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(function() {
function randInt(bits) {
if (bits < 1 || bits > 53) {
throw new TypeError();
} else {
if (bits >= 1 && bits <= 30) {
return 0 | ((1 << bits) * Math.random());
} else {
var high = (0 | ((1 << (bits - 30)) * Math.random())) * (1 << 30);
var low = 0 | ((1 << 30) * Math.random());
return high + low;
function toHex(x, length) {
var rv = x.toString(16);
while (rv.length < length) {
rv = "0" + rv;
return rv;
function createUuid() {
return [toHex(randInt(32), 8),
toHex(randInt(16), 4),
toHex(0x4000 | randInt(12), 4),
toHex(0x8000 | randInt(14), 4),
toHex(randInt(48), 12)].join("-");
* Cache of WebSocket instances per channel
* For reading there can only be one channel with each UUID, so we
* just have a simple map of {uuid: WebSocket}. The socket can be
* closed when the channel is closed.
* For writing there can be many channels for each uuid. Those can
* share a websocket (within a specific global), so we have a map
* of {uuid: [WebSocket, count]}. Count is incremented when a
* channel is opened with a given uuid, and decremented when its
* closed. When the count reaches zero we can close the underlying
* socket.
class SocketCache {
constructor() {
this.readSockets = new Map();
this.writeSockets = new Map();
async getOrCreate(type, uuid, onmessage=null) {
function createSocket() {
let protocol = self.isSecureContext ? "wss" : "ws";
let port = self.isSecureContext? "{{ports[wss][0]}}" : "{{ports[ws][0]}}";
let url = `${protocol}://{{host}}:${port}/msg_channel?uuid=${uuid}&direction=${type}`;
let socket = new WebSocket(url);
if (onmessage !== null) {
socket.onmessage = onmessage;
return new Promise(resolve => socket.addEventListener("open", () => resolve(socket)));
let socket;
if (type === "read") {
if (this.readSockets.has(uuid)) {
throw new Error("Can't create multiple read sockets with same UUID");
socket = await createSocket();
// If the socket is closed by the server, ensure it's removed from the cache
socket.addEventListener("close", () => this.readSockets.delete(uuid));
this.readSockets.set(uuid, socket);
} else if (type === "write") {
let count;
if (onmessage !== null) {
throw new Error("Can't set message handler for write sockets");
if (this.writeSockets.has(uuid)) {
[socket, count] = this.writeSockets.get(uuid);
} else {
socket = await createSocket();
count = 0;
count += 1;
// If the socket is closed by the server, ensure it's removed from the cache
socket.addEventListener("close", () => this.writeSockets.delete(uuid));
this.writeSockets.set(uuid, [socket, count]);
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown type ${type}`);
return socket;
async close(type, uuid) {
let target = type === "read" ? this.readSockets : this.writeSockets;
const data = target.get(uuid);
if (!data) {
let count, socket;
if (type == "read") {
socket = data;
count = 0;
} else if (type === "write") {
[socket, count] = data;
count -= 1;
if (count > 0) {
target.set(uuid, [socket, count]);
if (count <= 0 && socket) {
await new Promise(resolve => socket.addEventListener("close", resolve));
async closeAll() {
let sockets = [];
this.readSockets.forEach(value => sockets.push(value));
this.writeSockets.forEach(value => sockets.push(value[0]));
let closePromises = =>
new Promise(resolve => socket.addEventListener("close", resolve)));
sockets.forEach(socket => socket.close(1000));
await Promise.all(closePromises);
const socketCache = new SocketCache();
* Abstract base class for objects that allow sending / receiving
* messages over a channel.
class Channel {
type = null;
constructor(uuid) {
/** UUID for the channel */
this.uuid = uuid;
this.socket = null;
this.eventListeners = {
connect: new Set(),
close: new Set()
hasConnection() {
return this.socket !== null && this.socket.readyState <= WebSocket.OPEN;
* Connect to the channel.
* @param {Function} onmessage - Event handler function for
* the underlying websocket message.
async connect(onmessage) {
if (this.hasConnection()) {
this.socket = await socketCache.getOrCreate(this.type, this.uuid, onmessage);
* Close the channel and underlying websocket connection
async close() {
this.socket = null;
await socketCache.close(this.type, this.uuid);
* Add an event callback function. Supported message types are
* "connect", "close", and "message" (for ``RecvChannel``).
* @param {string} type - Message type.
