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'use strict;'
let BA = {};
(function(BA) {
const TestPrivateKey = new Uint8Array([
0xff, 0x1f, 0x47, 0xb1, 0x68, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xea, 0x65, 0xf7, 0x97,
0x4f, 0xf2, 0x2e, 0xf2, 0x36, 0x94, 0xe2, 0xf6, 0xb6, 0x8d, 0x66,
0xf3, 0xa7, 0x64, 0x14, 0x28, 0xd4, 0x45, 0x35, 0x01, 0x8f
const _hpkeModulePromise = import('../third_party/hpke-js/hpke.js');
// Common utilities.
function _get16(buffer, offset) {
return buffer[offset] << 8 | buffer[offset + 1];
function _get32(buffer, offset) {
return buffer[offset] << 24 | buffer[offset + 1] << 16 |
buffer[offset + 2] << 8 | buffer[offset + 3];
function _put16(buffer, offset, val) {
buffer[offset] = val >> 8;
buffer[offset + 1] = val & 0xFF;
function _put32(buffer, offset, val) {
buffer[offset] = (val >> 24) & 0xFF;
buffer[offset + 1] = (val >> 16) & 0xFF;
buffer[offset + 2] = (val >> 8) & 0xFF;
buffer[offset + 3] = val & 0xFF;
// Concatenates two Uint8Array's.
function _concat(a, b) {
let c = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
c[i] = a[i];
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
c[i + a.length] = b[i];
return c;
function _toArrayBuffer(typedArray) {
return typedArray.buffer.slice(
typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.byteOffset + typedArray.byteLength);
function _toBytesArrayBuffer(str) {
return _toArrayBuffer(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
function _bufferAsStream(buffer) {
return new ReadableStream({
start: controller => {
// Returns an ArrayBuffer.
async function _applyTransform(inData, transform) {
const resultResponse =
new Response(_bufferAsStream(inData).pipeThrough(transform));
const resultBlob = await resultResponse.blob();
return await resultBlob.arrayBuffer();
// Returns an ArrayBuffer (promise).
async function _gzip(inData) {
const compress = new CompressionStream('gzip');
return _applyTransform(inData, compress);
// Returns an ArrayBuffer (promise).
async function _gunzip(inData) {
const decompress = new DecompressionStream('gzip');
return _applyTransform(inData, decompress);
// InterestGroupData decoding helpers.
function _decodeIgDataHeader(igData) {
if (igData.length < 8) {
throw 'Not enough data for B&A and OHTTP headers';
return {
version: igData[0],
keyId: igData[1],
kemId: _get16(igData, 2),
kdfId: _get16(igData, 4),
aeadId: _get16(igData, 6),
payload: igData.slice(8)
// Splits up the actual B&A IG Data into the enc and ct portions
// for HPKE, using `suite` for sizing; and also figures out the appropriate
// info string.
function _splitIgDataPayloadIntoEncAndCt(header, suite) {
const RequestMessageType = 'message/auction request';
// From RFC 9458 (Oblivious HTTP):
// "2. Build a sequence of bytes (info) by concatenating the ASCII-
// encoded string "message/bhttp request"; a zero byte; key_id as an
// 8-bit integer; plus kem_id, kdf_id, and aead_id as three 16-bit
// integers."
// (except we use a different message type string).
const infoLength = RequestMessageType.length + 1 + 1 + 6;
let info = new Uint8Array(infoLength);
for (let pos = 0; pos < RequestMessageType.length; ++pos) {
info[pos] = RequestMessageType.charCodeAt(pos);
info[RequestMessageType.length] = 0;
info[RequestMessageType.length + 1] = header.keyId;
_put16(info, RequestMessageType.length + 2, header.kemId);
_put16(info, RequestMessageType.length + 4, header.kdfId);
_put16(info, RequestMessageType.length + 6, header.aeadId);
return {
info: info,
enc: header.payload.slice(0, suite.kem.encSize),
ct: header.payload.slice(suite.kem.encSize)
// Unwraps the padding envelope.
function _decodeIgDataPaddingHeader(decryptedText) {
let length = _get32(decryptedText, 1);
let format = decryptedText[0];
// We currently only support format 2, which version = 0, and gzip
// compression.
assert_equals(format, 2);
return {
format: format,
data: decryptedText.slice(5, 5 + length)
// serverResponse encoding helpers.
// Takes an ArrayBuffer, returns a Uint8Array.
function _frameServerResponse(arrayBuffer) {
let array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
let framedLength = 5 + array.length;
let framed = new Uint8Array(framedLength);
framed[0] = 2; // gzip + ver 0.
_put32(framed, 1, array.length);
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
framed[i + 5] = array[i];
return framed;
async function _encryptServerResponse(payload, decoded) {
// This again follows RFC 9458 (Oblivious HTTP), "Encapsulation of
// Responses", just with different message type:
const ResponseMessageType = 'message/auction response';
const Nk = decoded.cipherSuite.aead.keySize;
const Nn = decoded.cipherSuite.aead.nonceSize;
let secret = await decoded.receiveContext.export(
_toBytesArrayBuffer(ResponseMessageType), Math.max(Nk, Nn));
let responseNonce = new Uint8Array(Math.max(Nk, Nn));
let salt = _concat(decoded.enc, responseNonce);
let prk = await decoded.cipherSuite.kdf.extract(salt, secret);
let aeadKey =
await decoded.cipherSuite.kdf.expand(prk, _toBytesArrayBuffer('key'), Nk);
let aeadNonce = await decoded.cipherSuite.kdf.expand(
prk, _toBytesArrayBuffer('nonce'), Nn);
let encContext = decoded.cipherSuite.aead.createEncryptionContext(aeadKey);
let ct = await encContext.seal(
/*iv=*/ aeadNonce, /*data=*/ payload,
/*aad=*/ _toBytesArrayBuffer(''));
return _concat(responseNonce, new Uint8Array(ct));
// CBOR requires property names to be in sorted order; but the library we use
// doesn't do it automatically. Since it's easy for a test to fail for the
// wrong reason if the response isn't specified correctly, this ensures the
// proper ordering. It assumes a very simple data model, so no arrays with
// holes, no mixture of different kinds of indices in the map, etc.
