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// Public API
// ==========
// The main governing power behind the http2 API design is that it should look very similar to the
// existing node.js [HTTPS API][1] (which is, in turn, almost identical to the [HTTP API][2]). The
// additional features of HTTP/2 are exposed as extensions to this API. Furthermore, node-http2
// should fall back to using HTTP/1.1 if needed. Compatibility with undocumented or deprecated
// elements of the node.js HTTP/HTTPS API is a non-goal.
// Additional and modified API elements
// ------------------------------------
// - **Class: http2.Endpoint**: an API for using the raw HTTP/2 framing layer. For documentation
// see [protocol/endpoint.js](protocol/endpoint.html).
// - **Class: http2.Server**
// - **Event: 'connection' (socket, [endpoint])**: there's a second argument if the negotiation of
// HTTP/2 was successful: the reference to the [Endpoint](protocol/endpoint.html) object tied to the
// socket.
// - **http2.createServer(options, [requestListener])**: additional option:
// - **Class: http2.ServerResponse**
// - **response.push(options)**: initiates a server push. `options` describes the 'imaginary'
// request to which the push stream is a response; the possible options are identical to the
// ones accepted by `http2.request`. Returns a ServerResponse object that can be used to send
// the response headers and content.
// - **Class: http2.Agent**
// - **new Agent(options)**: additional option:
// - **agent.sockets**: only contains TCP sockets that corresponds to HTTP/1 requests.
// - **agent.endpoints**: contains [Endpoint](protocol/endpoint.html) objects for HTTP/2 connections.
// - **http2.request(options, [callback])**:
// - similar to http.request
// - **http2.get(options, [callback])**:
// - similar to http.get
// - **Class: http2.ClientRequest**
// - **Event: 'socket' (socket)**: in case of an HTTP/2 incoming message, `socket` is a reference
// to the associated [HTTP/2 Stream](protocol/stream.html) object (and not to the TCP socket).
// - **Event: 'push' (promise)**: signals the intention of a server push associated to this
// request. `promise` is an IncomingPromise. If there's no listener for this event, the server
// push is cancelled.
// - **request.setPriority(priority)**: assign a priority to this request. `priority` is a number
// between 0 (highest priority) and 2^31-1 (lowest priority). Default value is 2^30.
// - **Class: http2.IncomingMessage**
// - has two subclasses for easier interface description: **IncomingRequest** and
// **IncomingResponse**
// - **message.socket**: in case of an HTTP/2 incoming message, it's a reference to the associated
// [HTTP/2 Stream](protocol/stream.html) object (and not to the TCP socket).
// - **Class: http2.IncomingRequest (IncomingMessage)**
// - **message.url**: in case of an HTTP/2 incoming request, the `url` field always contains the
// path, and never a full url (it contains the path in most cases in the HTTPS api as well).
// - **message.scheme**: additional field. Mandatory HTTP/2 request metadata.
// - ****: additional field. Mandatory HTTP/2 request metadata. Note that this
// replaces the old Host header field, but node-http2 will add Host to the `message.headers` for
// backwards compatibility.
// - **Class: http2.IncomingPromise (IncomingRequest)**
// - contains the metadata of the 'imaginary' request to which the server push is an answer.
// - **Event: 'response' (response)**: signals the arrival of the actual push stream. `response`
// is an IncomingResponse.
// - **Event: 'push' (promise)**: signals the intention of a server push associated to this
// request. `promise` is an IncomingPromise. If there's no listener for this event, the server
// push is cancelled.
// - **promise.cancel()**: cancels the promised server push.
// - **promise.setPriority(priority)**: assign a priority to this push stream. `priority` is a
// number between 0 (highest priority) and 2^31-1 (lowest priority). Default value is 2^30.
// API elements not yet implemented
// --------------------------------
// - **Class: http2.Server**
// - **server.maxHeadersCount**
// API elements that are not applicable to HTTP/2
// ----------------------------------------------
// The reason may be deprecation of certain HTTP/1.1 features, or that some API elements simply
// don't make sense when using HTTP/2. These will not be present when a request is done with HTTP/2,
// but will function normally when falling back to using HTTP/1.1.
