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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 45 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /dom/observable/tentative/observable-from.any.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
- /dom/observable/tentative/observable-from.any.worker.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
// Because we test that the global error handler is called at various times.
setup({allow_uncaught_exception: true});
test(() => {
assert_equals(typeof Observable.from, "function",
"Observable.from() is a function");
}, "from(): Observable.from() is a function");
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => Observable.from(10),
"Number cannot convert to an Observable");
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => Observable.from(true),
"Boolean cannot convert to an Observable");
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => Observable.from("String"),
"String cannot convert to an Observable");
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => Observable.from({a: 10}),
"Object cannot convert to an Observable");
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => Observable.from(Symbol.iterator),
"Bare Symbol.iterator cannot convert to an Observable");
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => Observable.from(Promise),
"Promise constructor cannot convert to an Observable");
}, "from(): Failed conversions");
test(() => {
const target = new EventTarget();
const observable = target.when('custom');
const from_observable = Observable.from(observable);
assert_equals(observable, from_observable);
}, "from(): Given an observable, it returns that exact observable");
test(() => {
let completeCalled = false;
const results = [];
const array = [1, 2, 3, 'a', new Date(), 15, [12]];
const observable = Observable.from(array);
next: v => results.push(v),
error: e => assert_unreached('error is not called'),
complete: () => completeCalled = true
assert_array_equals(results, array);
}, "from(): Given an array");
test(() => {
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
let n = 0;
return {
next() {
if (n <= 3) {
return { value: n, done: false };
return { value: undefined, done: true };
const observable = Observable.from(iterable);
assert_true(observable instanceof Observable, "Observable.from() returns an Observable");
const results = [];
next: (value) => results.push(value),
error: () => assert_unreached("should not error"),
complete: () => results.push("complete"),
assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3, "complete"],
"Subscription pushes iterable values out to Observable");
// A second subscription should restart iteration.
next: (value) => results.push(value),
error: () => assert_unreached("should not error"),
complete: () => results.push("complete2"),
assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3, "complete", 1, 2, 3, "complete2"],
"Subscribing again causes another fresh iteration on an un-exhausted iterable");
}, "from(): Iterable converts to Observable");
// This test, and the variants below it, test the web-observable side-effects of
// converting an iterable object to an Observable. Specifically, it tracks
// exactly when the %Symbol.iterator% method is *retrieved* from the object,
// invoked, and what its error-throwing side-effects are.
// Even more specifically, we assert that the %Symbol.iterator% method is
// retrieved a single time when converting to an Observable, and then again when
// subscribing to the converted Observable. This makes it possible for the
// %Symbol.iterator% method getter to change return values in between conversion
// related discussion.
test(() => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
results.push("[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER");
return function() {
results.push("[Symbol.iterator implementation]");
return {
get next() {
results.push("next() method GETTER");
return function() {
results.push("next() implementation");
return {value: undefined, done: true};
const observable = Observable.from(iterable);
assert_array_equals(results, ["[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER"]);
let thrownError = null;
assert_array_equals(results, [
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator implementation]",
"next() method GETTER",
"next() implementation"
}, "from(): [Symbol.iterator] side-effects (one observable)");
// This tests that once `Observable.from()` detects a non-null and non-undefined
// `[Symbol.iterator]` property, we've committed to converting as an iterable.
// If the value of that property is not callable, we don't silently move on to
// the next conversion type — we throw a TypeError;
test(() => {
let results = [];
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]: 10,
let errorThrown = null;
try {
} catch(e) {
errorThrown = e;
assert_true(errorThrown instanceof TypeError);
"Failed to execute 'from' on 'Observable': @@iterator must be a " +
}, "from(): [Symbol.iterator] not callable");
test(() => {
let results = [];
const customError = new Error("@@iterator override error");
const iterable = {
numTimesCalled: 0,
// The first time this getter is called, it returns a legitimate function
// that, when called, returns an iterator. Every other time it returns an
// error-throwing function that does not return an iterator.
