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Test Info:
- Manifest: services/sync/tests/unit/xpcshell.toml
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const { AddonManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { CHANGE_INSTALLED } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { AddonsEngine } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { Service } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.install.requireSecureOrigin", false);
let engine;
let syncID;
let reconciler;
let tracker;
const ADDON_ID = "";
const XPI = AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile({
manifest: {
name: "Test 1",
description: "Test Description",
browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: ADDON_ID } },
async function resetReconciler() {
reconciler._addons = {};
reconciler._changes = [];
await reconciler.saveState();
await tracker.clearChangedIDs();
add_task(async function setup() {
await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager();
await Service.engineManager.register(AddonsEngine);
engine = Service.engineManager.get("addons");
syncID = await engine.resetLocalSyncID();
reconciler = engine._reconciler;
tracker = engine._tracker;
// Don't flush to disk in the middle of an event listener!
// This causes test hangs on WinXP.
reconciler._shouldPersist = false;
await resetReconciler();
// This is a basic sanity test for the unit test itself. If this breaks, the
// add-ons API likely changed upstream.
add_task(async function test_addon_install() {
_("Ensure basic add-on APIs work as expected.");
let install = await AddonManager.getInstallForFile(XPI);
Assert.notEqual(install, null);
Assert.equal(install.type, "extension");
Assert.equal(, "Test 1");
await resetReconciler();
add_task(async function test_find_dupe() {
_("Ensure the _findDupe() implementation is sane.");
// This gets invoked at the top of sync, which is bypassed by this
// test, so we do it manually.
await engine._refreshReconcilerState();
let addon = await installAddon(XPI, reconciler);
let record = {
id: Utils.makeGUID(),
addonID: ADDON_ID,
enabled: true,
applicationID: Services.appinfo.ID,
source: "amo",
let dupe = await engine._findDupe(record);
Assert.equal(addon.syncGUID, dupe); = addon.syncGUID;
dupe = await engine._findDupe(record);
Assert.equal(null, dupe);
await uninstallAddon(addon, reconciler);
await resetReconciler();
add_task(async function test_get_changed_ids() {
let timerPrecision = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", false);
registerCleanupFunction(function () {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", timerPrecision);
_("Ensure getChangedIDs() has the appropriate behavior.");
_("Ensure getChangedIDs() returns an empty object by default.");
let changes = await engine.getChangedIDs();
Assert.equal("object", typeof changes);
Assert.equal(0, Object.keys(changes).length);
_("Ensure tracker changes are populated.");
let now = new Date();
let changeTime = now.getTime() / 1000;
let guid1 = Utils.makeGUID();
await tracker.addChangedID(guid1, changeTime);
changes = await engine.getChangedIDs();
Assert.equal("object", typeof changes);
Assert.equal(1, Object.keys(changes).length);
Assert.ok(guid1 in changes);
Assert.equal(changeTime, changes[guid1]);
await tracker.clearChangedIDs();
_("Ensure reconciler changes are populated.");
let addon = await installAddon(XPI, reconciler);
await tracker.clearChangedIDs(); // Just in case.
changes = await engine.getChangedIDs();
Assert.equal("object", typeof changes);
Assert.equal(1, Object.keys(changes).length);
Assert.ok(addon.syncGUID in changes);
"Change time: " + changeTime + ", addon change: " + changes[addon.syncGUID]
Assert.ok(changes[addon.syncGUID] >= changeTime);
let oldTime = changes[addon.syncGUID];
let guid2 = addon.syncGUID;
await uninstallAddon(addon, reconciler);
changes = await engine.getChangedIDs();
Assert.equal(1, Object.keys(changes).length);
Assert.ok(guid2 in changes);
Assert.ok(changes[guid2] > oldTime);
_("Ensure non-syncable add-ons aren't picked up by reconciler changes.");
reconciler._addons = {};
reconciler._changes = [];
let record = {
id: "DUMMY",
guid: Utils.makeGUID(),
enabled: true,
installed: true,
modified: new Date(),
scope: 0,
foreignInstall: false,
reconciler.addons.DUMMY = record;
await reconciler._addChange(record.modified, CHANGE_INSTALLED, record);
changes = await engine.getChangedIDs();
Assert.equal(0, Object.keys(changes).length);
await resetReconciler();
add_task(async function test_disabled_install_semantics() {
_("Ensure that syncing a disabled add-on preserves proper state.");
// add-on sync drop. It ensures that when an add-on is installed that the
// disabled state and incoming syncGUID is preserved, even on the next sync.
const USER = "foo";
const PASSWORD = "password";
let server = new SyncServer();
await SyncTestingInfrastructure(server, USER, PASSWORD);
await generateNewKeys(Service.collectionKeys);
let contents = {
meta: {
global: { engines: { addons: { version: engine.version, syncID } } },
crypto: {},
addons: {},
server.registerUser(USER, "password");
server.createContents(USER, contents);
let amoServer = new HttpServer();
amoServer.registerFile("/addon1.xpi", XPI);
// Insert an existing record into the server.
let id = Utils.makeGUID();
let now = / 1000;
let record = encryptPayload({
applicationID: Services.appinfo.ID,
addonID: ADDON_ID,
enabled: false,
deleted: false,
source: "amo",
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, record, now - 2);
server.insertWBO(USER, "addons", wbo);
_("Performing sync of add-ons engine.");
await engine._sync();
// At this point the non-restartless extension should be staged for install.
// Don't need this server any more.
await promiseStopServer(amoServer);
// We ensure the reconciler has recorded the proper ID and enabled state.
let addon = reconciler.getAddonStateFromSyncGUID(id);
Assert.notEqual(null, addon);
Assert.equal(false, addon.enabled);
// We fake an app restart and perform another sync, just to make sure things
// are sane.
await AddonTestUtils.promiseRestartManager();
let collection = server.getCollection(USER, "addons");
engine.lastModified = collection.timestamp;
await engine._sync();
// The client should not upload a new record. The old record should be
// retained and unmodified.
Assert.equal(1, collection.count());
let payload = collection.payloads()[0];
Assert.notEqual(null, collection.wbo(id));
Assert.equal(ADDON_ID, payload.addonID);
await promiseStopServer(server);
add_test(function cleanup() {
// There's an xpcom-shutdown hook for this, but let's give this a shot.