// - **Class: http2.Server**
// - **Event: 'checkContinue'**: not in the spec
// - **Event: 'upgrade'**: upgrade is deprecated in HTTP/2
// - **Event: 'timeout'**: HTTP/2 sockets won't timeout because of application level keepalive
// (PING frames)
// - **Event: 'connect'**: not yet supported
// - **server.setTimeout(msecs, [callback])**
// - **server.timeout**
// - **Class: http2.ServerResponse**
// - **Event: 'close'**
// - **Event: 'timeout'**
// - **response.writeContinue()**
// - **response.writeHead(statusCode, [reasonPhrase], [headers])**: reasonPhrase will always be
// ignored since [it's not supported in HTTP/2][3]
// - **response.setTimeout(timeout, [callback])**
// - **Class: http2.Agent**
// - **agent.maxSockets**: only affects HTTP/1 connection pool. When using HTTP/2, there's always
// one connection per host.
// - **Class: http2.ClientRequest**
// - **Event: 'upgrade'**
// - **Event: 'connect'**
// - **Event: 'continue'**
// - **request.setTimeout(timeout, [callback])**
// - **request.setNoDelay([noDelay])**
// - **request.setSocketKeepAlive([enable], [initialDelay])**
// - **Class: http2.IncomingMessage**
// - **Event: 'close'**
// - **message.setTimeout(timeout, [callback])**
// Common server and client side code
// ==================================
var net = require('net');
var url = require('url');
var util = require('util');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;
var Readable = require('stream').Readable;
var Writable = require('stream').Writable;
var protocol = require('./protocol');
var Endpoint = protocol.Endpoint;
var http = require('http');
var https = require('https');
exports.IncomingMessage = IncomingMessage;
exports.OutgoingMessage = OutgoingMessage;
exports.protocol = protocol;
var deprecatedHeaders = [
// When doing NPN/ALPN negotiation, HTTP/1.1 is used as fallback
var supportedProtocols = [protocol.VERSION, 'http/1.1', 'http/1.0'];
// Ciphersuite list based on the recommendations of
// The only modification is that kEDH+AESGCM were placed after DHE and ECDHE suites
var cipherSuites = [
// Logging
// -------
// Logger shim, used when no logger is provided by the user.
function noop() {}
var defaultLogger = {
fatal: noop,
error: noop,
warn : noop,
info : noop,
debug: noop,
trace: noop,
child: function() { return this; }
// Bunyan serializers exported by submodules that are worth adding when creating a logger.
exports.serializers = protocol.serializers;
// IncomingMessage class
// ---------------------
function IncomingMessage(stream) {
// * This is basically a read-only wrapper for the [Stream](protocol/stream.html) class.;
this.socket = = stream;
this._log = stream._log.child({ component: 'http' });
// * HTTP/2.0 does not define a way to carry the version identifier that is included in the
// HTTP/1.1 request/status line. Version is always 2.0.
this.httpVersion = '2.0';
this.httpVersionMajor = 2;
this.httpVersionMinor = 0;
// * `this.headers` will store the regular headers (and none of the special colon headers)
this.headers = {};
this.trailers = undefined;
this._lastHeadersSeen = undefined;
// * Other metadata is filled in when the headers arrive.
stream.once('headers', this._onHeaders.bind(this));
stream.once('end', this._onEnd.bind(this));
IncomingMessage.prototype = Object.create(PassThrough.prototype, { constructor: { value: IncomingMessage } });
// * `headers` argument: HTTP/2.0 request and response header fields carry information as a series
// of key-value pairs. This includes the target URI for the request, the status code for the
// response, as well as HTTP header fields.
