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Test Info:
- Manifest: netwerk/test/unit/xpcshell.toml
"use strict";
const { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "URL", function () {
// This unit test ensures connections with different tlsFlags have their own
// connection pool. We verify this behavior by opening channels with different
// tlsFlags, and their connection info's hash keys should be different.
// In the first round of this test, we record the hash key for each connection.
// In the second round, we check if each connection's hash key is consistent
// and different from other connection's hash key.
let httpserv = null;
let gSecondRoundStarted = false;
let randomFlagValues = [
0x12345678, 0x12345678,
0x11111111, 0x22222222,
0xaaaaaaaa, 0x77777777,
0xbbbbbbbb, 0xcccccccc,
function handler(metadata, response) {
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache", false);
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
let body = "0123456789";
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
function makeChan(url, tlsFlags) {
let chan = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: url, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true });
chan.tlsFlags = tlsFlags;
return chan;
let previousHashKeys = {};
function Listener(tlsFlags) {
this.tlsFlags = tlsFlags;
let gTestsRun = 0;
Listener.prototype = {
onStartRequest(request) {
Assert.equal(request.tlsFlags, this.tlsFlags);
let hashKey = request.connectionInfoHashKey;
if (gSecondRoundStarted) {
// Compare the hash keys with the previous set ones.
// Hash keys should match if and only if their tlsFlags are the same.
for (let tlsFlags of randomFlagValues) {
if (tlsFlags == this.tlsFlags) {
Assert.equal(hashKey, previousHashKeys[tlsFlags]);
} else {
Assert.notEqual(hashKey, previousHashKeys[tlsFlags]);
} else {
// Set the hash keys in the first round.
previousHashKeys[this.tlsFlags] = hashKey;
onDataAvailable(request, stream, off, cnt) {
read_stream(stream, cnt);
onStopRequest() {
if (gTestsRun == randomFlagValues.length) {
gTestsRun = 0;
if (gSecondRoundStarted) {
// The second round finishes.
} else {
// The first round finishes. Do the second round.
gSecondRoundStarted = true;
function doTest() {
for (let tlsFlags of randomFlagValues) {
let chan = makeChan(URL, tlsFlags);
let listener = new Listener(tlsFlags);
function run_test() {
httpserv = new HttpServer();
httpserv.registerPathHandler("/", handler);