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
results.push("[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER");
if (this.numTimesCalled === 1) {
return this.validIteratorImplementation;
} else {
return this.errorThrowingIteratorImplementation;
validIteratorImplementation: function() {
results.push("[Symbol.iterator implementation]");
return {
get next() {
results.push("next() method GETTER");
return function() {
results.push("next() implementation");
return {value: undefined, done: true};
errorThrowingIteratorImplementation: function() {
results.push("Error-throwing [Symbol.iterator] implementation");
throw customError;
const observable = Observable.from(iterable);
assert_array_equals(results, [
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
// Override iterable's `[Symbol.iterator]` protocol with an error-throwing
// function. We assert that on subscription, this method (the new `@@iterator`
// implementation), is called because only the raw JS object gets stored in
// the Observable that results in conversion. This raw value must get
// re-converted to an iterable once iteration is about to start.
let thrownError = null;
error: e => thrownError = e,
assert_equals(thrownError, customError,
"Error thrown from next() is passed to the error() handler");
assert_array_equals(results, [
// Old:
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
// New:
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"Error-throwing [Symbol.iterator] implementation"
}, "from(): [Symbol.iterator] is not cached");
// Similar to the above test, but with more Observables!
test(() => {
const results = [];
let numTimesSymbolIteratorCalled = 0;
let numTimesNextCalled = 0;
const iterable = {
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
results.push("[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER");
return this.internalIteratorImplementation;
set [Symbol.iterator](func) {
this.internalIteratorImplementation = func;
internalIteratorImplementation: function() {
results.push("[Symbol.iterator] implementation");
return {
get next() {
results.push("next() method GETTER");
return function() {
results.push("next() implementation");
return {value: undefined, done: true};
const obs1 = Observable.from(iterable);
const obs2 = Observable.from(iterable);
const obs3 = Observable.from(iterable);
const obs4 = Observable.from(obs3);
assert_equals(obs3, obs4);
assert_array_equals(results, [
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
assert_array_equals(results, [
// Old:
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
// New:
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] implementation",
"next() method GETTER",
"next() implementation",
iterable[Symbol.iterator] = () => {
results.push("Error-throwing [Symbol.iterator] implementation");
throw new Error('Symbol.iterator override error');
let errorCount = 0;
const observer = {error: e => errorCount++};
assert_equals(errorCount, 3,
"Error-throwing `@@iterator` implementation is called once per " +
assert_array_equals(results, [
// Old:
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator] implementation",
"next() method GETTER",
"next() implementation",
// New:
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"Error-throwing [Symbol.iterator] implementation",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"Error-throwing [Symbol.iterator] implementation",
"[Symbol.iterator] method GETTER",
"Error-throwing [Symbol.iterator] implementation",
}, "from(): [Symbol.iterator] side-effects (many observables)");
test(() => {
const customError = new Error('@@iterator next() error');
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
next() {
throw customError;
let thrownError = null;
error: e => thrownError = e,
assert_equals(thrownError, customError,
"Error thrown from next() is passed to the error() handler");
}, "from(): [Symbol.iterator] next() throws error");
promise_test(async () => {
const promise = Promise.resolve('value');
const observable = Observable.from(promise);
assert_true(observable instanceof Observable, "Converts to Observable");
const results = [];
next: (value) => results.push(value),
error: () => assert_unreached("error() is not called"),
complete: () => results.push("complete()"),
assert_array_equals(results, [], "Observable does not emit synchronously");
await promise;
assert_array_equals(results, ["value", "complete()"],
"Observable emits and completes after Promise resolves");
}, "from(): Converts Promise to Observable");
promise_test(async t => {