IncomingMessage.prototype._onHeaders = function _onHeaders(headers) {
// * Detects malformed headers
// * Store the _regular_ headers in `this.headers`
for (var name in headers) {
if (name[0] !== ':') {
if (name === 'set-cookie' && !Array.isArray(headers[name])) {
this.headers[name] = [headers[name]];
} else {
this.headers[name] = headers[name];
// * The last header block, if it's not the first, will represent the trailers
var self = this;'headers', function(headers) {
self._lastHeadersSeen = headers;
IncomingMessage.prototype._onEnd = function _onEnd() {
this.trailers = this._lastHeadersSeen;
IncomingMessage.prototype.setTimeout = noop;
IncomingMessage.prototype._checkSpecialHeader = function _checkSpecialHeader(key, value) {
if ((typeof value !== 'string') || (value.length === 0)) {
this._log.error({ key: key, value: value }, 'Invalid or missing special header field');'PROTOCOL_ERROR');
return value;
IncomingMessage.prototype._validateHeaders = function _validateHeaders(headers) {
// * An HTTP/2.0 request or response MUST NOT include any of the following header fields:
// Connection, Host, Keep-Alive, Proxy-Connection, Transfer-Encoding, and Upgrade. A server
// MUST treat the presence of any of these header fields as a stream error of type
// If the TE header is present, it's only valid value is 'trailers'
for (var i = 0; i < deprecatedHeaders.length; i++) {
var key = deprecatedHeaders[i];
if (key in headers || (key === 'te' && headers[key] !== 'trailers')) {
this._log.error({ key: key, value: headers[key] }, 'Deprecated header found');'PROTOCOL_ERROR');
for (var headerName in headers) {
// * Empty header name field is malformed
if (headerName.length <= 1) {'PROTOCOL_ERROR');
// * A request or response containing uppercase header name field names MUST be
// treated as malformed (Section Implementations that detect malformed
// requests or responses need to ensure that the stream ends.
if(/[A-Z]/.test(headerName)) {'PROTOCOL_ERROR');
// OutgoingMessage class
// ---------------------
function OutgoingMessage() {
// * This is basically a read-only wrapper for the [Stream](protocol/stream.html) class.;
this._headers = {};
this._trailers = undefined;
this.headersSent = false;
this.finished = false;
this.on('finish', this._finish);
OutgoingMessage.prototype = Object.create(Writable.prototype, { constructor: { value: OutgoingMessage } });
OutgoingMessage.prototype._write = function _write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
if ( {, encoding, callback);
} else {
this.once('socket', this._write.bind(this, chunk, encoding, callback));
OutgoingMessage.prototype._finish = function _finish() {
if ( {
if (this._trailers) {
if (this.request) {
} else {;
this.finished = true;;
} else {
this.once('socket', this._finish.bind(this));
OutgoingMessage.prototype.setHeader = function setHeader(name, value) {
if (this.headersSent) {
return this.emit('error', new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.'));
} else {
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (deprecatedHeaders.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
return this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot set deprecated header: ' + name));
this._headers[name] = value;
OutgoingMessage.prototype.removeHeader = function removeHeader(name) {
if (this.headersSent) {
return this.emit('error', new Error('Can\'t remove headers after they are sent.'));
} else {
delete this._headers[name.toLowerCase()];
OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeader = function getHeader(name) {
return this._headers[name.toLowerCase()];
OutgoingMessage.prototype.addTrailers = function addTrailers(trailers) {
this._trailers = trailers;
OutgoingMessage.prototype.setTimeout = noop;
OutgoingMessage.prototype._checkSpecialHeader = IncomingMessage.prototype._checkSpecialHeader;
// Server side
// ===========
exports.Server = Server;
exports.IncomingRequest = IncomingRequest;
exports.OutgoingResponse = OutgoingResponse;
exports.ServerResponse = OutgoingResponse; // for API compatibility
// Forward events `event` on `source` to all listeners on `target`.
// Note: The calling context is `source`.
function forwardEvent(event, source, target) {
function forward() {
var listeners = target.listeners(event);
var n = listeners.length;
// Special case for `error` event with no listeners.
if (n === 0 && event === 'error') {
var args = [event];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
target.emit.apply(target, args);
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
listeners[i].apply(source, arguments);
source.on(event, forward);
// A reference to the function is necessary to be able to stop
// forwarding.
return forward;
// Server class
// ------------
function Server(options) {
options = util._extend({}, options);
this._log = (options.log || defaultLogger).child({ component: 'http' });
this._settings = options.settings;
var start = this._start.bind(this);
var fallback = this._fallback.bind(this);
// HTTP2 over TLS (using NPN or ALPN)
if ((options.key && options.cert) || options.pfx) {'Creating HTTP/2 server over TLS');
this._mode = 'tls';
options.ALPNProtocols = supportedProtocols;
options.NPNProtocols = supportedProtocols;
options.ciphers = options.ciphers || cipherSuites;
options.honorCipherOrder = (options.honorCipherOrder != false);
this._server = https.createServer(options);
this._originalSocketListeners = this._server.listeners('secureConnection');
this._server.on('secureConnection', function(socket) {
var negotiatedProtocol = socket.alpnProtocol || socket.npnProtocol;
// It's true that the client MUST use SNI, but if it doesn't, we don't care, don't fall back to HTTP/1,
// since if the ALPN negotiation is otherwise successful, the client thinks we speak HTTP/2 but we don't.
