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// Copyright 2022 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: log/globals.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This header declares global logging library configuration knobs.
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/log_severity.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
namespace absl {
// Minimum Log Level
// Messages logged at or above this severity are directed to all registered log
// sinks or skipped otherwise. This parameter can also be modified using
// command line flag --minloglevel.
// See absl/base/log_severity.h for descriptions of severity levels.
// MinLogLevel()
// Returns the value of the Minimum Log Level parameter.
// This function is async-signal-safe.
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT absl::LogSeverityAtLeast MinLogLevel();
// SetMinLogLevel()
// Updates the value of Minimum Log Level parameter.
// This function is async-signal-safe.
void SetMinLogLevel(absl::LogSeverityAtLeast severity);
namespace log_internal {
// ScopedMinLogLevel
// RAII type used to temporarily update the Min Log Level parameter.
class ScopedMinLogLevel final {
explicit ScopedMinLogLevel(absl::LogSeverityAtLeast severity);
ScopedMinLogLevel(const ScopedMinLogLevel&) = delete;
ScopedMinLogLevel& operator=(const ScopedMinLogLevel&) = delete;
absl::LogSeverityAtLeast saved_severity_;
} // namespace log_internal
// Stderr Threshold
// Messages logged at or above this level are directed to stderr in
// addition to other registered log sinks. This parameter can also be modified
// using command line flag --stderrthreshold.
// See absl/base/log_severity.h for descriptions of severity levels.
// StderrThreshold()
// Returns the value of the Stderr Threshold parameter.
// This function is async-signal-safe.
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT absl::LogSeverityAtLeast StderrThreshold();
// SetStderrThreshold()
// Updates the Stderr Threshold parameter.
// This function is async-signal-safe.
void SetStderrThreshold(absl::LogSeverityAtLeast severity);
inline void SetStderrThreshold(absl::LogSeverity severity) {
// ScopedStderrThreshold
// RAII type used to temporarily update the Stderr Threshold parameter.
class ScopedStderrThreshold final {
explicit ScopedStderrThreshold(absl::LogSeverityAtLeast severity);
ScopedStderrThreshold(const ScopedStderrThreshold&) = delete;
ScopedStderrThreshold& operator=(const ScopedStderrThreshold&) = delete;
absl::LogSeverityAtLeast saved_severity_;
// Log Backtrace At
// Users can request an existing `LOG` statement, specified by file and line
// number, to also include a backtrace when logged.
// ShouldLogBacktraceAt()
// Returns true if we should log a backtrace at the specified location.
namespace log_internal {
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool ShouldLogBacktraceAt(absl::string_view file,
int line);
} // namespace log_internal
// SetLogBacktraceLocation()
// Sets the location the backtrace should be logged at. If the specified
// location isn't a `LOG` statement, the effect will be the same as
// `ClearLogBacktraceLocation` (but less efficient).
void SetLogBacktraceLocation(absl::string_view file, int line);
// ClearLogBacktraceLocation()
// Clears the set location so that backtraces will no longer be logged at it.
void ClearLogBacktraceLocation();
// Prepend Log Prefix
// This option tells the logging library that every logged message
// should include the prefix (severity, date, time, PID, etc.)
// ShouldPrependLogPrefix()
// Returns the value of the Prepend Log Prefix option.
// This function is async-signal-safe.
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool ShouldPrependLogPrefix();
// EnableLogPrefix()
// Updates the value of the Prepend Log Prefix option.
// This function is async-signal-safe.
void EnableLogPrefix(bool on_off);
// Configure Android Native Log Tag
// The logging library forwards to the Android system log API when built for
// Android. That API takes a string "tag" value in addition to a message and
// severity level. The tag is used to identify the source of messages and to
// filter them. This library uses the tag "native" by default.
// SetAndroidNativeTag()
// Stores a copy of the string pointed to by `tag` and uses it as the Android
// logging tag thereafter. `tag` must not be null.
// This function must not be called more than once!
void SetAndroidNativeTag(const char* tag);
namespace log_internal {
// GetAndroidNativeTag()
// Returns the configured Android logging tag.
const char* GetAndroidNativeTag();
} // namespace log_internal
namespace log_internal {
using LoggingGlobalsListener = void (*)();
void SetLoggingGlobalsListener(LoggingGlobalsListener l);
// Internal implementation for the setter routines. These are used
// to break circular dependencies between flags and globals. Each "Raw"
// routine corresponds to the non-"Raw" counterpart and used to set the
// configuration parameter directly without calling back to the listener.
void RawSetMinLogLevel(absl::LogSeverityAtLeast severity);
void RawSetStderrThreshold(absl::LogSeverityAtLeast severity);
void RawEnableLogPrefix(bool on_off);
} // namespace log_internal
} // namespace absl