let unhandledRejectionHandlerCalled = false;
const unhandledRejectionHandler = () => {
unhandledRejectionHandlerCalled = true;
self.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandledRejectionHandler);
t.add_cleanup(() => self.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandledRejectionHandler));
const promise = Promise.reject("reason");
const observable = Observable.from(promise);
assert_true(observable instanceof Observable, "Converts to Observable");
const results = [];
next: (value) => assert_unreached("next() not called"),
error: (error) => results.push(error),
complete: () => assert_unreached("complete() not called"),
assert_array_equals(results, [], "Observable does not emit synchronously");
let catchBlockEntered = false;
try {
await promise;
} catch {
catchBlockEntered = true;
assert_true(catchBlockEntered, "Catch block entered");
assert_false(unhandledRejectionHandlerCalled, "No unhandledrejection event");
assert_array_equals(results, ["reason"],
"Observable emits error() after Promise rejects");
}, "from(): Converts rejected Promise to Observable. No " +
"`unhandledrejection` event when error is handled by subscription");
promise_test(async t => {
let unhandledRejectionHandlerCalled = false;
const unhandledRejectionHandler = () => {
unhandledRejectionHandlerCalled = true;
self.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandledRejectionHandler);
t.add_cleanup(() => self.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandledRejectionHandler));
let errorReported = null;
self.addEventListener("error", e => errorReported = e, { once: true });
let catchBlockEntered = false;
try {
const promise = Promise.reject("custom reason");
const observable = Observable.from(promise);
await promise;
} catch {
catchBlockEntered = true;
assert_true(catchBlockEntered, "Catch block entered");
"No unhandledrejection event, because error got reported to global");
assert_not_equals(errorReported, null, "Error was reported to the global");
assert_true(errorReported.message.includes("custom reason"),
"Error message matches");
assert_equals(errorReported.lineno, 0, "Error lineno is 0");
assert_equals(errorReported.colno, 0, "Error lineno is 0");
assert_equals(errorReported.error, "custom reason",
"Error object is equivalent");
}, "from(): Rejections not handled by subscription are reported to the " +
"global, and still not sent as an unhandledrejection event");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const observable = new Observable(subscriber => {'from Observable');
observable[Symbol.iterator] = () => {
results.push('Symbol.iterator() called');
return {
next() {
return {value: 'from @@iterator', done: true};
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push("complete"),
assert_array_equals(results, ["from Observable", "complete"]);
}, "from(): Observable that implements @@iterator protocol gets converted " +
"as an Observable, not iterator");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
resolve('from Promise');
promise[Symbol.iterator] = () => {
let done = false;
return {
next() {
if (!done) {
done = true;
return {value: 'from @@iterator', done: false};
} else {
return {value: undefined, done: true};
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push("complete"),
assert_array_equals(results, ["from @@iterator", "complete"]);
}, "from(): Promise that implements @@iterator protocol gets converted as " +
"an iterable, not Promise");
// When the [Symbol.iterator] method on a given object is undefined, we don't
// try to convert the object to an Observable via the iterable protocol. The
// Observable specification *also* does the same thing if the [Symbol.iterator]
// method is *null*. That is, in that case we also skip the conversion via
// iterable protocol, and continue to try and convert the object as another type
// (in this case, a Promise).
promise_test(async () => {
const promise = new Promise(resolve => resolve('from Promise'));
assert_equals(promise[Symbol.iterator], undefined);
promise[Symbol.iterator] = null;
assert_equals(promise[Symbol.iterator], null);
const value = await new Promise(resolve => {
Observable.from(promise).subscribe(value => resolve(value));
assert_equals(value, 'from Promise');
}, "from(): Promise whose [Symbol.iterator] returns null converts as Promise");
// This is a more sensitive test, which asserts that even just trying to reach
// for the [Symbol.iterator] method on an object whose *getter* for the
// [Symbol.iterator] method throws an error, results in `Observable#from()`
// rethrowing that error.