if (negotiatedProtocol === protocol.VERSION) {
} else {
this._server.on('request', this.emit.bind(this, 'request'));
this._server.on('connect', this.emit.bind(this, 'connect'));
forwardEvent('error', this._server, this);
forwardEvent('listening', this._server, this);
// HTTP2 over plain TCP
else if (options.plain) {'Creating HTTP/2 server over plain TCP');
this._mode = 'plain';
this._server = net.createServer(start);
// HTTP/2 with HTTP/1.1 upgrade
else {
this._log.error('Trying to create HTTP/2 server with Upgrade from HTTP/1.1');
throw new Error('HTTP1.1 -> HTTP2 upgrade is not yet supported. Please provide TLS keys.');
this._server.on('close', this.emit.bind(this, 'close'));
Server.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, { constructor: { value: Server } });
// Starting HTTP/2
Server.prototype._start = function _start(socket) {
var endpoint = new Endpoint(this._log, 'SERVER', this._settings);{ e: endpoint,
client: socket.remoteAddress + ':' + socket.remotePort,
SNI: socket.servername
}, 'New incoming HTTP/2 connection');
var self = this;
endpoint.on('stream', function _onStream(stream) {
var response = new OutgoingResponse(stream);
var request = new IncomingRequest(stream);
// Some conformance to Node.js Https specs allows to distinguish clients:
request.remoteAddress = socket.remoteAddress;
request.remotePort = socket.remotePort;
request.connection = request.socket = response.socket = socket;
request.once('ready', self.emit.bind(self, 'request', request, response));
endpoint.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'clientError'));
socket.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'clientError'));
this.emit('connection', socket, endpoint);
Server.prototype._fallback = function _fallback(socket) {
var negotiatedProtocol = socket.alpnProtocol || socket.npnProtocol;{ client: socket.remoteAddress + ':' + socket.remotePort,
protocol: negotiatedProtocol,
SNI: socket.servername
}, 'Falling back to simple HTTPS');
for (var i = 0; i < this._originalSocketListeners.length; i++) {
this._originalSocketListeners[i].call(this._server, socket);
this.emit('connection', socket);
// There are [3 possible signatures][1] of the `listen` function. Every arguments is forwarded to
// the backing TCP or HTTPS server.
Server.prototype.listen = function listen(port, hostname) {{ on: ((typeof hostname === 'string') ? (hostname + ':' + port) : port) },
'Listening for incoming connections');
this._server.listen.apply(this._server, arguments);
return this._server;
Server.prototype.close = function close(callback) {'Closing server');
Server.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(timeout, callback) {
if (this._mode === 'tls') {
this._server.setTimeout(timeout, callback);
Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'timeout', {
get: function getTimeout() {
if (this._mode === 'tls') {
return this._server.timeout;
} else {
return undefined;
set: function setTimeout(timeout) {
if (this._mode === 'tls') {
this._server.timeout = timeout;
// Overriding `EventEmitter`'s `on(event, listener)` method to forward certain subscriptions to
// `server`.There are events on the `http.Server` class where it makes difference whether someone is
// listening on the event or not. In these cases, we can not simply forward the events from the
// `server` to `this` since that means a listener. Instead, we forward the subscriptions.