* @param {Function} fn - Callback function. This is called
* with an event-like object, with ``type`` and ``data``
* properties.
addEventListener(type, fn) {
if (typeof type !== "string") {
throw new TypeError(`Expected string, got ${typeof type}`);
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError(`Expected function, got ${typeof fn}`);
if (!this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw new Error(`Unrecognised event type ${type}`);
* Remove an event callback function.
* @param {string} type - Event type.
* @param {Function} fn - Callback function to remove.
removeEventListener(type, fn) {
if (!typeof type === "string") {
throw new TypeError(`Expected string, got ${typeof type}`);
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError(`Expected function, got ${typeof fn}`);
let listeners = this.eventListeners[type];
if (listeners) {
_dispatch(type, data) {
let listeners = this.eventListeners[type];
if (listeners) {
// If any listener throws we end up not calling the other
// listeners. This hopefully makes debugging easier, but
// is different to DOM event listeners.
listeners.forEach(fn => fn({type, data}));
* Send messages over a channel
class SendChannel extends Channel {
type = "write";
* Connect to the channel. Automatically called when sending the
* first message.
async connect() {
return super.connect(null);
async _send(cmd, body=null) {
if (!this.hasConnection()) {
await this.connect();
this.socket.send(JSON.stringify([cmd, body]));
* Send a message. The message object must be JSON-serializable.
* @param {Object} msg - The message object to send.
async send(msg) {
await this._send("message", msg);
* Disconnect the associated `RecvChannel <#RecvChannel>`_, if
* any, on the server side.
async disconnectReader() {
await this._send("disconnectReader");
* Disconnect this channel on the server side.
async delete() {
await this._send("delete");
self.SendChannel = SendChannel;
const recvChannelsCreated = new Set();
* Receive messages over a channel
class RecvChannel extends Channel {
type = "read";
constructor(uuid) {
if (recvChannelsCreated.has(uuid)) {
throw new Error(`Already created RecvChannel with id ${uuid}`);
this.eventListeners.message = new Set();
async connect() {
if (this.hasConnection()) {
await super.connect(event => this.readMessage(;
readMessage(data) {
let msg = JSON.parse(data);
this._dispatch("message", msg);
* Wait for the next message and return it (after passing it to
* existing handlers)
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves to the message data.
nextMessage() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let fn = ({data}) => {
this.removeEventListener("message", fn);
this.addEventListener("message", fn);
* Create a new channel pair
* @returns {Array} - Array of [RecvChannel, SendChannel] for the same channel.
*/ = function() {
let uuid = createUuid();
let recvChannel = new RecvChannel(uuid);
let sendChannel = new SendChannel(uuid);
return [recvChannel, sendChannel];
* Create an unconnected channel defined by a `uuid` in
* ``location.href`` for listening for `RemoteGlobal
* <#RemoteGlobal>`_ messages.
* @returns {RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel} - Disconnected channel
self.global_channel = function() {
let uuid = new URLSearchParams("uuid");
if (!uuid) {
throw new Error("URL must have a uuid parameter to use as a RemoteGlobal");
return new RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel(new RecvChannel(uuid));
* Start listening for `RemoteGlobal <#RemoteGlobal>`_ messages on
* a channel defined by a `uuid` in `location.href`
* @returns {RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel} - Connected channel
self.start_global_channel = async function() {
let channel = self.global_channel();
await channel.connect();
return channel;
* Close all WebSockets used by channels in the current realm.
self.close_all_channel_sockets = async function() {
await socketCache.closeAll();
// Spinning the event loop after the close events is necessary to
// ensure that the channels really are closed and don't affect
// bfcache behaviour in at least some implementations.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
* Handler for `RemoteGlobal <#RemoteGlobal>`_ commands.
* This can't be constructed directly but must be obtained from
* `global_channel() <#global_channel>`_ or
* `start_global_channel() <#start_global_channel>`_.
class RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel {
constructor(recvChannel) { = recvChannel;
this.uuid = recvChannel.uuid;"message", ({data}) => this.handleMessage(data));
this.messageHandlers = new Set();
* Connect to the channel and start handling messages.
async connect() {
* Close the channel and underlying websocket connection
async close() {
async handleMessage(msg) {
const {id, command, params, respChannel} = msg;
let result = {};
let resp = {id, result};
if (command === "call") {
const fn = deserialize(params.fn);
const args =;
try {
let resultValue = await fn(...args);
result.result = serialize(resultValue);
} catch(e) {
let exception = serialize(e);
const getAsInt = (obj, prop) => {
let value = prop in obj ? parseInt(obj[prop]) : 0;
return Number.isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
result.exceptionDetails = {
text: e.toString(),
lineNumber: getAsInt(e, "lineNumber"),
columnNumber: getAsInt(e, "columnNumber"),
} else if (command === "postMessage") {
this.messageHandlers.forEach(fn => fn(deserialize(params.msg)));
if (respChannel) {
let chan = deserialize(respChannel);
await chan.connect();
await chan.send(resp);
* Add a handler for ``postMessage`` messages
* @param {Function} fn - Callback function that receives the
* message.