// Getting the sort order right in more complicated cases is outside the
// scope of this helper.
function _sortForCbor(input) {
if (input === null || typeof input !== 'object') {
return input;
if (input instanceof Array) {
let out = [];
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
out[i] = _sortForCbor(input[i]);
return out;
} else if (input instanceof Uint8Array) {
return input;
} else {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(input).sort((a, b) => {
// CBOR order compares lengths before values.
if (a.length < b.length)
return -1;
if (a.length > b.length)
return 1;
if (a < b)
return -1;
if (a > b)
return 1;
return 0;
let out = {};
for (let key of keys) {
out[key] = _sortForCbor(input[key]);
return out;
// Works on both ArrayBuffer and Uint8Array, returns the same type.
function _injectFault(input) {
let uint8Input;
if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
uint8Input = new Uint8Array(input);
} else {
assert_true(input instanceof Uint8Array);
uint8Input = input;
// Just mess up the 0th byte.
uint8Input[0] = uint8Input[0] ^ 0x4e;
if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return _toArrayBuffer(uint8Input);
} else {
return uint8Input;
// Exported API.
// Decodes the request payload produced by getInterestGroupAdAuctionData into
// {paddedSize: ..., message: ..., cipherSuite: ... , receiveContext: ...,
// enc:...}
BA.decodeInterestGroupData = async function(igData) {
const hpke = await _hpkeModulePromise;
// Decode B&A level headers, and check them.
const header = _decodeIgDataHeader(igData);
// Only version 0 in use now.
assert_equals(header.version, 0);
// Test config uses keyId = 0x12 only
// If the feature is not set up properly we may get a different, non-test key.
// We can't use assert_equals because it includes the (random) non-test key
// in the error message if testing support for this feature is not present.
assert_true(header.keyId === 0x12, "valid key Id");
// Current cipher config.
assert_equals(header.kemId, hpke.KemId.DhkemX25519HkdfSha256);
assert_equals(header.kdfId, hpke.KdfId.HkdfSha256);
assert_equals(header.aeadId, hpke.AeadId.Aes256Gcm);
const suite = new hpke.CipherSuite({
kem: header.kemId,
kdf: header.kdfId,
aead: header.aeadId,
// Split up the ciphertext from encapsulated key, and also compute
// the expected message info.
const pieces = _splitIgDataPayloadIntoEncAndCt(header, suite);
// We can now decode the ciphertext.
const privateKey = await suite.kem.importKey('raw', TestPrivateKey);
const recipient = await suite.createRecipientContext(
{recipientKey: privateKey, info:, enc: pieces.enc});
const pt = new Uint8Array(await;
// The resulting text has yet another envelope with version and size info,
// and a bunch of padding.
const withoutPadding = _decodeIgDataPaddingHeader(pt);
const decoded = CBOR.decode(_toArrayBuffer(;
// Decompress IGs, CBOR-decode them, and replace in-place.
for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(decoded.interestGroups)) {
let val = decoded.interestGroups[key];
let decompressedVal = await _gunzip(val);
decoded.interestGroups[key] = CBOR.decode(decompressedVal);
return {
paddedSize: pt.length,
message: decoded,
receiveContext: recipient,
cipherSuite: suite,
enc: pieces.enc
BA.injectCborFault = 1;
BA.injectGzipFault = 2;
BA.injectFrameFault = 4;
BA.injectEncryptFault = 8;
// Encodes, compresses, encrypts, etc., `responseObject` into a proper
// serverResponse in reply to `decoded`.
BA.encodeServerResponse =
async function(responseObject, decoded, injectFaults = 0) {
let cborPayload = new Uint8Array(CBOR.encode(_sortForCbor(responseObject)));
if (injectFaults & BA.injectCborFault) {
cborPayload = _injectFault(cborPayload);
let gzipPayload = await _gzip(cborPayload);
if (injectFaults & BA.injectGzipFault) {
gzipPayload = _injectFault(gzipPayload);
let framedPayload = _toArrayBuffer(_frameServerResponse(gzipPayload));
if (injectFaults & BA.injectFrameFault) {
framedPayload = _injectFault(framedPayload);
let encrypted = await _encryptServerResponse(framedPayload, decoded);
if (injectFaults & BA.injectEncryptFault) {
encrypted = _injectFault(encrypted);
return encrypted;
// Returns a hash string that can be used to authorize a given response,
// formatted for use in an Ad-Auction-Result HTTP header.
BA.payloadHash = async function(serverResponse) {
let hash =
new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', serverResponse));
let hashString = ''
for (let i = 0; i < hash.length; ++i) {
hashString += String.fromCharCode(hash[i]);
return btoa(hashString)
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=+$/g, '');
// Authorizes each serverResponse hash in `hashes` to be used for
// B&A auction result.
BA.authorizeServerResponseHashes = async function(hashes) {
let authorizeURL =
new URL('resources/', window.location);
authorizeURL.searchParams.append('hashes', hashes.join(','));
await fetch(authorizeURL, {adAuctionHeaders: true});