Server.prototype.on = function on(event, listener) {
if ((event === 'upgrade') || (event === 'timeout')) {
return this._server.on(event, listener && listener.bind(this));
} else {
return, event, listener);
// `addContext` is used to add Server Name Indication contexts
Server.prototype.addContext = function addContext(hostname, credentials) {
if (this._mode === 'tls') {
this._server.addContext(hostname, credentials);
Server.prototype.address = function address() {
return this._server.address()
function createServerRaw(options, requestListener) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
requestListener = options;
options = {};
if (options.pfx || (options.key && options.cert)) {
throw new Error('options.pfx, options.key, and options.cert are nonsensical!');
options.plain = true;
var server = new Server(options);
if (requestListener) {
server.on('request', requestListener);
return server;
function createServerTLS(options, requestListener) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
throw new Error('options are required!');
if (!options.pfx && !(options.key && options.cert)) {
throw new Error('options.pfx or options.key and options.cert are required!');
options.plain = false;
var server = new Server(options);
if (requestListener) {
server.on('request', requestListener);
return server;
// Exposed main interfaces for HTTPS connections (the default)
exports.https = {};
exports.createServer = exports.https.createServer = createServerTLS;
exports.request = exports.https.request = requestTLS;
exports.get = exports.https.get = getTLS;
// Exposed main interfaces for raw TCP connections (not recommended)
exports.raw = {};
exports.raw.createServer = createServerRaw;
exports.raw.request = requestRaw;
exports.raw.get = getRaw;
// Exposed main interfaces for HTTP plaintext upgrade connections (not implemented)
function notImplemented() {
throw new Error('HTTP UPGRADE is not implemented!');
exports.http = {};
exports.http.createServer = exports.http.request = exports.http.get = notImplemented;
// IncomingRequest class
// ---------------------
function IncomingRequest(stream) {, stream);
IncomingRequest.prototype = Object.create(IncomingMessage.prototype, { constructor: { value: IncomingRequest } });
// * `headers` argument: HTTP/2.0 request and response header fields carry information as a series
// of key-value pairs. This includes the target URI for the request, the status code for the
// response, as well as HTTP header fields.
IncomingRequest.prototype._onHeaders = function _onHeaders(headers) {
// * The ":method" header field includes the HTTP method
// * The ":scheme" header field includes the scheme portion of the target URI
// * The ":authority" header field includes the authority portion of the target URI
// * The ":path" header field includes the path and query parts of the target URI.
// This field MUST NOT be empty; URIs that do not contain a path component MUST include a value
// of '/', unless the request is an OPTIONS request for '*', in which case the ":path" header
// field MUST include '*'.
// * All HTTP/2.0 requests MUST include exactly one valid value for all of these header fields. A
// server MUST treat the absence of any of these header fields, presence of multiple values, or
// an invalid value as a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
this.method = this._checkSpecialHeader(':method' , headers[':method']); = this._checkSpecialHeader(':authority', headers[':authority'] );
if (this.method == "CONNECT") {
this.scheme = headers[':scheme'];
this.url = headers[':path'];
if (!this.method || ! {
// This is invalid, and we've sent a RST_STREAM, so don't continue processing
} else {
this.scheme = this._checkSpecialHeader(':scheme' , headers[':scheme']);
this.url = this._checkSpecialHeader(':path' , headers[':path'] );
if (!this.method || !this.scheme || ! || !this.url) {
// This is invalid, and we've sent a RST_STREAM, so don't continue processing
// * Host header is included in the headers object for backwards compatibility. =;
// * Handling regular headers., headers);
// * Signaling that the headers arrived.{ method: this.method, scheme: this.scheme, host:,
path: this.url, headers: this.headers }, 'Incoming request');
// OutgoingResponse class
// ----------------------
function OutgoingResponse(stream) {;
this._log = stream._log.child({ component: 'http' }); = stream;
this.statusCode = 200;
this.sendDate = true;'headers', this._onRequestHeaders.bind(this));
OutgoingResponse.prototype = Object.create(OutgoingMessage.prototype, { constructor: { value: OutgoingResponse } });
OutgoingResponse.prototype.writeHead = function writeHead(statusCode, reasonPhrase, headers) {
if (this.headersSent) {
if (typeof reasonPhrase === 'string') {
this._log.warn('Reason phrase argument was present but ignored by the writeHead method');
} else {