test(() => {
const error = new Error('thrown from @@iterator getter');
const obj = {
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
throw error;
try {
assert_unreached("from() conversion throws");
} catch(e) {
assert_equals(e, error);
}, "from(): Rethrows the error when Converting an object whose @@iterator " +
"method *getter* throws an error");
test(() => {
const obj = {};
// Non-undefined & non-null values of the `@@iterator` property are not
// allowed. Specifically they fail the the `IsCallable()` test, which fails
// Observable conversion.
obj[Symbol.iterator] = 10;
try {
assert_unreached("from() conversion throws");
} catch(e) {
assert_true(e instanceof TypeError);
"Failed to execute 'from' on 'Observable': @@iterator must be a callable.");
}, "from(): Throws 'callable' error when @@iterator property is a " +
"non-callable primitive");
// This test exercises the line of spec prose that says:
// "If |asyncIteratorMethodRecord|'s [[Value]] is undefined or null, then jump
// to the step labeled 'From iterable'."
test(() => {
const sync_iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]: null,
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
value: 0,
next() {
if (this.value === 2)
return {value: undefined, done: true};
return {value: this.value++, done: false};
const results = [];
const source = Observable.from(sync_iterable).subscribe(v => results.push(v));
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1]);
}, "from(): Async iterable protocol null, converts as iterator");
promise_test(async t => {
const results = [];
const async_iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
results.push("[Symbol.asyncIterator]() invoked");
return {
val: 0,
next() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
t.step_timeout(() => {
value: this.val,
done: this.val++ === 4 ? true : false,
}, 400);
const source = Observable.from(async_iterable);
assert_array_equals(results, []);
await new Promise(resolve => {
next: v => {
results.push(`Observing ${v}`);
queueMicrotask(() => results.push(`next() microtask interleaving (v=${v})`));
complete: () => {
assert_array_equals(results, [
"[Symbol.asyncIterator]() invoked",
"Observing 0",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=0)",
"Observing 1",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=1)",
"Observing 2",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=2)",
"Observing 3",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=3)",
}, "from(): Asynchronous iterable conversion");
// This test is a more chaotic version of the above. It ensures that a single
// Observable can handle multiple in-flight subscriptions to the same underlying
// async iterable without the two subscriptions competing.
// This test is added because it is easy to imagine an implementation whereby
// upon subscription, the Observable's internal subscribe callback takes the
// underlying async iterable object, and simply pulls the async iterator off of
// it (by invoking `@@asyncIterator`), and saves it alongside the underlying
// async iterable. This async iterator would be used to manage values as they
// are asynchronously emitted from the underlying object, but this value can get
// OVERWRITTEN by a brand new subscription that comes in before the first
// subscription has completed. In a broken implementation, this overwriting
// would prevent the first subscription from ever completing.
promise_test(async t => {
const async_iterable = {
slow: true,
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
// The first time @@asyncIterator is called, `shouldBeSlow` is true, and
// when the return object takes closure of it, all values are emitted
// SLOWLY asynchronously. The second time, `shouldBeSlow` is false, and
// all values are emitted FAST but still asynchronous.
const shouldBeSlow = this.slow;
this.slow = false;
return {
val: 0,
next() {
// Returns a Promise that resolves in a random amount of time less
// than a second.
return new Promise(resolve => {
t.step_timeout(() => resolve({
value: `${this.val}-${shouldBeSlow ? 'slow' : 'fast'}`,
done: this.val++ === 4 ? true : false,
}), shouldBeSlow ? 200 : 0);
const results = [];
const source = Observable.from(async_iterable);
const subscribeFunction = function(resolve, reject) {
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => resolve(),
// A broken implementation will rely on this timeout.
t.step_timeout(() => reject('TIMEOUT'), 3000);
const slow_promise = new Promise(subscribeFunction);
const fast_promise = new Promise(subscribeFunction);
await Promise.all([slow_promise, fast_promise]);
assert_array_equals(results, [
}, "from(): Asynchronous iterable multiple in-flight subscriptions competing");
// This test is like the above, ensuring that multiple subscriptions to the same
// sync-iterable-converted-Observable can exist at a time. Since sync iterables
// push all of their values to the Observable synchronously, the way to do this
// is subscribe to the sync iterable Observable *inside* the next handler of the
// same Observable.
test(() => {
const results = [];
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const source = Observable.from(array);
next: v => {
if (v === 3) {
// Pushes all 5 values to `results` right after the first instance of `3`.
