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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
add_task(async function documentSmallerThanViewport({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
await loadURLWithElement();
info("Check that captureScreenshot() captures the viewport by default");
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot();
ok(!!data, "Screenshot data is not empty");
const scale = await getDevicePixelRatio();
const viewport = await getViewportSize();
const { mimeType, width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(mimeType, "image/png", "Screenshot has correct MIME type");
is(width, (viewport.width - viewport.x) * scale, "Image has expected width");
(viewport.height - viewport.y) * scale,
"Image has expected height"
add_task(async function documentLargerThanViewport({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
await loadURL(toDataURL("<div style='margin: 100vh 100vw'>Hello world"));
info("Check that captureScreenshot() captures the viewport by default");
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot();
ok(!!data, "Screenshot data is not empty");
const scale = await getDevicePixelRatio();
const scrollbarSize = await getScrollbarSize();
const viewport = await getViewportSize();
const { mimeType, width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(mimeType, "image/png", "Screenshot has correct MIME type");
(viewport.width - viewport.x - scrollbarSize.width) * scale,
"Image has expected width"
(viewport.height - viewport.y - scrollbarSize.height) * scale,
"Image has expected height"
add_task(async function invalidFormat({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
await loadURL(toDataURL("<div>Hello world"));
await Assert.rejects(
Page.captureScreenshot({ format: "foo" }),
err => err.message.includes(`Unsupported MIME type: image`),
"captureScreenshot raised error for invalid image format"
add_task(async function asJPEGFormat({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
await loadURL(toDataURL("<div>Hello world"));
info("Check that captureScreenshot() captures as JPEG format");
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({ format: "jpeg" });
ok(!!data, "Screenshot data is not empty");
const scale = await getDevicePixelRatio();
const viewport = await getViewportSize();
const { mimeType, height, width } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(mimeType, "image/jpeg", "Screenshot has correct MIME type");
is(width, (viewport.width - viewport.x) * scale);
is(height, (viewport.height - viewport.y) * scale);
add_task(async function asJPEGFormatAndQuality({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
await loadURL(toDataURL("<div>Hello world"));
info("Check that captureScreenshot() captures as JPEG format");
const imageDefault = await Page.captureScreenshot({ format: "jpeg" });
ok(!!imageDefault, "Screenshot data with default quality is not empty");
const image100 = await Page.captureScreenshot({
format: "jpeg",
quality: 100,
ok(!!image100, "Screenshot data with quality 100 is not empty");
const image10 = await Page.captureScreenshot({
format: "jpeg",
quality: 10,
ok(!!image10, "Screenshot data with quality 10 is not empty");
const infoDefault = await getImageDetails(;
const info100 = await getImageDetails(;
const info10 = await getImageDetails(;
// All screenshots are of mimeType JPEG
"Screenshot with default quality has correct MIME type"
"Screenshot with quality 100 has correct MIME type"
"Screenshot with quality 10 has correct MIME type"
const scale = await getDevicePixelRatio();
const viewport = await getViewportSize();
// Images are all of the same dimension
is(infoDefault.width, (viewport.width - viewport.x) * scale);
is(infoDefault.height, (viewport.height - viewport.y) * scale);
is(info100.width, (viewport.width - viewport.x) * scale);
is(info100.height, (viewport.height - viewport.y) * scale);
is(info10.width, (viewport.width - viewport.x) * scale);
is(info10.height, (viewport.height - viewport.y) * scale);
// Images of different quality result in different content sizes
"Size of quality 100 is larger than default"
"Size of quality 10 is smaller than default"
add_task(async function clipMissingProperties({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const contentSize = await getContentSize();
for (const prop of ["x", "y", "width", "height", "scale"]) {`Check for missing ${prop}`);
const clip = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: contentSize.width,
height: contentSize.height,
clip[prop] = undefined;
await Assert.rejects(
Page.captureScreenshot({ clip }),
err => err.message.includes(`clip.${prop}: double value expected`),
`raised error for missing clip.${prop} property`
add_task(async function clipOutOfBoundsXAndY({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const ratio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
const size = 50;
await loadURLWithElement();
const contentSize = await getContentSize();
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: size,
height: size,
scale: 1,
for (const x of [-1, contentSize.width]) {`Check out-of-bounds x for ${x}`);
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
y: 0,
width: size,
height: size,
scale: 1,
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, size * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, size * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
for (const y of [-1, contentSize.height]) {`Check out-of-bounds y for ${y}`);
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
width: size,
height: size,
scale: 1,
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, size * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, size * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
add_task(async function clipOutOfBoundsWidthAndHeight({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const ratio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
await loadURL(toDataURL("<div style='margin: 100vh 100vw'>Hello world"));
const contentSize = await getContentSize();
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: contentSize.width,