headers = reasonPhrase;
for (var name in headers) {
this.setHeader(name, headers[name]);
headers = this._headers;
if (this.sendDate && !('date' in this._headers)) { = (new Date()).toUTCString();
}{ status: statusCode, headers: this._headers }, 'Sending server response');
headers[':status'] = this.statusCode = statusCode;;
if (statusCode >= 200) {
this.headersSent = true;
} else {
this._headers = {};
OutgoingResponse.prototype._implicitHeaders = function _implicitHeaders() {
if (!this.headersSent) {
OutgoingResponse.prototype._implicitHeader = function() {
OutgoingResponse.prototype.write = function write() {
return OutgoingMessage.prototype.write.apply(this, arguments);
OutgoingResponse.prototype.end = function end() {
this.finshed = true;
return OutgoingMessage.prototype.end.apply(this, arguments);
OutgoingResponse.prototype._onRequestHeaders = function _onRequestHeaders(headers) {
this._requestHeaders = headers;
OutgoingResponse.prototype.push = function push(options) {
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = url.parse(options);
if (!options.path) {
throw new Error('`path` option is mandatory.');
var promise = util._extend({
':method': (options.method || 'GET').toUpperCase(),
':scheme': (options.protocol && options.protocol.slice(0, -1)) || this._requestHeaders[':scheme'],
':authority': options.hostname || || this._requestHeaders[':authority'],
':path': options.path
}, options.headers);{ method: promise[':method'], scheme: promise[':scheme'],
authority: promise[':authority'], path: promise[':path'],
headers: options.headers }, 'Promising push stream');
var pushStream =;
return new OutgoingResponse(pushStream);
OutgoingResponse.prototype.altsvc = function altsvc(host, port, protocolID, maxAge, origin) {
if (origin === undefined) {
origin = "";
}, port, protocolID, maxAge, origin);
// Overriding `EventEmitter`'s `on(event, listener)` method to forward certain subscriptions to
// `request`. See `Server.prototype.on` for explanation.
OutgoingResponse.prototype.on = function on(event, listener) {
if (this.request && (event === 'timeout')) {
this.request.on(event, listener && listener.bind(this));
} else {, event, listener);
// Client side
// ===========
exports.ClientRequest = OutgoingRequest; // for API compatibility
exports.OutgoingRequest = OutgoingRequest;
exports.IncomingResponse = IncomingResponse;
exports.Agent = Agent;
exports.globalAgent = undefined;
function requestRaw(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = url.parse(options);
options.plain = true;
if (options.protocol && options.protocol !== "http:") {
throw new Error('This interface only supports http-schemed URLs');
if (options.agent && typeof(options.agent.request) === 'function') {
var agentOptions = util._extend({}, options);
delete agentOptions.agent;
return options.agent.request(agentOptions, callback);
return exports.globalAgent.request(options, callback);
function requestTLS(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = url.parse(options);
options.plain = false;
if (options.protocol && options.protocol !== "https:") {
throw new Error('This interface only supports https-schemed URLs');
if (options.agent && typeof(options.agent.request) === 'function') {
var agentOptions = util._extend({}, options);
delete agentOptions.agent;
return options.agent.request(agentOptions, callback);
return exports.globalAgent.request(options, callback);
function getRaw(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = url.parse(options);
options.plain = true;
if (options.protocol && options.protocol !== "http:") {
throw new Error('This interface only supports http-schemed URLs');
if (options.agent && typeof(options.agent.get) === 'function') {
var agentOptions = util._extend({}, options);
delete agentOptions.agent;
return options.agent.get(agentOptions, callback);
return exports.globalAgent.get(options, callback);
function getTLS(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = url.parse(options);
options.plain = false;
if (options.protocol && options.protocol !== "https:") {
throw new Error('This interface only supports https-schemed URLs');
if (options.agent && typeof(options.agent.get) === 'function') {
var agentOptions = util._extend({}, options);
delete agentOptions.agent;
return options.agent.get(agentOptions, callback);
return exports.globalAgent.get(options, callback);
// Agent class
// -----------
function Agent(options) {;
options = util._extend({}, options);
this._settings = options.settings;
this._log = (options.log || defaultLogger).child({ component: 'http' });
this.endpoints = {};
// * Using an own HTTPS agent, because the global agent does not look at `NPN/ALPNProtocols` when
// generating the key identifying the connection, so we may get useless non-negotiated TLS
// channels even if we ask for a negotiated one. This agent will contain only negotiated
// channels.