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push('inner complete'),
complete: () => results.push('outer complete'),
assert_array_equals(results, [
1, 2, 3,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'inner complete',
4, 5, 'outer complete'
}, "from(): Sync iterable multiple in-flight subscriptions competing");
promise_test(async () => {
const async_generator = async function*() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
const results = [];
const source = Observable.from(async_generator());
const subscribeFunction = function(resolve) {
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => resolve(),
await new Promise(subscribeFunction);
assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3]);
await new Promise(subscribeFunction);
assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3]);
}, "from(): Asynchronous generator conversion: can only be used once");
// The value returned by an async iterator object's `next()` method is supposed
// to be a Promise. But this requirement "isn't enforced": see [1]. Therefore,
// the Observable spec unconditionally wraps the return value in a resolved
// Promise, as is standard practice [2].
// This test ensures that even if the object returned from an async iterator's
// `next()` method is a synchronously-available object with `done: true`
// (instead of a Promise), the `done` property is STILL not retrieved
// synchronously. In other words, we test that the Promise-wrapping is
// implemented.
promise_test(async () => {
const results = [];
const async_iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
next() {
return {
value: undefined,
get done() {
results.push('done() GETTER called');
return true;
const source = Observable.from(async_iterable);
assert_array_equals(results, []);
queueMicrotask(() => results.push('Microtask queued before subscription'));
assert_array_equals(results, []);
await Promise.resolve();
assert_array_equals(results, [
"Microtask queued before subscription",
"done() GETTER called",
}, "from(): Promise-wrapping semantics of IteratorResult interface");
// Errors thrown from [Symbol.asyncIterator] are propagated to the observer
// synchronously. This is because in language constructs (i.e., for-await of
// loops) that invoke [Symbol.asyncIterator]() that throw errors, the errors are
// synchronously propagated to script outside of the loop, and are catchable.
// Observables follow this precedent.
test(() => {
const error = new Error("[Symbol.asyncIterator] error");
const results = [];
const async_iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
results.push("[Symbol.asyncIterator]() invoked");
throw error;
error: e => results.push(e),
assert_array_equals(results, [
"[Symbol.asyncIterator]() invoked",
}, "from(): Errors thrown in Symbol.asyncIterator() are propagated synchronously");
// AsyncIterable: next() throws exception instead of return Promise. Any errors
// that occur during the the retrieval of `next()` always result in a rejected
// Promise. Therefore, the error makes it to the Observer with microtask timing.
promise_test(async () => {
const nextError = new Error('next error');
const async_iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
get next() {
throw nextError;
const results = [];
error: e => results.push(e),
assert_array_equals(results, []);
// Wait one microtask since the error will be propagated through a rejected
// Promise managed by the async iterable conversion semantics.
await Promise.resolve();
assert_array_equals(results, [nextError]);
}, "from(): Errors thrown in async iterator's next() GETTER are propagated " +
"in a microtask");
promise_test(async () => {
const nextError = new Error('next error');
const async_iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
next() {
throw nextError;
const results = [];
error: e => results.push(e),
assert_array_equals(results, []);
await Promise.resolve();
assert_array_equals(results, [nextError]);
}, "from(): Errors thrown in async iterator's next() are propagated in a microtask");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
results.push(`IteratorRecord#next() pushing ${this.val}`);
return {
value: this.val,
done: this.val++ === 10 ? true : false,
return() {
results.push(`IteratorRecord#return() called with this.val=${this.val}`);
const ac = new AbortController();
Observable.from(iterable).subscribe(v => {
results.push(`Observing ${v}`);
if (v === 3) {
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 0",
"Observing 0",
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 1",
"Observing 1",
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 2",
"Observing 2",
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 3",
"Observing 3",
"IteratorRecord#return() called with this.val=4",
}, "from(): Aborting sync iterable midway through iteration both stops iteration " +
"and invokes `IteratorRecord#return()");
// Like the above test, but for async iterables.