height: contentSize.height,
scale: 1,
for (const value of [-1, 0]) {`Check out-of-bounds width for ${value}`);
const clip = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: value,
height: contentSize.height,
scale: 1,
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({ clip });
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, contentSize.width * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, contentSize.height * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
for (const value of [-1, 0]) {`Check out-of-bounds height for ${value}`);
const clip = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: contentSize.width,
height: value,
scale: 1,
const { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({ clip });
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, contentSize.width * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, contentSize.height * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
add_task(async function clipOutOfBoundsScale({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const ratio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
await loadURLWithElement();
const contentSize = await getContentSize();
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: contentSize.width,
height: contentSize.height,
scale: 1,
for (const value of [-1, 0]) {`Check out-of-bounds scale for ${value}`);
var { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 50,
height: 50,
scale: value,
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, contentSize.width * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, contentSize.height * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
add_task(async function clipScale({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const ratio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
for (const scale of [1.5, 2]) {`Check scale for ${scale}`);
await loadURLWithElement({ width: 100 * scale, height: 100 * scale });
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100 * scale,
height: 100 * scale,
scale: 1,
await loadURLWithElement({ width: 100, height: 100 });
var { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100,
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, 100 * ratio * scale, "Image has expected width");
is(height, 100 * ratio * scale, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
add_task(async function clipScaleAndDevicePixelRatio({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const originalRatio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
const ratio = 2;
const scale = 1.5;
const size = 100;
const expectedSize = size * ratio * scale;`Create reference screenshot: ${expectedSize}x${expectedSize}`);
await loadURLWithElement({
width: expectedSize,
height: expectedSize,
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: expectedSize,
height: expectedSize,
scale: 1,
await setDevicePixelRatio(originalRatio * ratio);
await loadURLWithElement({ width: size, height: size });
var { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: size,
height: size,
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, expectedSize * originalRatio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, expectedSize * originalRatio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
add_task(async function clipPosition({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const ratio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
await loadURLWithElement();
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100,
scale: 1,
for (const [x, y] of [
[10, 20],
[20, 10],
[20, 20],
]) {`Check postion for ${x} and ${y}`);
await loadURLWithElement({ x, y });
var { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
width: 100,
height: 100,
scale: 1,
const { width, height } = await getImageDetails(data);
is(width, 100 * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(height, 100 * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
add_task(async function clipDimension({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
const ratio = await getDevicePixelRatio();
for (const [width, height] of [
[10, 20],
[20, 10],
[20, 20],
]) {`Check width and height for ${width} and ${height}`);
// Get reference image as section from a larger image
await loadURLWithElement({ width: 50, height: 50 });
var { data: refData } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 1,
await loadURLWithElement({ width, height });
var { data } = await Page.captureScreenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 1,
const dimension = await getImageDetails(data);
is(dimension.width, width * ratio, "Image has expected width");
is(dimension.height, height * ratio, "Image has expected height");
is(data, refData, "Image is equal");
async function loadURLWithElement(options = {}) {
const { x = 0, y = 0, width = 100, height = 100 } = options;
const doc = `
body {
margin: 0;
div {
margin-left: ${x}px;
margin-top: ${y}px;
width: ${width}px;
height: ${height}px;
background: green;
await loadURL(toDataURL(doc));
async function getDevicePixelRatio() {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () {
return content.browsingContext.overrideDPPX || content.devicePixelRatio;
async function setDevicePixelRatio(dppx) {
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.overrideDPPX = dppx;
async function getImageDetails(image) {
const mimeType = getMimeType(image);
return SpecialPowers.spawn(
[{ mimeType, image }],
async function ({ mimeType, image }) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const img = new content.Image();
() => {
width: img.width,
height: img.height,
length: image.length,
{ once: true }
img.src = `data:${mimeType};base64,${image}`;
function getMimeType(image) {
// Decode from base64 and convert the first 4 bytes to hex
const raw = atob(image).slice(0, 4);
let magicBytes = "";
for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
magicBytes += raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16).toUpperCase();
switch (magicBytes) {
case "89504E47":
return "image/png";
case "FFD8FFDB":
case "FFD8FFE0":
return "image/jpeg";
throw new Error("Unknown MIME type");