddLinksFor=["big-dom.css"] - An array of CSS files to add links for.
* @param {string} options.standaloneDirectory - The directory of the TodoMVC standalone version.
* @param {string} options.complexDirectory - The directory of the TodoMVC complex version.
function buildComplex(options) {
const {
cssFolder = "", // sometimes the css file we are looking for may be nested in another folder.
cssFileNamePattern, // This is mandatory if cssFilePath is provided.
extraCssToLink = [],
scriptsToLink = [],
targetDirectory = "./dist",
complexDomHtmlFile = "index.html",
todoHtmlFile = "index.html",
cssFilesToAddLinksFor = ["big-dom.css"],
} = options;
// npm ci in big-dom-generator needs to run before we import JSDOM
let JSDOM;
try {
JSDOM = require("jsdom").JSDOM;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error: jsdom is not installed.");
// Remove dist directory if it exists
fs.rmSync(path.resolve(targetDirectory), { recursive: true, force: true });
// Re-create the directory
// Copy dist folder from javascript-es6-webpack
fs.cpSync(path.join(callerDirectory, sourceDirectory), path.resolve(targetDirectory), { recursive: true });
// Copy files to move
for (let i = 0; i < filesToMove.length; i++) {
// Rename app.css to big-dom.css so it's unique
const sourcePath = path.resolve(callerDirectory, "..", filesToMove[i]);
const fileName = path.basename(filesToMove[i]);
const targetPath = path.join(targetDirectory, fileName);
fs.copyFileSync(sourcePath, targetPath);
if (cssFilePath) {
// Get the name of the CSS file that's in the dist, we do this because the name of the CSS file may change
const cssFolderDirectory = path.join(callerDirectory, sourceDirectory, cssFolder);
const cssFile = fs.readdirSync(cssFolderDirectory, { withFileTypes: true }).find((dirent) => dirent.isFile() && cssFileNamePattern.test(;
// Overwrite the CSS file in the dist directory with the one from the big-dom-generator module
// but keep the existing name so we don't need to add a new link
fs.copyFileSync(cssFilePath, path.resolve(targetDirectory, cssFolder, cssFile));
// Read todo.html file
let html = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(callerDirectory, path.join("..", "dist", todoHtmlFile)), "utf8");
const dom = new JSDOM(html);
const doc = dom.window.document;
const head = doc.querySelector("head");
doc.documentElement.setAttribute("class", "spectrum spectrum--medium spectrum--light");
const body = doc.querySelector("body");
const htmlToInjectInTodoHolder = body.innerHTML;
body.innerHTML = getHtmlBodySync("node_modules/big-dom-generator/dist/index.html");
const titleElement = head.querySelector("title");
titleElement.innerHTML = title;
const todoHolder = doc.createElement("div");
todoHolder.className = "todoholder";
todoHolder.innerHTML = htmlToInjectInTodoHolder;
const todoArea = doc.querySelector(".todo-area");
const cssFilesToAddLinksForFinal = [...cssFilesToAddLinksFor, ...extraCssToLink];
for (const cssFile of cssFilesToAddLinksForFinal) {
const cssLink = doc.createElement("link");
cssLink.rel = "stylesheet";
cssLink.href = cssFile;
for (const script of scriptsToLink) {
const scriptLink = doc.createElement("script");
scriptLink.src = script;
const destinationFilePath = path.join(targetDirectory, complexDomHtmlFile);
fs.writeFileSync(destinationFilePath, dom.serialize());
console.log(`The complex code for ${sourceDirectory} has been written to ${destinationFilePath}.`);
* Performs the prerequisite steps for building the complex version.
* @param {Object} options - The options for building the complex version.
* @param {string} [options.standaloneDirectory] - The directory of the TodoMVC standalone version.
* @param {string} [options.complexDirectory] - The directory of the TodoMVC complex version.
function prepareComplex(options) {
const { standaloneDirectory, complexDirectory } = options;
// Run npm i in big-dom-generator
console.log("Running npm ci in big-dom-generator...");
execSync("npm ci", { cwd: path.join(__dirname, ".."), stdio: "inherit" });
// Run npm i in the standalone directory
console.log(`Running npm ci in the standalone directory: ${standaloneDirectory}`);
execSync("npm ci", { cwd: standaloneDirectory, stdio: "inherit" });
// Run npm run build in the standalone directory
console.log(`Running npm run build in the standalone directory: ${standaloneDirectory}`);
execSync("npm run build", { cwd: standaloneDirectory, stdio: "inherit" });
console.log(`Running npm ci in the complex directory: ${complexDirectory}`);
execSync("npm ci", { cwd: complexDirectory, stdio: "inherit" });
* Gets the HTML body from a file.
* @param {string} filePath - The path of the file.
* @returns {string} The HTML body.
function getHtmlBodySync(filePath) {
let htmlContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
const bodyStartIndex = htmlContent.indexOf("<body>");
const bodyEndIndex = htmlContent.lastIndexOf("</body>");
return htmlContent.substring(bodyStartIndex + 6, bodyEndIndex);
module.exports = { buildComplex };