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Test Info: Warnings

// META: global=window,dedicatedworker
// META: script=/webcodecs/utils.js
test(_ => {
let width = 48;
let height = 36;
let expectedPixel = kSRGBPixel;
let canvasOptions = undefined;
let imageSetting = undefined;
let tolerance = 5;
let vfInit =
{format: 'I420P10', timestamp: 0, codedWidth: width, codedHeight: height};
let data = new Uint16Array(3 * width * height / 2);
let uOffset = width * height;
let vOffset = uOffset + width * height / 4;
// RGB(50, 100, 150) converted to 8-bit YCbCr using BT.709 YUV matrix, then
// shifted to produce approximate 10-bit YUV colors. It would be more accurate
// to directly compute 10-bit colors.
data.fill(96 << 2, 0, uOffset);
data.fill(155 << 2, uOffset, vOffset);
data.fill(104 << 2, vOffset);
let frame = new VideoFrame(data, vfInit);
let canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(width, height);
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d', canvasOptions);
ctx.drawImage(frame, 0, 0);
testCanvas(ctx, width, height, expectedPixel, imageSetting,
(actual, expected) => {
assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, tolerance);
}, 'drawImage with 10-bit YUV VideoFrame');