addMessageHandler(fn) {
* Remove a handler for ``postMessage`` messages
* @param {Function} fn - Callback function to remove
removeMessageHandler(fn) {
* Wait for the next ``postMessage`` message and return it
* (after passing it to existing handlers)
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves to the message.
nextMessage() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let fn = (msg) => {
class RemoteGlobalResponseRecvChannel {
constructor(recvChannel) { = recvChannel;"message", ({data}) => this.handleMessage(data));
this.responseHandlers = new Map();
setResponseHandler(commandId, fn) {
this.responseHandlers.set(commandId, fn);
handleMessage(msg) {
let {id, result} = msg;
let handler = this.responseHandlers.get(id);
if (handler) {
close() {
* Object representing a remote global that has a
* `RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel
* <#RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel>`_
class RemoteGlobal {
* Create a new RemoteGlobal object.
* This doesn't actually construct the global itself; that
* must be done elsewhere, with a ``uuid`` query parameter in
* its URL set to the same as the ``uuid`` property of this
* object.
* @param {SendChannel|string} [dest] - Either a SendChannel
* to the destination, or the UUID of the destination. If
* ommitted, a new UUID is generated, which can be used when
* constructing the URL for the global.
constructor(dest) {
if (dest === undefined || dest === null) {
dest = createUuid();
if (typeof dest == "string") {
/** UUID for the global */
this.uuid = dest;
this.sendChannel = new SendChannel(dest);
} else if (dest instanceof SendChannel) {
this.sendChannel = dest;
this.uuid = dest.uuid;
} else {
throw new TypeError("Unrecognised type, expected string or SendChannel");
this.recvChannel = null;
this.respChannel = null;
this.connected = false;
this.commandId = 0;
* Connect to the channel. Automatically called when sending the
* first message
async connect() {
if (this.connected) {
let [recvChannel, respChannel] =;
await Promise.all([this.sendChannel.connect(), recvChannel.connect()]);
this.recvChannel = new RemoteGlobalResponseRecvChannel(recvChannel);
this.respChannel = respChannel;
this.connected = true;
async sendMessage(command, params, hasResp=true) {
if (!this.connected) {
await this.connect();
let msg = {id: this.commandId++, command, params};
if (hasResp) {
msg.respChannel = serialize(this.respChannel);
let response;
if (hasResp) {
response = new Promise(resolve =>
this.recvChannel.setResponseHandler(, resolve));
} else {
response = null;
return await response;
* Run the function ``fn`` in the remote global, passing arguments
* ``args``, and return the result after awaiting any returned
* promise.
* @param {Function} fn - Function to run in the remote global.
* @param {...Any} args - Arguments to pass to the function
* @returns {Promise} - Promise resolving to the return value
* of the function.
async call(fn, ...args) {
let result = await this.sendMessage("call", {fn: serialize(fn), args: => serialize(x))}, true);
if (result.exceptionDetails) {
throw deserialize(result.exceptionDetails.exception);
return deserialize(result.result);
* Post a message to the remote
* @param {Any} msg - The message to send.
async postMessage(msg) {
await this.sendMessage("postMessage", {msg: serialize(msg)}, false);
* Disconnect the associated `RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel
* <#RemoteGlobalCommandRecvChannel>`_, if any, on the server
* side.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolved once the channel is disconnected.
