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Test Info:

// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// Load about:srcdoc in a sandboxed iframe. Check the document.baseURI is
// correct.
const runTest = (description, iframe_sandbox) => {
promise_test(async test => {
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.sandbox = iframe_sandbox;
iframe.srcdoc = `
parent.postMessage(document.baseURI, '*');
const child_base_uri = new Promise(r => onmessage = e => r(;
// Step 1: If document is an iframe srcdoc document, then return the
// document base URL of document's browsing context's container
// document.
assert_equals(await child_base_uri, document.baseURI);
}, description);
onload = () => {
runTest("allow-same-origin", "allow-scripts allow-same-origin");
runTest("disallow-same-origin", "allow-scripts");