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class Params {
viewport = {
width: 800,
height: 600,
// Enable a detailed developer menu to change the current Params.
developerMode = false;
startAutomatically = false;
iterationCount = 10;
suites = [];
// A list of tags to filter suites
tags = [];
// Toggle running a dummy suite once before the normal test suites.
useWarmupSuite = false;
// Change how a test measurement is triggered and async time is measured:
// "timer": The classic (as in Speedometer 2.x) way using setTimeout
// "raf": Using rAF callbacks, both for triggering the sync part and for measuring async time.
measurementMethod = "raf"; // or "timer"
// Wait time before the sync step in ms.
waitBeforeSync = 0;
// Warmup time before the sync step in ms.
warmupBeforeSync = 0;
// Seed for shuffling the execution order of suites.
// "off": do not shuffle
// "generate": generate a random seed
// <integer>: use the provided integer as a seed
shuffleSeed = "off";
constructor(searchParams = undefined) {
if (searchParams)
if (!this.developerMode) {
_parseInt(value, errorMessage) {
const number = Number(value);
if (!Number.isInteger(number) && errorMessage)
throw new Error(`Invalid ${errorMessage} param: '${value}', expected int.`);
return parseInt(number);
_copyFromSearchParams(searchParams) {
if (searchParams.has("viewport")) {
const viewportParam = searchParams.get("viewport");
const [width, height] = viewportParam.split("x");
this.viewport.width = this._parseInt(width, "viewport.width");
this.viewport.height = this._parseInt(height, "viewport.height");
if (this.viewport.width < 800 || this.viewport.height < 600)
throw new Error(`Invalid viewport param: ${viewportParam}`);
this.startAutomatically = searchParams.has("startAutomatically");
if (searchParams.has("iterationCount")) {
this.iterationCount = this._parseInt(searchParams.get("iterationCount"), "iterationCount");
if (this.iterationCount < 1)
throw new Error(`Invalid iterationCount param: '${this.iterationCount}', must be > 1.`);
if (searchParams.has("suite") || searchParams.has("suites")) {
if (searchParams.has("suite") && searchParams.has("suites"))
throw new Error("Params 'suite' and 'suites' can not be used together.");
const value = searchParams.get("suite") || searchParams.get("suites");
this.suites = value.split(",");
if (this.suites.length === 0)
throw new Error("No suites selected");
if (searchParams.has("tags")) {
if (this.suites.length)
throw new Error("'suites' and 'tags' cannot be used together.");
this.tags = searchParams.get("tags").split(",");
this.developerMode = searchParams.has("developerMode");
if (searchParams.has("useWarmupSuite")) {
this.useWarmupSuite = true;
if (searchParams.has("waitBeforeSync")) {
this.waitBeforeSync = this._parseInt(searchParams.get("waitBeforeSync"), "waitBeforeSync");
if (this.waitBeforeSync < 0)
throw new Error(`Invalid waitBeforeSync param: '${this.waitBeforeSync}', must be >= 0.`);
if (searchParams.has("warmupBeforeSync")) {
this.warmupBeforeSync = this._parseInt(searchParams.get("warmupBeforeSync"), "warmupBeforeSync");
if (this.warmupBeforeSync < 0)
throw new Error(`Invalid warmupBeforeSync param: '${this.warmupBeforeSync}', must be >= 0.`);
if (searchParams.has("measurementMethod")) {
this.measurementMethod = searchParams.get("measurementMethod");
if (this.measurementMethod !== "timer" && this.measurementMethod !== "raf")
throw new Error(`Invalid measurement method: '${this.measurementMethod}', must be either 'raf' or 'timer'.`);
if (searchParams.has("shuffleSeed")) {
this.shuffleSeed = searchParams.get("shuffleSeed");
if (this.shuffleSeed !== "off") {
if (this.shuffleSeed === "generate") {
this.shuffleSeed = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1) << 16);
console.log(`Generated a random suite order seed: ${this.shuffleSeed}`);
} else {
this.shuffleSeed = parseInt(this.shuffleSeed);
if (!Number.isInteger(this.shuffleSeed))
throw new Error(`Invalid shuffle seed: '${this.shuffleSeed}', must be either 'off', 'generate' or an integer.`);
const unused = Array.from(searchParams.keys());
if (unused.length > 0)
console.error("Got unused search params", unused);
toSearchParams() {
const rawParams = { ...this };
rawParams["viewport"] = `${this.viewport.width}x${this.viewport.height}`;
return new URLSearchParams(rawParams).toString();
export const defaultParams = new Params();
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
let maybeCustomParams = new Params();
try {
maybeCustomParams = new Params(searchParams);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Invalid URL Param", e, "\nUsing defaults as fallback:", maybeCustomParams);
alert(`Invalid URL Param: ${e}`);
export const params = maybeCustomParams;