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var port;
var timeout;
onerror = function(a,b,c,d,e) {
// will return undefined, thus the error is "not handled"
// so error should be reported to the user, but this test doesn't check
// that.
// just make sure that this method is invoked with five arguments
var log = '';
if (arguments.length != 5)
log += 'got ' + arguments.length + ' arguments, expected 5. ';
if (typeof a != 'string')
log += 'first argument wasn\'t a string. ';
if (b != location.href)
log += 'second argument was ' + b + ', expected ' + location.href + '. ';
if (typeof c != 'number')
log += 'third argument wasn\'t a number. ';
if (typeof d != 'number')
log += 'fourth argument wasn\'t a number. ';
if (e != 42)
log += 'fifth argument wasn\'t the thrown exception. ';
onconnect = function (e) {
port = e.ports[0];
timeout = setTimeout(function() { port.postMessage('self.onerror was not invoked'); }, 250);
throw 42; // will "report the error"