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import pytest
ADDRESS_CSS = "input[name=MailAddress]"
PASSWORD_CSS = "input[name=Password]"
CLOSE_BUTTON_CSS = "input[name=winclosebutton]"
UNAVAILABLE_TEXT = "時間をお確かめの上、再度実行してください。"
UNSUPPORTED_TEXT = "ご利用のブラウザでは正しく"
async def load_site(client):
await client.navigate("")
address = client.find_css(ADDRESS_CSS)
password = client.find_css(PASSWORD_CSS)
error1 = client.find_css(CLOSE_BUTTON_CSS)
error2 = client.find_text(UNSUPPORTED_TEXT)
# The page can be down at certain times, making testing impossible. For instance:
# "モバイルSuicaサービスが可能な時間は4:00~翌日2:00です。
# 時間をお確かめの上、再度実行してください。"
# "Mobile Suica service is available from 4:00 to 2:00 the next day.
# Please check the time and try again."
site_is_down = client.find_text(UNAVAILABLE_TEXT)
if site_is_down is not None:
pytest.xfail("Site is currently down")
return address, password, error1 or error2, site_is_down
async def test_enabled(client):
address, password, error, site_is_down = await load_site(client)
if site_is_down:
assert client.is_displayed(address)
assert client.is_displayed(password)
assert error is None
async def test_disabled(client):
address, password, error, site_is_down = await load_site(client)
if site_is_down:
assert address is None
assert password is None
assert client.is_displayed(error)