disconnectReader() {
// This causes any readers to disconnect until they are explicitly reconnected
return this.sendChannel.disconnectReader();
* Close the channel and underlying websocket connections
close() {
let closers = [this.sendChannel.close()];
if (this.recvChannel !== null) {
if (this.respChannel !== null) {
return Promise.all(closers);
self.RemoteGlobal = RemoteGlobal;
function typeName(value) {
let type = typeof value;
if (type === "undefined" ||
type === "string" ||
type === "boolean" ||
type === "number" ||
type === "bigint" ||
type === "symbol" ||
type === "function") {
return type;
if (value === null) {
return "null";
// The handling of cross-global objects here is broken
if (value instanceof RemoteObject) {
return "remoteobject";
if (value instanceof SendChannel) {
return "sendchannel";
if (value instanceof RecvChannel) {
return "recvchannel";
if (value instanceof Error) {
return "error";
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return "array";
let constructor = value.constructor &&;
if (constructor === "RegExp" ||
constructor === "Date" ||
constructor === "Map" ||
constructor === "Set" ||
constructor == "WeakMap" ||
constructor == "WeakSet") {
return constructor.toLowerCase();
// The handling of cross-global objects here is broken
if (typeof window == "object" && window === self) {
if (value instanceof Element) {
return "element";
if (value instanceof Document) {
return "document";
if (value instanceof Node) {
return "node";
if (value instanceof Window) {
return "window";
if (Promise.resolve(value) === value) {
return "promise";
return "object";
let remoteObjectsById = new Map();
function remoteId(obj) {
let rv;
rv = createUuid();
remoteObjectsById.set(rv, obj);
return rv;
* Representation of a non-primitive type passed through a channel
class RemoteObject {
constructor(type, objectId) {
this.type = type;
this.objectId = objectId;
* Create a RemoteObject containing a handle to reference obj
* @param {Any} obj - The object to reference.
static from(obj) {
let type = typeName(obj);
let id = remoteId(obj);
return new RemoteObject(type, id);
* Return the local object referenced by the ``objectId`` of
* this ``RemoteObject``, or ``null`` if there isn't a such an
* object in this realm.
toLocal() {
if (remoteObjectsById.has(this.objectId)) {
return remoteObjectsById.get(this.objectId);
return null;
* Remove the object from the local cache. This means that future
* calls to ``toLocal`` with the same objectId will always return
* ``null``.
delete() {
self.RemoteObject = RemoteObject;
* Serialize an object as a JSON-compatible representation.
* The format used is similar (but not identical to)
* `WebDriver-BiDi
* Each item to be serialized can have the following fields:
* type - The name of the type being represented e.g. "string", or
* "map". For primitives this matches ``typeof``, but for
* ``object`` types that have particular support in the protocol
* e.g. arrays and maps, it is a custom value.
* value - A serialized representation of the object value. For
* container types this is a JSON container (i.e. an object or an
* array) containing a serialized representation of the child
* values.
* objectId - An integer used to handle object graphs. Where
* an object is present more than once in the serialization, the
* first instance has both ``value`` and ``objectId`` fields, but
* when encountered again, only ``objectId`` is present, with the
* same value as the first instance of the object.
* @param {Any} inValue - The value to be serialized.
* @returns {Object} - The serialized object value.
function serialize(inValue) {
const queue = [{item: inValue}];
let outValue = null;
// Map from container object input to output value
let objectsSeen = new Map();
let lastObjectId = 0;
/* Instead of making this recursive, use a queue holding the objects to be
* serialized. Each item in the queue can have the following properties:
* item (required) - the input item to be serialized
* target - For collections, the output serialized object to
* which the serialization of the current item will be added.
* targetName - For serializing object members, the name of
* the property. For serializing maps either "key" or "value",
* depending on whether the item represents a key or a value
* in the map.
while (queue.length > 0) {
const {item, target, targetName} = queue.shift();
let type = typeName(item);
let serialized = {type};
if (objectsSeen.has(item)) {
let outputValue = objectsSeen.get(item);
if (!outputValue.hasOwnProperty("objectId")) {
outputValue.objectId = lastObjectId++;
serialized.objectId = outputValue.objectId;
} else {
switch (type) {
case "undefined":
case "null":
case "string":
case "boolean":
serialized.value = item;
case "number":
if (item !== item) {
serialized.value = "NaN";
} else if (item === 0 && 1/item == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
serialized.value = "-0";
} else if (item === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
serialized.value = "+Infinity";
} else if (item === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
serialized.value = "-Infinity";
} else {
serialized.value = item;
case "bigint":
case "function":
serialized.value = item.toString();
case "remoteobject":
serialized.value = {
type: item.type,
objectId: item.objectId
case "sendchannel":
serialized.value = item.uuid;
case "regexp":
serialized.value = {
pattern: item.source,
flags: item.flags
case "date":
serialized.value =;
case "error":
serialized.value = {
message: item.message,
lineNumber: item.lineNumber,
columnNumber: item.columnNumber,
fileName: item.fileName,
stack: item.stack,
case "array":
case "set":
serialized.value = [];
for (let child of item) {
queue.push({item: child, target: serialized});
case "object":
serialized.value = {};
for (let [targetName, child] of Object.entries(item)) {
queue.push({item: child, target: serialized, targetName});
case "map":
serialized.value = [];
for (let [childKey, childValue] of item.entries()) {
queue.push({item: childKey, target: serialized, targetName: "key"});
queue.push({item: childValue, target: serialized, targetName: "value"});
throw new TypeError(`Can't serialize value of type ${type}; consider using RemoteObject.from() to wrap the object`);
if (serialized.objectId === undefined) {
objectsSeen.set(item, serialized);
if (target === undefined) {
if (outValue !== null) {
throw new Error("Tried to create multiple output values");
outValue = serialized;
} else {
switch (target.type) {
case "array":
case "set":
case "object":
target.value[targetName] = serialized;
case "map":
// We always serialize key and value as adjacent items in the queue,
// so when we get the key push a new output array and then the value will
// be added on the next iteration.