promise_test(async t => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
results.push(`IteratorRecord#next() pushing ${this.val}`);
return {
value: this.val,
done: this.val++ === 10 ? true : false,
return(reason) {
results.push(`IteratorRecord#return() called with reason=${reason}`);
return {done: true};
const ac = new AbortController();
await new Promise(resolve => {
Observable.from(iterable).subscribe(v => {
results.push(`Observing ${v}`);
if (v === 3) {
ac.abort(`Aborting because v=${v}`);
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 0",
"Observing 0",
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 1",
"Observing 1",
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 2",
"Observing 2",
"IteratorRecord#next() pushing 3",
"Observing 3",
"IteratorRecord#return() called with reason=Aborting because v=3",
}, "from(): Aborting async iterable midway through iteration both stops iteration " +
"and invokes `IteratorRecord#return()");
test(() => {
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
return {value: this.val, done: this.val++ === 10 ? true : false};
// Not returning an Object results in a TypeError being thrown.
return(reason) {},
let thrownError = null;
const ac = new AbortController();
Observable.from(iterable).subscribe(v => {
if (v === 3) {
try {
ac.abort(`Aborting because v=${v}`);
} catch (e) {
thrownError = e;
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_not_equals(thrownError, null, "abort() threw an Error");
assert_true(thrownError instanceof TypeError);
}, "from(): Sync iterable: `Iterator#return()` must return an Object, or an " +
"error is thrown");
// This test is just like the above but for async iterables. It asserts that a
// Promise is rejected when `return()` does not return an Object.
promise_test(async t => {
const iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
return {value: this.val, done: this.val++ === 10 ? true : false};
// Not returning an Object results in a rejected Promise.
return(reason) {},
const unhandled_rejection_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const unhandled_rejection_handler = e => resolve(e.reason);
self.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandled_rejection_handler);
t.add_cleanup(() =>
self.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandled_rejection_handler));
t.step_timeout(() => reject('Timeout'), 3000);
const ac = new AbortController();
await new Promise(resolve => {
Observable.from(iterable).subscribe(v => {
if (v === 3) {
ac.abort(`Aborting because v=${v}`);
}, {signal: ac.signal});
const reason = await unhandled_rejection_promise;
assert_true(reason instanceof TypeError);
}, "from(): Async iterable: `Iterator#return()` must return an Object, or a " +
"Promise rejects asynchronously");
// This test exercises the logic of `GetIterator()` async->sync fallback
// logic. Specifically, we have an object that is an async iterable — that is,
// it has a callback [Symbol.asyncIterator] implementation. Observable.from()
// detects this, and commits to converting the object from the async iterable
// protocol. Then, after conversion but before subscription, the object is
// modified such that it no longer implements the async iterable protocol.
// But since it still implements the *iterable* protocol, ECMAScript's
// `GetIterator()` abstract algorithm [1] is fully exercised, which is spec'd to
// fall-back to the synchronous iterable protocol if it exists, and create a
// fully async iterable out of the synchronous iterable.
promise_test(async () => {
const results = [];
const async_iterable = {
asyncIteratorGotten: false,
get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
results.push("[Symbol.asyncIterator] GETTER");
if (this.asyncIteratorGotten) {
return null; // Both null and undefined work here.
this.asyncIteratorGotten = true;
// The only requirement for `this` to be converted as an async
// iterable -> Observable is that the return value be callable (i.e., a function).