options.ALPNProtocols = supportedProtocols;
options.NPNProtocols = supportedProtocols;
this._httpsAgent = new https.Agent(options);
this.sockets = this._httpsAgent.sockets;
this.requests = this._httpsAgent.requests;
Agent.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, { constructor: { value: Agent } });
Agent.prototype.request = function request(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = url.parse(options);
} else {
options = util._extend({}, options);
options.method = (options.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
options.protocol = options.protocol || 'https:'; = options.hostname || || 'localhost';
options.port = options.port || 443;
options.path = options.path || '/';
if (!options.plain && options.protocol === 'http:') {
this._log.error('Trying to negotiate client request with Upgrade from HTTP/1.1');
this.emit('error', new Error('HTTP1.1 -> HTTP2 upgrade is not yet supported.'));
var request = new OutgoingRequest(this._log);
if (callback) {
request.on('response', callback);
var key = [
var self = this;
// * There's an existing HTTP/2 connection to this host
if (key in this.endpoints) {
var endpoint = this.endpoints[key];
request._start(endpoint.createStream(), options);
// * HTTP/2 over plain TCP
else if (options.plain) {
endpoint = new Endpoint(this._log, 'CLIENT', this._settings);
endpoint.socket = net.connect({
port: options.port,
localAddress: options.localAddress
endpoint.socket.on('error', function (error) {
self._log.error('Socket error: ' + error.toString());
request.emit('error', error);
endpoint.on('error', function(error){
self._log.error('Connection error: ' + error.toString());
request.emit('error', error);
this.endpoints[key] = endpoint;
request._start(endpoint.createStream(), options);
// * HTTP/2 over TLS negotiated using NPN or ALPN, or fallback to HTTPS1
else {
var started = false;
var createAgent = hasAgentOptions(options);
options.ALPNProtocols = supportedProtocols;
options.NPNProtocols = supportedProtocols;
options.servername =; // Server Name Indication
options.ciphers = options.ciphers || cipherSuites;
if (createAgent) {
options.agent = new https.Agent(options);
} else if (options.agent == null) {
options.agent = this._httpsAgent;
var httpsRequest = https.request(options);
httpsRequest.on('error', function (error) {
self._log.error('Socket error: ' + error.toString());
request.emit('error', error);
httpsRequest.on('socket', function(socket) {
var negotiatedProtocol = socket.alpnProtocol || socket.npnProtocol;
if (negotiatedProtocol != null) { // null in >=0.11.0, undefined in <0.11.0
} else {
socket.on('secureConnect', negotiated);
function negotiated() {
var endpoint;
var negotiatedProtocol = httpsRequest.socket.alpnProtocol || httpsRequest.socket.npnProtocol;
if (negotiatedProtocol === protocol.VERSION) {
endpoint = new Endpoint(self._log, 'CLIENT', self._settings);
endpoint.socket = httpsRequest.socket;
if (started) {
// ** In the meantime, an other connection was made to the same host...
if (endpoint) {
// *** and it turned out to be HTTP2 and the request was multiplexed on that one, so we should close this one
// *** otherwise, the fallback to HTTPS1 is already done.
} else {
if (endpoint) {{ e: endpoint, server: + ':' + options.port },
'New outgoing HTTP/2 connection');
self.endpoints[key] = endpoint;
self.emit(key, endpoint);
} else {
self.emit(key, undefined);
this.once(key, function(endpoint) {
started = true;
if (endpoint) {
request._start(endpoint.createStream(), options);
} else {
return request;
Agent.prototype.get = function get(options, callback) {
var request = this.request(options, callback);
return request;
Agent.prototype.destroy = function(error) {
if (this._httpsAgent) {
for (var key in this.endpoints) {
function unbundleSocket(socket) {
delete socket.ondata;
delete socket.onend;
function hasAgentOptions(options) {
return options.pfx != null ||
options.key != null ||
options.passphrase != null ||
options.cert != null || != null ||
options.ciphers != null ||
options.rejectUnauthorized != null ||
options.secureProtocol != null;
Object.defineProperty(Agent.prototype, 'maxSockets', {
get: function getMaxSockets() {
return this._httpsAgent.maxSockets;
set: function setMaxSockets(value) {
this._httpsAgent.maxSockets = value;
exports.globalAgent = new Agent();
// OutgoingRequest class
// ---------------------
function OutgoingRequest() {;
this._log = undefined; = undefined;
OutgoingRequest.prototype = Object.create(OutgoingMessage.prototype, { constructor: { value: OutgoingRequest } });
OutgoingRequest.prototype._start = function _start(stream, options) { = stream;
this.options = options;
this._log = stream._log.child({ component: 'http' });
for (var key in options.headers) {
this.setHeader(key, options.headers[key]);
var headers = this._headers;
if (options.auth) {
headers.authorization = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(options.auth).toString('base64');
headers[':scheme'] = options.protocol.slice(0, -1);
headers[':method'] = options.method;
headers[':authority'] =;
headers[':path'] = options.path;{ scheme: headers[':scheme'], method: headers[':method'],
authority: headers[':authority'], path: headers[':path'],
headers: (options.headers || {}) }, 'Sending request');;
this.headersSent = true;
var response = new IncomingResponse(;
response.req = this;
response.once('ready', this.emit.bind(this, 'response', response));'promise', this._onPromise.bind(this));
OutgoingRequest.prototype._fallback = function _fallback(request) {
request.on('response', this.emit.bind(this, 'response')); = this.request = request;
this.emit('socket', this.socket);
OutgoingRequest.prototype.setPriority = function setPriority(priority) {
if ( {;
} else {
this.once('socket', this.setPriority.bind(this, priority));
// Overriding `EventEmitter`'s `on(event, listener)` method to forward certain subscriptions to
// `request`. See `Server.prototype.on` for explanation.
