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Test Info:
- Manifest: services/sync/tests/unit/xpcshell.toml
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
_("Test that node reassignment happens correctly using the FxA identity mgr.");
// The node-reassignment logic is quite different for FxA than for the legacy
// provider. In particular, there's no special request necessary for
// reassignment - it comes from the token server - so we need to ensure the
// Fxa cluster manager grabs a new token.
const { RESTRequest } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { Service } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { Status } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { SyncAuthManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
add_task(async function setup() {
// Disables all built-in engines. Important for avoiding errors thrown by the
// add-ons engine.
await Service.engineManager.clear();
// Setup the sync auth manager.
Status.__authManager = Service.identity = new SyncAuthManager();
// API-compatible with SyncServer handler. Bind `handler` to something to use
// as a ServerCollection handler.
function handleReassign(handler, req, resp) {
resp.setStatusLine(req.httpVersion, 401, "Node reassignment");
resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
let reassignBody = JSON.stringify({ error: "401inator in place" });
resp.bodyOutputStream.write(reassignBody, reassignBody.length);
var numTokenRequests = 0;
function prepareServer(cbAfterTokenFetch) {
let config = makeIdentityConfig({ username: "johndoe" });
// A server callback to ensure we don't accidentally hit the wrong endpoint
// after a node reassignment.
let callback = {
onRequest(req) {
let full = `${req.scheme}://${}:${req.port}${req.path}`;
let expected = config.fxaccount.token.endpoint;
`request made to ${full}, expected ${expected}`
Object.setPrototypeOf(callback, SyncServerCallback);
let server = new SyncServer(callback);
// Set the token endpoint for the initial token request that's done implicitly
// via configureIdentity.
config.fxaccount.token.endpoint = server.baseURI + "1.1/johndoe/";
// And future token fetches will do magic around numReassigns.
let numReassigns = 0;
return configureIdentity(config).then(() => {
Service.identity._tokenServerClient = {
getTokenUsingOAuth() {
return new Promise(res => {
// Build a new URL with trailing zeros for the SYNC_VERSION part - this
// will still be seen as equivalent by the test server, but different
// by sync itself.
numReassigns += 1;
let trailingZeros = new Array(numReassigns + 1).join("0");
let token = config.fxaccount.token;
token.endpoint = server.baseURI + "1.1" + trailingZeros + "/johndoe";
token.uid = config.username;
_(`test server saw token fetch - endpoint now ${token.endpoint}`);
numTokenRequests += 1;
if (cbAfterTokenFetch) {
return server;
function getReassigned() {
try {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("services.sync.lastSyncReassigned");
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) {
"Got exception retrieving lastSyncReassigned: " + Log.exceptionStr(ex)
return false;
* Make a test request to `url`, then watch the result of two syncs
* to ensure that a node request was made.
* Runs `between` between the two. This can be used to undo deliberate failure
* setup, detach observers, etc.
async function syncAndExpectNodeReassignment(
) {
_("Starting syncAndExpectNodeReassignment\n");
let deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
async function onwards() {
let numTokenRequestsBefore;
function onFirstSync() {
_("First sync completed.");
Svc.Obs.remove(firstNotification, onFirstSync);
Svc.Obs.add(secondNotification, onSecondSync);
Assert.equal(Service.clusterURL, "");
// Track whether we fetched a new token.
numTokenRequestsBefore = numTokenRequests;
// Allow for tests to clean up error conditions.
function onSecondSync() {
_("Second sync completed.");
Svc.Obs.remove(secondNotification, onSecondSync);
// Make absolutely sure that any event listeners are done with their work
// before we proceed.
waitForZeroTimer(function () {
_("Second sync nextTick.");
numTokenRequestsBefore + 1,
"fetched a new token"
Service.startOver().then(() => {
Svc.Obs.add(firstNotification, onFirstSync);
await Service.sync();
// Make sure that we really do get a 401 (but we can only do that if we are
// already logged in, as the login process is what sets up the URLs)
if (Service.isLoggedIn) {
_("Making request to " + url + " which should 401");
let request = new RESTRequest(url);
await request.get();
Assert.equal(request.response.status, 401);
} else {
_("Skipping preliminary validation check for a 401 as we aren't logged in");
await deferred.promise;
// Check that when we sync we don't request a new token by default - our
// test setup has configured the client with a valid token, and that token
// should be used to form the cluster URL.
add_task(async function test_single_token_fetch() {
_("Test a normal sync only fetches 1 token");
let numTokenFetches = 0;
function afterTokenFetch() {
// Set the cluster URL to an "old" version - this is to ensure we don't
// use that old cached version for the first sync but prefer the value
// we got from the token (and as above, we are also checking we don't grab
// a new token). If the test actually attempts to connect to this URL
// it will crash.