return function() {};
[Symbol.iterator]() {
results.push('[Symbol.iterator]() invoked as fallback');
return {
val: 0,
next() {
return {
value: this.val,
done: this.val++ === 4 ? true : false,
const source = Observable.from(async_iterable);
assert_array_equals(results, [
"[Symbol.asyncIterator] GETTER",
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
next: v => {
results.push(`Observing ${v}`);
queueMicrotask(() => results.push(`next() microtask interleaving (v=${v})`));
error: e => reject(e),
complete: () => {
assert_array_equals(results, [
// Old:
"[Symbol.asyncIterator] GETTER",
// New:
"[Symbol.asyncIterator] GETTER",
"[Symbol.iterator]() invoked as fallback",
"Observing 0",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=0)",
"Observing 1",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=1)",
"Observing 2",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=2)",
"Observing 3",
"next() microtask interleaving (v=3)",
}, "from(): Asynchronous iterable conversion, with synchronous iterable fallback");
test(() => {
const results = [];
let generatorFinalized = false;
const generator = function*() {
try {
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
yield n;
} finally {
generatorFinalized = true;
const observable = Observable.from(generator());
const abortController = new AbortController();
observable.subscribe(n => {
if (n === 3) {
}, {signal: abortController.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3]);
}, "from(): Generator finally block runs when subscription is aborted");
test(() => {
const results = [];
let generatorFinalized = false;
const generator = function*() {
try {
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
yield n;
} catch {
assert_unreached("generator should not be aborted");
} finally {
generatorFinalized = true;
const observable = Observable.from(generator());
observable.subscribe((n) => {
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
}, "from(): Generator finally block run when Observable completes");
test(() => {
const results = [];
let generatorFinalized = false;
const generator = function*() {
try {
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
yield n;
throw new Error('from the generator');
} finally {
generatorFinalized = true;
const observable = Observable.from(generator());
next: n => results.push(n),
error: e => results.push(e.message)
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "from the generator"]);
}, "from(): Generator finally block run when Observable errors");
promise_test(async t => {
const results = [];
let generatorFinalized = false;
async function* asyncGenerator() {
try {
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
yield n;
} finally {
generatorFinalized = true;
const observable = Observable.from(asyncGenerator());
const abortController = new AbortController();
await new Promise((resolve) => {
observable.subscribe((n) => {
if (n === 3) {
}, {signal: abortController.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3]);
}, "from(): Async generator finally block run when subscription is aborted");
promise_test(async t => {
const results = [];
let generatorFinalized = false;
async function* asyncGenerator() {
try {
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
yield n;
} finally {
generatorFinalized = true;
const observable = Observable.from(asyncGenerator());
await new Promise(resolve => {
next: n => results.push(n),
complete: () => resolve(),
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
}, "from(): Async generator finally block runs when Observable completes");
promise_test(async t => {
const results = [];
let generatorFinalized = false;
async function* asyncGenerator() {
try {
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
if (n === 4) {
throw new Error('from the async generator');
yield n;
} finally {
generatorFinalized = true;
const observable = Observable.from(asyncGenerator());
await new Promise((resolve) => {
next: (n) => results.push(n),
error: (e) => {
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3, "from the async generator"]);
}, "from(): Async generator finally block run when Observable errors");
// Test what happens when `return()` throws an error upon abort.
test(() => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
results.push('next() called');
return {value: this.val, done: this.val++ === 10 ? true : false};
return() {
results.push('return() about to throw an error');
throw new Error('return() error');
const ac = new AbortController();
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
source.subscribe(v => {
if (v === 3) {
try {
} catch (e) {
results.push(`AbortController#abort() threw an error: ${e.message}`);
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [
'next() called',
'next() called',
'next() called',
'next() called',
'return() about to throw an error',
'AbortController#abort() threw an error: return() error',
}, "from(): Sync iterable: error thrown from IteratorRecord#return() can be " +
"synchronously caught");
promise_test(async t => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
results.push('next() called');
return {value: this.val, done: this.val++ === 10 ? true : false};
return() {
results.push('return() about to throw an error');
// For async iterables, errors thrown in `return()` end up in a
// returned rejected Promise, so no error appears on the stack
// immediately. See [1].