OutgoingRequest.prototype.on = function on(event, listener) {
if (this.request && (event === 'upgrade')) {
this.request.on(event, listener && listener.bind(this));
} else {, event, listener);
// Methods only in fallback mode
OutgoingRequest.prototype.setNoDelay = function setNoDelay(noDelay) {
if (this.request) {
} else if (! {
this.on('socket', this.setNoDelay.bind(this, noDelay));
OutgoingRequest.prototype.setSocketKeepAlive = function setSocketKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay) {
if (this.request) {
this.request.setSocketKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay);
} else if (! {
this.on('socket', this.setSocketKeepAlive.bind(this, enable, initialDelay));
OutgoingRequest.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(timeout, callback) {
if (this.request) {
this.request.setTimeout(timeout, callback);
} else if (! {
this.on('socket', this.setTimeout.bind(this, timeout, callback));
// Aborting the request
OutgoingRequest.prototype.abort = function abort() {
if (this.request) {
} else if ( {'CANCEL');
} else {
this.on('socket', this.abort.bind(this));
// Receiving push promises
OutgoingRequest.prototype._onPromise = function _onPromise(stream, headers) {{ push_stream: }, 'Receiving push promise');
var promise = new IncomingPromise(stream, headers);
if (this.listeners('push').length > 0) {
this.emit('push', promise);
} else {
// IncomingResponse class
// ----------------------
function IncomingResponse(stream) {, stream);
IncomingResponse.prototype = Object.create(IncomingMessage.prototype, { constructor: { value: IncomingResponse } });
// * `headers` argument: HTTP/2.0 request and response header fields carry information as a series
// of key-value pairs. This includes the target URI for the request, the status code for the
// response, as well as HTTP header fields.
IncomingResponse.prototype._onHeaders = function _onHeaders(headers) {
// * A single ":status" header field is defined that carries the HTTP status code field. This
// header field MUST be included in all responses.
// * A client MUST treat the absence of the ":status" header field, the presence of multiple
// values, or an invalid value as a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
// Note: currently, we do not enforce it strictly: we accept any format, and parse it as int
// * HTTP/2.0 does not define a way to carry the reason phrase that is included in an HTTP/1.1
// status line.
this.statusCode = parseInt(this._checkSpecialHeader(':status', headers[':status']));
// * Handling regular headers., headers);
// * Signaling that the headers arrived.{ status: this.statusCode, headers: this.headers}, 'Incoming response');
// IncomingPromise class
// -------------------------
function IncomingPromise(responseStream, promiseHeaders) {
var stream = new Readable();
stream._read = noop;
stream._log = responseStream._log;, stream);
this._responseStream = responseStream;
var response = new IncomingResponse(this._responseStream);
response.once('ready', this.emit.bind(this, 'response', response));'promise', this._onPromise.bind(this));
IncomingPromise.prototype = Object.create(IncomingRequest.prototype, { constructor: { value: IncomingPromise } });
IncomingPromise.prototype.cancel = function cancel() {
IncomingPromise.prototype.setPriority = function setPriority(priority) {
IncomingPromise.prototype._onPromise = OutgoingRequest.prototype._onPromise;