if (targetName === "key") {
target.value[target.value.length - 1].push(serialized);
throw new Error(`Unknown collection target type ${target.type}`);
return outValue;
* Deserialize an object from a JSON-compatible representation.
* For details on the serialized representation see serialize().
* @param {Object} obj - The value to be deserialized.
* @returns {Any} - The deserialized value.
function deserialize(obj) {
let deserialized = null;
let queue = [{item: obj, target: null}];
let objectMap = new Map();
/* Instead of making this recursive, use a queue holding the objects to be
* deserialized. Each item in the queue has the following properties:
* item - The input item to be deserialised.
* target - For members of a collection, a wrapper around the
* output collection. This has a ``type`` field which is the
* name of the collection type, and a ``value`` field which is
* the actual output collection. For primitives, this is null.
* targetName - For object members, the property name on the
* output object. For maps, "key" if the item is a key in the output map,
* or "value" if it's a value in the output map.
while (queue.length > 0) {
const {item, target, targetName} = queue.shift();
const {type, value, objectId} = item;
let result;
let newTarget;
if (objectId !== undefined && value === undefined) {
result = objectMap.get(objectId);
} else {
switch(type) {
case "undefined":
result = undefined;
case "null":
result = null;
case "string":
case "boolean":
result = value;
case "number":
if (typeof value === "string") {
switch(value) {
case "NaN":
result = NaN;
case "-0":
result = -0;
case "+Infinity":
result = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
case "-Infinity":
result = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
throw new Error(`Unexpected number value "${value}"`);
} else {
result = value;
case "bigint":
result = BigInt(value);
case "function":
result = new Function("...args", `return (${value}).apply(null, args)`);
case "remoteobject":
let remote = new RemoteObject(value.type, value.objectId);
let local = remote.toLocal();
if (local !== null) {
result = local;
} else {
result = remote;
case "sendchannel":
result = new SendChannel(value);
case "regexp":
result = new RegExp(value.pattern, value.flags);
case "date":
result = new Date(value);
case "error":
// The item.value.type property is the name of the error constructor.
// If we have a constructor with the same name in the current realm,
// construct an instance of that type, otherwise use a generic Error
// type.
if (item.value.type in self &&
typeof self[item.value.type] === "function") {
result = new self[item.value.type](item.value.message);
} else {
result = new Error(item.value.message);
} =;
result.lineNumber = item.value.lineNumber;
result.columnNumber = item.value.columnNumber;
result.fileName = item.value.fileName;
result.stack = item.value.stack;
case "array":
result = [];
newTarget = {type, value: result};
for (let child of value) {
queue.push({item: child, target: newTarget});
case "set":
result = new Set();
newTarget = {type, value: result};
for (let child of value) {
queue.push({item: child, target: newTarget});
case "object":
result = {};
newTarget = {type, value: result};
for (let [targetName, child] of Object.entries(value)) {
queue.push({item: child, target: newTarget, targetName});
case "map":
result = new Map();
newTarget = {type, value: result};
for (let [key, child] of value) {
queue.push({item: key, target: newTarget, targetName: "key"});
queue.push({item: child, target: newTarget, targetName: "value"});
throw new TypeError(`Can't deserialize object of type ${type}`);
if (objectId !== undefined) {
objectMap.set(objectId, result);
if (target === null) {
if (deserialized !== null) {
throw new Error(`Tried to deserialized a non-root output value without a target`
` container object.`);
deserialized = result;
} else {
switch(target.type) {
case "array":
case "set":
case "object":
target.value[targetName] = result;
case "map":
// For maps the same target wrapper is shared between key and value.
// After deserializing the key, set the `key` property on the target
// until we come to the value.
if (targetName === "key") {
target.key = result;
} else {
target.value.set(target.key, result);
throw new Error(`Unknown target type ${target.type}`);
return deserialized;