throw new Error('return() error');
const unhandled_rejection_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const unhandled_rejection_handler = e => resolve(e.reason);
self.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandled_rejection_handler);
t.add_cleanup(() =>
self.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", unhandled_rejection_handler));
t.step_timeout(() => reject('Timeout'), 1500);
const ac = new AbortController();
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
source.subscribe(v => {
if (v === 3) {
try {
results.push('No error thrown synchronously');
resolve('No error thrown synchronously');
} catch (e) {
results.push(`AbortController#abort() threw an error: ${e.message}`);
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [
'next() called',
'next() called',
'next() called',
'next() called',
'return() about to throw an error',
'No error thrown synchronously',
const reason = await unhandled_rejection_promise;
assert_true(reason instanceof Error);
assert_equals(reason.message, "return() error",
"Custom error text passed through rejected Promise");
}, "from(): Async iterable: error thrown from IteratorRecord#return() is " +
"wrapped in rejected Promise");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
impl() {
return {
next() {
results.push('next() running');
return {done: true};
iterable[Symbol.iterator] = iterable.impl;
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
source.subscribe({}, {signal: AbortSignal.abort()});
assert_array_equals(results, []);
iterable[Symbol.iterator] = undefined;
iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator] = iterable.impl;
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
source.subscribe({}, {signal: AbortSignal.abort()});
assert_array_equals(results, []);
}, "from(): Subscribing to an iterable Observable with an aborted signal " +
"does not call next()");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const ac = new AbortController();
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
results.push('next() called');
return {done: true};
return() {
results.push('return() called');
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push('complete'),
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, []);
}, "from(): When iterable conversion aborts the subscription, next() is " +
"never called");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const ac = new AbortController();
const iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
results.push('next() called');
return {done: true};
return() {
results.push('return() called');
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push('complete'),
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, []);
}, "from(): When async iterable conversion aborts the subscription, next() " +
"is never called");
// This test asserts some very subtle behavior with regard to async iterables
// and a mid-subscription signal abort. Specifically it detects that a signal
// abort ensures that the `next()` method is not called again on the iterator
// again, BUT detects that pending Promise from the *previous* `next()` call
// still has its IteratorResult object examined. I.e., the implementation
// inspecting the `done` attribute on the resolved IteratorResult is observable
// event after abort() takes place.
promise_test(async () => {
const results = [];
let resolveNext = null;
const iterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
next() {
results.push('next() called');
return new Promise(resolve => {
resolveNext = resolve;
return() {
results.push('return() called');
const ac = new AbortController();
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push('complete'),
}, {signal: ac.signal});
assert_array_equals(results, [
"next() called",
// First abort, ensuring `return()` is called.
assert_array_equals(results, [
"next() called",
"return() called",
// Then resolve the pending `next()` Promise to an object whose `done` getter
// reports to the test whether it was accessed. We have to wait one microtask
// for the internal Observable implementation to finish "reacting" to said
// `next()` promise resolution, for it to grab the `done` attribute.
await new Promise(resolveOuter => {
get done() {
results.push('IteratorResult.done GETTER');
return true;
assert_array_equals(results, [
"next() called",
"return() called",
"IteratorResult.done GETTER",
// Note that "next() called" does not make another appearance.
}, "from(): Aborting an async iterable subscription stops subsequent next() " +
"calls, but old next() Promise reactions are web-observable");
test(() => {
const results = [];
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
val: 0,
next() {
return {value: this.val, done: this.val++ === 4 ? true : false};
return() {
results.push('return() called');
const source = Observable.from(iterable);
const ac = new AbortController();
next: v => results.push(v),
complete: () => results.push('complete'),
}, {signal: ac.signal});
ac.abort(); // Must do nothing!
assert_array_equals(results, [0, 1, 2, 3, 'complete']);
}, "from(): Abort after complete does NOT call IteratorRecord#return()");