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Test Info:

// tests nsIPermissionManager
"use strict";
var hosts = [
// format: [host, type, permission]
["", "cookie", 1],
["", "image", 2],
["", "popup", 3],
["", "cookie", 1],
["", "cookie", 2],
["", "cookie", 3],
var results = [
// format: [host, type, testPermission result, testExactPermission result]
// test defaults
["http://localhost", "cookie", 0, 0],
["", "cookie", 0, 0],
// test different types
["", "cookie", 1, 1],
["", "image", 2, 2],
["", "popup", 3, 3],
// test subdomains
["", "cookie", 1, 0],
["", "cookie", 1, 0],
// test different permissions on subdomains
["", "cookie", 1, 1],
["", "cookie", 2, 2],
["", "cookie", 3, 3],
["", "cookie", 3, 0],
function run_test() {
Services.prefs.setCharPref("permissions.manager.defaultsUrl", "");
var pm = Services.perms;
var ioService =;
var secMan = Services.scriptSecurityManager;
// nsIPermissionManager implementation is an extension; don't fail if it's not there
if (!pm) {
// put a few hosts in
for (let i = 0; i < hosts.length; ++i) {
let uri = ioService.newURI(hosts[i][0]);
let principal = secMan.createContentPrincipal(uri, {});
pm.addFromPrincipal(principal, hosts[i][1], hosts[i][2]);
// test the result
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
let uri = ioService.newURI(results[i][0]);
let principal = secMan.createContentPrincipal(uri, {});
pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, results[i][1]),
pm.testExactPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, results[i][1]),
// test the all property ...
var perms = pm.all;
Assert.equal(perms.length, hosts.length);
// ... remove all the hosts ...
for (let j = 0; j < perms.length; ++j) {
// ... ensure each and every element is equal ...
for (let i = 0; i < hosts.length; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < perms.length; ++j) {
if (
perms[j].matchesURI(ioService.newURI(hosts[i][0]), true) &&
hosts[i][1] == perms[j].type &&
hosts[i][2] == perms[j].capability
) {
perms.splice(j, 1);
Assert.equal(perms.length, 0);
// ... and check the permmgr's empty
Assert.equal(pm.all.length, 0);
// test UTF8 normalization behavior: expect ASCII/ACE host encodings
var utf8 = "b\"; // "bü"
var aceref = "";
var principal = secMan.createContentPrincipal(
ioService.newURI("http://" + utf8),
pm.addFromPrincipal(principal, "utf8", 1);
Assert.notEqual(Services.perms.all.length, 0);
var ace = Services.perms.all[0];
Assert.equal(ace.principal.asciiHost, aceref);
Assert.equal(Services.perms.all.length > 1, false);
// test removeAll()
Assert.equal(Services.perms.all.length, 0);
principal = secMan.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin(
pm.addFromPrincipal(principal, "offline-app", pm.ALLOW_ACTION);
// Remove existing entry.
let perm = pm.getPermissionObject(principal, "offline-app", true);
// Try to remove already deleted entry.
perm = pm.getPermissionObject(principal, "offline-app", true);
Assert.equal(Services.perms.all.length, 0);