let server = await prepareServer(afterTokenFetch);
Assert.ok(!Service.isLoggedIn, "not already logged in");
await Service.sync();
Assert.equal(Status.sync, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, "sync succeeded");
Assert.equal(numTokenFetches, 0, "didn't fetch a new token");
// A bit hacky, but given we know how prepareServer works we can deduce
// that clusterURL we expect.
let expectedClusterURL = server.baseURI + "1.1/johndoe/";
Assert.equal(Service.clusterURL, expectedClusterURL);
await Service.startOver();
await promiseStopServer(server);
add_task(async function test_momentary_401_engine() {
_("Test a failure for engine URLs that's resolved by reassignment.");
let server = await prepareServer();
let john = server.user("johndoe");
_("Enabling the Rotary engine.");
let { engine, syncID, tracker } = await registerRotaryEngine();
// We need the server to be correctly set up prior to experimenting. Do this
// through a sync.
let global = {
syncID: Service.syncID,
storageVersion: STORAGE_VERSION,
rotary: { version: engine.version, syncID },
john.createCollection("meta").insert("global", global);
_("First sync to prepare server contents.");
await Service.sync();
_("Setting up Rotary collection to 401.");
let rotary = john.createCollection("rotary");
let oldHandler = rotary.collectionHandler;
rotary.collectionHandler = handleReassign.bind(this, undefined);
// We want to verify that the clusterURL pref has been cleared after a 401
// inside a sync. Flag the Rotary engine to need syncing.
john.collection("rotary").timestamp += 1000;
function between() {
_("Undoing test changes.");
rotary.collectionHandler = oldHandler;
function onLoginStart() {
// lastSyncReassigned shouldn't be cleared until a sync has succeeded.
_("Ensuring that lastSyncReassigned is still set at next sync start.");
Svc.Obs.remove("weave:service:login:start", onLoginStart);
_("Adding observer that lastSyncReassigned is still set on login.");
Svc.Obs.add("weave:service:login:start", onLoginStart);
await syncAndExpectNodeReassignment(
Service.storageURL + "rotary"
await tracker.clearChangedIDs();
await Service.engineManager.unregister(engine);
// This test ends up being a failing info fetch *after we're already logged in*.
add_task(async function test_momentary_401_info_collections_loggedin() {
"Test a failure for info/collections after login that's resolved by reassignment."
let server = await prepareServer();
_("First sync to prepare server contents.");
await Service.sync();
_("Arrange for info/collections to return a 401.");
let oldHandler =; = handleReassign;
function undo() {
_("Undoing test changes."); = oldHandler;
Assert.ok(Service.isLoggedIn, "already logged in");
await syncAndExpectNodeReassignment(
// This test ends up being a failing info fetch *before we're logged in*.
// In this case we expect to recover during the login phase - so the first
// sync succeeds.
add_task(async function test_momentary_401_info_collections_loggedout() {
"Test a failure for info/collections before login that's resolved by reassignment."
let oldHandler;
let sawTokenFetch = false;
function afterTokenFetch() {
// After a single token fetch, we undo our evil handleReassign hack, so
// the next /info request returns the collection instead of a 401 = oldHandler;
sawTokenFetch = true;
let server = await prepareServer(afterTokenFetch);
// Return a 401 for the next /info request - it will be reset immediately
// after a new token is fetched.
oldHandler =; = handleReassign;
Assert.ok(!Service.isLoggedIn, "not already logged in");
await Service.sync();
Assert.equal(Status.sync, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, "sync succeeded");
// sync was successful - check we grabbed a new token.
Assert.ok(sawTokenFetch, "a new token was fetched by this test.");
// and we are done.
await Service.startOver();
await promiseStopServer(server);
// This test ends up being a failing meta/global fetch *after we're already logged in*.
add_task(async function test_momentary_401_storage_loggedin() {
"Test a failure for any storage URL after login that's resolved by" +
let server = await prepareServer();
_("First sync to prepare server contents.");
await Service.sync();
_("Arrange for meta/global to return a 401.");
let oldHandler =; = handleReassign;
function undo() {
_("Undoing test changes."); = oldHandler;
Assert.ok(Service.isLoggedIn, "already logged in");
await syncAndExpectNodeReassignment(
Service.storageURL + "meta/global"
// This test ends up being a failing meta/global fetch *before we've logged in*.
add_task(async function test_momentary_401_storage_loggedout() {
"Test a failure for any storage URL before login, not just engine parts. " +
"Resolved by reassignment."
let server = await prepareServer();
// Return a 401 for all storage requests.
let oldHandler =; = handleReassign;
function undo() {
_("Undoing test changes."); = oldHandler;
Assert.ok(!Service.isLoggedIn, "already logged in");
await syncAndExpectNodeReassignment(
Service.storageURL + "meta/global"